"Deeds, Not Words!"

Welcome to MegaForce HQ. This 'secret' site is designed to provide information and access to one of my computer games. Based on the obscure '80s movie of the same name, MegaForce is a tactical RPG that allows players to join an elite but eccentric phantom army for one of its most critical and dangerous missions. The game itself is text-based, but features a graphical battle interface in addition to its own MIDI music. MegaForce is coded entirely in Java, and you will need to have jdk installed on your machine to run it. This site provides instructions on how to properly install and configure Java to run the game, should you require it.

All that said, MegaForce is freely available to download. See if you can prove that the good guys always win, even after the year 2000.

When a mysterious and malignant force threatens the entire free world, there is only one force that can stand in their way: MegaForce. An elite phantom army of fighting men, equipped with only the most advanced technology, MegaForce alone stands up to fight evil and corruption wherever it can be found.

As one of MegaForce's best officers, you can play a critical role in the conflicts to come. After choosing one of six distinct classes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, you will find yourself pitted against some of the most despicable and cruel villains ever seen. By weaving your way through several unique paths, you will determine whether MegaForce achieves a heroic victory, or suffers a bitter and ignominious defeat. The fate of the free world will be in your hands as you play MegaForce.

Click here for more information on the MegaForce movie.

Disclaimer: Several characters in MegaForce have been inspired by various sources, and they are copyrights of those respective companies. Any similarities are meant only in a parodying fashion, and are not intended to further the creator of MegaForce in any way.

If you have any problems installing or playing this game, please contact jaridis_blade@hotmail.com for assistance.

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