
MegaForce is a tactical RPG that allows players to join an elite but eccentric phantom army for one of its most critical and dangerous missions. The game itself is text-based, but features a graphical battle interface in addition to its own MIDI music. MegaForce is coded entirely in Java, and you will need to have java installed on your machine to run it. Java is quite simple to install, but this site will still provide instructions on how to set it up properly for MegaForce, should you require it.

MegaForce is completely free to download. All the files needed to play this computer game are included in a 204K zip file. I hope you enjoy this game almost as much as I enjoyed mocking the movie it's based on.

Download MegaForce!

Note that the current version available for download contains the completed game. However, periodic updates are still being made to correct small errors and glitches. I will post announcements detailing any improvements made to the version on this site. Any comments that you have about the game are most welcome; by emailing any feedback you have on this game to me, you can have a very real effect on versions to come. That's what I call Deeds, Not Words!

Installation Instructions

1 - Now that you've downloaded the zip file from the link above, use your favorite unzipping tool to put all the files into any directory that you desire. Note that all files must be in the same directory to function properly.

(The next two steps are needed only if you don't have Java installed and configured on your machine. If you do, simply skip to step four.)

2 - Next you will need to install java. Go to the Java website, and click on the latest JDK version. Download this to any directory you wish, but remember the path needed to reach it, because it will become necessary for...

3 - Setting the path. If you know how to set environment variables on your machine, modify the path to include the path to the bin directory of the JDK you downloaded.

For example, \jdk13~1.1_0\bin could be included in your path variable.

If you don't want to modify your system's environment variables permanently, you can temporarily change the PATH within the batch file provided with the game.

Simply add the following line at the beginning of the megaforce.bat file:
set PATH=\jdk13~1.1_0\bin, where \jdk13..\bin is the path to the JDK you just downloaded. Now you should be set to go.

4 - Running the game. To play MegaForce, you can simply doubleclick on the megaforce.bat file and it should open up a DOS prompt for the game. Alternatively, you can use the command prompt to go to the correct directory and type in java Start. You'll be saving the free world in no time.

This concludes the installation guide. If you have any problems or questions about the game itself, or its mechanics, please visit the help section.

Soon you could be training with the elite members of MegaForce.

Disclaimer: Several characters in MegaForce have been inspired by various sources, and they are copyrights of those respective companies. Any similarities are meant only in a parodying fashion, and are not intended to further the creator of MegaForce in any way.

If you have any problems installing or playing this game, please contact for assistance.

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