But the best is yet to come. Since we were gangsters, we were able to openly threaten our opponents. Hence the origin of this quote. When one of the opposing team members rose to ask a question, my partner said that was 'overshoes talk.' Clearly intimidated, the opposition asked if he could still ask his question. Throughout the course of the proceedings we made numerous referances to giving people cement shoes and letting them sleep with the fishies. "I hope you and the fishies are on good speaking terms, 'cause they're gonna be your only company for a long time!" The only real point we needed in favor of our plan was the fact that Capone supports it, and needless to say, whatever Capone says goes.
Nya! Mobsters have great accents, see? And they also say see alot, see? But perhaps it would be easier to explain this without my gangster accent. This quote comes from a debate I was in, wherein my partner and I decided we wanted to use our mobster accents for an entire debate. The resolution was that 'We should go stronger, higher, faster.' The whole olympic deal, ya' know. But we didn't fall into that trap! Instead, we defined the terms such that we were the mobsters of Chicago in the early 1930s, after prohibition had ended in Canada but still continued in the States. We wanted to go stronger (increase our revenues) by going higher (to a higher lattitude) faster (to increase the speed of our bootlegging of booze). To do this, we argued that we should establish a base in Moosejaw (just North of the Dakota border, for the many people who don't know where Moosejaw is.) to use as our base of operations for bootlegging booze. Of course, all of this was done with an assortment of 'Nyas', 'Sees?' and 'Booze.' It turned out be an awesome debate, and I'm sure we shocked our opponents with that outrageous definition.
Shockingly enought, we lost that debate. It was a split decision, but I think the main point against us was the fact that only one of the judges had even heard of Moosejaw.
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