Mike Su's Got a Nice Car

Oh boy, kids, isn't this a SCARY quote for you today? Startling statistics, they are simply terrifying. I bet you are frightened to hear that 95% of stolen cars were stolen by Car Thieves. Hahahaha! Very SCARY! Just let me go make ominous werewolf howl noises in the background. Wait. What do you mean, this isn't scary?! I thought it was. Actually, it's just plain funny. And if you don't get the humour (I don't see who wouldn't) try reading the quote three times fast. Or once, slowly. I actually forget where I got this quote from. Hmmm. Another case of an anonymous tip, I guess.

Well, that part might not be scary, but I'll tell you who is frightening: Mike Su! He's got a fast car, and he's not afraid to tell you about it. Or drive it. Now that's a thought. Although, really, this quote has nothing to do with him, except for the picture, with a fancy fast car. Much like the one MIke drives, I understand. Although, apparently, not the same one. If you don't know who Mike Su is, read Lamayo: Ham Or Rye. Afterwhich, you still won't know who he is, but it's a good tale all the same.

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