He's So..BIG!

Yes, I am aware that there is a band called "Mr. Big", but I am also aware that they are no match for the real thing. The real MR. Big. Everyone must have seen the Mr. Big chocolate bar commercials, as have I. With their great slogan line -- "When you're this big, everyone calls you mister!" Now is that not a great line? It should be noted before I go any further that I don't actually eat Mr. Bigs. They may be BIG, but size ain't everything. I am just generally amused by the many great names they come up with for chocolate bars, such as Mr. Big, Big Turk and Oh Henry. Of course, these are nothing compared to the oh-so-original Cadbury's Chocolate bar. Yes, people in the chocolate industry sure have something when it comes to names. And by that, I mean something good. Naturally, many awesome things begin with Mister. For no apparent reason, I'll make a list.

Mr. T
Mr. Big
Mr. Clean
Mr. Gerrard*
Mr. Foo*

* -- Names are extremely obscure referances

Well, my mind seemed to go blank once I went into list mode. I'm sure there's more than that out there; if any of you clever people remember someone I missed, lemme know! Well, that's that.

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