You may be wondering about the picture for this quote. No, it's not a picture of Bush, even on his worse days. It's actually a picture of a cactus. Why have a picture of a cactus for this quote? Allow me to explain (as if you have a choice). I am wondering whether a bush could run a better campaign than George W. Bush. Hence, as Bush is from Texas, and we all know the Cactus is the Texas version of a bush, we have the picture. Let's review the facts. The bush probably has a higher intellect and education than W. Bush. One point for the bush. George W. Bush says stupid things like "this is the country where wings take dreams!" On the other hand, the bush knows when to hold its tongue (always). No stupid comments (or comments of any sort) gives the bush another two points. W. Bush doesn't understand his own policies. The bush doesn't even have policies. Another point. Finally, the debates. The bush would've done a much better job debating with Gore than W. did. It wouldn't have offended anyone! A final point for the bush, bringing the total to bush: 5, George W. Bush: 0. Let's face it, if a dead guy can be voted into the senate, a bush could be voted into the whitehouse. And it would have a much better chance than W.
This was my suggested slogan for the Bush campaign in the current federal election. Vote Bush: He's not as bad as you think! I believe this would be the most accurate and persuasive argument they could possibly make. (And that says alot, doesn't it?) I mean, let's face it, Bush doesn't understand any of the issues, at all. He doesn't even really understand his own policies. His only defense of them appears to be that, "They're better!" WHY? Bush does not seem to know. His whole platform seems to revolve around him bringing back honesty and integrity to the Whitehouse. How he pulls off this theme is unknown. His speeches should go something like this, "I want to restore integrity to the Whitehouse. Al Gore could do this better, 'cause he didn't booze his brains out while he was younger, but vote for me 'cause my dad was President!" Yet somehow, this strategy has somewhat worked. Bush: He's not as bad as you think! This slogan would logically affect people. They would start to think, hey, maybe Bush isn't as bad as we think. Of course, that depends on how bad people think he is. And note, it wouldn't really convince them to vote for him. But I would think it would work more than his whole 'integrity' deal.
Note tha Legends of the Blade does not actually endorse any political party, except the Government. The above was merely an attempt at humour which should not be viewed seriously at all. Thank you.
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