Fetch my breakfast, Jeeves!

Those of you who have visited this site before extensively (all three of you;) will know that this quote was used to great effect by Earl Kinley, in my Hall Of Fame, but that's not its only source. Frankly, almost every british lord or aristocrat demands breakfast at one point or another. What's the obsession with breakfast? Why not, say, dinner? I personally prefer dinner. It is usually far bigger. However, being no british aristocrat, that is understandable. And why is it that they always have butlers named Jeeves? I mean, what, when you become a butler, do you have to change your name to Jeeves? Don't get me wrong; Maurice is also a butler's name. I guess when a lord goes to choose a butler, he tells his secretary to pick the one named Jeeves.

And then there's the morning paper. This document is, for reasons beyond my lowly intelligence, greatly desired by the lords. They always want to read the morning paper. And then, as a continuation of that archaic ritual, they always complain about the 'dastardly coverage' in the paper. If they don't like it, they should just go play some golf, or more likely, just eat another breakfast.
Oh yeah, before I forget, I should cover myself. The above is a complete exageration. Totally. I haven't really met any british lords, and I'm sure that they only eat one breakfast a day. Which is more than could be said for me.
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