Playing the Game
MegaForce features two major interfaces: The text-based interface that is used to dish out the plot (such as it is), and the graphical battle interface that is used to resolve combat. Both are fairly simple to use, but can still nevertheless manage to trip people up.
The Text Interface sometimes hangs. It's as if it's waiting for me to do something.
It probably is. To avoid flooding your DOS window with text, the game contains some empty input statements to break things up. If you reach the end of the text on the screen and it hasn't given you a specific list of options to choose from, chances are you should hit enter to continue the game. On the other hand, if the text presents you with a list of options, you won't be able to progress without hitting one of the set numbers and pressing enter.
The Battle Interface
This is quite a bit more complicated than the text-based interface. And there are a few pitfalls that might trap the unwary, so I'll go over it a bit more carefully.
None of the buttons in the main battle seem to work!
Two possibilities, not necessarily mutually exclusive:
1 - Another window is open. All the buttons in the main window are deactivated until you deal with this other window. If it's the status menu, you need only hit OK to get rid of it. If it's the combat screen, you will have to resolve that battle before you regain control of the main window.
2 - It is the enemy's turn. The enemy might have already performed their action, and the game is now waiting for you to hit the Next Enemy button at the bottom. Only then will it proceed to the next enemy's turn (if there is one). Generally, as soon as you notice the bottom button switch from Done Turn to Next Enemy, you should press it.
The buttons at the bottom of the window have disappeared!
This is an unfortunate bug which may someday be fixed. As certain textareas expand, it sometimes pushes the button to the very bottom of the window. But it's still there, and you can always see at least a faint edge of it. And yes, you can still press the button.
I've defeated all the enemies, but nothing is happening!
Once all the enemies have been defeated, you will have to hit Done Turn a few times until the battle ends. Since all the enemies are beaten anyway, it really doesn't matter if you waste some time.

This list will likely grow as time goes on, unlike the career options of MegaForce's stars.
Disclaimer: Several characters in MegaForce have been inspired by various sources, and they are copyrights of those respective companies. Any similarities are meant only in a parodying fashion, and are not intended to further the creator of MegaForce in any way.
If you have any problems installing or playing this game, please contact for assistance.
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