MegaForce's Character Roster
MegaForce: An elite force of fighting men,
designed to combat both terrorism and crime. This phantom army has been deployed in countless conflicts around the globe, always with great success and almost always secretly. Using their state-of-the-art technology and top-notch training, MegaForce has remained a vital part of the international conflict resolution system.
This page lists several of MegaForce's most important officers. You might encounter some of them as you play through the game. And if you succeed, you might become one of MegaForce's most prominent members.
Ace Hunter
Ace Hunter is the flamboyant leader and founder of MegaForce. Time and again, the free world has had no choice but to rely on Ace's amazing strategies, extraordinary physical fitness and extreme charisma to save them from the forces of evil. Even while leading his forces to yet more victories, Ace can never resist the urge to pose and posture in his ridiculously tight silver jumpsuit. Hunter's other talents include an ability to ride his flying motorcycle into combat, and using said motorcycle's rockets rather indiscriminantly on anyone he believes to be his foe. A great believer in Deeds, not Words, Ace has nothing but contempt for politicians. He won't let politics prevent him from doing what's right.
Disclaimer: Several characters in MegaForce have been inspired by various sources, and they are copyrights of those respective companies. Any similarities are meant only in a parodying fashion, and are not intended to further the creator of MegaForce in any way.
If you have any problems installing or playing this game, please contact jaridis_blade@hotmail.com for assistance.
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