Anyways, if you haven't heard any of Calloway's songs yet, well, you should! To continue, here's an excellent website with more information on the Hi-Di-Ho man. Check it out! You'll also note that I borrowed my picture from need to tell. MWAHAHA! And await the next time Cab Calloway returns!
Not to be confused with 'The Best'. And yes, I do know what the best is. (See another quote in the gallery if ya don't understand that..) Anyways, as prophecised, the great Cab Calloway has returned with another quote. This one is one of my favorites, although he has many that I like. These lyrics are from Minnie The Moocher, my favorite version of which cames from the Blues Brothers soundtrack. Why? Because, he gets the funky raising voice thing going. On the KEY part of Smokey, his voice becomes really highpitched. Oh, and another thing. I still don't know what Cokey means..or even really how to spell it. I've checked good ol' Websters, but he has no insights on the matter. So, if anyone knows what that word means, please email me with it. I wanna know what that's about. Calloway uses it in some of his other songs too.
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