The Adam West Batman was also great. He might not have been a fitness guru exactly, but I think he knew what fitness was. Maybe. I mean, he could Bat-Walk like no one else. And he was really good at the Bateuci (a form of dance that is really stupid and done in one episode). But in combat, he quite frankly is unstoppable. In only a few POWS! and ZOWIES! he has all his enemies on the floor, beaten and disarmed. Of course, it helped that they weren't armed in the first place. If they had been carrying any sort of weapon, Batman might have actually run into difficulty. Fortunately, the criminals are model citizens who refuse to use such illegal things as firearms. About the toughest thing Batman had to face were the Riddler's annoying riddles. These could usually be solved through some ridiculous logic that was usually correct. "This clue means there is a message in the Alphabet soup! Quick Robin! Get the Bat-Alphabet soup container!" That could've been a whole quote on its own...
This quote should be able to tell you two things. The first is that there is apparently only one more mile to go. The second is that the man speaking is COMPLETELY INSANE! They've still got to run one more mile, and then he wants to do crazy things like the parallel bars! Also, he uses more than his daily limits of exclamation marks in one sentence. Then again, I've also done that for this quote. In any case, this quote comes from Bruce Wayne, of Batman fame. You might not believe it if you've only seen the Adam West Batman show, but Bruce Wayne is actually a fitness guru. This is proven by some very reliable sources. He really puts the young Robin through his paces. First they run, then they do the parallel bars, weights, punching bags, and so much more. Next thing you know, they'll be wrestling a bull to the ground as training. Oh wait, Adam West's already done that.
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