There's No Guarantees!

We've all heard and seen the commercials for life insurance companies, especially Norwhich Union. Not only were they ineffective and annoying ("And no salesperson will call!"), they even managed to hire one of the most boring people on the planet to do their commercials. Hearing about how my benifits would triple in the case of a fatal accident, in a monotone voice no less, quickly made me flip channels. And the earlier part of the commercial was annoying too. The old guy sounds obscenely cheerful that "Patrick just bought life insurance!" Oh, so are we assume him to be pure evil and seeking money from his younger son, or what?

But I've gotten all riled up and off topic. Norwhich Union tends to do that to people. Anyways, this quote actually came from a roleplaying game. My character was a greedy lazy lord salesperson type, who was trying to convince one Jack Barkley to buy some wine. The normal tactics weren't working. So, I went for some reverse psychologie. In the middle of a salespitch, I burst out: "There's no guarantees!" Jack Barkley was instantly excited. He didn't know what these guarantees were, but he didn't want 'em. So he bought it. Then I told him that a salesperson WOULD call. And that's all there is to say about that. Unless you want me to break into another Norwhich Union rant, that is.

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