I've never seen anything this beautiful in the entire galaxy -- okay, give me the bomb.

The first thing you gotta know about bombs is that they're unpredictable. You never know what a bomb's gonna do. That's why I usually don't use them, even in videogames where their deployment is highly recommended. Of course, I might have to reconsider such a policy if given advice to do so by the Maestro. But that's another story entirely. And another quote, too.

Getting back on topic, this my second quote in as many weeks featuring a compilation of memorable lines from the old Transformers series. And all nostalgia aside, there were indeed some great quotes, most of which I'd forgotten. Fortunately, my contact in Japan was kind enough to send me a large list, which will be partially reproduced here. His knowledge of Transformers remains something I can only aspire to one day attain. In any case, last week was all about the evil Decepticons. This week, the flashy symbol flips around and we deal with the heroic Autobots, who must raise their battle to defeat the evil forces of the Decepticons.

Optimus Prime: You destroy everything you touch Megatron!
Megatron: That's because everything I touch is food for my hunger. My hunger for power.
Optimus Prime: No! I am going to end your hunger once and for all.
(Megatron's a hungry fighter - that's probably what gives him the edge in the early encounters. Furthermore, this quote makes me hungry, albeit not for power. But a sandwhich could hit the spot right now, and if it takes power to get one, then so be it!)

Optimus Prime: That tidal wave will devastate and destroy mankind across the face of the globe!
Ironhide: It won't do us any good either.
(Ahh, Ironhide - the master of understatement.)

Spike: Is it really over Optimus? I mean, have we seen the last of this war forever?
Optimus Prime: Who can say, Spike? In this vast universe, is anything truly... forever?
(As you can see, Optimus Prime can sometimes get pretty deep with his philisophical quotes. I think watching Transformers should earn you a transferrable Philosophy credit. Because Prime teaches far more than any prof I've had so far.)

Tracks: Keep San Francisco clean--leave!
(You show 'em, Tracks! Not only is he defiant, but he's also looking out for the enviromnment at the same time.)

Jazz: We'll be right back! Just don't move.
Omega Supreme: Sarcasm not appreciated.
(For those that might be unaware, Omega Supreme is a massive transforming base that would take about twenty minutes to move anywhere. Which makes this comment funny. Plus, it's coming from Jazz, and he's just awesome.)

Ironhide: What did you do to Gears? You turned him -- nice!
(I'm telling you, Ironhide is like some sort of robotic comedian. He and Prime should go on tour; his comedy would be perfect to lighten Optimus' philisophical speeches.)

Jazz: Maybe Ironhide's ready for a nice, cushy office job.
(A comedian or a bureaucrat. The jury's still out on this one, folks.)

For those still wondering, this quote comes directly from Ultra Magnus, one of the newer Autobots introduced in the groudbreaking Transformers movie. He briefly and undeservingly becomes leader, only to get subsequently blown away when hit by suddenly deadly lazers. Anyone else notice how the lazers seemed mostly harmless until the movie, when they suddenly became extremely lethal? Anyway, Ultra Magnus doesn't even deserve the 'Ultra' prefix to his name. And when given the bomb he demands in this quote, he's almost sure to end up blowing himself up with it. Because after all, bombs are very unpredictable.

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