Combining two great things, such as Mr. T and Rocky, in the same movie, was a brilliant idea. That is why Rocky III is simply one of the best movies ever made, and certainly the best of the series. Mr. T gets a chance to not only reveal his incredible acting prowess (or does he even need to act?) but also to show off his incredible strength. Along with all that, Mr. T gets to use many awesome and memorable lines, such as this very quote. He uses it when Rocky challenges him to a rematch for the Heavyweight championship. Of course, this is after Mr. T has already thrashed Rocky and taken his title in a two round slug-fest. Of course, Mr. T is not the only great boxer featured in the movies. Below, I will provide a synopsis of each major fighter in the Rocky series, featuring all the famous ones as well as a few who you may not have heard of.
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I reject the challenge of writing a story for this quote, because that is no challenge. But I'll be more than happy to explain its origins and offer my own insights into one of the greatest movie series ever created. As all should be able to guess by now, I'm referring to the venerable Rocky series. These four films contain some of the greatest matches and training sequences to get anyone pumped and ready for action. And yes, I did say four earlier. I personally prefer not to remember Rocky V, due to its overall awful quality. Unlike the others, it contains no originality whatsoever. Then again, Rocky II was really nothing more than Rocky I with a different ending. But still, Rocky V does not contain a worthy opponent like Mr. T. In fact, the only real challenge for Rocky in that movie is dealing with Union Kane's constant obnoxious jeering. In any case, before I describe the exact source of this quote, I should warn that spoilers for the Rocky movies shall abound below. Read at your own considerable risk. (Ruining the end of these epic films could be just as dangerous as facing Union Kane in the ring. Okay, more dangerous infact.)
Rocky Balboa.
The Italian Stallion.
Greatest Attribute: His unyielding determination. He may not hit as hard as other boxers, but Rocky simply doesn't go down and soaks up the punishment like a human sponge.
Greatest Weakness: None too bright. He also never blocks ANYTHING.
Training: Rocky trains by beating up raw meat (a surprisingly challenging opponent) and suffering various emotional breakdowns.
Strategy: Goes straight in, and often gets hurt.
Apollo Creed.
The King of Sting.
Greatest Attributes: Apollo's greatest asset is his incredible speed and his lightning left jabs.
Greatest Weakness: His uncontrollable urge to fight drug-popping Russians.
Training: Apollo trains by organizing publicity matches, and running off at the mouth. Someday, someone might close it for him.
Strategy: Dodge and jab.
Clubber Lang. (Otherwise known as Mr. T.)
The Toughest Man in the World.
Greatest Attributes: Clubber is basically great at all aspects of fighting, but his pure strength and slow-motion punch would have to be his most prominent advantages. (One would think a slow-motion punch would be easier to dodge, but this is simply not the case.)
Greatest Weakness: He doesn't like airplanes.
Training: Clubber lives alone, trains alone, and wins alone.
Strategy: Don't need one. His opponents are so stupid, they come straight in. And they always get hurt.
Ivan Drago.
The Russian Boxer
Greatest Attributes: Drago's biggest advantage would have to be the drugs he injects.
Greatest Weakness: The fact that he's a mindless pawn.
Training: Drugs.
Strategy: Use illegal drugs.
Spider Rico.
The Underdog.
Greatest Attributes: Spider Rico packs a mean headbutt.
Greatest Weakness: He's really poor and has a bad haircut.
Training: Hits people with his head.
Strategy: Hits people with his head.
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