Important Characters - Page 5

Admiral Thrawn
Race: Deksiilan
Occupation: Starfleet Admiral
Admiral Thrawn had often been saluted as one of Starfleet's most skilled officers, though certainly not on account of his personality. A believer in strict discipline, Thrawn would accept nothing but professionalism and results from his subordinates. This blunt attitude had made Thrawn one of the more feared members of the high command. There had also been allegations that he had a rather traditional view of the military. Regardless, Thrawn looked the part of an admiral. He was always dressed in a red Starfleet Admiral's uniform. His white hair was clipped in a short brush-cut, and he always wore reflecting aviator's sunglasses. He was dispatched to lead the Excelsior cruiser into battle against the Spheran Red Wings, and didn't seem to much appreciate having to do so.

Marischal Stanton
Race: Loracian
Occupation: Cruise Director aboard the Fascination
If you're ready for Marischal Stanton's description, say yes! And if you assumed from that opening line that the cruise director used a lot of rhetorical questions, say yes! Such an assumption would be quite correct. Marischal was a flashy, gregarious man who loved nothing better than being in the limelight, eliciting his audience to make some noise, and then basking in it. He certainly looked showy. His hair was short and dark, and he had a neatly trimmed mustache. This went along well with his long black coat, complete with tails and many sparkling sequins. He also carried a microphone with him at all times so that he could get audience participation in on whatever he happened to be doing. As a famous concert director, Stanton had arranged N*Sync's presence for the BARStock benefit concert, and for only a fraction of the price he usually would charge for organizing such an event. His other passions seemed to involve mocking his audience incessantly, often on the basis of their names, giving talks on debarkation and continually urge everyone nearby to make some noise. And there were very few people who could refuse Marischal's commands to do just that. Say yes!

Race: Electran, Loracian, Deksiilan, Fenixan, Chalchakian.
Occupation: Boy band of dubious quality.
Although the band known as N*Sync actually contained five members, they were only distinct enough to earn a single character entry. Besides, this boy band prided themselves on their ability to work together as a perfectly balanced team. Although they claimed to have met in church, N*Sync was actually a product of market research, with each member meant to appeal to a certain demographic of the audience. Justin was the poofy haired teen idol. Lance was the spaced-out deep guy who knew psychics and wanted to go into space. Joey was the bad boy, known for carrying a gun and going into rehab. Matt was the soul brother with a knife and a soul badge, which apparently gave him great willpower, despite being incredibly annoying. Dillon was the generic grungy guy. They claimed to be unique, but their vocabulary seemed very similar, and included referring to people as dawg far too often. The band had come to Epsilon to perform a benefit concert, mainly due to Lance's desire to go into space. This was about as deep as their shallow motivations could get, and just about as superficial as their plastic pants.

Undercover Brother
Race: Loracian
Occupation: CIA B.R.O.T.H.E.R. operative
Undercover Brother's true identity was not actually discovered until some time later. That's because he was undercover, as his name would suggest. This disguise included a brown leather trenchcoat, plain white mask and a brown fedorah to hide his massive afro. As a member of the Deksiil's Coursair Intelligence Agency (CIA)'s secret Brother division, Undercover Brother was routinely charged with some of the most dangerous missions. In fact, he had come to space station Epsilon on just such a mission. Posing as a wise, but extremely eccentric martial-arts hermit, the Brother hoped to avoid attracting attention while completing his mission. Not surprisingly, he had attended the university of Tortalus around the same time as Jazz, and the two had been good buddies. And were really very much alike. When not in disguise, Undercover Brother wore a white polyester leisure suit and many gold chains. Although he sometimes claimed to be able to sense 'inner chi', he actually only had the power to feel vibes, usually when women were nearby.

Race: Klingon (Terrorian)
Occupation: Temporary Security Chief
Warf was a very distinctive fellow, though not due to his clothes. He wore the standard yellow Next-Generation uniform, embellished only by a metal strap running across his muscled chest. No, he was more distinguished by his very strange, bumpy forehead, which wasn't at all concealed by his black hair and beard. In fact, it seemed obvious that despite being part of Deksiil's Starfleet, Warf was not actually Deksiilan himself. His deformity actually made it quite obvious that he was Terrorian, although Warf would become furious if this was ever mentioned. He claimed to be something called a Klingon, although no one else knew what Klingons were or where they actually came from. Regardless, Klingon society was apparently fairly barbaric, and Warf was constantly challenging people to deadly duels with his crazy gladiator weapon. Having served as weapons officer aboard a ship commanded by Picard at some point in the past, Jean-Luc had decided to appoint Warf as the new chief of security now that Blank was gone. Any attempt to second-guess this policy could only be construed as discrimination against the Klingon race, or so Warf claimed.

Sam Blacksmith
Race: Metis
Occupation: Owner of Batoche's only trading post on
One of the few Metis without a french accent, Sam Blacksmith seemed to be both a cunnng entrepreneur and a great shot. In truth, these two skills might have been somewhat related, especially given the fact that he kept many guns behind the counter of his trading post. Sam's skin was darkly tanned, and his black hair was long and braided. He wore a mixture of leather and plaid, and talked with a stereotypical Canadian accent. Like most Metis, Sam believed he had an ancestral right to mine the asteroid, and was opposed to Sphere's permit system. He wasn't, however, opposed to using untraditional mining techniques, such as snowmobiles. Although less obnoxious than Doug, Sam still didn't quite seem to know any rules of consumer service. However, he did believe in the bartering system as a means of exchanging goods and services, and was even willing to trade information in just such a manner.

Louis Riel
Race: Metis (Chalchakian)
Occupation: Administrator of Batoche and Revolutionary
A man of great controversy, Louis Riel was considered by some to be a misunderstood hero, while others simply thought of him as a madman. Whatever the case, he was a real revolutionary. As the leader of the Metis people of Batoche, he believed his people had an ancestral right to the asteroid belt, and he wasn't at all pleased with the Spheran government's attempt to regulate the mining. In fact, he was often prone to declaring his plans for a violent revolution, that would turn Batoche into a truly independent planet in its own right. He had apparently tried just such a thing at some point in the past, and the Spheran authorities were now watching him carefully to see that his fierce words didn't become actions. Riel truly looked like the leader of his people, with wild dark hair, a mustache and fur clothing. He carried a trusty rifle at his side, and a pipe and Poutine were never far from his hands. In addition, he was one of the few Metis with any sort of education, and his followers were extremely proud to relate that he was actually a fully qualified lawyer. Recently, rumours had begun to circulate about a mysterious adviser that had taken up with Riel, and that his talk of revolution had only grown more vehement as a result. But his people would never see him as anything other than a great, if sometimes misunderstood, hero.

Paul Piche
Race: Quebecois
Occupation: Poet/Composer
Paul Piche was immediately distinguishable from all other inhabitants of Batoche mostly due to his swishy fashion sense. As opposed to the furs and plaid of his colleagues, Piche wore a blue sweater and slacks. His dark hair was carefully style, and flecked with silver. As the camp's only poet and composer, Paul had a monopoly on all wussy things, such as soap operas, poems and sappy French music. Aside from peddling in these articles, he was also known for spouting out random French words regardless of the situation and trying to bring out the artsy side in everyone he met. This alone likely explained why he tended to live an isolated existence on the rugged mining camp of Batoche.

Gabriel Dumont
Race: Chalchakian
Occupation: Folk Singer
Gabriel Dumont was the frontman of a very popular local folk ban, predictably entitled Gabriel Dumont and the Boucherons. He was also one of Louis Riel's most fervant supporters, and could be counted on to sing praises of his leader at almost any sort of opportunity. Gabriel also had a guitar, although saying that he knew how to play it might have been going too far. In fact, his singing mostly consisted of drunken slurring and demands for booze. Like his bucherons, Dumont was a rather hairy man, with a thick, wiry black hair and a tuque. He wore red plaid, jeans and had a checkered scarf flung around his neck. Aside from eating Poutine and singing, he also enjoyed accusing anyone present of being Davy Crockett, and other, less kind words. He was also prone to blaiming the Spheran authorities for anything amiss on Batoche.

Race: Spheran
Occupation: Commander of the Spheran forces on Batoche
Sergeant Vylarr was the highest ranking Spheran officer on Batoche, and as such it was his job to keep order in the rowdy mining camp. As an officer in the conventional Spheran military, it was also his duty to disperse mining permits to the Metis and to ensure that all the ore produced was sold to the Spherans for marketing to the rest of the galaxy. Naturally, this made Vylarr rather unpopular amongst the locals. He didn't look much different from a generic Spheran soldier, with only a few crests on his gray uniform to denote his rank. Vylarr also had long blond hair, streaked with silver, and carried a pair of PK-43s at his belt. Although he seemed polite and respectful to the visitors, they instantly suspected his name was a subtle hint of his villainous nature.

Race: Terrorian
Occupation: Master Criminal
Zorak was a master criminal who was briefly held in the prison on Batoche, but who quickly escaped from its wooden confines and left only wreckage in his wake. He was also a sworn enemy of Space Ghost, and was constantly using a matter intensifier to nullify the latter's patented Inviso-Power. When this didn't work (which was frequently), Zorak would often resort to ridiculous traps, usually involving hostages stuck in some sort of flying timebomb. Which was unfortunate for him, because he certainly couldn't take it as well as he could dish it out. In terms of appearance, Zorak would certainly stand out in a lineup. He looked rather like a large green insect, with bulbous eyes, yellow gloves, a blue vest and an irritating voice, which was perhaps his most devastating weapon.

Race: Jawa
Occupation: Space Pilot
Like most of his race, Jawa was a short fellow cloaked in a brown hooded robe. His orange eyes glowed from within the darkness of his hood. Unlike most of his race, he was also a crack pilot, and though his only galactic word seemed to be Houdidi, he was fully capable of sending text messages, usually threatening to compile his foes. His ship was small and swift, but somehow still very robust. And it was also entirely object-oriented. Java's API of attacks was large, and this made him an extremely versatile pilot. Although working as a mercenary, Java apparently considered it his racial duty to take on Morton Ragnarsson in space combat.

Denise Richards
Race: Fenixan
Occupation: Nuclear physicist and Engineer
There are some who would argue that Denise Richards seemed far underqualified for the role of engineer and nuclear physicist, despite her amazing credentials. And while she certainly didn't look very smart, she did look good. In fact, she seemed extremely focused on her own appearance. This included a skin-tight white leather outfit, sunglasses and really big hair. Denise was also known for sometimes wearing a white biker's helmet that revealed her true identity as White She-Devil, especially while riding her motorbike through the station's hallways. Although seemingly an air-hand, she seemed intent on drawing Jazz deep into white culture, which involved feeding him (and everyone else, for that matter) mayonaise at every possible opportunity, and referring to him as Anton Jackson. This mayo also proved just as effective in battle as her wild martial-arts, and both were by far and away better than her acting skills.

Johnny Cage
Race: Deksiilan
Occupation: Intergalactic Action Star
Originally famous due to his appearance in the Mortal Kombat videogames, Johnny Cage's name was now synonomous with fast-paced, martial-arts action. He looked the part of a movie star, with carefully trimmed dark hair, sunglasses, a green polo shirt and tight black martial-arts pants that extended just past his knees, with a red stripe running down the right side. Of course, both his glasses and his shirt could be tossed asside at any moment, revealing well-oiled muscles. Famous for his martial-arts mastery, Johnny was also known for his signature moves, such as the split-punch (most dreaded by male opponents) and his green fire. These moves were usually on display at every one of his promotional stops, and seemed to be in fact the main selling point of Uncaged, his first musical album. Johnny Cage had come to Epsilon for this exact purpose, in addition to endorsing the General's Fried Chicken, which he claimed to always eat before taking on random ninjas.

Race: Deksiilan
Occupation: Pilot and family man
After all the oblique references to Goose's piloting skills, the man himself has finally made a brief appearance in the campaign. Goose seemed to be a lesser version of the standard hotshot pilot stereotype. He wore a greenish-gray flightsuit, aviator's sunglasses, a mustache and a brushcut with unbridled enthusiasm. Having trained in some of the best flight schools in all of Starfleet, Goose considered himself more than ready for his first real mission. While he pretended to be a mature and balanced familyman, Goose turned out to have a wild side that could only be satisfied with the sorts of stunts that a Maverick could perform. This included buzzing random things and shouting wildly whenever he scored a hit (which hadn't happened much before he became Morton's co-pilot.) Needless to say, everyone knew that Goose was a goner the moment he stepped into the campaign.

Bobby Flay
Race: Fenixan
Occupation: Food Network Operative
Bobby Flay was one hot and spicy guy. He was also very corny, both for his obnoxious sayings and his favored cooking ingredient. Advertised as a hip young chef with a passion for golf (albeit with a terrible long game), Bobby usually wore a white chef's uniform and checkered apron. His hair was short, curly and fiery red, much like his typical fusion cooking. As one of the Food Network's top agents, Bobby had been looking into the issue of exploding food. Rumours of such occurences had brought him to the Red Wing base, though he had found it mostly abandoned. Although officially a chef, Bobby had been doing more whining than cooking since his appearance on the Iron Chef television program. This, and allegations that the stadium had been set up to electrocute him, had eventually earned him a rematch with Iron Chef Warchor. Much to Ginzu's display, Flay had won this match, despite cutting himself with his own knives in the first five minutes of the battle. He also wielded these knives in battle against Ginzu, though not with much skill.

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