
Despite what fishermen may tell you, humans and fish can actually peacefully coexist. So say the words of the mighty governor and presidential candidate George W. Bush. Who rose from wealth to riches, by the way, to get where he is today. Far be it for me to comment on the political situation. Alright, so maybe's it's too late for that. Still, all I'll say is that Bush would certainly be an 'amusing' president for the United States, and provide the rest of the world with some good jokes. I can see it now...

"Hey, did you hear what President Bush did the other day?"

"No. What?"

"He declared war on China while making a speech about reforming healthcare."

Now, if both these people lived in China, they wouldn't be laughing nearly so much. But frankly, what I'm referring to are known as Bushisms, where Bush manages to mangle the language so badly that no one can understand what he's trying to say. I'm sure that's the case with the fish, and many of the others I've heard. For more quotes from the late governor, check this site out. I couldn't make stuff like that up if I tried.

Well, my time is shorter than usual today, so I'll stop before I start making a rave about modern politics. Special thanks go out to the gaffer, the guy who drove by while I was typing this, and the Ninja Raccoon who sent me the link to the bushisms site.

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