Yes, bananas are great items. I don't like the taste, but I can still see their merit as weapons. First off, they got the slippery, they can be used as bombs, guns, grenades, pens and banana cell-phones. And many of the best characters are actually bananas. Like inspector Banana, a big talking banana with a mustache. I didn't know bananas could have mustaches...but I guess you learn something everyday. Need I even say that Del-Monte makes the best bananas all around? Well, I just did.
On another note, as I was searching for an appropriate picture, I happened upon many HUGE banana pages. What's up with that? Who could fill an entire page with just stuff on bananas? Well, evidently me, 'cause this page is finished.
This quote is actually a mockery of the old Dragon Strike video board game. This game did come with a tape, and so was the tape so ridiculously funny that it was mocked even more. Of course, I could fill a whole page with ravings about the wizard who lost his scottish accent halfway through the video, the insane GM, the stupid players and the unco-ordinated warrior. Oh yes, and the ever useful 'elven-lore'. (Read: Entirely useless, but supposedly useful.) But no, I won't talk about all that here, despite the fact I already have. I'm going to stick to topic for once. You see, this messenger in the video came back to the castle with a knife in his back. But it wasn't a knife, so said the then-scottish wizard. It was a dragon's tooth, torn fresh from the jaws of a dragon. But there, as it happens, he was wrong. For it was a deadly banana, torn from a banana tree. As we all know, a deadly and efficient weapon.
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