BOOM! (You're there!)

The word 'BOOM!!!' is generally associated with explosions, especially when you follow it up with so many exclaimation marks. For example, if someone said that your computer went 'BOOM', you would generally assume that it just exploded. This is not a good thing. And yet, that is exactly what AOL (America On-Line, for those who don't know) claims to do to your computer. Apparently, it's still a popular company even though it threatens to blow up your computer! Perhaps I just answered my own question. I've long heard many jokes which use AOL as their punchline. I'm not going to repeat them all here, but let me just say that AOHell isn't held in the highest regard by many of the people I've met. But if that's the case, how can we account for the fact that AOL is apparently a huge success? Before, this answer always eluded me, but now I see the truth. AOL has long been in the business, as they admit, of making computers go 'BOOM!!!'. Basically, they force you to buy their programs by threatening to blow up your computer if you don't. It's just the subtle suggestion that tipped me off, but I'm on to them now.

I should probably note that the above is likely a dramatisization of actual events. I'm sure AOL doesn't intend to blow up your computer, although their product might do so anyway according to their commercials. Yes, I've been referring this whole time to one of their commercials for the new America On-Line version. This commercial is shown at least four times on each weekly episode of Iron Chef, so I felt I just had to remark on the funny declarations that it features. Most specifically, I'm referring to a line where a woman says, "You type in the keywords and BOOM!!! You're there!" Where? It doesn't matter apparently, but personally, I wouldn't want anything to go 'BOOM!!!' after I type in some keywords. And then, apparently, I'd be there. 'There' in this case likely means the computer shop where my computer would be repaired after being blown up by AOL.

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