Moving on, I'm now going to discourse on an entirely topic, with no real connection to this week's quote. This occurred recently, and I feel almost compelled to publicise my views on the matter for my own entertainment. The situation is that recently, our local newspaper published a big article on a spelling mistake made by our local University. It seems that the proofreaders at this instiution forget to check the name of our province, which was mis-spelled on a series of University telephone directories. As if this wasn't bad enough, our paper had to expound on it at length, just to make sure that everyone could laugh at our incompetence. (Note that this may not be the main reason. It also might have had something to do with it being a slow news day, or the phase of the moon.) In any case, several members of the public took it upon themselves to protest this waste of newspaper. In order to point out this fact to the paper, they sent many letters saying that same thing. A couple days later, the paper printed a few of these letters, thus wasting even more space. Am I the only one to grasp the irony here? Probably. But I still find it amusing that these people would complain about the paper wasting space by sending many pointless letters which did just that.
But back to the quote. The picture I chose this week features the old mentor from Karate Kid. I figure that the majority of people giving advice seem to be old men, and they usually do it in a fortune cookie manner. Even Yoda is guilty of this method, and for saying melodramatic things that make no sense.
This is another in a long line of quotes that many people know, but no one seems to know the real source. Or at least if they do, they're not telling. Possibly for reasons of their own. Sinister reasons. And if you believe MGS2, it's probably a dark conspiracy leading all the way up the highest levels of government! You can probably tell by this point that I don't have much to say in the way of explaining this quote. So instead, I'll be going off on numerous tangents, much like the one above. Before I get on to that, though, I would like to thank the person who suggested this quote to me. Without ideas like these, this website would really be nothing. Of course, some would argue that it still is nothing, but that's another story entirely. To go along with this quote, I am going to offer my own piece of advice. Weak-minded beware! It may confuse you for a whole minute! But if it does, I doubt you'd be capable of putting your time to good use anyway. My advice is this: Never take advice from an annonymous webmaster who may or may not be insane. Of course, should you follow this advice, you'd also have to ignore it. In other words, not taking my advice would now be equivalent to following my advice. And now I've confused myself.
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