But enough of a review. This week's quote comes from Twiki, drone robot to Buck Rogers. And also, apparently not very bright. After all, anyone who thinks that Buck is 'their kind of guy' must be stupid, incompetent and extremely arrogant. But considering that Twiki spends most of the movie hanging out with Buck, we can safely conclude his mental faculties are not top-notch. This is practically equivalent to hiding in a polar freezer for hours, for no apparent reason, which Twiki also does. At least Twiki can dance better than any human in the movie. Finally, I would like to thank those who suggested this quote, and who also allowed me to experience this shockingly well-received movie.
Recently, I had the pleasure of viewing an old movie called Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. And by pleasure, I mean that I got to see one of the worst movies ever created. Which is really what made it so funny. The fact that it apparently made lots of money is just scary.
The beginning of the movie seemed to be going for some sort of James Bond type opening, with lots of women sliding around on letters, and Buck sleeping or something. What an action hero! It also featured a horrible opening song, the likes of which still gives me recurring shudders every now and then. Although they try to draw a parallel between Buck and Bond, it fails miserably because Buck is obnoxious and stupid. And the people in the movie seem to love him for it. Don't ask me why. The basic plot is simple. Buck Rogers is blasted 'by accident' into the 25th century, where he quickly surpasses a computer in piloting a space fighter. I say 'accident' because I don't really believe it was a mistake. Considering his attitude, I can understand perfectly why the people in 1987 would want to get rid of Buck Rogers. I'm sure the people in the 25th century will eventually do the same. The most frightening part of this movie was most certainly the dance sequence. In this horrifying scene, Buck gets them to replace their 'cool' 25th century music with the alleged music of '80s. But the result is just crap! And Buck's dancing doesn't help. If they truly danced that way in the '80s, I think whole generations would have been scarred for life. Just watching it almost destroyed my sanity.
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