Adventure Overview
Players: Mr. Rhyze, Morton.
Enemies: Papa John's Delivery Boys, obnoxious gansta rap and all referances to Mortal Kombat.
Started: As the Epsilon officers cleaned up the remains of the Army of Darkness.
Ended: With an invitation to meet the 'New Guy in Town'.
The contemplation of the two protagonists was interrupted by the ringing of the phone within their room. Curious, Morton answered the call. The voice on the other end identified himself as the Papa, and asked Morton if he wanted any pizza. When the pilot dissented, the Papa told him that they would come and use his oven anyway, since they had other orders to fill. Hanging up hastily, Morton and Mr. Rhyze decided to hide in the room next door. However, the fast delievery of Papa John's was no exageration. As the two stepped into the hallway, the elevator opened to reveal four delivery boys. All were armed, some with cleavers and some with guns. And all wanted a tip from the two heroes. Mr. Rhyze agreed to pay off a pair of them, thus cementing his role as a player. Meanwhile, Morton found himself facing two delivery boys in battle. Though they proved to be no match, they still managed to injure the pilot. By the time the battle was done, Fayde had returned.
He didn't waste time in revealing what he had learned. His search of the warehouse districts had turned up no trace of the Croissant. There was only one other area where it could be stored, and that was on the New Guy in town's turf. However, that area had such security that Fayde was not able to get inside. In addition, he had learned that most activity in the area was currently being run by this New Guy. It seemed quite clear that they would somehow have to find a way onto the New Guy's turf. Mr. Rhyze recalled Jimmy's offer to arrange a meeting, and so the three went back over to the Chicago nightclub. For a small price, Jimmy was more than happy to have a second chat. He couldn't himself arrange a meeting with the New Guy, but he could tell them how to engineer one. Apparently, the Gang Wars tournament was to begin tomorrow, and though the New Guy wouldn't be in attendance, the final match would be fought on his turf and in his presence. In order to meet him, they would have to get someone into the final. Morton instantly volunteered for this task. Of course, no one could participate in the Gang Wars without the endorsement of one of the mob bosses. It just so happened that one of those bosses was in the club at that very moment.
Big Boy Caprice Morton, Mr. Rhyze and Fayde approached Big Boy Caprice, and offered Morton's services for the coming fights. Caprice was contemptuous of his chances, and assured them that he had already brought in enough foreign help to assure his victory in the tournament. Disappointed, the three decided to go talk with Flat Top, since none really wanted to represent Papa John. Flat Top was much more amenable to their suggestion, but would only agree to let Morton fight in the match if he and Mr. Rhyze could defeat him in a game of Psychic: The Gathering. Although Flat Top cheated outrageously, Mr. Rhyze and Morton were able to combine their forces to defeat him. After witnessing their mad skills, Flat Top agreed to register Morton. The tournament would begin tomorrow, and Flat Top instructed his new fighter to get some rest before the big matches begun.
Race: Spheran
Occupation: Mob Boss and Owner of the Chicago Nightclub
As his name would suggest, Big Boy Caprice was a huge man who always wore a blue suit and a black tie. His hair was done in a buzz cut, and he was known for being arrogant and overbearing. In addition, he would rarely be seen without a plate of oysters to devour. Of course, his method of eating these things was quite disgusting. Caprice had brought in a lot of foreign fighters for Gang Wars, and was thus favored to win.
The next morning, the three entered the Chicago Nightclub to find it packed with criminals and other spectators. Each of the three mob bosses had occupied a table near the pit for premium viewing. Mr. Rhyze took his place at Flat Top's table, along with Fayde, while Morton warmed up. Their presence earned them glares from Big Boy Caprice, but they were more worried by the third mob boss, who was surrounded by delivery boys. It was Papa John.
Papa John The announcer was quick to explain the rules of Gang Wars. There weren't many. Basically, the tournament was supposed to involve only hand-to-hand combat, although a certain amount of cheating was both expected and recommended. Bets could be laid on each match, with varying odds for the different fighters. All that said, the first match was announced. It pitted Morton, endorsed by Flat Top, against an opponent that had been hand picked by Papa John. Morton lept into the pit at the same time as his opponent shambled into view.
Papa Dimitrio This match didn't take long. Though Papa Dimitrio's computational complexity did baffle Morton, his knee groins were simply no match for the good old double-fisted whammie. After dispatching his foe with an impressive DFW, Morton was dragged from the pit where a doctor quickly restored his strength. Meanwhile, the next match was about to begin. This battle would pit a fighter endorsed by Big Boy Caprice against one sent by Flat Top. After the fighters had been announced, big bets were laid down by all nearby gangsters. In his effort to be a player, Mr. Rhyze also wagered a large amount, and it paid off several times over.
Kharate Kid Snoop Dogg After all bets had been laid, the two fighters stepped into the ring to begin their match. Seconds after the opening gong, Kharate Kid lept forward to deliver an impressive roundhouse to Snoop Dogg's face. The rapper was shocked and indignant, and thus instantly flew into a terrible rap. Predictably, this enraged Kharate Kid, and caused him to beat on Snoop Dogg further. It didn't take long for the martial arts to win over Dogg's sloppy fighting and rap gestures. Soon, Kharate Kid was declared the victory, and Big Boy looked more smug than ever. Several matches followed, but soon Morton was up for his next round.
Race: Chalchakian
Occupation: Mob Boss and the Owner of Papa John's Pizza
Papa John had the appearance of a classic mob boss. He looked vaguely italian, had silver streaked black hair and a mustache. He was also wearing a green and red apron, and was carrying a cell phone. Apparently, he was always ready in case someone had a problem, and decided to call the Papa. His pizza franchise is intergalactically reknowned for cutting corners and thus maximising its profit from each pizza sold. In fact, there are rumours that the Papa doesn't even use his own ingredients for the pizzas. He is also known for ruthlessly breaking the ovens of any who oppose him.
Race: Chalchakian
Occupation: Mobster/Textbook Author
Papa Dimitrio was known as one of Papa John's best fighters. He appeared to be a big Greek guy who wore a sloppy white T-shirt and jeans, and had a very strange name. Rumours suggest that he has also published several books on computational complexity, all with very strange coverart. In battle, he could use some rudimentary street brawl skills as well as his computational complexity, which would doubtless confuse his opponent and thus render their attacks inefficient.
Race: Electran
Occupation: Martial-Arts Master
One of the foreign fighters brought into the Gang Wars by Big Boy Caprice, Kharate Kid was all about focus. A young man, he had brown hair, a white handband and a white kharate outfit. For one so young, he had already developed admirable fighting skills, and was committed to earning a victory in the tournament. This focus made him a considerable opponent indeed.
Race: Loracian
Occupation: Rapper
Flat Top's fighter was a rapper, familiar to many occupants of the Station. Snoop Dogg had dark skin, dreadlocks, sunglasses and no shirt. His main selling point was that he had rhythm, which would apparently make him a powerful fighter. Of course, considering his genre of music, Snoop Dogg actually had bad rhythm. Which made it even more devastating.
With a grimace, Flat Top noted that this coming fight pitted two of his own fighters against each other. Morton was confident of his own victory, and Mr. Rhyze backed him up with a considerable bet. Flat Top considered this for a moment, before wagering two thousand marks on Morton. Needless to say, Mr. Rhyze was most impressed, and could only declare that Flat Top really was a player. Moments later, Morton's opponent lept nimbly into the ring.
Trinity Morton found this opponent considerably more difficult than Papa Dimitrio. Although Trinity's attacks weren't very damaging, she was easily able to either evade or block the pilot's attacks. That is, until he discovered the power of eyegouge. Since no one can block an eyegouge. Moments after this discovery, Morton was able to take Trinity down, and earn his second victory of the day. The crowd was quite impressed, especially those who had bet on the disreputable Magnus Magnusson. But Big Boy Caprice still looked confident. That was because his best fighter was up next. Of course, this fighter would be going up against Kharate Kid, another one of Big Boy's men, but that didn't seem to bother the boss too much. Kharate Kid was soon in the pit, waiting for the appearance of his opponent, who appeared moments later surrounded by a chilling breeze.
Sub Zero Morton was angry the moment he saw Sub Zero, and knew he would have take down this living Mortal Kombat referance in person. But first, Kharate Kid would get a chance to take on Sub Zero. This attempt didn't last long. Sub Zero began by hitting the Kid with an uppercut that the announcer could only declare as 'Excellent!' Kharate Kid tried to retalliate, but it proved futile. Moments later, Sub Zero hit him with a freezing blast. Kharate Kid was frozen in place, even as the announcer shouted for Sub Zero to 'Finish him!'. Sub Zero followed these instructions by leaping forward and shattering Kharate Kid into many pieces with a powerful kick. It was a most impressive fatality. Of course, all oddsmakers had heavily favored Sub Zero, and thus there wasn't much of a payout this time. Big Boy Caprice looked very pleased indeed as he declared that Morton would be facing Sub Zero next, and was sure to go down. Filled with rage, Morton was ready to take on the assassin. Moments later, he got his chance.
Race: Spheran
Occupation: Fighter/Hacker
Trinity was a strange woman indeed. Dressed all in black leather, she had both martial arts skills and the ability to seemingly freeze while in midair. Although there has been speculation that she might have some connection with Neo, her main objective seemed to involve competing in Gang Wars on behalf of Flat Top. She also had strange defensive skills, such as snare fist, which frequently shocked her opponents. Trinity's only other distinctive trait was her penchant for spouting gibberish about some matrix. Which can't be explained. You have to see it for yourself.
Race: Loracian
Occupation: Mortal Kombat Character/Hired Assassin
Hailed as one of the most deadly intergalactic assassins, Big Boy Caprice considered this man his key to victory in the Gang Wars. Sub Zero wore a black and blue ninja outfit, complete with a hood and mask. He could easily be described as a cold, hard, professional who commonly gives people the cold shoulder. His martial arts skills were considerable, but were not nearly as feared as the freezing blasts he could launch that would put his opponents on ice - permanently! In addition, Sub Zero was also used as a model for one of the characters in the intergalactically acclaimed Mortal Kombat videogame.
The fight began with a fierce series of DFWs and uppercuts. However, Sub Zero soon switched to his freezing blast. This powerful attack brough Morton to his knees, and came very close to freezing him completely. Still, he was able to muster the energy for one more attack. This DFW was just enough to bring down his opponent. The match was close, but in the end, Morton Ragnarson stood victorious over Sub Zero, and the Mortal Kombat game he stood for. The crowd was quite shocked by this upset, and Flat Top was most pleased. Caprice, on the other hand, was almost on the point of ordering his men to draw their guns. Fortunately, this potential problem was dealt with in the proper manner, through a call to the Papa. Of course, Papa John didn't really help, but the tension was somewhat eased by his random sales offers. Morton had fought his way through to the semi-finals, and would only have to win one more match in order to qualify for the finals. His opponent was a wildcard fighter who had qualified in heats earlier in the morning. Even Flat Top didn't seem to know who this mysterious fighter was, or which mob boss had sponsored them. Still, Mr. Rhyze believed Morton could defeat this unknown enemy, and wagered a fair amount on it. Morton himself tossed a few pesos out of the pit to be used as his wager. Nothing could have ever prepared them for the opponent who stepped into the pit.
At this moment, a rather intimidated announcer declared Morton's opponent to be a man named Shaimus, who was apparently competing as an 'independent'. Tossing his leadpipe aside, Shaimus cracked his knuckles in anticipation of the match. Recalling his last battle with the engineer, Morton was eager to even the score. He lept forward with a vicious DFW, but Shaimus avoided the blow and responded with a devastating head-smash. And then, with a sinister laugh, the man named Shaimus grabbed Morton and initiated an incredible piledriver. This maneuver left the pilot bruised and beaten. Shaimus approached the comatose pilot, and picked up his leadpipe. He seemed intent on finishing his opponent, and would perhaps have done so had Fayde not lept into the pit. Igniting his Thunderblade, the Electran blocked Shaimus' descending leadpipe. With a glower, Shaimus smashed Fayde in the face and send him tumbling backwards. However, by this time, the medics had arrived on the scene to remove Morton's body. It seemed that Morton had just been reminded once again to always beware of men named Shaimus.
Mr. Rhyze took the wounded pilot back to the Moosejaw inn, where the latter finally regained consciousness. Fayde joined them soon after, with strange news indeed. Although Morton had not made it into the final round of Gang Wars, it seemed that they were going to get a chance to meet the New Guy in Town anyway. Apparently, the New Guy had specifically instructed Big Boy Caprice to extend an invitation to 'Mr Ezyrh' and his entourage. They were expected to report to the New Guy's turf in a few hours. Which would probably be just enough time for Morton to recover from his wounds. Such a coincidence.
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