Everyday Heroes
Heroes: Saavik, Neji, Wheatie, John Watson, Jackie and Jazz.
Enemies: Exhaustion and Contrivance.
No epilogue could be complete without an epiphany of some sort, and the Chief happened to have come up with a damn good one, in his own estimation. He noted that some see the law only in shades of black and white, and that he used to see officers in a similar light. But he could now see that the law comes in many shades of gray, much like the COPs who uphold them. These 'deep' pronouncements were made at the funeral of Valtyrez, where the epilogue of COPs truly began. One good officer had given his life so that many more could survive. How would they spend this extra time that had come at such a steep price? This epilogue will answer that question for some of the principal characters in the COPs campaign.
The Police
Chief Quimby continues to ascribe the safety of the city to Inspector Gadget. Gadget uses the powers attached to his new rank to help his niece, Circe, discover the identity of the villain who turned Rufus over to the CPCA. The case is never solved.
Inspector Reeves receives a promotion to Deksiil's CIA where he ends up in an awkward meeting with one Agent Smith. Woah!
Wedge somehow survives the MINOS incident and goes on to receive attention from several big video game companies, who incorporate his story into several major projects.
Inspector Enrique of La Policia infamy eventually retires without ever solving the case of the Sudden Siesta. Which makes sense, because there was no crime, according to a certain Precinct 13 receptionist.
Inspector Lestrade continues his hunt for any information that could be used to indict John Watson as a Criminal Doctor rather than the Crime Doctor.
Dr. Dickens finally achieves credibility in her own eyes by getting married. All the hobbits are in attendance, and young Frodo is the only one who can serve as the ring-bearer.
A video sequence shows Instructor Millernia sitting in her office. The camera zooms in on her bored expression as a caption pops up underneath, declaring that she is still not the end boss.
A deep, dark cell in the bowels of Guantanimo prison is home to three captured Dagos worshippers: Miss Vayl, The Mouth of Sarpedon and the cackling Dr. Doom. This cackling is apparently due to the lawyer Doom has brought in to represent the three villains in court, who is revealed to be Anwar. After all, even villains have human rights!
The camera slides through one of the majestic windows decorating J. Jonah Jamieson's penthouse office. Inside, the true owner of Cormus is busy lambasting Eddie Brock for not bringing back any gripping news. Jamieson wants him to be more like an old reporter who used to work the beat by the name of Peter Parker. Storming out in frustration, Brock declares that he'll find news one way or another, even as he pulls open a box containing a strange blue suit...
Frozone sets up a superhero BOWLING LEAGUE to keep the supers occupied during times of peace. Several of the regulars include Joachim ("For power, this ball!") and El Dorado, who considers bowling to be one of his ethnic sports. The Harverter's rural roots make him one of the league's top scorers.
Buto Junior!, The Anthropologist's pelican, continues to dominate cock-fighting circles, impressing even Marcellino.
The camera fades in on a night time scene in a field just outside Cormus. A single fire blazes in the darkness, flames licking around a black suit of oriental armor and reflecting off the blade of a long, curved sword. Tairix the Terminator stands before this memorial to the Midnight Gaidin, his shotgun slung over one shoulder. Evadine stands nearby, and comments on the cancellation of the MINOS project. Tairix is about to respond when he gets a call from Sarah Connor relaying news about the recent election. It appears that Tairix is back...in office. However, he soon discovers that a new program ensures the mayor is always guarded by a special police officer. In this case, Kojak!, who is still angry about adventure 0.
Guest Stars
John McGuire continues his life on the beat, now pursuing a vast liberal media conspiracy that has tarred him unjustly in certain web summaries.
Ambrose is still working in the big city, where he finds himself stuck in traffic even more often - at the mercy of tickets given out by Wanda from WabCo.
Jazz and The Chief return to The BROTHERHOOD, where things swiftly become groovy once again.
Caesar still isn't eXtreme enough, and takes off on another road trip that will doubtless lead to totally crazy stunts and a lifetime of chronic pain.
The Naked Chef is put in charge of Nutritional Replenishment at the Cormus Police Academy, mostly on the basis of economics. Because stripped down coffee and donuts can get really cheap.
Senor Sceptical somehow retains his job at Precinct 13, and uses all his spare time searching for the super BOWLING LEAGUE in order to capture the villainous El Dorado.
After all the hard work he did on the MINOS incident, it should come as no surprise that Chins decided to take a vacation. He soon finds himself onboard a luxury cruise in the company of a fellow officer - Eldridge - who is paralysed by major deja-vu when Chins' bulk causes the ship to take on some water.
Everyday Heroes
Neji stays on only briefly at Precinct 13, having lost faith in both the city's Church and its police forces. She is eventually appointed to a higher position: commissioner of Dodgeball for all of Deksiil, a responsibility she can't dodge.
John Watson runs in the next Cormus election, but ends up losing to Tairix the Terminator. After some searching, he finds a new career as the lead in a medical police procedural television program called CSI, where his popularity is soon eclipsed by that of his co-star, The Anthropologist.
Ben Gates and his collaborator John Grisham are adapting The DaVinci Code movie, and Jackie is deemed to have the appropriate appearance and build to play Ben's leading role, though there is some concern that he doesn't have enough hair. His sidekick in this film will be a can of Coca-Cola.
Saavik rejoins Starfleet, and is soon posted on the bridge of the starship Enterprise, commanded by Captain James T. Kirk. She is part of a mission to search for Spock, who was mistakenly shot out of a torpedo tube. Replacing him temporarily as the ship's science officer is none other than Dr. Wagner.
Wheatie returns to Denchul, where he fills out an application for transfer to the prestigious University of Tortalus. Checking his marks later through U-STAR, the university's telephone-assisted record system, he is shocked to discover that his internship is considered an Incomplete Fail. Apparently Don Atchison didn't provide admin with a satisfactory work report before being arrested. Wheatie must sign up for another work placement, and this one involves joining a crew of firefighters on Fenixa - certainly a safe placement. Wheatie's adventures there will be further chronicled in COPs 2: In the Line of Fire.
The camera goes dark at this point, as COPs comes to a close. However, one can still hear the faint crackling static of one final radio communication. The verbal rhythm of one speaker clearly identifies him as Cimarron, whereas the other speaker cannot be heard at all.
Cimarron: Yes! I've got the plans for...MINOS! The...PROJECT...can go ahead.
Cimarron: No one suspects a thing. Cyberdine will take the rap for MINOS, and you'll be able to continue development behind closed doors.
Cimarron: So I'm to be reinstated at last? It's about time. I've missed ... LIVE FIRE! ... exercises. Thank you, Mr...PRESIDENT.
End Transmission
Note: Special thanks to all the players who stepped forward to protect the city of Cormus.
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