What? That explaination's not good enough for you? You want something more? Alright, I'll ramble on for just a while longer. Note that the following recountings are in no way factual, and are in reality totally made up. Not too long ago, a friend of mine had a role-playing character who had met Sean Connery. Bear in mind, this was in a medieval D&D setting. In this world, Sean Connery was world-reknowned as the High-Priest of Strength. He would wander around the countryside with his caustic bagpiper, recruiting the strongest men he could find and lifting heavy things. Then, he would take his new converts to the Church where they could learn to pray. Praying simply involved alot of flexing and boasting. There were also many sacred rituals which had to be performed. Some of these included arm-wrestling, or working out at a gym. Of course, every church of this group was nothing more than a glorified weight-room. Before each meal, one of the priests would have to say grace. This involved "Praising the LORD!" as everyone flexed their muscles and lifted the nearest heavy thing, usually the dinner-table. Of course, all of this is only natural, considering the god they worshipped was none other than Ahnold Shwarznegger, God of Strength. The Holy Texts of Arnold contained all the religious commandmants that must be followed. They included such lines as, "I'll be back!". Needless to say, Father Sean Connery was a great character in this adventure, as were all the priests of this religion.
I hope that's enough random recounting to tide you over until next week. I just thought the idea of sticking Connery into an adventure as a priest of strength was a great idea. Can you dig it, my son?
This a rather shmokey quote. I love it. I also freely admit that I've covered the greatness of Sean Connery on this site before. For more information on that, simply read through the Titans section. I just wanted an excuse to post another picture of Sean Connery on the page. That's the reasoning behind this quote. Did you know Sean can use a sword as well? Not that he needs one. He could simply break it with his bare-hands. Check it out!
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