Cab Calloway -- The Hi-Dy-Ho Man

Not gonna be a long explanation for this quote. For the joke, you almost have to be here to understand. As you can already guess, this quote is derived from the lyrics of the greatest tune of Cab Calloway, possibly the greatest tune ever! (well, okay, maybe not..). Actually, WOOOOOAAAAP is used in a number of his songs, but it's awesome everytime it comes into play. You have to hear Cab himself do it before you can understand. My favorite version would have to be the one used in 'Blues Brothers' version of Minnie The Moocher, an awesome song which not only involves Smokey, a gong and Minnie, but also the King Of Sweden.

I've always attributed this quote to Smokey, because it's used after it mentions him Kickin' the Gong around in China town. If you haven't heard the song, listen to it! Then, and only then, can you pay homage to the Great Cab Calloway! It also mentions that Smokey is a rather Kokkey fellow. And I want to know, if anyone can tell me, what the heck Kokkey means! I've checked and asked everyone I know. Good ol' Webster can't even tell me! So if you know, please email me! Anyways, there are many great quotes to come from Cab Calloway, but I thought this one just had to be first. That's all, folks.

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