In essence, Big Mouth Bass is not something a normal person would want to buy. The only purpose I can see for it is as a gift for someone that you hate. You could present them with a Big Mouth Bass for their birthday, at which point they would doubtless (for sure!) be overjoyed to receive a mounted plastic fish. This joy would quickly turn to anguish when they decide to test out the button. These fish sing for a long time. They're basically like a very bad, overpriced CD. The only other use I can foresee for these monstrosities would be as follows. First, you attach the Big Mouth Bass to your front door, and then replace the doorbell with its button. That way, the next time a vaccum salesman comes along, he'll be hearing "Pretty Fishy" rather than a doorbell. Far more effective than those 'No Solicitors' signs.
As some would certainly know, experienced and enthusiastic fishermen tend to hang their prized catch on the wall. This is to show off the extent of their skills. Now, you don't even have to be a good fisherman to show off. You can buy Big Mouth Bass, an already mounted plastic fish, and stick him up on your wall to 'impress' all your friends. Of course, the only thing you'll really show them is that you're willing to spend insane amounts of money for a useless plastic fish. Oh, did I say useless? I'm sorry, what I meant was incredibly annoying. You see, not only is this fish clearly fake, but it actually proves it by singing, badly, everytime someone presses the button. Its repertoire includes such gems as 'Pretty Fishy', and that's all you need to know about that. In the commercial for Big Mouth Bass, it shows these idly curious people pressing his button and then being fascinated when he starts to sing. Personally, I'd be terrified. I can just see people running in horror from the store because little kids won't stop pushing the button. (We all know that kids can't resist pushing buttons, eh?)
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