Everyday Heroes

Heroes: Saavik, Neji, Wheatie, John Watson, Jackie and Jazz.
Enemies: Exhaustion and Contrivance.


No epilogue could be complete without an epiphany of some sort, and the Chief happened to have come up with a damn good one, in his own estimation. He noted that some see the law only in shades of black and white, and that he used to see officers in a similar light. But he could now see that the law comes in many shades of gray, much like the COPs who uphold them. These 'deep' pronouncements were made at the funeral of Valtyrez, where the epilogue of COPs truly began. One good officer had given his life so that many more could survive. How would they spend this extra time that had come at such a steep price? This epilogue will answer that question for some of the principal characters in the COPs campaign.

The Police



Guest Stars

Everyday Heroes

The camera goes dark at this point, as COPs comes to a close. However, one can still hear the faint crackling static of one final radio communication. The verbal rhythm of one speaker clearly identifies him as Cimarron, whereas the other speaker cannot be heard at all.

Cimarron: Yes! I've got the plans for...MINOS! The...PROJECT...can go ahead.


Cimarron: No one suspects a thing. Cyberdine will take the rap for MINOS, and you'll be able to continue development behind closed doors.


Cimarron: So I'm to be reinstated at last? It's about time. I've missed ... LIVE FIRE! ... exercises. Thank you, Mr...PRESIDENT.

End Transmission

Note: Special thanks to all the players who stepped forward to protect the city of Cormus.

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