Where are the Cheetos?

I know what this quote looks like, but let me be the first to say that this is not actually a product placement for Cheetos. Although product placement is apparently one of the things that separates us from the animals. But that's beside the point. The point is that I don't usually bother plugging any product aside from my corporate sponsor, Coca-Cola. In this case, however, I would like to direct your attention to this page. In particular, I recommend watching the 8-Bit Reenactment of Dungeons and Dragons. This flash movie serves as both the inspiration for this quote and extremely amusing entertainment. But don't just take my word; see it for yourself!

Now that you've all viewed the movie, I can feel free to explain the reasoning behind this quote. And there isn't too much. As you should know by now, the movie in question shows a 'typical gaming session', and takes you deep into the 'satanic' world of Dungeons & Dragons. I hope you're now appropriately scared. Just look at the sorts of things kids are getting into these days! Like it or not, they seem to be drawn to the 'occult'! And the result? Massive Cheeto consumption. Extreme addiction to Mountain Dew, which is no less than a Pepsi Product! If this isn't bad enough, just consider all the confrontations and arguments shown in this movie. Isn't this game a terrible influence on the young people of society? Somehow, many people seem to believe that this is the case. Certain stereotypes indicate that the world of Dungeons & Dragons must be a place of pure evil, sinking children deeper into the influence of El Diablo. Hopefully, this video can go some distance towards dispelling those myths. Because while gaming might change a person's eating habits, it won't change them to the Dark Side.

The best thing about this video is that the 'typical' game it represents really is quite typical. I've heard almost every one of those lines used at some point in my roleplaying career. Most of them more often than I would like. The desire to get snacks seems to be someting common with every gaming group. Although in our case, we prefer to go with Coca-Cola and Doritos rather than any sort of Pepsi product. Of course, those who don't pay enough attention often end up with something else. And in this case, that means Diet Lemon Pledge. Which could truly be the drink of El Diablo. Anyway, another common occurence is the player who thinks he's everywhere. I can't count the number of times I've fielded the question of whether a given person sees something important happening, even though they're nowhere near the scene of the action. And the argument about spell effects is also common in a D&D style system. Although I have to admit that material spell components are more hardcore than I'd ever want to be. Indeed, watching the Dungeons & Dragons Reenactment has provided me with many jokes as well as a quote. But it has its downsides as well. Since showing it to my gaming group, I can't count the number of times I've had to roll to see if they were getting drunk. Is it worth that price? Only time will tell.

As a final note, I should say that I was shocked when I first learned that Mountain Dew was a Pepsi product. With such celebrity endorsements as Jackie Chan, I figured that Doing the Dew had to be the right thing to do. I'm just going to have to assume that Jackie was as unaware as I about the true affilitation of Mountain Dew when he filmed those commercials.

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