McMason is another thing taken from SCTV. Strange that it comes so soon after Klogg, but I guess the police dramas are just too easy to ridicule. Hopefully, I actually got my facts straight this time around, aye? I thought the best part was that you would tend to think McMason is a cop, when in fact, he's...(cue ominous music here)...a photographer! What nobler profession is there than a man who takes pictures of other things and sells them for his own gains. Wait! I mean, he does...good stuff. Photographers are great, especially if their name is McMason. I also used McMason as an answer for a question on one of my recent Psychology tests. I can only hope his power will pull me through with at least a half mark. Heh. Not likely.
UPDATE: This story just now breaking. McMason has been passed! Repeat! MCMASON HAS DONE IT AGAIN! That's right, folks, I got that Psych test back today, and I must salute the power of McMason. He got through! A Psychobiologist he was indeed, and a good one too! Of course, it was only worth .25 of a mark...but every little bit counts, and McMason can give you that extra little bit.
Scene: Two of New York's finest cops have just entered a certain Ann Nonymous' apartment. The victim lies at their feet, brutally murdered. "Oh boy." says one coppa. "This one looks bad!" In a second, he makes the informed decision to call in a specialist. (And no, it's not Klogg!)"We need McMason!" he declares. Suddenly, snazzy theme music starts to play, which causes both detectives to look around in confusion, until the door opens and McMason enters. "Where is it?" McMason asks. Wordlessly, the cops point to the corpse. McMason steps over the body, and suddenly pulls out a camera to begin taking pictures. Because he is McMason, 'Police Photographer', and he can even make the corpses of the most brutally murdered look decent on film. Between various takes, he shouts out to the dead corpse, "Oh yeah! That's it! Give it to me! Yes! Yes! Just like that!" Every now and then, he tips the corpses head one way or another. Later, the Chief is congratulating McMason on a job well done. "Good job, McMason. These shots are excellent." Of course, he doesn't actually solve the crime. Roll end credits.
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