Everyday Heroes

Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: Police Recruit

Caesar is a young Fenixan biker who is most remarkable for being eXtreme, in almost every way. In fact, the aura of attitude created by his leather jacket, his frosted hair tips and his radical d12-based short blade is only marred by the bunny drawn on his helmet. Caesar has tried several times to deny responsibility for his odd choice of headgear, though without any further explaination, his denials seem eXtremey weak. As such, he has been temporarily dubbed with the nickname of Bunny-Boy.

Race: ??
Affiliation: Police Recruit

Neji is an enigmatic woman with outlandish clothing and strange eyes that are apparently lacking pupils. Although some adventure summaries may claim otherwise, there remains no proof that she's actually a ninja of any sort. In fact, her background and even her race remain mysteries. She seems to be a dutiful and determined recruit, with amazing physical capabilities and combat powers that continue to confuse her colleagues, despite appearing to be nothing more than flaming punches.

Dr. John Watson
Race: Tortalian
Affiliation: Crime Doctor

Dr. John Watson is the Crime Doctor, apparently a fully qualified physician who has now devoted his life to solving crime. He claims to have great powers of deduction, with which he is capable of disecting any mystery with an almost surgical precision. Despite these vaunted skills, no one else seems to have to have heard of John Watson, or have too much respect for his skills, with the noted exception of Wheatie, who seems to look up to anyone with a prestigious degree. In combat, John Watson wields a handgun with a skill that belies the way his opponents seem to ignore him in favor of more 'important' targets.

John McGuire
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Recruit

Unlike the majority of the young recruits, John McGuire is an older man who looks like he's been around the block a few times. This also seems to have given him a rather jaded perspective and an appetite for substance abuse. It's rare to find him without either booze or cigarettes in hand. Usually this only occurs when he's got his gun out, which is somewhat frequent. He also seems capable of turning the other shoulder towards oncoming gunfire, which results in bloody wounds but little permanent damage.

Race: Denchulli
Affiliation: Delivery Boy/Police Recruit

Wheatie is a gangly student from Denchul who displays some of the awkwardness and naivity typically associated with youth. He was employed by Atch & Co., a fashionable menswear outlet who dispatched him to deliver donuts to the Academy. In a confusing turn of events, this resulted in Wheatie being recruited into the training program by Major Pain, who also dubbed him with his nickname because of his rural origins. This was quite apparent from his flannel clothing and pine green hair. In combat, Wheatie follows the philosophy that knowledge is power, which translates into hitting people with heavy books and amber psi energy.

Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Academy Instructor

Ambrose is not your stereotypical cop. He deals in the area of high society crime, which coincidently enough requires him to spend a lot of time at exclusive, upper-class establishments. In order to fit in with this discerning crowd, he is always dressed in the latest fashions, up to and including a man scarf. Now posted at the Cormus Police Academy, Ambrose demonstrates that he not only has class, but also teaches it as well. Particularly in the areas of high crime in high society. In combat, Ambrose wields a saber, a true gentleman's weapon.

Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Academy Staff

A giant of a man whose size is inversely related to his work ethic. Other than that, Chins could be described as a balding man with several chins who is almost never seen without either nachos or a chair. Preferably both. At some point, Chins apparently made it through basic training, though it seems clear that this must have occured before Major Pain became involved with the Academy. Already employed by the police force, Chins now fulfills all the administrative functions at the Academy. He has yet to be seen in combat, though it should be noted that he has both a gun and a penchant for decisive action.

Jamie Oliver
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: The Naked Chef

Although Jaime Oliver's called the Naked Chef, it's not because he actually cooks in the nude. In fact, most of the time he can be seen wearing a blue pull-over, torn trousers, sneakers and a ridiculous chef's hat that covers his poofy hair, but in no way diminishes his self-described boyish good looks. Jamie earned the title of The Naked Chef because of his cooking philosophy, which involves stripping recipes down to their bare essentials. This means that food has gotta be tasty, it's gotta be simple and it's gotta be fun. In furtherance to this unorthodox approach, Jamie spends much of his cooking time jogging or riding his bike. For these reasons, and possibly several others, his sponsors pulled the plug on his cooking show. This has left him looking for odd-jobs, which includes filling in for one of the cafeteria ladies at the Cormus Police Academy. When forced into battle, Jamie strips the martial practices down to their bare essentials by wielding a spatula, puffing his cheeks out like a bizarre jellyfish and jogging.

Race: Armorian
Affiliation: WABCO Police Inspector

Wanda is a police inspector, but not of the normal variety. In her case, the job involves inspecting the police to ensure that they're meeting up to procedural standards and regulations. In furtherance of her mandate, this strict and professional Armorian is never seen without a clipboard of forms in hand. Otherwise, her most prominent characteristics include her gray business suit and long blond hair. Wanda is not directly employed by the Cormus police department, but instead works for WABCO, a WABTECH company which is often employed to investigate law enforcement institutions. In this case, she was sent to investigate the Police Academy. In combat, Wanda can tie up her foes with bureaucratic red-tape or slap them with costly fines.

Race: Tortalian
Affiliation: The BROTHERhood

Several years after saving Sector Y in Deep Space, Jazz makes the jump into the world of COPs. His description hasn't changed much; it's still all about the retro clothing, the massive afro with its concealed haircombs and the platform shoes. And despite all his time with the BROTHERhood, Jazz is still white on the surface, though he would argue his soul is a darker color. He would also consider this a good thing. However, one shouldn't be fooled into thinking that Jazz hasn't adapted to his new life as a secret agent. This is Jazz version 2.0, now with 100% more wheels and the ridiculous Eagle Style, the laughingstock of martial art stances. Although not officially employed by the Cormus police force, Jazz is often seen cruising the area, performing favors for the Chief. And showing off his yellow Cadillac.

Race: Warchon
Affiliation: IBI (Imperial Bureau of Investigation)

Jackie arrived at Precinct 13 as part of an exchange between the Electran Empire's IBI and Deksiilan authorities. As such, he's foreign to Deksiilan policing procedures in more ways than one, especially given his Warchon heritage and his difficulty in speaking galactic. Even Jackie's colleagues often can't understand the words coming out of his mouth. Like all members of his race, Jackie has dark skin and hair. He also tends to wear black suits with either red or purple ties. In combat, Jackie's reknowned for performing his own crazy stunts, many of which end with his own injury. He's also skilled at improvising with any weapons that happen to be close at hand, be they steel ladders, chairs or cotton candy. It's this kind of resourcefulness that makes Jackie one of the best agents around.

Senor Jose Sceptical
Race: Chalchakian
Affiliation: Precinct 13

It might be hard to believe that Senor Sceptical, the swarthy receptionist at Precinct 13, is now actually one of the protagonists. As his name implies, Senor Sceptical's major characteristic is a Latino-flavored scepticism in the face of even the most concrete evidence. He is much more inclined to look after his large extended family, even at the expense of the law. Sceptical is a tall man, with an unshaven jaw, a black mustache and a police uniform. In combat, he is capable of wielding the standard issue PK-43 handgun against either friend or foe depending on how he believes the battle is going. Adios!

Hercule Poirot
Race: Tortalian
Affiliation: Private Detective

Ah, oui. In his own estimation, Hercule Poirot is one of the most famous private detectives in the entire galaxy. Others might see him as more eccentric and pompous, considering his meticulous grooming policies, his appetite for symmetry and his most luxuriant mustache. Regardless, Poirot has resolved many crimes that police considered unsolvable, first as a member of the Belgian police and later as a private investigator. His methods are almost entirely mental, relying on the stunning powers of his little gray cells. When forced into an action sequence that cannot be passed off to Captain Hastings, Poirot has been known to respond by stunning his foes with outrageous accusations, berating the mental capabilities of those around him and by taking time for some quiet reflection. He is also known to enjoy expensive chocolate, filet mignon and allergenic cologne.

Race: Spheran
Affiliation: Precinct 13

Saavik is the latest addition to Precinct 13, and serves in the capacity of a forensics investigator. Much to her candid dismay, this apparently translates into maintaining the Precinct's equipment depot under the eccentric Dr. Wagner. Although lacking in formal education, Saavik brings a wealth of experience from law enforcement agencies across the galaxy, including Deksiil's own Starfleet. Furthermore, her cool and logical demeanor and her ability to decipher the cryptic beeps of her tricorder could prove useful in a Precinct that is often dominated by emotions such as overwhelming anger. In keeping with this attitude, Saavik's face bears little expression, aside from her highly demonstrative eyebrows. Her brown hair always seems to hang loosely down to her shoulders, and she usually wears nondescript clothing, except during winter missions, at which point she seems to opt for a winter jacket with a ridiculous collar.

Sarah Connor
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: USSU

Sarah Connor is a woman known by many names; some call her the Terminatrix, while others might refer to her as the saviour of the future. However, her most prominent title is that of VP Student Issues at the University of Cormus. Her journey to this lofty position began on the dark world of Lorac, where her family was attacked by deadly Dagos-spawn. Only the timely arrival of Tairix the Terminator saved them, and the future. Sarah came to Cormus seeking a degree in philosophy and the ethics of technology. She soon found a target for her protests in the form of Cyberdine Systems. Connor claims the weapons produced by this company have caused much suffering across the galaxy, and she points to the recent malfunction of ED-209 as tangible evidence. An experienced freedom fighter, Sarah Connor typically wears army pants and tank tops that leave her free to wield large firearms. She is also capable of organizing student protests and of stopping machines in their tracks with RoboStop!.

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