Race: Loracian
Affiliation: Precinct 13
Upon first meeting Kojak, people tend to notice three things about him. Namely, that he's big, bald and bad. In fact, he's one of the toughest gazabos on the force. Some have claimed that Kojak's trademark bald, dark-skinned head makes him an egghead, though only in the sense that he's hardboiled. He is also prone to shrouding his wide frame in a large beige trenchcoat, which is very useful for concealing very large handguns. Truth be told, it's hard to imagine much bigger than Kojak's muscles, except perhaps his attitude. In describing Kojak's policing philosophy, suffice to say that he doesn't need to act when working the negative side of the good cop/bad cop cliche. He is one bad dude. Bad enough to have saved the President, supposedly.
Race: Spheran
Affiliation: Precinct 15
Eowyn is a Sword-Maiden from Sphere who is determined to disprove certain archaic stereotypes (that women don't belong in law enforcement) while at the same time reviving others, particularly in the transportation domain. Eowyn also has the ability to confuse people about her gender, mostly due to the heavy chain-plate armor and helmet she wears when answering the call to duty. She is adamant in the opinion that an animal with a single horsepower is superior to vehicles with several hundred, especially in traffic. As such, it's only appropriate that she works for Precinct 15, otherwise known as the Mounties. In combat, she is known to wield a sword just as aigu as the accent that belongs over her name.
Guy de Maupassant
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Precinct 6
Some other crappy poets have been known to postulate that appearances can be deceiving, and that people are often very different from the exterior they present. In order to avoid such misjudgements (and also to spite those other poets), Guy de Maupassant takes it upon himself to channel his dark and tragic soul right into his appearance. This includes wearing entirely black outfits, from his Gendarme's cap to his knee-length trenchcoat. Guy also has a small waxed mustache that is outside the tastes of the mainstream, which he would say only goes to show once again how pathetic the mainstream really is. As a misanthropic aspiring poet, Guy had no choice but to turn to police work and enduring bitterness as a way of making ends meet. In combat, he could channel his depression into black psychic energy or threaten to commit suicide, which often would not end up being an empty threat.
John Grisham
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Famous Author and Attourney
Though some would find age to be an impediment to their aesthetic appeal, John Grisham has always worn his years well, like the well-pressed array of suits that are his customary clothing. John's gray hair and beard are both short and neatly trimmed, giving him a distinguished and dignified air that is only appropriate for a man of his station. Just in case people don't recognise him on sight, John is also prone to wearing personally autographed ties, which he can ostentatiously re-adjust whenever anyone seems to forget how important he is. On the verge of releasing yet another legal thriller, John felt the perfect way to reach the public would be by convicting one of Cormus' biggest criminals.
Peter Parker
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Reporter/Superhero/Laughing-stock?
Not too long ago, Peter Parker was just your average nerdy highschool student. One ill-advised field trip later, he had gained super powers through the bite of a radioactive spider. Now an intrepid but still dorky journalist, Parker divides his time between covering the police beat and donning the skintight red and blue mantle of the Human Spider. While this did give him some remarkable powers, such as the ability to shoot and swing from webs, his crappy superhero name would often amuse his allies to distraction. Because who could ever take someone called the Human Spider seriously?
Inspector Lestrade
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Precinct 17
Although not reknowned for his deductive abilities, Inspector Lestrade does have several things going for him that make him an asset to Scotland Yard. First of all, he's very tall and imposing, dressed as he is in an ankle-length trenchcoat and bowler hat. He also has enormous respect for traditions, such as tea-time and proper procedures. Lestrade seems to hold some grudge against private investigators and vigilantes of all stripes, and will only work with them insofar as he can copy and learn from their methods. He's also known for having rather dodgy mutton-chops.
Race: Tortalian
Affiliation: A Hostile Witness
Rhadamanthys is a tall and slender Tortalian, with extremely pale blond hair pulled back in a ponytail and a pair of blue-tinted glasses. Supposedly an enigmatic member of the Bleeding Hollow criminal organization, he was willing to step forward and testify against his former boss. The authorities were convinced that this testimony would finally provide enough evidence to put Shaharrizad away, and were consequently eager to accept Rhadamanthys' terms. In the end, it would seem that it was indeed Rhadamanthys' violent contributions that sealed the defendent's fate.
The Midnight Gaidin
Race: ?
Affiliation: Superhero
A mysterious superhero who showed up to save the characters from some trenchcoat mobsters. This shadowy figure comes clad in a black cloak and oriental robes, along with a circular straw hat. A scarf is constantly wrapped around the lower half of the Gaidin's face, hiding their identity from public scrutiny, not to mention Parker's prying camera. In battle, the Gaidin wielded a gleaming ziekfierd blade with super skill. As could be expected, the Gaidin disappeared without a word after defeating his foes.
Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: Leader of the Constructicons
Devastator was a giant man with an unsatiable appetite for destruction. He wore bright green construction clothes, along with a tacky purple emergency worker vest. His dark hair and beard are long and tangled, giving him a dishevelled and dangerous appearance. He leads the Constructicon criminal gang, holding his followers in a grip of fear. When he's not busy dismantling things, Devastator enjoys spending his time jealously guarding the luxurious accomodations found within mobile construction offices.
Tairix the Terminator
Race: Loracian
Affiliation: ?
Hailing from previous popular adventures, it seems only appropriate that Tairix make a cameo in this campaign. Although he often claims to be a machine, Tairix is actually a Loracian with an affinity for heavy firepower. His dark hair is streaked with silver, and his black Zelzakian armor is chipped and scratched from many violent encounters. His motives for visiting Deksiil remain unclear, though they seemed to involve blasting Rhadamanthys with his shotgun. Faced with the interferance of John Grisham (and ostensibly Frozone), he eventually chose to recall himself from the scene.
Lance Ito
Race: Loracian
Affiliation: Judge
The judge who was scheduled to officiate over Shaharrizad's trial. He was an oriental fellow with glasses and a trim beard, who looked somehow slightly ridiculous despite his formal judge's gown. Known as something of a radical amongst the legal community, Lance Ito has been responsible for several contentious decisions.
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: The Bleeding Hollow
The leader of the Bleeding Hollow criminal organization had been arrested upwards of five times, but had yet to be convicted. Possibly due to the unscrupulous but highly effective tactics of his defense team. Despite this menacing reputation, the players were convinced that he was dead meat as soon as he was described. Mostly due to the gold tooth that glimmers with his every snarl. Otherwise, he can be described as a well-built man in a striped prison outfit, with dark hair and a thick beard. His left eye was covered by an eyepatch and a rather ugly scar.
Major Pain
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Academy Instructor
Major Pain is certainly called such by his recruits. Of course, he would also characterise some of them in the same way. Especially if they lack discipline, which tends to be the Major's number one priority. At least insofar as discipline translates into push-ups. As could be expected, Pain looks the part of a modern drill-sergeant, with military fatigues, big sunglasses, big boots and a big handlebar mustache. He also has a whistle hanging around his neck, which could even increase his belligerence and willpower. Pain's other combat moves included dubbing his students with humiliating nicknames and giving them a taste of boot camp.
Samuel de Champlain
Race: Deksiilan/French
Affiliation: Headmaster of the Police Academy
An older bonhomme with a taste for fine dining and tangential storytelling, Samuel de Champlain is nearing the end of a long and fruitful career with the police departments of Cormus. Some of the achievements he mentions most often include the founding of the city's french quarter, which coincided with the creation of Precinct 6, 'Le Surete', and the random hunting of leopards.
In recognition of his contributions, he has been granted command of the Police Academy, so he can mold new generations of recruits in his pioneering image. This image could be described as slick white hair, bushy mustaches and safari clothing, in addition to a backpack full of maps and other important strategy documents.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Academy Instructor
Instructor Millernia is one of the police's most photogenic officers, and is consequently often involved in public relations initiatives. She's also in charge of recruitment and retention at the Academy, during which she unfailingly attempts to present the police as a professional, efficient and courteous organization, at times contrary to the image portrayed by some of her fellow instructors. To this end, she is usually neatly attired in her police uniform, complete with several medals of good conduct and a rather short skirt. She teaches classes that deal with Social Skills, in addition to police protocols and procedures.
Frodo Baggins
Race: Hobbit?
Affiliation: Police Recruit
A young man ostensibly from a rural community outside of Cormus, Frodo and his fellow hobbits are most remarkable for both their diminutive height and their lack of footwear. Frodo's other saliant features include curly black hair, a hooded green cloak and a gilded dagger than hangs from his belt. Initially, he was trying to pass himself off as a 'Mr. Underhill', but these attempts were swiftly spoiled by the precocious Pippin. Although short in stature, there are times when Frodo seems to display a great inner strength that belies his otherwise wussy persona.
Samwise Gamgee
Race: Hobbit?
Affiliation: Police Recruit
Samwise is another hobbit who enrolled at the Academy alongside Frodo Baggins. While just as short as his companions, Sam has a bit more girth going for him. He also has curly brown hair and a demeanor of having walked through the fires of hell itself. This seems to have resulted in sunken cheekbones, smudged with dirt, and torn clothing that looks like it has seen better days. Sam is very protective of 'Mr. Frodo', and has vowed on numerous occaisons to look after his apparently fragile friend. This might even include sharing some of the lembas bread that Sam carries at all times.
Peregrin Took
Race: Hobbit?
Affiliation: Police Recruit
Peregrin Took refuses to be shackled with such a cumbersome name, and thus is known much more widely as simply Pippin. Dressed all in forest green, Pippin often allows his enthusiasm and Irish spirit to get him and his friends into trouble. Although some allege that he commits this mischief on purpose, it seems more likely that it's a result of his combination of impetuousity and clumsiness. Both of which are considerable. Pippin is also very curious, eager to experience the wide world outside his rural roots. His discoveries usually tend to excite him tremendously, especially in the case of the legendary pint.
Merry Brandybuck
Race: Hobbit?
Affiliation: Police Recruit
Merry is one of the more worldly hobbits, and sometimes serves as a tempering influence for some of his more impressionable friends, namely Pippin. However, he has also been known to mastermind some of the mischief that the two instigate. Still, even with this character contradiction, Merry remains one of the more bland hobbits, and on the whole is most often regarded as not quite as much of a burden as certain other hangers-on. Such as Fatty. Merry's appearance is typical Hobbit, except for his straight brown hair, which is somewhat of an anomaly in the company of his curly-haired companions.
Fatty Bolger
Race: Hobbit?
Affiliation: Police Recruit
A rotund Hobbit whose appetite for food is only matched by his craving for attention. In fact, Fatty seems to have tagged along with the other Hobbits purely to avoid missing out on the spotlight. Certainly he doesn't appear to be particularly friendly with any of his travelling companions. Instead, he seems more determined to ensure that he is one of the main players in whatever events come to pass. When he's not seen gorging himself on whatever food happens to be available, Fatty can often be noticed adjusting the wide belt he wears around his even wider waist.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Academy Instructor
A reclusive man who spends a lot of time watching the new recruits in silence. In fact, he might seem quite unfriendly were he not constantly smoking a pipe. Strider maintains his enigmatic aura by shrouding himself in a hooded black cloak. This shadows most of his face, leaving only his unshaven chin visible. A man of few words, Strider seems to be an appropriate choice for a covert ops and stealth instructor. He seems to have little patience for idle chatter. It has also been darkly speculated that Strider neither knows nor cares about the concept of second or third breakfast.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Recruit
Nya! Mugsy is a prodigal and perpetual student at the Cormus Police Academy. In fact, it seems he's already taken almost every class offered at the Academy, though with much the same level of success, or lack thereof. At the same time, Mugsy believes this only augments the tough, shady image portrayed by his short stature, shaved head and newsboy cap. He also has a chain wallet and a gangsta' accent. Some people have been known to doubt whether Mugsy's motivations for joining the police force are noble, but this concern seems far from pressing given that he's been stuck in the role of an incomplete/fail.
Race: Zelzakian
Affiliation: Police Academy Instructor
For justice, these muscles! For truth, this face! For power, these boots! Joachim generally uses some approximation of the above as his introduction, usually followed by some heroic posing. As CQC (Close-Quarters Combat) instructor at the Academy, Joachim has plenty of opportunities to teach and use those sorts of cheesy taglines. He's also prone to wrestling, smacking people with large objects and misconstruing students as opponents. On the other hand, it would be hard to misconstrue Joachim as any other sort of instructor. He's a massively built man, with long blond hair and giant wrestling boots. He also wears tight pants, a weird leather jerkin and a championship belt with a skull buckle. There are also suspicions that he sometimes wears a mystic butterfly mask, transforming him into the mighty Grand Papillon, but this has yet to be confirmed.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Academy Instructor
In Cimarron's view, it's not just guns that kill people. It's gunslingers. As the firearms instructor at the Cormus Police Academy, he considers it his job to teach the new recruits how to shoot, while leaving it to other staff members to instruct them on when and why. Cimarron also seems to have a taste for westerns, which is strongly reflected in his appearance. This includes cowboy boots (complete with spurs), a red bandanna tied around his neck, a brown trenchcoat and a holstered handgun hanging on each hip. His long gray hair hangs loose to his shoulders. He clearly has considerable experience using firearms, and is not hesitant to demonstrate this with gun spins and ricochet shots.
Farmer Maggot
Race: Denchulli
Affiliation: Unhappy Farmer (are there any other sort?)
It takes only a glance to see that Farmer Maggot is from out of town. Although every bit as short as the Hobbits, the Farmer looks considerably more solid. His outfit is clearly designed for rural living, and includes blue overalls, a yellow-checkered shirt, a pitchfork and a worn straw hat that hides most of his white hair, with the exception of his mustache and sideburns. Originally from Denchul, Maggot has relocated to Deksiil in order to take advantage of more generous farm subsidies. This also allowed him to enter the campaign from way out of left field, seeking revenge on the Hobbits who had continually snacked on his crops. Maggot was planning to end this mischief once and for all with an old-fashioned lynching.
Mrs. Keen
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Academy Instructor
The most descriptive thing that can be said about Mrs. Keen is that she's doubled as the Police Academy's lunchroom supervisor for longer than most of its students have been alive. Unsurprisingly, this makes her both unbelievably old and incredibly bitter. She has short gray hair, a whole lot of wrinkles, an old dark jacket and an apron. Her methods of maintaining order in the lunchroom varied from cynical complaining to an upraised finger, though they have all proven futile in the face of youthful hijinks. Mrs. Keen also teaches a class on Nutritional Replenishment, which is all about donuts and coffee, the only things at the Academy possibly as old as Mrs. Keen herself.
Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: Underground Cable Installer
Apparently an acquaintence of John McGuire, Antonov is a former Soviet cable installer who has since relocated to the Deksiilan underground. Now offering his services on the black cable market, he is willing to hook up any number of channels, provided the price is right. Irrate customers have discovered that these price negotiations often only occur after the job has been done, and usually involve an alluminum baseball bat. Still, Antonov would maintain that it's better than the cable companies, who are only interested in the big mamoo. Although Terrorian, Antonov's only deformity seems to be his incredibly sloppy attire, which includes an untucked flannel shirt and ripped jeans. Otherwise, Antonov could be described as stocky and gruff, with greasy graying brown hair and an inability to speak galactic.
Jimmy the Hands
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Criminal and Carjacker
When Jimmy the Hands first appeared in the campaign, he was posing as an employee of the Ford motor company, sent to the Academy to provide police driving lessons to the recruits. This also gave Ford a chance to product place all its latest vehicles, including the afForddable Ford Focus. In order to maintain his disguise, Jimmy quickly tapped into Ford's Expect More Flattery advertising campaign and dressed like the guy in their posters. This meant a shaved head, crappy mustache and khaki clothing. However, Jimmy was eventually unmasked as the leader of Hand-Clan, a group of burglars and carjackers once infamous on the streets of Cormus. In combat, Jimmy had hands of fury, in addition to great focus and an ability to Expect More Damage.
Mrs. Hudson
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Landlady
Mrs. Hudson is an older woman, with an even older sense of fashion that seems almost eerily similar to the one displayed by Dr. Watson. Her gray hair is pulled back in a bun, and is matched in tone by her large gray dress and smudged apron. Although she has yet to be seen in combat, it seems almost certain that she is fit to wield the broom she is constantly carrying both for clearing dirt and other unwanted visitors. Mrs. Hudson is the landlady for the 200 block of Baker Street Flats, where Dr. Watson lives. She once owned the building herself, but has since sold it to a larger company, run by Lord Ragland. When not complaining about some of the new tenants, she can usually be found baking a pies or an expansive dinner, which is often just what the Doctor ordered.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Baker Street Irregular
Wiggins is the most prolific member of the Baker Street Irregulars, a group of street urchins that brings information to Dr. Watson, often for a mere pittance in return. Like his colleagues, Wiggins is dressed in tattered clothing that looks like it just emerged from the Victorian era and is also way too big. Wiggins also wears a bowler hat and a bunch of dirt smudged all over his face. He can be distinguished from the other irregulars mostly by his raw enthusiasm and his obsession with Simpson's Diner. Coincidently enough, both of these traits are also shared by Garrett.
Anthony Mariano
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Weirdo
Watson's latest neighbour is the bizarre and eccentric Anthony Mariano. Although he apparently appears normal (albeit with shifty eyes) when attending many important business meetings at the Raven and Rat Inn, this is merely a facade. When at home, Mariano's eccentricity is on full display. This results in him wearing a ridiculous green pith helmet and a ballerina's tutu for no apparent reason. Otherwise, he can be described as a large, swarthy man with eyes that are not at all shifty. In keeping with his strange tastes, Mariano is also a connoiseur of foreign foods such as pate and poutine.
Philip Marlowe
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Investor
Philip Marlowe is another resident of the Baker Street flats. He's a brisk, tanned man with a graying mustache, hooked nose and golfing clothing. He can almost never be seen without either his bag of golf clubs or his shotgun. It's not quite clear how these two items relate to each other. As a wealthy investor and a golfer, Philip Marlowe has many connections within the business world. He has invested a fair amount of money in Lord Ragland's real estate company, despite his claims that the latter is a terrible businessman. He also spends much time golfing with Emille Zobar, the Spheran ambassador, who seems very prone to sudden illness.
Roger Thornberry
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Troublemaker
Among the echelon of Baker Street troublemakers, Roger Thornberry stands somewhere near the top. Everyone acknowledges that he's a rather dodgy character, though he has yet to be convicted of anything specific. His appearance certainly doesn't make him seem any less suspicious. It includes a long black trenchcoat, a black bowler and a three-piece business suit that does nothing to diminish Roger's rather intimidating frame. His black hair is cut short, with long suspicious sideburns. Aside from hanging out in dark alleys and being scapegoated for almost every criminal act that occurs in the area, Roger also sells black market items such as cigarettes and booze.
Porky Shinwell
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Owner of the Raven and Rat Inn
In addition to owning the popular Raven and Rat Inn, Porky Shinwell is also an informant for anyone willing to pay his price. Serving as the barkeep in his disreputable tavern, he picks up a lot of information about current events, both legal and not. As his name would suggest, Porky is a rather rotund man, with a bluff face and a mop of unruly brown hair. He also sports a beard and greasy bartenders' clothing. It is rumoured that Porky was once part of a major criminal organization, before getting on the right side of the law.
Lord Ragland
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Engineer at Cyberdine
Lord Ragland serves as a chief engineer at Cyberdine, one of Deksiil's leading munitions companies. He has also purchased the Baker Street flats, despite being an admittedly terrible businessman. As befits a lord, Ragland is a very well-groomed man, with an impeccable gray suit and slick black hair. He also wears a tophat and a black cloak clasped at the collar with a jewelled pin. While not restrictive in terms of accepting tenants, Lord Ragland does have certain rules. One of them seems to be that anything left in the hallways belongs to him, including pies. In combat, Lord Ragland's fascination with guns translates into a pair of D6-Miniguns holstered up his sleeves. He is also protected by his aura of obscurity. After all, who could believe that Lord Ragland is the boss of an adventure?
Father Ted
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Church of Cormus
Although he maintains a jovial manner, Father Ted is in fact a very spirtual man. To be specific, he believes in two sorts of spirits - the Holy one and the kind that comes in a bottle. Preferably a bottle marked as Irish Whiskey, but Ted really isn't that picky. Aside from this distinction, Father Ted is much like many other priests that could be found throughout the city of Cormus, albeit a bit more British. He wears a typical black priest's habit and has plentiful gray hair. Father Ted is the senior priest at Westminster Abbey, on Baker Street, where he can usually be found provided he's not out giving a religious toast at one of the neighbouring pubs.
Cardinal Callistus
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Church of Cormus
Cardinal Callistus is the head of Cormus' most widespread non-denominational church. He is also an ardent supporter of law and order, and has made great efforts to collaborate with the Cormus police department. To this end, he has even briefly served as a police chaplain, restoring faith to officers who have spent their lives fighting an unending war against corruption on the city streets. As befitting his station, Cardinal Callistus wears elaborate white robes emblazoned with golden crosses and flared gloves. His dark hair reaches his shoulders, with two graying bangs hanging in front of his angular face. Though the church currently has no official role in running the Police Training Academy, Callistus' recent visit suggests that this policy may soon be changing.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Recruit
Circe is a 'tranfer' student who entered the Cormus Police Academy in the middle of its term. Although she doesn't really seem to have the transfer credits necessary to make this arrangement feasible, she does have connections high up. In particular, her uncle is a highly regarded police inspector who works at the downtown bureau. Coming from a wealthy family, Circe is used to a life of privilege and luxury. She is always dressed in trendy and expensive clothing, along with all the important accessories such as pricey jewelry, a really advanced watch and a computer book. Her reddish blond hair is pulled back in a pair of pigtails.
Race: Spheran
Affiliation: Butler/Bodyguard
Dominic serves as Circe's personal manservant, performing the combined functions of both her butler and her bodyguard. He has been employed by Circe's family for many years, and has been recognised for his loyalty and prompt service. Dominic is dressed for the part, with an impeccable black tuxedo, white gloves and a flower at his label. His black hair is slicked back and shaved around the sides, and his mustache bears the appearance of diligent grooming. Dominic has also been trained for combat, just in case his mistress' independence gets her in trouble. And it often does.
Race: Big Dog
Affiliation: Circe's pet
According to Circe, Rufus is an extremely friendly, playful dog that loves meeting and greeting new people. However, the people in question tend to disagree, especially given the way Rufus likes to climb all over them, leaving behind dirt and mud in his wake. And that's when he's not biting or mauling. As Circe's loyal companion, Rufus was officially brought to the Academy in order to became part of the Police Canine Unit. And while questions about Rufus' true character remain, few would be willing to claim that he lacks the ferocity and persistance required for such a job.
Kurando Enchiro
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Retired Police Officer
Kurando Enchiro is a tall man with a very stiff, upright posture and a vaguely oriental countenance. He's clearly approaching senior citizens' status, with much gray streaking his dark hair, though his athleticism belies his age. Kurando wears a purple and blue Kendo ghi along with white socks and sandals. His persistance and unyielding nature is demonstrated by his unwillingness to conform with modern footwear trends. These traits served him well during his years on the Cormus Police Force, allowing him, in turn, to serve the city well. In fact, Kurando's family has a long history with law enforcement and the pursuit of justice. Kurando's daughter, Yumi, also works at the downtown police bureau. Extremely protective of his only child, Kurando has spent much of his time since retirement striving to keep her away from unsavoury influences.
Master NORG
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Commissioner
Master NORG is a police commissioner who sits on the Cormus PD's governing board. Though not the Chief Commissioner, he still wields considerable bureaucratic power. As one would expect from a man whose name is spelled entirely with capitals, NORG is a big fellow with an even bigger sense of entitlement. His puffy skin has a strange yellowish hue, and his brown eyes are small and beady. He wears voluminous white robes with drooping sleeves and blue lining. NORG is always seated in a small hoverpod that serves as his main mode of transportation. It's unclear if this is due to any sort of disability or simply because of his considerable girth. The only thing NORG believes in more than bureaucractic procedures is the bottom line.
Race: Electran
Affiliation: Composer
Handel is an Electran composer and maestro who is an emerging star on the classical music scene. His compositions are known for incorporating sophisticated instrumentation and numerous surprise endings. However, Handel's public persona doesn't include his association with the Hand-Clan and his devotion to its leader, Jimmy the Hands. As a handsome man of the renaissance, Handel is almost always dressed in period attire. This includes a dark three-piece suit, complete with ruffles and lace at the wrists and collar. He also wears a maestro's coat with the requisite long tails, and a curly white wig. In combat, Handel is capable of orchestrating the flow of battle. This allows him to do such things as grant rests to his followers, or make them forte. When all else fails, Handel can also resort to using his conductor's baton as an admittedly ineffective weapon.
The Unabomber
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: Suicide Bomber
The Unabomber is a feared member of Bomb Voyage's bomb squad, and is said to be fanatically loyal to his boss. Not only is he willing to detonate the numerous explosives strapped to his small body, but he's willing to do so with almost no provocation, making him a suicide bomber to be feared. His manner of dress is also calculated to spread terror. The Unabomber always wears a thick, long red hooded jacket, regardless of the weather. His exposed skin is further hidden by a white mask and red gloves. Finally, the Unabomber's short stature is strapped heavily with explosives, ready to be detonated at any moment. It's rumoured that the Unabomber was once a successful tennis players, but those days are clearly far behind him. The cause for his sudden change in careers remains a mystery.
Bomb Voyage
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: Supervillain
Bomb Voyage is a Fenixan supervillain who has long terrorized the people of Cormus with his random bomb threats and his obnoxious french rap. Although usually known to hit banks and other such financial institutions, the vindictive Bomb Voyage has also been known to hold grudges. In particular, he seems to view the Enchiro family and anyone associated to them with undisguised malice. Not one to blend into his surroundings, Bomb Voyage is reknowned for his extremely long chin, his white facepaint and his french barret. He also often wears a black shirt and tight white pants. When pressed into combat, Bomb Voyage usually attempts to blow away his opponents using a combination of dynamite, other explosives and bomb threats. Also of interest is the fact that Bomb Voyage speaks exclusively in french, but fortunately white subtitles are always there to translate, albeit poorly. Caesar in particular seems to have an ax to grind with Bomb Voyage, especially after the latter almost caused him to bomb his final exams at the Police Academy.
Yumi Enchiro
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police HQ
Yumi Enchiro comes from a very strict and traditional family that has long had binding ties with the law enforcement community. Her father, Kurando, recently retired with full honours from the active police force. As the family's only child, Yumi is under heavy pressure to meet up with her parents' expectations. This has resulted in her taking up a desk job at the downtown police HQ. However, Yumi is also at an age when playing the dutiful daughter is not always the top priority. One of her sprees of rebellious behaviour led to her hooking up with Caesar, an arrangement that her parents do not condone. Yumi is a young woman with a vaguely oriental complexion, dyed red hair and very outlandish outfits that can only have been selected through long and intense shopping sprees. She also thinks bunnies are really 'cute', and carries a handbag stamped with their likeness.
Don Atchison
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Mayor of Cormus
Don Atchison is the current mayor of Cormus and the owner of Atch & Co., a major mensware store. It's The Look Men Wear. Atch, as he is often called, was elected several years ago on an ambitious police mandate, aimed at curbing the crime wave that continues to plague Cormus. His unorthodox initiatives include mounted and aerial police units, and while the utility of these projects remains to be assessed, the media have gone ahead and labeled him Deksiil's craziest mayor. Don Atchison is also a firm believer in professional attire, and has been known to institute many dresscodes throughout the city administration. As such, Don can always be seen in a well-tailored Atch & Co. suit with an expertly knotted tie. Otherwise, Atch can be described as a short, bluff-faced man with short brown hair and a firm handshake. He can often be seen carrying his own campaign signs and waving from streetcorners, which is apparently what gave him the edge in the last election.
Grima Wormtongue
Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: Atch's Advisor
Grima Wormtongue currently serves as Don Atchison's enigmatic advisor. Rumours suggest that the two have become inseparable, and that when Wormtongue speaks, Atchison is almost sure to take heed. Based on these rumours, not to mention sheer appearance, people have begun to question the intentions behind Wormtongue's often caustic advice. Fitting a man of his reputation, Wormtongue is always dressed all in utilitarian black, with a flowing fur cape and polished boots. His hair is greasy and dark, in sharp contrast to his extremely pale skin. Wormtongue's beaked nose is also very distinctive. No one seems to know where he came from, but most can agree that Grima Wormtongue is not to be trusted.
Race: Spheran
Affiliation: Precinct 13 District Attourney
As the premise for COPs so eloquently states, the criminal justice system is made up of two separate but equally important parts. Most of the characters introduced thus far can be counted with the first part, the police who solve crimes. The second category includes the district attourneys who prosecute the offenders, and Miss Vayl falls into this category. It is her job to ensure that all the captured criminals are tried and punished in accordance with Deksiilan laws. This obviously puts her at odds with some of the policing methods employed by members of Precinct 13. Despite being in her early middle-age, Miss Vayl has pure white hair hanging to her shoulders. She always wears professional black suits, in addition to dangling gold earrings and many jewelled bracelets.
Dr. Wagner
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Precinct 13 R & D
Dr. Wagner works in research and development at Precinct 13, although this mostly seems to involve managing the equipment depot and occaisonally handing out extremely obvious advice. Still, you can't argue with Wagner's credentials, which include a doctorate and a rather cliched german accent. Like any scientist worth their salt, Dr. Wagner always appears dressed in a white labcoat and oversized loafers. His white hair and mustache are wild and ungroomed, and this thick glasses are constantly in need of polishing.
J. Jonah Jamieson
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Owner of the Cormus Daily Planet
Although technicalities might indicate otherwise, J. Jonah Jamieson seems utterly convinced that he practically owns the city of Cormus. After all, Jamieson has a stranglehold on the Cormus Daily Planet, the city's most circulated newspaper. In so doing, he can control the flow of information and shape it to his will. This mostly seems to involve the use of editorial power to vilify and demonize vigilantes of any form, especially of the masked variety. Jamieson's status as an overbearing blowhard is further demonstrated by the contempt he shows his own staff, commonly referring to their work as nothing more than trash. In keeping with the persona of the domineering boss, Jamieson wears a dress shirt, pants, tie and suspenders. His gray hair is done in a brush cut, and his little mustache is carefully trimmed. He also is in the habit of smoking thick cigars.
Inspector Giraud
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Precinct 6's Surete
Inspector Giraud is something of a legend among the Surete, or at least the french equivalent thereof. Giraud is known not just for his bourgeois sensibilities and his distaste for the British, but also for his observation skills. This has earned him the nickname of The Hound, based on the way he's able to sniff out clues from even the most stale crime scenes. Giraud is customarily dressed professionally in a black three-piece suit, with polished shoes, gold cufflinks and an immaculate black bowler. His similarly shaded mustache is small and slightly curled. When he's not busy sipping from a small cup of espresso, Giraud can usually be found smoking tiny European cigarettes.
Ernie Devlin
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: Stunt Driver
Though the younger generations might not recognise him, Ernie Devlin remains the most courageous and daring stunt rider in the business. Yeah, he's broken and fractured every bone in his body several times, leading to the insertion of various metal plates. Now well past his prime, Devlin continues to perform dangerous stunts at carnivals and fairs all over the galaxy. He's forgotten more about pain than anyone else will ever remember. About pain. About forgetting about it. Devlin looks the part of a washed up star. He's now rather paunchy, with gray hair and way too many prescription drugs. He wears a white track suit with red and blue stripes, and he rides a similarly covered Devlin Bluestreak bike, which has a habit of bursting into flames after any collision.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Freelance Journalist
Waldo is a freelance travel journalist with a penchant for playing hide and seek at inappropriate times. Regardless of the weather, he can be found wearing jeans, a red and white striped shirt and a matching tuque/scarf combo. Waldo also wears thick glasses and often loses his left shoe. In addition, he loves travelling, and fortunately this allows him to write articles on various attractions which can then be submitted to the Cormus Daily Planet. He lives with his brother Willard, who looks much like him. In fact, it is speculated that the family resemblance would turn family reunions into massive manhunts.
Inspector Keanu Reeves
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Inspector with Precinct 13
Keanu Reeves is one of four inspectors at Precinct 13, though how he rose to such a rank remains an open question among his detractors. In spite of his long tenure on the force, Inspector Reeves is still easily amazed. Especially by any sort of paranormal or psychic phenomena. Most of the time, Reeves can be found wearing jeans, a white t-shirt and a colorful Hawaiian shirt. When attending formal functions, Reeves often tricks himself out by donning a long black trenchcoat, shades and some selective use of slow motion. When this gawky detective is forced into combat, he is known to let loose with an oozie and to take pills, which sometimes allows him to go into bullet time.
Chief Quimby
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Chief Police Commissioner
Quimby is in charge of the Cormus Police Department, and heads the highly bureaucratic Police Commission. He's also noted for hiding at even the most inappropriate times and delvering his instructions via self-destructing messages. In addition, he seems to attribute most successful operations to a thus far unseen Inspector Gadget. Quimby is a short, rotund man with balding brown hair and a small walrus mustache. He is usually attired in a blue dress shirt, suspenders, black pants and a blue tie. Quimby's friendliness is further assured by the pipe he continually smokes.
Lite Metal
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Artist
Modern art is often really strange, and so are the people who produce it. Lite Metal is no exception. In keeping with the style of her pieces, she always wears shiny, metallic clothing and a metal glove on her right hand. Her dark hair is streaked with blond, because she's totally artsy and all. Lite Metal is part of a new generation of artists that have been shaking up the more conservative art world with their cutting-edge work. While not nearly as popular as some of her peers, such as the enigmatic Krypto, Lite Metal does offer somewhat original content. All her paintings are based on metalwork, and the distortion of metallic substances.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: CEO of Cyberdine
Evadine is the CEO of Cyberdine, one of the most powerful companies based in Cormus. Cyberdine specializes in such high technology fields as weapons development and robotics. They also have several subsidiaries, including an ISP called Skynet. Evadine is a descendant of Cyberdine's original founder, and she has led the company to new heights of prosperity. She has blond hair arranged in the latest elegant style and piercing blue eyes. While attending the many charitable events that Cyberdine sponsors, she can usually be found wearing a red evening gown, a maroon scarf and an elbow-length white glove on her left hand. Although she expends much energy to portray her company as urbane and civilized, it's said that she has a good head for business, and can be quite ruthless.
Mr. Izael
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Owner of Izael Industries
Mr. Izael is the owner of Izael Industries, another corporate behemoth based in Cormus. Izael has also set up the Izael foundation, a philanthropic subsidiary that funds charitable and cultural activities throughout the city. Unlike certain other members of the elite, Mr. Izael seems to have little taste for social events, and treats them more as unfortunate obligations than pleasures. This reclusive attitude has led to a certain amount of gossip in high society circles. Izael is a younger man, with curly black hair and a somewhat darker complexion. He is always neatly attired in a black tuxedo.
Ricky Tan
Race: Warchon
Affiliation: Warchon Wok
Warchon Wok is the only fast food chain that offers authentic Warchon cooking. The galaxy's appetite for this unique sort of taste has resulted in the very rapid expansion of the Wok. In addition, this chain is also the main employer of expatriate Warchons, and is not officially sanctioned by the Warchon government. Ricky Tan is in charge of Warchon Wok's Deksiilan operations. He resides in the city of Cormus, where he also collects and displays artwork from his native world. Though he has spent many years living on Deksiil, Ricky still seems highly contemptuous of its people, and often refers to them condescendingly as overly arrogant. Like all of his kind, Ricky has dark skin and hair, the latter of which is worn slicked back. He usually wears professional blue business suits with black ties, and can rarely be seen without his laptop.
Eddie Brock
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Journalist with the Daily Planet
According to J. Jonah Jamieson, one young journalist is much like any other, and as such they're all eminently disposable. Eddie Brock might disagree, though he would probably do so in a rude and crude manner. Because he's that kind of guy. As a lowly photographer and journalist at the Cormus Daily Planet, Brock is well aware that his job security is only a function of JJJ's whims. Especially considering he's slated to cover the art and culture beat, rather than the more important crime and political dossiers. Brock is a broad-shouldered man, with reddish brown hair done in a buzzcut. He generally can only afford to wear a series of ill-fitting suits. Given all this, perhaps it's not so surprising that he's so perpetually disgruntled.
Mr. Cartwright
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Publisher
Mr. Cartwright is a British gentleman who owns Oxford Publishing. Though his firm is not a large one, it has occupied the comfortable niche of compassionate conservatism, including books on many fine British topics. A staunch patriot, Cartwright is a white-haired gentleman with a thick, bushy mustache and a suit that includes a Union-Jack tie. In addition to despising the French, Cartwright also feels little fondness for brash and noisy Americans. Mr. Cartwright is also reknowned for ignoring paging systems, generally because he considers them too loud and unreliable.
Papa Dimitrio
Race: Chalchakian
Affiliation: Papa John's Pizza
Papa Dimitrio is known as one of Papa John's best fighters. He's a big Greek guy who wears a sloppy white T-shirt and jeans, and has a very strange name. Since appearing in Deep Space, he's grown a ragged gray beard and a bulging potbelly. Rumours suggest that he has also published several books on computational complexity, all with very strange art on the covers. In battle, he can use some serious street brawl skills in addition to his computational complexity, which can serve to confuse his opponent and thus render their attacks inefficient.
Carmen Sandiego
Race: Electran
Affiliation: Master Criminal
Little is known about Carmen Sandiego, other than that she's a master criminal who is rumoured to be uncatchable. Authorities from all sorts of jurisdictions have tried futilely to track her down. Some have even considered Carmen's elusiveness as sufficient evidence to dub her a certified supervillain. She certainly has the outlandish attire for the role. Her vaguely hispanic features and wavy brown hair are often hidden by a floppy red fedora. In fact, she's clothed all in that very distinctive color, from her trenchcoat to her gloves and boots. Although she has yet to be engaged in true combat by officers of the law, she has been known to wield a silenced PK-97 with considerable skill.
Floyd Robertson
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: SCTV Anchorman
Floyd Robertson is the long-suffering anchorman for SCTV news, a program fraught with poor production values and an incompetent technical crew. In fact, some speculate that these flaws are hardly exclusive to SCTV news, but instead stretch to encompass the television station as a whole. Still, as Cormus' only local network, SCTV at least has some sort of proximity advantage. In addition to Floyd Robertson, who is generally viewed as the only competent journalist at the station. Floyd is a middle-aged man with combed dark hair, a hooked nose and a large supply of unembellished gray suits. When not assuming his serious newscaster persona, Floyd is said to possess a very acerbic tongue.
Papa Delissio
Race: Chalchakian
Affiliation: Papa John's Pizza
As an interplanetary chain, Papa John's Pizza has outlets/fronts all over the galaxy. This makes it impossible for Papa John himself to address every problem called in to his business. This has led to the establishment of several important subordinates to take care of some daily deliveries. For Cormus, that job belongs to Papa Delissio. He's not delivery, he's Delissio! He's also a portly man with graying brown hair and sunglasses. Delissio usually wears a dirty white t-shirt, slathered liberally with flour and tomato sauce, and torn blue jeans. He's also often drenched in pizza grease, which is only too appropriate for his oily nature. Otherwise, Delissio is known for his Italian accent and his enthusiasm for determining the differences between delivery and frozen pizza. His conclusions, if any, have not yet been released.
'Iron' Jack Rafferty
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Corrupt Cop
Jack Rafferty is a police officer from Precinct 8's Policia. He used to work with Precinct 13, but was transferred surrounding allegations of corruption. Like John McGuire, Rafferty prefers the work of a beat cop, if only because it allows him to spend lots of time in Sin City, the roughest district of Precinct 13. He places more value on street cred than on police procedure, thus earning him the nickname of 'Iron' Jack. In fact, it's whispered that women are his only weakness. Jack is an older cop, with greasy black hair that hangs to his shoulders, a long black trenchcoat and a very big handgun, which he isn't at all hesitant to pull out in the name of self-interest. Iron Jack can rarely be found without a cigarette in hand.
Mycroft Holmes
Race: Tortalian
Affiliation: Political Candidate
Mycroft Holmes resides in a flat just off Baker Street, and specializes as a source for information about politics and high society. Mycroft claims to only be distantly related to famous detective Sherlock Holmes, although speculation exists that he might be more closely related to Sherlock than he's willing to admit. Whatever the case, Mycroft seems to bear little love for his more famous relative. Instead, he devotes himself to the pursuits of high society and his political ambitions. In fact, Mycroft plans to run in the coming civic election against Don Atchison as a mayoral candidate. A rather rotund man, Mycroft has balding brown hair with long sideburns, and always wears expensive renaissance era clothing.
Race: Warchon
Affiliation: Assassin
Of all the inhabitants of Sin City, Miho is judged to be one of the most dangerous. This reputation has been earned through her unique combination of stealth and deadliness, along with her implaccable and merciless attitude towards her job. Her foreign work ethic and utter silence are enough even to make her associates uncomfortable. Like all Warchons, Miho has very dark skin and hair, the latter of which is always pulled back from her eyes in a short ponytail. She always wears functional black clothing, including a tank-top and shorts, and carries a pair of Warchon blades at her side. In addition to her amazing swordsmanship, Miho is also capable of wielding deadly Sy-Keel darts, often acknowledged as the most devious and deadly weapons in the galaxy. Though the poison she possesses is not nearly as effective as the Sy-Keel equivalent, the darts are still capable of crippling an opponent.
Top Grunge
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: VILE Agent
Over the years, Carmen Sandiego's villainous deeds have inspired whole generations of aspiring criminals. Top Grunge is an acute example of that phenomenon. While not particularly bright, his total loyalty to the VILE (Villains' International League of Evil) organization makes him one of Carmen Sandiego's more useful henchmen. In fitting with his biker persona, Top Grunge wears a sleeveless leather vest and pants of the same material. His large biceps are crowned with crude tatoos, and his dark hair is slicked back with something resembling motor oil. Top Grunge spends most of his time prowling the streets of Sin City and harassing the girls working at Kadie's. This tends to give him plenty of opportunities to practice his street brawl skills. And when you're doing double-leg kicks, you definitely need lots of practice.
Inspector Rambo
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Inspector with Precinct 13
Inspector Rambo is the most recent addition to Precinct 13's roster of inspectors. Despite his relatively short time on the job, he has already proven himself as an effective pointman for police raids and other dangerous operations. In fact, Rambo never seems to hesitate, even when entering the most dangerous of circumstances. And for criminals, little could be more dangerous than his violent and explosive policing methods. It might even be an understatement to say that Rambo resembles a walking arsenal. Not only does he carry a autoblaster with him at all times, he also has plenty of spare ammunition strapped across his massively muscular chest. In addition, he carries a giant, serrated and often bloody knife, just in case his foes somehow get into close quarters. Otherwise, Rambo can be described as a huge man, with a black curly mullet, a red headband, army pants and steel-toed boots.
J. Peterman
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Owner of a self-titled fashion catalogue.
The name of J. Peterman is well known in the galactic fashion community. That's because it's branded in a large font on the cover of Deksiil's most influential chain of fashion magazines. Peterman himself is known as something of a dashing eccentric with a flare for strange, yet oddly boring stories of exotic travel. He's also said to have rather unique tastes. In addition, he has a reputation among his employees for making strange and whimsical business decisions without any notice whatsoever. Somehow, all of this has done little to alienate the mainstream of the fashion world, wherein Peterman products seem guaranteed to find a wide and appreciative audience. In person, Peterman can be described as a tall, sharply dressed man with styled white hair. In fact, his outfit of choice, which includes dockers, a dress shirt and a shiny vest of some sort, may well be smarter than its wearer. Peterman is almost never seen without a coffee mug in hand.
Inspector Vladislav
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Precinct 4's KGB
While not always observing all the niceties generally associated with maintaining good public relations, Precinct 4's KGB is seen as a model of policing efficiency. In that regard, Inspector Vladislav represents his district well. He's a giant man with a thick accent and an even thicker black shaggy beard. His uniform of choice includes a black suit, minus a tie that would distance him from the working class, a red shirt and a black furry hat. Vladislav has a long history on the force, and consequently helped to develop the KGB's controversial methods, which eschew subtlety in favor of a direct, overwhelming approach.
Vic the Slick
Race: Electran
Affiliation: VILE Agent
Vic the Slick is one of the IBI Agents who joined Carmen Sandiego in defecting from the agency and forming VILE (Villains' International League of Evil). Covert ops are Vic's area of expertise. To this end, he often goes under the clever pseudonym of Victor. Former colleagues often compare him unfavorably to a used car salesman, which actually describes Vic the Slick fairly accurately. His dark hair is poofy and greasy, and the only thing more oily than his mustache would have to be his smile. He typically wears extremely loud plaid suits, usually accompanied by a polka-dot tie. In combat, Vic wields a PK-43 with the skill of an amateur. His more powerful abilities include the creation of oil slicks and the fact that he's one slippery customer. This allows him to cut deals with anyone about to strike him.
Jane Reaction
Race: Electran
Affiliation: VILE Scientist
Jane Reaction served in the IBI's science division before quitting in the wake of Carmen Sandiego's departure from the service. Now she uses her science for evil, as part of VILE. Her field of choice is chemistry, and her knowledge in that area allows her to use both explosive and acidic chemicals during combat. She is also capable of manipulating high tech equipment such as healing syringes. Jane Reaction's only defense against aggression is the fact that she won the chemistry graduation award back in high school. This certificate alone is enough to cancel one attack launched from any character played by Garrett Richards. However, subsequent attacks from those characters are fueled by bitter rage that make them only more powerful. Jane appears to be a rather typical, unassuming scientist. This includes brown hair in a ponytail, safety glasses and a white labcoat. She carries many bubbling beakers with her, ready to be tossed at a moment's notice.
Thomas Griffin
Race: Electran
Affiliation: Electran Ambassador
Thomas Griffin is the Electran Ambassador to Deksiil. Although he makes his home in Cormus, he often commutes to Coursair for important affairs of the state. Griffin is a rather smarmy fellow, with a slight and often forgotten British accent. He's got a terrible poker face and brown hair that has begun to gray at the temples. Most of the time, Griffin can be seen wearing a civilized Electran suit. When not attending to his duties as an ambassador, he seems to have a taste for perusing cultural artifacts, especially from his home empire. He seems to consider such pieces as integral parts of Electra's history.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: The Cormus Daily Planet
Scaevoli has covered the crime beat for the Cormus Daily Planet for many years, and comes across as a scathing critic of the police and their methods. Unsurprisingly, this attitude seems to have endeared him to J. Jonah Jamieson, at least insofar as any mere replaceable employee can enjoy JJJ's affections. Although opinions differ, some rumours suggest that Scaevoli's quarrel with the police is a result of a personal tragedy that occured many years ago and could possibly have been averted with more vigilant policing. Others believe he's just a jerk in the mold of his employer. Scaevoli can be described as a tall man, with spiked red hair and intense green eyes. He's usually clothed all in black, most prominently including an ankle-length leather trenchcoat.
Sweyn Canute
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Globo Gym
Globo Gym was initially commissioned to spearhead the city's In Motion campaign, which was to begin by imposing a healthy physical lifestyle on civic employees, such as the police department. Sweyn Canute was chosen to be the point man on this job, which isn't surprising given his astounding physique. In fact, Sweyn considers himself to be a walking work of art, what with his sculpted muscles and his abs of steel. Otherwise, his description includes slicked back blond hair, gym shorts and sometimes an In Motion t-shirt. He is also known for speaking with something vaguely resembling a Dutch accent. While ostensibly preparing to hold fitness classes, Canute was actually responsible for planting a bomb in Precinct 13. His reasons for doing so remain unclear, although they might well involve getting points through raiding.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Precinct 13 Police Officer
Eldridge is an older member of the police force who is continuing to work well past the typical retirement age. In keeping with his age, he wears a blue sweater-vest over his police uniform and hobbles along with the help of a cane. While his apparent frailty might make him appear unsuited for the police force, the fact that he survived the sinking of the Andrea Doria is a testament to his hardy spirit. In fact, this ordeal has given Eldridge a reputation for courage in the face of adversity and tragedy that has translated into several tangible benefits, such as first dibs on empty cubicles.
Conrad/Connie/Con/Rad/Whatever you prefer
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Handyman
They say it's hard to find a good handyman, and Conrad may just be the man to prove that rule. That's because he's only as good as your input, since everything he does is based upon it. Furthermore, he will sometimes chastise employers for failing to make decisions, and insist that they provide exhaustive and exact specifications before he can proceed with any project. Of course, all of this is under the guise of ensuring that Conrad conforms to the customer's needs. Conrad is a fairly large man, with brown hair and a trimmed beard. Like most workmen (and some legal assistants), he is prone to wearing flannel. He is also known to constantly wear a toolbelt.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: French Revolutionary
The french quarter of Cormus has several pillars, and one of them is certainly Robespierre. In addition to serving on the french community association, Robespierre also doubles as a writer and philosopher who espouses the removal of the aristocracy in favor of a more bourgeois ruling class. This has led some to speculate that his third profession is that of a revolutionary, though this has not been confirmed, unless you count his fascination with the guillotine as sufficient evidence. In keeping with his image in the community, Robespierre is never seen without a curly white wig and tinted glasses. His nose is hooked and sharp, and he wears renaissance style clothing. Otherwise, he is best known for his undying hatred of one Johnny English.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Robespierre's Butler
Employing a butler can be an important status symbol, and is absolutely essential for a man like Robespierre. Jean-Claude is currently fulfilling that role, and has done so admirably for many years. This includes donning a professional butler's attire, complete with wig and fancy cravat. Jean-Claude is always very prim and proper, and has grown quite a taste for the high life. Coincidently enough, his belly seems to have grown at approximately the same time, to such an extent that he can barely hide it behind his cummerbund.
The Leader
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Sunshine Carpet Cleaners
Since their opening, many people have come to suspect that the Sunshine Carpet Cleaners are really some sort of secret,yet highly-selective cult. Maybe it's their low prices, their creepy demeanor or those goofy yellow and red jumpsuits. More likely, it could be the way they refer to themselves only via numbers, except for The Leader, which is both his name and title. As that would imply, the Leader seems to command almost complete devotion from his followers. His appearance differs from that of his minions by including a goatee, a mustache and an ornate headdress with a sunburst on the front. In combat, the Leader seeks to clean up foes by running them over with a zamboni. It works surprisingly well, though it does leave a mess behind. That's when the minions come in to sweep up the leftovers.
Inspector Valtyrez
Race: Armorian
Affiliation: Precinct 13 Police Inspector
Some view Valtyrez as Precinct 13's only competent inspector, possibly because he was the last to appear. Or maybe because Reeves is one of his contemporaries. In fact, Inspector Valtyrez has recently become known as one of the city's top cops after several successful raids against the Bleeding Hollow gang, which allowed for the confiscation of heavy weaponry and narcotics. As such, he is often tapped for special assignments, many of which are strictly classified. Valtyrez is also one of the few Armorians working for the Cormus police force. He has the typical noble build, with long golden hair and fair features. He is usually seen wearing blue Armorian armor, embossed with the police crest. His azure cape is marked in a similar fashion.
Dr. Falstav
Race: Denchulli
Affiliation: Arkham Asylum
Dr. Falstav is fairly new in town, but has quickly risen to become one of the city's top psychologists. Furthermore, his expertise in this area is often brought into court for testimonies on the mental state of criminals. When he's not on the stand, Dr. Falstav can usually be found serving time at Cormus General Hospital or running Arkham Asylum, where he treats many patients. Falstav is a young man, with stringy black hair that is usually slicked back, creepy eyes and glasses. As befitting his profession, he is always professionally attired in a dark suit, with a briefcase never far from his side.
Gerry the Sidler
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Peterman Catalogue
Gerry is the most recently hired head writer at the Peterman fashion catalogue. In fact, he's only been working there for the past several weeks. Still, Mr. Peterman feels he's made several worthwhile contributions to the company mostly by showing up in time to sponge up credit and disappearing before blame can be laid. These are made possible by Gerry's sidling abilities. He's a real sidler. Gerry also enjoys the animosity of all his coworkers, possibly because he seems to consider everything stored within the company fridge to be free for the taking. Gerry has poofy brown hair, a smarmy smile and a beige suit. He is also sometimes encumbered with noisy objects, such as watches or Tic-Tacs, in order to hamper his gratuitous sidling.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Peterman Catalogue
Elain is another head writer who works at the Peterman catalogue. She is known to be abrasive and more than a little duplicitous. She is also said to greatly resemble Suzy, a higher ranking writer at the catalogue who is rarely seen. Elaine has curly black hair, a ginormous head and usually wears black suits. She has also recently taken to wearing an urban sombrero, the latest Peterman offering which combines urban style with rural sensibilities. Plus, this serves to make her head look more appropriately sized for her body. After all, anything looks small underneath an urban sombrero.
Race: Loracian
Affiliation: Peterman Catalogue
Walter is the third head writer at the Peterman fashion catalogue. Walter would also claim that, unlike his colleagues, he worked his way up to his position by studiously climbing the corporate ladder, as opposed to benefiting from Mr. Peterman's whimsical management style. Having worked this hard, Walter takes his job and his career very seriously. He won't do anything that could jeopardize his prospects at the company, including backing down from an angry barbarian. Walter is a dignified man, with short dark hair and a style of dress that mirrors that of his employer. This includes a dress shirt and pants, and a shiny gold vest. When called into combat, Walter usually rips the shirt off to reveal impressive muscles and some decent martial art skills.
Race: Dortalian
Affiliation: Burmese Tribe
Wanga-Ta is the self-proclaimed King of the Jungle, and also the de-facto leader of the Dortalian Burmese Tribe. However, Wanga's leadership was contested by J. Peterman, who visited the tribe during his travels several years ago. Peterman used verbal spars to humiliate Wanga and argue for the position of head, and left the planet before Wanga could face him in single combat - the traditional Burmese method for determining leadership. As such, Wanga-Ta's title could not be official until he tracked down Peterman and resolved this challenge. Given that Wanga-Ta is a massive barbarian, complete with huge muscles outlined in warpaint and feathered hair, Peterman was not eager to face such a challenge. It might also have had something to do with Wanga-Ta's massive battle ax.
The Anthropologist
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Precinct 13 Police Officer
The Anthropologist considers himself distinct from the other cops stationed at Precinct 13, mostly because of his distinguished education and his consequent knowledge of culture. In fact, the Anthropologist was once an official anthropology professor at the University of Cormus before deciding that he needed to personally address the inherent bias in the policing sciences. This is reflected in his appearance, which includes a carved tribal mask, a generic police uniform and a twisted yet highly cultural staff. The Anthropologist believes his hollistic approach is the only way to ease cultural relations in a multiethnic meltingpot like Cormus. Failing that, he's willing to blast foes with a Culture Shock or arm savages with the boom, otherwise known as rifles with exploding bullets.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Renault Dealership
Lambert is the manager of Precinct 6's historic Renault dealership, and also a confirmed french patriot. In fact, the Renault dealership was one of the first businesses founded in the french quarter. As such, it has tremendous significance amongst the bourgeois community. Although it is owned by Robespierre, Lambert is the on-site boss who spends most of his days hawking the small cars that have made Renault infamous throughout the rest of the city. As such, his description fits well with that of the archetypical used car salesman. He's an older man, with graying curly hair, a long wispy goatee and wire-rimmed spectacles. He is usually attired in a round, felt cap and a cheap, patched suit.
Johnny English
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: British
Opinions on Johnny English depend heavily on the section of the city in which they are solicited. Almost anyone in Precinct 6's french quarter is sure to describe English as a dastardly rogue. On the other hand, the British of Precinct 17 would call English a staunch patriot and all around corkin' good chap. Johnny's appearance could match him with either description, and includes a long nose, dark hair and black, tieless suits that cater to his dashing image. As befits his reputation, English's profession is officially that of a playboy, leaving him lots of time to promote his presence throughout the community. It is also rumoured that English is part of a secret British organization known only as the Limeys, though there is no consensus as to what this group actually does.
Union Jack
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: British Superhero
Union Jack is also a polarizing figure. Most British consider him a bold, bonafide superhero, while the French call him a scoundrel. Inspector Lestrade refers to him as a mere vigilante criminal. Regardless, Jack's following throughout Precinct 17 has allowed him to escape capture time and again, only to reappear later and energize his follow Britons. Union Jack's inspiring costume includes a skintight, blue spandex suit, emblazoned with the Union Jack. He also wears a similar flag as a cape, and compliments it with flared blue gloves and boots. Finally, his identity is protected by a Union Jack bandanna with conveniently cut eyeholes. In combat, Union Jack wields a pair of antique dueling pistols and wordplay with almost equal skill. His only weakness would have to be his tendancy to pause for tea right before finishing off an opponent.
Nicholas Chesterly
Race: Electran
Affiliation: Precinct 13 Legal Assistant
Nicholas Chesterly is a recent graduate from the Cormus Police Academy who is said to have followed faithfully in the footsteps of his mentor, Wheatie. In fact, it's rumoured that a certain instructor at the Academy with a penchant for nicknames has long referred to young Nicholas as 'Mini-Wheat'. This could also perhaps be due to Nicholas' gangly and awkward posture, or his dedication to books and paperwork. Otherwise, Nicholas could be described as an earnest young man with an interest in debating, boring black hair, glasses and a professional suit. In combat, he can wield some basic psychics. These skills can improved considerably by support from a crowd of colleagues and other such supportive judges.
Eastside Mario
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Papa John's Pizza
Eastside Mario runs a successful subsidiary of Papa John's pizza chain that caters to a more hip, urban demographic. His other duties apparently include bad rapping and joint deliveries with the United Underworld. In keeping with his mobster on the make persona, Eastside Mario is a younger man with slicked back black hair and a sleazy smile. He is also in the habit of wearing even sleazier leather suits, coupled with an Eastside Mario's apron. Mario's formal combat training is in the use of nunchuku. However, he has modernized his approach by replacing the traditional weapon with a link of sausages. This way, Mario can attack and eat almost simultaneously. Otherwise, Mario relies on his Badda-Bing raps to increase the accuracy and power of allied firearms users, at the expense of his own health.
Mr. X
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Elusive Criminal
Very little is known about the elusive Mr. X, aside from his description and the fact that he can be best described with the repeated use of a single adjective. But if forced to do otherwise, one could say that Mr. X is a nondescript man of medium height, always seen wearing a long black trenchcoat, a floppy black Spy Vs. Spy hat and sunglasses. Mr. X has long been the nemesis of Precinct 17's Scotland Yard, who have tried repeatedly to apprehend him. In combat, Mr. X wields an arsenal of advanced gadgets, including a lazer pistol and several conveyances. This latter category seems to include everything from taxis to boats, and demonstrates the full destructive capabilities of public transit.
Race: Electran
Affiliation: Precinct 10's Eagles of Justice
The Eagles of Justice represent yet another of Don Atchison's policing innovations. This pilot project involves the use of aerial police resources, including armed helicopters, which can be called in by other Precincts to assist in operations such as raids and chases. Amphion is widely acknowledged as the best pilot working with this project. She also considers herself to be something of a top gun, perhaps understandably, and is always geared to go for the most daring and dangerous missions. Like most pilots, Amphion is customarily garbed in a blue fightsuit, though hers is adorned with eagle talons emblazoned on the shoulders. Her flight helmet is similarly elaborate, with an eagle's beak inscribed on the front. Otherwise, she can be described as a tall, slender woman with aviator's sunglasses and short blond hair.
Dr. Glossan
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Medical Doctor
Dr. Glossan is a doctor who works at Cormus General Hospital. He's actually a St. Christopher's man, having done his training at that semi-religious and very conservative college some years ago. This has placed him in good standing with the general medical community, such that he is sometimes given authority to delegate special medical tasks. Glossan is a young doctor, with long curly brown hair, a white labcoat and a stethoscope that perpetually hangs around his neck. He is also somewhat reknowned for extolling on the virtues of the tongue, and for promising ice cream to anyone who undergoes his treatment.
Tor Eckman
Race: Tortallian
Affiliation: Hollistic Healer
Unfortunately, the medical establishment is a business like any other. And a business requires customers. Furthermore, they always want to sell you their most expensive item, which is unnecessary surgery. Now, Tor is not a businessman. He's a hollistic healer. It's a calling, it's a gift. With a description like this, it's no surprise that the medical community believes Tor Eckman is a danger to society. In fact, he's been arrested several times for prescribing illegal substances to his patients. In keeping with his faith healer persona, Tor's attire tends to be eclectic and weird. It usually consists of a gray shirt, goofy brown trousers and a mulicolored vest. When forced into combat, Tor can use intuitive abilities such as the celestial pyramid to paralyze his foes. He can also direct random asides at his foes, questioning their bathing habits or their consumption of dairy products. One of his most powerful attacks involves rubbing his opponent's face and declaring them in disharmony, after first asking their permission.
Dr. Dickens
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Scientist
Dr. Dickens was fairly recently promoted to be head of the Cormus Police Lab. In assuming this position, she effectively demoted Dr. Wagner to his current role as manager of the equipment depot at Precinct 13, though apparently he didn't get the memo on this subject. Originally a biologist and expert in monstrous marital affairs, Dr. Dickens can be described as a middle aged woman with brown hair, a labcoat and only a single frame of animation. Her competence, or perhaps lack thereof, has yet to be truly tested. Rumours suggest that much of her scientific method involves claiming she can't help at this specific time.
Doc Ock
Race: Electran
Affiliation: Mad Scientist
It's not really clear if Doc Ock was ever officially granted the title of doctor, or whether he just assumed it upon declaring himself a mad scientist. Either way, Ock is a man with little sanity or grammar. The extent of his science seems to involve the four crazy robotic arms he has fused to his back. These arms have their own AI, and though it makes no sense, they seem able to block almost any attack launched at Doc Ock. As a supervillain, it's no surprise that Ock usually wears a tacky yellow and green outfit, complete with really weird glasses and a bowl haircut. Although his motivations don't seem entirely clear, Ock appears to be working for the United Underworld. Then again, mad scientists aren't reknowned for having particularly lucid motives.
Dr. Doom
Race: ??
Affiliation: Medical Doctor
Dr. Doom is a rather melodramatic doctor who practices at Cormus General Hospital. This is expressed both in terms of his appearance, which includes a menacing frame, a hooded dark green cloak, metal gauntlets and a metal mask, and in the manner in which he performs his surgeries. This, along with his undeniably sinister name, have combined to make him greatly feared by all his patients. On the other hand, the hospital admin are often amused and entertained by his dramatic touches. There are rumours that Dr. Doom was once some sort of supervillain with a taste for lightning, but these remain mere speculation.
Professor Moriarty
Race: Tortallian
Affiliation: Leader of the United Underworld
Professor Moriarty is perhaps the most infamous criminal mastermind the galaxy has ever known. Unbeknownst to most of the police, it is highly likely he secretly controls the operations of the United Underworld from the shadows, as well as nearly every other element of crime in the city. His other hobbies include rearranging the letters of his own name in order to form baffling riddles for the heroes. Villains like to do that, you know. Otherwise, Moriarty can be described as a tall, cadaverous man with a dark cloak, top-hat, sinister goatee and a skull-tipped cane.
Race: Denchulli
Affiliation: Supervillain
The Scarecrow has been mentioned several times as one of Cormus' resident supervillains, but is still only rarely seen by law enforcement authorities. His true identity is disguised by a burlap sack that he wears over his head. While this mask might normally seem benign or even ridiculous, the very opposite is true for those suffering the effects of Scarecrow's neurotoxins. These hallucinogens can cripple an opponent, especially when combined with a view of the Scarecrow's mask. After suffering such severe trauma, often a victim is left shattered and broken, capable of little more than repeating the Scarecrow's name in an endless litany of terror.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Papa John's Pizza
McCain is a doughy henchman who works for Papa John's Pizza. To be specific, he's part of Eastside Mario's delivery team. Unlike some delivery boys, McCain is more likely to eat his delivery than to collect tips. In fact, he's one of the few members of the Papa John's team who is willing to eat the pizza even when it's frozen. This is possibly due to McCain's rising crust abilities, which grant him a huge appetite. In combat, McCain fights with a combination of brawl and his own doughy stature, which makes him resistant to all kinds of fire attacks, including firearms.
Papa Smurf
Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: Papa John's Pizza
Papa Smurf is the other member of Eastside Mario's delivery team. He's a rotund man with blue skin, red pants and a red tuque. He has a long white beard that is often stained with tomato sauce, or blood from the victims of his point-blank shotgun blasts. It's sometimes hard to tell those two apart. Urban legends suggest that Papa Smurf was once part of a children's television show, but was eventually fired after he fired his shotgun at some of the kids who wouldn't stop singing the show's tiresome themesong.
Race: Lorician
Affiliation: Defense Attorney
Anwar is a defense lawyer who, like Nicholas Chesterly, comes from a rich background of debate. While admittedly short on legal experience, Anwar believes his rhetorical skills and his knowledge of the constitution are more than enough to win any case. In fact, Anwar is often so confident that he promises to school his opponents, even when such appears extremely unlikely. This does not speak well for Anwar's observational skills, but pointing this out to him would only cause him to claim that you're violating human rights. Which are fundamental. Like most of those who came through the debating program, Anwar is most often seen in a professional black suit, though his dark hair and teenstache are usually ungroomed.
Judge Hiram Mightor
Race: Dortalian
Affiliation: Judge
Judge Hiram Mightor was only recently admitted to the bench, and some would argue that his qualifications are still in question. As one of the least experienced justices in the Cormus system, Mightor is often charged with officiating over more basic, simple cases where the trial is expected to be fairly trivial. Recent events have demonstrated that even Cormus' judiciary is not beyond the reach of crime, and as such some have even claimed that Mightor was brought onboard not for any legal knowledge, but because all alternative candidates were too intimidated to apply. Mightor is not so easily frightened; he's a giant of a man and his judge's robes do little to conceal his bulging muscles. Mightor also wears a spiked helmet underneath his white judge's wig, and carries a war club instead of a traditional gavel.
Judge Arthur Vandelais
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Judge
A veteran of the legal system, Judge Art Vandelais has seen it all before, and it shows in his world-weary eyes. His hair is short and white, and his judge's robes hang loosely about his spare frame. His face is lined, both due to age and metaphorical scars from intense legal proceedings. There is speculation that Art Vandelais once harbored ambitions of becoming an architect, though his dreams were never realised. Instead, he has presided over several of the more important trials to hit the Cormus courts, and is always diligent to see that due process is followed.
Boyd Brennan Esq.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Corrupt Defense Attorney
Boyd Brenna Esq. is a successful corporate lawyer with a reputation for taking on any case that comes with a sufficiently large pile of cash. Furthermore, Brennan has been investigated several times in the past for becoming too close with his clients. Brennan's successful response to these charges has been to argue that he's only looking out for the best interests of his clients, and any financial interest that accrues to him is merely coincidental. As an experienced lawyer, Brennan always appears ready to head right into court. This includes usually wearing an expensive gray suit, a red power tie and carrying a styrofoam cup of Starbucks brew. Otherwise, Boyd can be described as a portly gentleman, with balding brown hair and a walrus mustache. When pushed into combat, he is known to exercise his right to bear arms through the use of a Shmitzer, and to plea bargain in an attempt to lessen any damage against him.
The Amazon
Race: Chalchakian
Affiliation: Arkham Asylum
Regarded by many as one of the most dangerous inmates interred at Arkham, the Amazon is a bounty hunter from Chalchak who fights with a pair of deadly spiked boomerangs. She is also mentally unstable, according to Dr. Falstav, which formed the basis for her transfer to Arkham asylum. The Amazon was on trial for several cases of assault when Falstav submitted his expert testimony. Even while locked in the institution, the Amazon maintains her wild appearance, complete with long brown hair adorned with feathers, a weird metal helmet and rustic clothing. Before entering into combat, the Amazon prefers to scout out the area such that she can plan her deadly boomerang attacks to best effect.
Chris Tucker
Race: Loracian
Affiliation: Starfleet Security
Another cameo from the Deep Space campaign, Chris Tucker is reputed to be the fastest mouth in the west. Tucker's mouth has also been compared unfavorably with the 7-11 chain of convenience stores, because both are always open. After all his heroic efforts on behalf of Starfleet Security during the Deep Space incidents, Chris Tucker has decided to take several long vacations back to Deksiil. This has involved some serious gambling and a reunion with Jackie, his former partner, who is supposed to hook him up with some mushu. While on vacation, Tucker can most often be seen in a blue suit and tie that don't come close to matching the volume of his mouth.
Race: Denchulli
Affiliation: Benson & Hedges Accounting
Barley is an employee at Benson & Hedges Accounting who doubles as the bizarro Wheatie. While the two share similar origins and upbringings, they diverge vastly on several important areas. One such is higher education. Barley went through a community college to obtain his practical accounting skills. As such, he demonstrates a strong contempt for academia and its associated educational institutions. Barley is a shorter, pudgy fellow who usually wears a checkered suit with patches on the elbows.
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: Hazaltan Dojo
Naruto is a young Fenixan who is absolutely obsessed with becoming the greatest ninja ever. To pursue his dream, he trains daily at the Hazaltan dojo where he strives to achieve coveted martial-arts belts. Naruto's hot-headedness and lack of discipline often get him in trouble, but his boundless enthusiasm is usually able to mitigate the damage. To this end, he's always willing to take on extra 'training missions', regardless of their nature. Naruto is also absolutely convinced that he is the main character of this campaign, despite all indications to the contrary. Unlike most ninja, Naruto dresses in bright orange, with a blue vest and headband. His spiky hair is bleached blond, and his cheeks are adorned with stupid teen whiskers.
Race: Spheran
Affiliation: Hazaltan Dojo
Picasso is another artist who studies at the Hazaltan dojo. His specialties lie more in the styles of impressionism and cubism, neither of which are particularly useful in combat. Still, Picasso isn't afraid to take the hard knocks that are routinely part of training at the dojo. That's because he's got life insurance, and lots of it. This allows him to transform even the slightest wounds into major cash payouts, which he can use to supplement his lowly artist's income. Picasso's appearance is mostly determined by his artistic stylings, and includes messy black hair, a carefully groomed mustache and a purple kharate ghi with baggy sleeves that are heavily spotted with paint.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Hazaltan Dojo
Hazaltan is the sensei at the aptly-named Hazaltan dojo, and provides teaching to students from many different age groups. He is firmly against age-based segregation, and believes size is unimportant next to ferocity. Of course, this ferocity must be tempered by strict discipline. Contrary to most stereotypes, Hazaltan isn't incredibly old. In fact, his dark spiky hair is only tipped with white. He customarily wears a white kharate ghi with a striped tiger belt and fingerless gloves, and his face is adorned with several scars. As expected, his combat skills are mostly centered around martial arts. It should be noted that his skill seems to increase when some of his students are present during the fight to watch him demonstrate amazing moves.
Captain Hastings
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Poirot's Assitant
Captain Arthur Hastings serves as Poirot's staunch and constant companion in the fight against crime. Though not reknowned for his mental capabilities, Hastings balances this shortcoming with endless determination and British notions of sportmanship. In fact, his willingness to leap into action at the slightest provocation has made him a useful sidekick for accomplishing tasks that aren't in accordance with Poirot's rather sedate tastes. Furthermore, as a retired Deksiilan army officer, Hastings has training in both unarmed combat and firearms. As a precaution, he usually carries a PK-43 in his conservative, gray suit. Otherwise, Hastings can be described as a tall, older man with gray hair that is parted on one side, thus making it both assymetrical and the target of Poirot's frequent wrath.
Lady DeBeers
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: DeBeers Diamond Company
The DeBeers diamond company is the largest of its kind on Deksiil, and has an indelible galactic reputation for providing very high quality products. Lady DeBeers is the heir to these vast holdings, and makes no secret of her amazing wealth. However, some experts have commented that her costly lifestyle in combination with a shaky mining market might soon send DeBeers spiralling into crisis. Perhaps this was part of the motive for Lady DeBeers' attempt to collect on a huge insurance policy by faking the theft of the famous DeBeers diamond ring. Lady DeBeers is a dark-haired woman who can practically be described as a diamond mine in her own right, considering the numerous such gems that are worked into the silver tiara and the silver dress she often wears. She also carries a concealed diamond-hilted D6-Minigun.
The Mouth
Race: ??
Affiliation: ??
Little is known about the large man who has declared himself as The Mouth. He does seem to engage in a lot of trash talk, which isn't surprising given that he's such a big Mouth. He also claims to speak with 'His voice', espcially when delivering threatening messages, although it's not clear who He is, or what these threats really entail. On the other hand, it is clear that the Mouth serves as an intimidating presence on the field of battle. He wears a massive suit of black full-plate armor, which is complimented dramatically by a swirling cape and a cruel battle-scythe. His identity is concealed by a horned and visored helmet, behind which glow a pair of burning red eyes. In addition to his psychic abilities, the Mouth can also leverage his double leadership to get strategic rerolls.
Sherlock Holmes
Race: Tortalian
Affiliation: Super Sleuth
Ah, yes. Both in literature and in life, Sherlock Holmes remains one of the galaxy's greatest detectives. In fact, he created many of the cliches regarding this profession that have permeated popular culture across the galaxy. The secret to his success lies in his powers of deduction. Most people see, but do not observe; Holmes seems to find it elementary to bridge this distinction. Although he onced enjoyed the services of Doctor Watson as his sidekick, Holmes has been working on his own for the past few years. The reasons for the breaking of this partnership remain a mystery even too great for Holmes to solve. As befits the galaxy's foremost detective, Sherlock Holmes is known for wearing a brown tenchcoat, a sleuth's hat and for the ostentatious smoking of his pipe.
Race: Tortalian
Affiliation: Superhero
Aquaman is one of the newest superheroes to arrive in the city of Cormus. Of course, some would contend that he's no superhero at all. That's because his only superpowers seems to be his ability to swim and his penchant for communicating with fish. On the other hand, he is encumbered with a crippling weakness against land. He needs to be kept moist at all times, and is otherwise left flopping around like a fish out of the water. Furthermore, Aquaman's racists tendancies have earned him the derisive nickname of White Fish. He does have a tacky costume similar to the ones worn by real heroes, though his is notably more fishy. It includes a tight orange shirt, green pants, gloves and flippers. His short blond hair is always plastered wet to his skull, and is often adorned with bits of seaweed. In combat, Aquaman's skills include splashing and dunking his opponents, along with his ability to create oil spills and communicate with fish. All in all, he's one washed-up superhero.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Superhero Sidekick
Any good superhero needs a sidekick. Aquaman is by no means a good superhero, but he happens to have a sidekick anyway. Fishboy is that sidekick, and he's about as lame as he sounds. His main job is to prevent Aquaman from drying up while on shore, and he accomplishes this by spraying him with the giant supersoaker he always carries. Fittingly enough, Fishboy is also stocked with fishing supplies, including a fishing rod and bait. Like most aquatic creatures, Aquaman cannot resist gulping down these worms at every opportunity. In keeping with his persona, Fishboy is usually seen wearing a fishing vest, a flannel shirt, jeans and a tilley hat. When called into combat, he can also wield both fishing rod and supersoaker as largely ineffective weapons. However, the rod can sometimes force his foes to go fish.
The Black Bronco
Race: Loracian
Affiliation: The Cormus Broncos
The Black Bronco is both a self-proclaimed superhero and a source of open controversy. Partially due to his name. He wanted to be known as Super Bronco, but AQUAMAN decided that the Black Bronco was a more appropriate alias. The second source of controversy related to the Black Bronco is that he seems to be more of a football player than a superhero. His listed superpowers include touchdowns and fieldgoals. Perhaps most controversial of all is the fact that the Black Bronco is actually O.J. Simpson, a former pro football player who barely escaped conviction on several criminal charges. Now he's trying to clean up his image while playing for the Cormus Broncos minor league football team. Like most players of this sport, O.J. is a big man who wears a blue football jersey, tight white pants and a white football helmet. His identity is cleverly concealed by the black football marks streaked under his eyes.
Rawk Hawk
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Superhero
Rawk Hawk is a superhero who appeals more to the rambunctious teen demographic, despite his rather strange costume. It includes a yellow bird suit, with a beaked hood, spiked sunglasses, black wrestling shorts and a crystal star pendant. In essence, he looks like a badass version of Big Bird. In spite of his superhero status, Rawk Hawk has a tendancy to be an obnoxious showoff who considers himself too cool for most civilians that he encounters. In combat, the Hawk is known to rawk his foes with a combination of high-flying aerial acrobatic techniques. He is also capable of playing to the crowd. Like Aquaman, Rawk Hawk is a bit weak against land, though to a much lesser degree. When brought to ground by something such as a net, the Hawk is transformed into little more than a sitting duck.
The Soup Nazi
Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: The Department of Soup
One of the two soups provided at each kiosk in the Cormus Convention Center is prepared in the building's Central Department of Soup. The Soup Nazi is the man who runs this top secret agency. He's a perfectonist who demands that his customers live up to the same standards as his soup. This is rather difficult, as his soup is good enough to make your knees buckle. By concealing the location of the Central Department of Soup, the Soup Nazi has attempted to distance himself from his disappointing patrons. Furthermore, he's totally obsessed with adhering to his system of soup production, and refuses to accept that any other method of distributing soup could possibly be superior. The Soup Nazi is a swarthy man, with an unshaven face, a mustache and dark hair. He usually wears a spotless chef's uniform with a blue bandanna tied around his neck. He is also notoriously stingy with his bread.
Uncle Moose
Race: Denchulli
Affiliation: Wheatie's Uncle
Uncle Moose is part of Wheatie's very large and extended family, and one of only a few members of this group to renounce a rural existance in favor of the more urban life provided by the city of Cormus. Despite this, Uncle Moose retains many of his country sensibilities. This is immediately obvious from his cowboy hat, his overalls and his flannel shirt. The other dead giveaway is the fact that he's almost always chewing on a piece of straw, and speaking around it with a thick and twangy accent. Uncle Moose owns a hunting store that caters to many outdoor excursions, and also engages in peculiar activities such as cock-fighting. Like most people involved with this sport, Uncle Moose seems to believe that there's an important distinction between whether something is actually illegal or merely against the law.
Race: Chalchakian
Affiliation: Owner of a bodega
In addition to being the cousin of Senor Jose Sceptical, Marcellino is also the proprietor of a small bodega over in Precinct 8 with a reputation for ruthless, and some might even say outrageous, pricing. In his spare time, Marcellino enjoys betting on cock-fights. Participating in this fickle sport is often expensive, especially when importing vicious ringers all the way from Ecuador. He is also known for calling in favors mere moments after earning them. Marcellino is a swarthy man, with greying hair and a manly mustache. When involved with his illicit activity of choice, he can usually be seen wearing a dark leather jacket and sunglasses.
Colonel Namor
Race: Electran
Affiliation: ??
Not much is known about the mysterious Colonel Namor, other than the fact that his name could be an anagram for Moran. Colonel Sebastien Moran. More commonly known as Professor Moriarty's most cunning henchman. He's also an expert in mathematics, which he contends is an excellent way to pass the time. Furthermore, Colonel Namor seems to enjoy the sport of cock-fighting, and has coached several roosters to victory at some of Cormus' most competitive tournaments. Namor's attendance at these events can be verified by the calling cards he inevitably leaves behind: ancient Roman coins. Namor could be described as an evil genius, but he could also be described as a man of average height, with slick dark hair and a very precisely trimmed military mustache. He is usually seen wearing dark, professional suits.
Marco Escobeto
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: The Cormus Broncos
Marco Escobeto is another player for the Cormus Broncos football team, and is most remarkable due to his incredible size. It's been noted that his amazing muscles would not seem out of place on a massive gladiator. Otherwise, Escobeto can be described as having orange hair and a rather scruffy beard. In keeping with his profession, he can usually be seen wearing a blue and silver Broncos' uniform. Although seemingly unimportant at first glance, further contact reveals that Marco possesses a furiously jealous temperment, especially where his girlfriend is concerned. This can often cause him to fly into a clumsy rage, bashing everyone around him with indiscriminate and extremely sloppy brawl.
Wendy James
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Defense Lawyer
Wendy James is one of the top defense lawyers in Cormus. Her path to this position of prominence involved many years of debate experience. With so much rhetorical training, Wendy can easily deploy advanced vocabulary and verbiage. In so doing, she is often able to claim and hold the moral highground, usually on the premise that her opponents hate children. In addition to such allegations, Wendy's performance in court benefits from the fact that she is very obviously pregnant. Since she is about to bring a new Deksiilan into the world, she automatically has a bigger stake in any dicussions about the state of society at large. Wendy was called in to defend football player and sometimes superhero O.J. Simpson, but even her legal prowess was not enough to get the jury to see past the clear evidence indicting him.
Inspector Enrique
Race: Chalchakian
Affiliation: Precinct 8's Policia
Precinct 8's Policia is not generally known for its work ethic, except insofar as it seems to lack one. By that criteria, Inspector Enrique fits in well with his colleagues. He's a tall, swarthy man, with dark stubble covering his long jaw and greasy black hair that is usually hidden under a battered sombrero. Otherwise, Enrique blends in with the locals in a stripped poncho, with a bottle of tequila never far from his hands. In fact, some would say that drinking tequila is about the only thing Enrique has accomplished since reaching the rank of inspector. Of course, Enrique would claim that's only because all the cases he is presented with are much too difficult; solving them just isn't possible. In fact, even addressing cases with anything more than extremely lethargic grammar seems like almost too much for the apathetic Enrique.
Andrew Shuba
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Mayoral Candidate
Andrew Shuba is a businessman aspiring to be the mayor of Cormus. He's a single issue candidate with an extremely generic description. This alone might be enough to doom his aspirations, and it probably doesn't help that his single issue is actually really trivial: sidewalks. He's all about the sidewalks. On the other hand, his opponents can't claim that his policies aren't well grounded. By telling everyone where he stands (on sidewalks), Shuba hopes to bring attention to this vital issue, and by setting his sights low, he hopes to show that politicians can make a difference in the everyday lives of citizens.
Mr. Riven
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Mayoral Candidate
Some say that Mr. Riven is probably the only candidate who presents a credible challenge to the incumbent Don Atchison. Riven is a business consultant who has received the support of the Cormus Party, a patriotic political organization dedicated to the advancement of Cormus. This rather vague mission statement makes it hard for anyone to oppose the Cormus party without appearing to be against the city's own interests. Riven's campaign team has been working the patriotic angle from the very start of the race. In keeping with this theme, Mr. Riven can usually be seen wearing a professional black suit, complete with a tie displaying the Deksiilan flag. Otherwise, he can be described as a dark haired man with a man scarf.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: The Danes
Yorggi is one of the most dangerous soldiers fighting under the green Danish banner. He was originally part of Precint 4's KGB before defecting to form his own terrorist group, Anarchy99. This mysterious and extreme group seems interested in eliminating any sort of authority. At this point, that goal seems to coincide with the Danish occupation of Hans Island. Yorggi has long, stringy dark hair, a goatee and a black leather trenchcoat. While an experienced gunmen, Yorggi's combat tactics seem more based in his KGB roots. This involves the mixing and releasing of a deadly chemical weapon known only as Silent Night.
The Seal Clubber
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: The Danes
The seal hunt has been a Danish tradition for many years, despite the protests of hippies across the galaxy. Furthermore, the Seal Clubber is willing to use his clubs on more than just defenseless animals in order to protect his territorial hunting rights. This can often be quite effective, especially considering that the club in question is almost the size of the Clubber himself, and he's far from small. In fact, the Seal Clubber is a large, blubbery man who typically dresses in a thick sealskin parka. He is also often seen cruising the icy slopes of Hans Island on his snowmobile.
Strike Commander Leo
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Strike Commander
Leo was once a general with the Deksiilan military, and served in several peacekeeping operations before seeking and receiving an honorable discharge from the army. His retirement was not to last, as crime waves within the city of Cormus spurred him to sign up with the police force. Leo's tactical experience made him an obvious choice to lead the strike team that was sent to eliminate Sarpedon. Leo is a tall, slender man with a strict military bearing and reddish brown hair done in a close brush cut. He typically wears a long blue military coat, flared gloves and polished boots. A long Ziekfierd blade hangs slung across his back, and the worn pommel shows evidence of much use.
Agent Smith
Race: Spheran
Affiliation: The CIA
Agent Smith meets and very much embodies the mould of a standard agent employed by the Coursair Intelligence Agency (CIA). In conformance with the CIA dress code for field agents, Smith is never seen without a black business suit, dark sunglasses and a white earpiece that dangles from one of his slightly pointed ears. Smith was originally part of the cyber crimes unit, where he made his mark tracking down and unplugging hackers and viruses alike. However, his amazing martial arts skills and his competency with matrix multiplication makes him an asset to any strike team.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Strike Team
The first thing that anyone would notice about Borromir is that he somehow appears foreign, in a vaguely greasy way, despite being a native of Deksiil. Borromir's family has long labored under the ominous shadow of crime, and its presence has left them susceptible to certain sorts of corruption. Borromir is a large man, with oily blond hair and a goatee. His clothing is mostly sturdy leather, aside from his rather ornate blue bracers. Borromir's equipment is rounded out by his broad sword, circular shield and the horn of Gondor, which he seems tempted to blow at even the slightest provocation. Throughout his service with the police, Borromir has learned to dread bows above all else.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Strike Team
The stage was Hamlet's first calling. He received all the training of classical theater, along with twice the requisite amount of angst. This was only magnified by the appearance of his father's ghost, which was totally unrelated to Hamlet's addiction to several kinds of prescription drugs. Wracked with crippling indecision, Hamlet eventually left the theater and signed up with the police, determined to seek justice for some nebulous wrong committed long ago. While he does know how to fence with his ornate blade, Hamlet is still prone to interminable monologues and gripping indecision. Otherwise, he can be described as an expressive, brooding man with archaic clothing. His mood often matches that of the skull he typically carries.
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: Police Strike Team Sniper
Irvine is a macho Fenixan sniper who cut his teeth in the harsh deserts of Fenixa. Of course, these rough and tumble experiences didn't have any detrimental effects on his rugged good looks. In keeping with his cowboy persona, Irvine typically wears a torn three-piece suit, a beige trenchcoat and a black cowboy hat. His long brown hair is pulled back from his eyes in a loose ponytail, and his sniper rifle is never far from his hands. Irvine has served on several strike teams, and despite a couple allegations of laziness, he remains one of Precinct 12's top snipers.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Sarpedon's CFO
Saruman is a figure who inspires great fear in the financial sector. He serves as Sarpedon's chief financial officer. This has inspired his reputation as something of a wizard of accounting, able to make money trails disappear at an instant's notice. Tall and lean, Saruman's cadaverous frame is typically shrouded in a pure white business suit. This has earned him the title of Saruman The White. His long hair and beard also match this color scheme, and contrast heavily with his dark, cavernous eyes, which seem to smoulder with merciless cruelty.
Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: Saruman the White
According to the White Wizard of Accounting, Lurtz is the first of a new race that would be destined to rule the galaxy. In fact, Lurtz is just a green-skinned Terrorian with delusions of orcdom and an oversized iron bow. He also wears tarnished chainplate armor and a helmet emblazoned with Saruman's sigil, the white hand. Although lacking in vocabulary or importance, Lurtz makes up for much of this with his monstrous endurance. He is sometimes even known to deliberately step into attacks, if only to demonstate how little effect they have on him, even going so far as to pull blades right through his chest. This habit may not have been entirely healthy.
Philip Travis
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Paranoid Grad Student
Philip Travis is a graduate student who has been pursuing studies in archaeology at the University of Cormus. His interests focus on mummification, ancient spiritual practices and spurious superstition. In fact, he seems utterly convinced that the ancient Mongols discovered the eternal secrets of life and death through their mummification processes, and he has personally been attempting to recreate their formula for years. When Travis discovered that Mongol mummies dating back to the formation of the Electran Empire were being brought to Cormus, he was instantly paranoid that the requisite curses would wreak havoc. Travis looks like a typical underpaid, rumpled graduate student.
Colonel Blood
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: Nefarious Criminal
There are few who would display the cunning and audacity necessary to steal the Electran crown jewels from the British Museum during its opening exhibition. The nefarious Colonel Blood has the latter covered, but certainly not the former. A Fenixan expatriate, Blood has a reputation for pulling daring stunts such as this, especially in high risk and return scenarios. His fiendish plan was to stuff the jewels down his trousers and simply walk on out. In addition to his extremely ominous name, Colonel Blood had dusty red hair, a gold chain hanging from one ear and khaki clothing. When forced into combat, he could retaliate with martial art skills and by shocking his foes with the stupidity of his plans.
Dr. Sherizawa
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Cyberdine Systems
Dr. Sherizawa is the chief researcher and scientist at Cyberdine Systems. He is most reknowned for his blatant ambition, scientific brillance and his penchant for speaking as if he has been dubbed in a low quality foreign movie. Sherizawa's specialty lies in the field of automated systems, and this has translated into breakthroughs in both civilian and military projects. This has included Cyberdine's recent ED-209 and ZOOMBA robots. Dr. Sherizawa could be described as a tall, vaguely Asian man with slick dark hair and a white labcoat. He seems to have no hobbies aside from doing science.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Mayor of Domremy
When not busy directing the people of Domremy, based mostly on the authority derived from his name, Simon spends his time running the Way Inn. This is the only hotel within Domrermy, and serves as a focal point for the small community. Having been bred and raised within this rural environment, Simon displays many of the characteristics commonly associated with country towns, including a serious drawl and a wardrobe made up mostly of flannel. In addition to a shirt made of this very material, Simon usually wears blue jeans, cowboy boots and a ridiculously large belt buckle. His description also involves shaggy blond hair and a rather patchy beard.
Sheriff Dawson
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Sheriff of Domremy
As the only local law enforcement within the small community of Domremy, Sheriff Dawson tends to have a rather inflated view of his own importance. He also has a rather inflated physique, which only barely manages to fit into his beige sheriff's uniform. Befitting someone of his station, Dawson is rarely seen without his white cowboy hat or his trusty shotgun. When not busy laying down the law, Sheriff Dawson seems prone to advocating the economic benefits of gambling and smoking ridiculously large cigars. He also seems willing to do almost anything that Simon says.
Race: Loracian
Affiliation: Doom Priest
The public record contains very little information on the master criminal known only as Sarpedon. It is believed that he was responsible for an attempt to assassinate the President of Deksiil during his visit to Cormus 30 years ago. Only some bad luck prevented this plan from being successful, and it remains one of the city's most infamous crimes. Sarpedon's motives for planning such a deed remain unclear, but rumours at the time suggested he was part of some dark cult that was intent on descending Deksiil into anarchy. When pressed into combat, Sarpedon often dons the dark, spiked armor of his order. This also includes a horned helmet and a rippling cape, emblazoned with the symbol of a lidless eye, burning with infernal fire.
Race: Vulcan
Affiliation: Pastor of Domremy
Officially a missionary representing the Church of Cormus, Sybok was sent out to Domremy as part of the church's plan to bring the outlying communities surrounding the city back into the Light. In truth, Sybok harbors a hidden agenda to eradicate all forms of pagan religions in order to create Shakaree - his own brand of paradise. To achieve this end, Sybok created the Army of the Light, and coerced the villagers to enlist. Of course, Sybok would say that he merely liberated the minds of his flock by sharing and exorcizing their deepest pain. In keeping with his role as the town's pastor, Sybok maintains a rather dramatic appearance, complete with a hooded white robe, jewelled strap armor and a dignified black beard. His pointed ears are only slightly more off-putting than his often inappropriate laughter.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Native of Wanuskewin
Greycloud represents the natives who once flourished within the area where Domremy is now located. Most of their land has been signed over to the government, with too little money provided in return. Only the sacred site of Wanuskewin remains the property of Greycloud's people. Greycloud feels further disenfranchised by the attempts of the Domremy church to convert his people to their faith, as opposed to the Dagobros worship that has long been the tradition of the tribe. An older man, Greycloud has dark hair pulled back in two braids, a weathered face and wears horsehide clothing.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Adventurer
Ben Gates can best be described as something of an enigma. Within academic circles, he's regarded as some sort of a kook with a passion for historical artifacts. Within the social spheres of Domremy, he's known only as an eccentric hermit with a nice house. In truth, Ben would be more prone to describe himself as a treasure protector. He's certainly qualified for the job, with degrees in both engineering and history. Ben is also said to have a background in theology. Despite having such an amazing resume, Ben has a rather nondescript appearance. This includes a blue denim jacket, a black sweater and blue jeans. Some would say that his brown hair is somewhat thinning on top, but this is far from confirmed.
Mr. Tanegawa
Race: Warchon
Affiliation: SOLD OUT
Whether it's games, curios or clothing, SOLD OUT bring you the best in value, complete with a distinctly oriental flavor. Mr. Tanegawa is the owner and sole employee of SOLD OUT, and he personally ensures that the store's varied and curious stock includes only the most authentic yet fake Warchon goods. This includes Asian threads, prayer beads, other curios and an assortment of other random items ranging from weapons to 'bestselling' computer games and the staple of oriental culture known only as DDR. Mr. Tanegawa demonstrates his enthusiasm for his own wares by wearing a gold kimono with a very poorly drawn dragon on the back, and by rushing through the downtown with a big sign proclaiming that his 'competitors' have sold out and are racist. He seems to have no understanding of commerce.
Earl Cammembert
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: SCTV News
As the second half of the SCTV news team headed by Floyd Robertson, Earl is responsible for bringing forward the more obscure, human interest kind of stories. He succeeds at the former, but in so doing usually ends up talking about things that are of no interest to anyone, human or otherwise. This seems to aggravate his co-anchor to no end. Earl's professional attire is somewhat questionable, and includes a pin-striped suit and a polka-dot bowtie. He also wears really thick glasses, and has dark hair done up in a rather pathetic fro.
Inspector Odie
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Precinct 16
Inspector Odie has served with the police department's K-9 unit since its inception several years ago. While not known for his investigative brillance, Odie is reputed to have an uncanny ability to relate with canines of all sorts. This is possibly because he carries candy with him at all times, and is willing to give each playful dog under his charge a whole piece of their very own. Like his personality, Odie's appearance has often been compared to the dogs he leads. It includes a shaggy black mustache, long tufts of hair falling to his shoulders and a police uniform that is absolutely covered with dog hair. This does not necessarily inspire confidence in Odie's colleagues, but his ready enthusiasm and tireless determination make him a valuable addition to the force.
Canadian Tire Guy
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Canadian Tire
Canadian Tire Guy lives in his own little world, and that world is personified and centered around Canadian Tire itself. It's a hardware store with its own distinct economy, as represented by Canadian Tire money. Canadian Tire Guy fits right in there, with his carefully cut salt and pepper hair, his casual plaid shirt and his stain-resistant trousers. He's the kind of tool man who never hesitates to show off his latest gadgets, especially if they perform two tasks at once. This ranges from a hydraulic wrench/ice cream scoop to a jackhammer/stapler combination. It's unclear whether Canadian Tire Guy can actually use any of these tools, but he does seem very skilled at showing them to his beleaguered neighbours. In all, he's about the biggest tool you could find.
Bob the Builder
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Construction Foreman
Bob the Builder owns the second largest construction company operating in Cormus, after the evil Constructicons. Unlike their rivals, Bob's team relies on teamwork and cooperation to get the job done. He's an unassuming man with a yellow hardhat, a bright construction vest and a set of construction vehicles that have been painted vivid, childish colors. Bob's attitude is relentlessly upbeat, and focuses on the fact that he and his teams can fix anything, especially if they first take their places. He's also an expert at working with glass, even going so far as to make whole buildings from this rare substance. How does he do it?!
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: French Artist
Rafuse! is a smarmy french artist from Precinct 6 who also doubles as a colorful interior decorator. His style is apparently hip, edgy and somehow fruity, possibly because it involves many pictures of fruits and vegetables. But these aren't just images of normal produce. Rafuse! would refuse to use anything so pedestrian as his muse. Instead, he prefers to focus on deformed produce, which perhaps matches with the blue and yellow toxic camo colors he likes to employ when decorating ceilings. Of course, an artist of his quality can't present his work in just any sort of establishment - it must be appropriately high-priced and swishy, such as Boston Pizza.
Liutenant Valeris
Race: Vulcan
Affiliation: Starfleet
Some Vulcans may seek to hide their unique heritage, but Valeris is not among them. She proudly displays her pointed ears and eyebrows, and keeps her dark hair swept back for just such a purpose. Otherwise, Valeris can be described as a tall woman with an inscrutable countenance, perfect poise and a new age Starfleet uniform that includes a red sweater and baggy black trousers. However, her icy logical demeanor is merely a facade, barely obscuring the turbulant emotions bottled up underneath. As such, she is prone to flying off the handle and going berzerk, especially when facing Constructicons or their leader, Devastator. When berzerk, her coordination seems to go way down, resulting in reduced accuracy for her phaser or her defenses.
Rocky Wang
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Academy Student
Rocky Wang is part of a new wave of students going through basic training at the Cormus Police Academy. While taking firearms training from Cimarron, he was also 'persuaded' to join the instructor's own dodgeball team, The Point-Blank RIFLES. Rocky is at best an indifferent dodgeball player, but he would quickly retort that he is surely better than any girl. Because girls don't know how to play games like Dodgeball. This casual chauvinism has earned Rocky quite a reputation throughout the Academy and the league itself, and it was also known to breed notoriety during his debate days. Rocky is a foreign looking recruit with dark hair, a gray suit and a black leather folder that may contain pretentious debate materials.
The Crazy Cyclist
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Cyclist
This man is no ordinary cyclist, if such a thing exists. While he dresses like a dedicated bicyclist, with the dorky aerodynamic spandex and the fingerless gloves, this fellow also sports huge muscles and large tattoos which befit his title. The crazy cyclist also refuses to wear a helmet at any time, which might well explain why he goes so crazy whenever he's struck by the opening door of a taxi. His retaliation often takes the form of leaping on top of the offending vehicle, breaking its window or attacking its hapless driver with art. When nearly defeated, he's capable of cycling in order to keep the battle going longer.
Race: Chalchakian
Affiliation: Emerald Cabs
Akil has appeared several times throughout the campaign, but only now receives a character profile because of his direct competition with Jackie's cab driving career. Akil drives a taxi for Emerald Cabs, a taxi company that has traditionally dominated Precinct 13, and is known for employing dark green cars and extremely fast, foreign drivers. Akil fits into this description perfectly, and has earned quite a reputation for his accentuated accent and his mad driving skills. Like most taxi drivers in Cormus, he seems absolutely ruthless when it comes to getting his passengers to their destination, just as he is in acquiring such passengers in the first place.
Miguel Gomez Sanchero del Ranchero
Race: Chalchakian
Affiliation: Instructor at the Cormus Police Academy
After the betrayal of Strider, and the consequent murder of Samuel de Champlain, the Police Academy was forced to recruit new faculty in a hurry. Senor Miguel Gomez Sanchero del Ranchero was the result of this recruitment, and was hired based on a recommendation from CQC instructor Joachim, and placed in charge of teaching the police tactics course once taught by Samuel. Of course, the administrators remain completely unaware that Miguel is actually El Dorado, a vaguely ethnic superhero with extremely poorly defined superpowers. Can El Dorado fly? He doesn't even seem to know himself most days. Instead, he'll sometimes pull out an elaborate Aztec ax with a Mayan handle and Incan carvings running along the haft. In keeping with his vaguely hispanic aura, El Dorado's costume includes gold armor, a swarthy mustache and some sort of golden mask.
Race: Zelzakian
Affiliation: The Bleeding Hollow
Theseus is a self-proclaimed hero with ambiguous morals and massive muscles that seem small in comparison to his minority complex. Originally promoted as an improved version of Hercules, Theseus has come to realise that he is nothing more than a pale shadow of the more famous hero. This has done little for his self-esteem, and perhaps explains why one of his six labors involved joining the Bleeding Hollow criminal organization. Theseus stands an intimidating six and a half feet tall, and he is usually garbed in only a loincloth. In combat, he is prone to wielding a giant wooden club. Of course, missing with this unwieldy weapon is only likely to inflame his inferiority complex, causing his foes to take pity on him. Theseus can also unravel a ball of string behind him as something of a life line, though it makes him easy to find and strike.
Kilrogg Dead-Eye
Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: The Bleeding Hollow
Kilrogg Dead-Eye is one of the founding members of the Bleeding Hollow gang, once the most powerful criminal organization in all of Cormus. In fact, the gang is said to have gotten its name based on the scar running across one of Kilrogg's baleful eyes. Otherwise, Kilrogg can be described as an intimidating Terrorian with greenish skin and jutting teeth. He typically wears chain-plate armor, and wields a battle ax when engaging in combat - which he does quite frequently. His foes rarely stand long when faced with his Drop of Doom.
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: The Bleeding Hollow
The power vaccuum in the Bleeding Hollow criminal organization left by the sudden demise of Rhadamanthys did not last long, and Sanguin was the man who stepped up to fill this void. A criminal of some ill repute, Sanguin is known for his merciless tenacity and his preference for bloody and crimson imagery. This extends into his appearance in the form of the red cloak and bandanna he always wears. In addition to his mirrored sunglasses, his face is also adorned with tattoos of bloody teardrops on both cheeks. In combat, Sanguin is known to wield a pair of short blades with bloody savagery. It is not known if he is related to the infamous and sinisterly named Colonel Blood, although their appearance in the same area can hardly be a coincidence.
Vegetable Lasagna
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Tourist
Who is this guy?! That's the question that's on everyone's tongue when they consider the mysterious man known only as Vegetable Lasagna. He seems to be a mystery wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in an unfashionable red and green suit that makes him resemble his curious namesake. Although officially a tourist visiting Cormus to take in the sights, Vegetable Lasagna was perfectly willing to be recruited into an attack on the downtown church, ostensibly because he thought it was part of some crazy tourism package. His Michellin guide couldn't prepare him for such conflict, but fortunately his ability to cheat any sort of system serves him in good stead when he's pressed into battle.
Uncle Henry
Race: Denchulli
Affiliation: University Professor
Uncle Henry is one of the few members of Wheatie's extensive family to have achieved any form of post-secondary education. As a professor of galactic literature at the University of Deksiil, Henry is known as something of an Attila, who was never giddy, even when he was a schoolboy. More locally, he's known for criticising Wheatie's nickname. After all, they named the dog Wheatie. Henry believes that Wheatie should properly be addressed as Junior, given that he's named after an elder Isaac far up the family chain. Uncle Henry can be described as an older, dignified man with a short beard and glasses. He usually wears a small cap which conceals his balding head, and he is prone to carrying umbrellas and quoting Charlemagne.