So the commercial doesn't make sense. Big deal, eh? It really doesn't affect the quality of A1 steak sauce, which can be bought in huge vats for some hefty discounts. Of course, this is mainly for the people who just like to chug steak sauce. You know the kind of people I'm talking about. The kind who serve themselves a plate of steak sauce and maybe pour a tiny bit of steak on top. I'll get back to you when I actually meet someone like that. Of course, A1 is far better than B2. Who would want to buy a steak sauce named B2 if they could instead have A1? Everyone knows that 1 is higher than 2, and A before B. Well, except the guys in the A1 commercial, most likely. Perhaps that's why there isn't really a company that makes B2 steak sauce.
Known to most civilians as BBQ sauce. A1 steak sauce is apparently the sauce used by people who know steak. To demonstrate this, the commercial features four really old guys sitting in a steak house eating steak and doing crossword puzzles. Evidently, we're supposed to assume not only that these people know steak, but also that they've been sitting in that steak house for a couple decades. My question is, how have they survived so long on their apparent diet of pure steak? But that's beside the point, so I'll get back to the story. The one guy doing the cross word puzzle gets stumped by an extremely easy question (can't remember what it was, but something along the lines of 1+1) and turns to the other guys for help. They too are clueless. Hold on a minute! Now we see that these guys are all STUPID, but how does this make them know steak and recommend A1? Personally, I consider this a detraction from the advertisement. Am I going to want to buy steak sauce praised by this group of idiots? In any case, the guy with the crossword moves on to the next question, which runs as follows, "Steak Sauce, 2 letters." Instantly, all the guys shout out "A1!". The waiter then comes and brings them some steaks along with the aforementioned condiment. After this, the slogan (this week's quote) appears on the screen as the guys messily devour their meals. What I want to know is how this commercial proves that these people know steak. We know they're eating it, and we know they're not too bright. What does this tell us about the quality of A1 steak sauce? That the PR department makes horrible commercials is what I picked up.
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