In an era a long time ago existed the glorious Samurai, a group of warriors dedicated to Bushido, the way of honor and the blade. But such valorous fighters could not survive as the world evolved. Their system of honor was no match for the corporate wheelin' and dealin' of the various commercial enterprises. With no source of income, and a pride too great to allow them to do menial labor,
the samurai had no choice but to disappear from the face of the world forever. But not all of them chose this path. Some few evolved, rather than disappear, and they became known as...THE SAMURAI BARBERS! Yes, using their expertly forged katanas, these warriors would give anyone a haircut, frequently when their customers didn't actually want one. The level of accidental fatalities was huge, and as the news spread around, people began to avoid the barber shops. In retaliation, the Samurai Barbers had to take to the streets, running around searching for anyone with remotely long hair and shortening it for them. Frequently, long chases would ensue before the Samurai Barber would finally manage to cut his victim's hair. That is the tale of the Samurai Barber. They still exist to this day, following the code that honor is honor, and everyone needs a hair cut.
As you may have guessed, I made that story up in its entirety. Very few grains of truth lie within, so don't worry if certain parts make no sense. I just thought it would be more fun to write a story than to actually explain the quote. But I'll do both anyways. (See? I'm really a very generous fellow..) The Samurai Barber joke originated in a D&D campaign, and was based decidedly on the Samurai Delicatesan, from Monty Python's Flying Circus..(or was it SCTV? I know not..) Anyway, the Barber in the D&D campaign would run throughout town, chasing anyone with long hair in an effort to trim it. As you can guess, the Samurai Barber had a katana.