A Knife in the Dark

Heroes: Ambrose, John McGuire, Dr. John Watson, Neji, Wheatie, Caesar, Chins and Jazz.
Enemies: Inspector Lestrade's obstinance and Strider.

Ambrose - Instructor's Report 7

Recent Duties: It`s been two days since the end of the Academy term. The graduation ceremony was originally scheduled for tonight, but it has been indefinitely delayed while the police investigate the murder of Headmaster Samuel de Champlain. It seems clear that the police department has no intention of allowing the graduation of any students that remain connected to an unsolved crime. In other words, the policing careers of all the recruits are now resting in the hands of Scotland Yard`s Inspector Lestrade. Lestrade has been working long hours on the case, but hasn`t been at all forthcoming regarding his progress. Even with acclaimed faculty members such as yourself! Cut out from the investigation, and having already finished the marking for your course, you`ve been left with little to do but to wait for Lestrade to clear you of this crime. Or for a transfer back to Coursair. Preferably both.

Faculty Relations:

-The Academy was in trouble before, and now the most recent events may well have sealed its doom. While this murder may temporarily distract the bureaucrats from their analysis of the bottom line, it will certainly do nothing to placate them. As a self-proclaimed expert in public relations, you have reason to believe that the murder investigation and the media scandal it will doubtless entail will provide further ammunition to condemn the Academy. The question may soon become whether your reputation is going down with it. The only hope now may be an expeditious end to this mystery, which is something Lestrade seems incapable of providing.

-It`s hard to believe, but apparently all the faculty members are also being regarded as suspects. Of course, you`d be the first to agree that certain individuals merit suspicion. In particular, ones who seek to conceal their rank through clever use of their own name. However, the notion that upstanding instructors such as yourself or Millernia could be implicated in such a matter is simply preposterous. Any investigator with accumen should be able to tell immediately which faculty members stand above suspicion.

-On that note, your colleagues are reacting to the suspicions against them in markedly different ways. Millernia, for instance, seems very worried, although it`s not clear if this is on her own behalf or due to potential impending closure of the Academy. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Joachim seems entirely unconcerned. Probably because he seems to have no idea what`s going on. Sometimes it`s hard to imagine how he came to be a police officer.

Personal Notes:

-It`s a good thing you were on hand to put an end to that unauthorized fight out in the schoolyard. The Academy is really no place for gangs, and certainly not for gang warfare. This place is supposed to turn raw recruits into civilized officers, not macho hooligans. You blame this whole trend on Sergeant Pain and his reliance on physical pain as a method of instruction.

-You have yet to hear the results of the course evaluations, but you have a good feeling about them. With your depleted budget, you weren`t quite able to offer you class all the perks you`d originally envisioned, but hopefully your stimulating instruction, field trips and pheasant were enough to spur their enthusiasm. You have to think it would at least provide more motivation than push-ups.

-That an agent like yourself could be implicated in the investigation of Samuel`s death is simply shocking. Clearly, a man of your pedigree would not stoop to cold blooded murder. In this affair at least, your hands are every bit as clean as your clothes. And that speaks volumes.


-Defend your reputation as a member of faculty by proving that you had nothing to do with Samuel`s untimely demise.

John McGuire – Recruit's Report 7

Recent Duties: It`s been two days since the end of the Academy term. The graduation ceremony was originally scheduled for tonight, but it has been indefinitely delayed while the police investigate the murder of Headmaster Samuel de Champlain. It seems clear that the police department has no intention of allowing the graduation of any students that remain connected to an unsolved crime. In other words, the policing careers of all the recruits are now resting in the hands of Scotland Yard`s Inspector Lestrade. Lestrade has been working long hours on the case, but hasn`t been at all forthcoming regarding his progress. `Course, you`re not so much concerned about forwarding the careers of your fellow recruits as you are about ending the careers of the criminals behind all this. Unfortunately, working from the inside means you`ve spent the last couple days mostly confined to your dorm, like the other recruits.

Insider Information:

-According to the Chief, there`s still some value in having an undercover operative on this case. On the other hand, it means you can`t expect much help or information from Inspector Lestrade. Which is not to say that you`d get much assistance from him even if he knew what you were really up to. Besides, keeping your cover for a little while longer might prove useful in smoking out the bad guys. And smoking out just happens to be one of your many talents.

-Things seem to be even more dangerous at the Academy than even your trumped up evidence would suggest. Not that you have any problem taking the heat. Still, the Chief seems concerned that you may be in over your head. As such, he`s decided to send over an old friend as backup. This guy apparently works for the top secret agency that the Chief used to run. He`s officially being sent to assist Inspector Lestrade, but the Chief seems positive that you can count on him to cover your back if things start to go bad.

Personal Notes:

-The Chief also sent over some equipment. This includes a small tracking bug and an accompanying handheld monitor. If all else fails, you may have to resort to using this device to help gather evidence. Sometimes the squeeky wheel really does get the grease. The Chief also shipped over a cell-phone with his office on speed dial, and ordered you to report in before pulling anything drastic.

-This is the second time this term that Cimarron`s bike has been trashed. After reading the guy`s file, you`re a bit concerned about how he might react if he found out how it blew up this time. Lestrade has enough work on his hands, and you`d really rather not give him another case to solve. Fortunately, the only one who actually saw you blow the bike was Mrs. Keen. So you`re good so long as she doesn`t rat you out.

-It seems Old Man Willow was every bit as rich as the soil he often purchased through surrogate methods. Hard to imagine where a tree would get that kind of money. It`s definitely suspicious, just like so much else at this Academy.

-This job has certainly turned out to be more than you anticipated. Your initiail investigation was just about the declining enrolment at the Academy, but since then it has grown to include the death of Tanrael, the appearance of Old Man Willow and finally the death of Samuel de Champlain. It doesn`t take a cop of your caliber to realise that these things are entirely too coincidental to be unrelated. Things have escalated far enough; it`s time for you to do your job. As the best damn cop on the force, you`re surely the most suited to put this whole thing together, with a little help from your trusty sidekick, the PK-97. Whoever`s behind all this has the right to remain silent, and you intend to ensure that they abide by that right, through any means necessary.


-Solve the mysteries that have been plaguing the Academy and ice the perpetrators.

Neji – Recruit's Report 7

Recent Duties: It`s been two days since the end of the Academy term. The graduation ceremony was originally scheduled for tonight, but it has been indefinitely delayed while the police investigate the murder of Headmaster Samuel de Champlain. It seems clear that the police department has no intention of allowing the graduation of any students that remain connected to an unsolved crime. In other words, the policing careers of all the recruits are now resting in the hands of Scotland Yard`s Inspector Lestrade. Lestrade has been working long hours on the case, but hasn`t been at all forthcoming regarding his progress. You have spent the majority of the past two days confined to your dorm, praying for guidance. Though you`re somewhat accustomed to this sort of monastic existance, you still believe the skills you`ve learned here could be useful in dissolving the darkness that grips the Academy.

Divine Rumblings:

-Your mind has been plagued with a growing sense of dread for the past week, though you initially attributed this simply to the anxiety surrounding final exams. It turns out that there may be something far more significant and cruel at work, a malignant presence that may at last be revealed. Defeating this evil will be your true final exam, and it may even prove more difficult than the one given by Strider.

Distress Calls: (You`re still not sure how Bomb Voyage and his cronies got the helpline number. Apparently your advertising was even more prolific than you imagined.)

-Being isolated in your room has significantly cut down on the number of the calls you`ve been able to take. You can only assume that the rest are being handled by Chins. Or mishandled, as the case may be.

Personal Notes:

-You were almost blown away by some of your finals. Actually, that was probably just the work of Bomb Voyage. It was disappointing that he got away, though you weren`t exactly in fit condition to give chase, especially while encumbered in the bomb blast suit. Which is not to say the suit wasn`t useful. In fact, it was instrumental to your victory. With that in mind, you`ve decided to keep the suit in your room, close at hand in case Bomb Voyage decides to return again.

-Puns aside, your exams weren`t too bad at all. Except for Strider`s, which proved to be frustratingly difficult. Once again, you found yourself caught while on the very brink of succeeding at the challenge. The worst part of it all is that impetuous young Pippin ended up somehow topping the class on the exam. This is the same hobbit who can`t run ten feet without shouting something in his piercing accent. It`s somewhat humbling, to say the least.

-You`re still indignant about all of Instructor Ambrose`s field trips. You even brought the matter up with Instructor Millernia. Unfortunately, you suspect your complaint may well be forgotten amongst the chaos of the most recent events. You`re willing to put it all aside for now, but you still have to think it would be a serious miscarriage of justice if Ambrose somehow manages to win any teaching awards.


-Confront and dispel the evil that has been haunting the Academy.

John Watson – Crime Doctor 7

Recent Duties: It`s been two days since the end of the Academy term. The graduation ceremony was originally scheduled for tonight, but it has been indefinitely delayed while the police investigate the murder of Headmaster Samuel de Champlain. It seems clear that the police department has no intention of allowing the graduation of any students that remain connected to an unsolved crime. In other words, the policing careers of all the recruits are now resting in the hands of Scotland Yard`s Inspector Lestrade. Lestrade has been working long hours on the case, but hasn`t been at all forthcoming regarding his progress. Probably because he hasn`t made any progress. After you mentioned this to him, he decided that it would be best if all recruits were confined to their dorms when not being questioned. Obviously he`s just trying to cut you out of the investigation. But as a metagaming veteran, you`re ready to come back and cut in.

Newspaper Headlines:

-Samuel de Champlain`s murder has made the front page of the Cormus Daily Planet. The incendiary article seems to suggest that this is ample proof of the police department`s incompetence, and the failure of Mayor Don Atchison`s ambitious police mandate. It`s also mentioned that Inspector Lestrade has neither confirmed nor denied the nature of the crime committed at the Academy, nor has he been willing to offer many details to the media. If this story is any indication, the attempts to surpress information regarding this case have been entirely unsuccessful. This story is all but certain to enrage the bureaucrats down at the police commission.


-Like the surrounding fog, the mystery on Baker Street continues to thicken. As per your instructions, Wiggins and his lot have broken into Tanrael`s apartment to search for clues. The crime scene has long since been scoured by the chaps from the Yard, but they were able to discover a couple interesting facts. First of all, the door to Tanrael`s room was apparently kicked down. By going through the man`s meager possessions, they were also able to find a couple loaded firearms. Several of the elderly neighbours were also willing to gossip. An older name by the name of Mishkov claims to have discovered the body, and describes it as having been covered with cuts and burns. No intruders were spotted in the building, though a British gentleman by the name of Abbotford on the bottom floor claims that he buzzed in a gas inspector who never ended up visiting him. Come to think of it, he also noted that it was rather pear-shaped for a gas inspector to be coming around at night in the first place.

Personal Notes:

-It looks like your business with the Roomba has now been resolved. Such a dodgy contraption. Hopefully Wheatie will remember to keep it locked up from now on. Which is rather an appropriate punishment for the theft it committed.

-The game is most definitely afoot. And it might not be quite as elementary as those pedestrian final exams. After all, solving mysteries is what detective work is really all about. Plus, this also gives you the chance to put one over on Lestrade, an opportunity that should not be missed.


-Solve the mystery of Samuel de Champlain`s death before Inspector Lestrade. Essentially, this means you just need to solve the case.

Wheatie – Recruit's Report 7

Recent Duties: It`s been two days since the end of the Academy term. The graduation ceremony was originally scheduled for tonight, but it has been indefinitely delayed while the police investigate the murder of Headmaster Samuel de Champlain. It seems clear that the police department has no intention of allowing the graduation of any students that remain connected to an unsolved crime. In other words, the policing careers of all the recruits are now resting in the hands of Scotland Yard`s Inspector Lestrade. Lestrade has been working long hours on the case, but hasn`t been at all forthcoming regarding his progress. You`ve heard that Inspector Lestrade is an officer who operates very much by the book, which means he can`t be all bad. Still, you`re very worried that all of this might end up being noted on your permanent academic record. That would be awful!

Book Report:

- The death of Samuel de Champlain, the suspension of the graduation and the destruction of the Roomba have left you too distraught to spend much time in your biblioteque over the past couple days. Well, all that and the fact that Inspector Lestrade has basically kept all recruits confined to their dorms except during meals. So visiting the library would almost surely mean breaking the rules, and that`s just not something you can support.

Notes from Home:

-Despite what your father might think, you`re still not a fan of rifles. In order to drive home your real interests, you wrote home about the final exams and how you were the top (counting ties) in all your classes. Even CQC! Though you tried not to make a big deal out of that, just so your family doesn`t get the wrong idea. Again.

Personal Notes:

-This time, the Roomba is truly trashed. And just when you were starting to get along. Maybe it`s not the monster you were making it out to be; maybe the Roomba is must misunderstood. Whatever the case, you`ll have to get it fixed at some point. You owe it at least that much, after it saved you twice from Bomb Voyage and his thugs.

-Samuel de Champlain`s untimely demise was a big shock. He was an eccentric fellow, and maybe not the most clear instructor you`ve ever had, but he did teach you useful skills about dodgeball and french. In fact, your command of french may well have saved the school from the evils of Bomb Voyage, with some assists from Roomba. Anyway, Samuel was like your mentor at this school, and now that he`s gone you`re really feeling the lack of guidance and focus.

-Wow, Mrs. Keen has a tough job. It`s not easy being everywhere and stamping out completely arbitrary amounts of demerits for violations of school rules. You can almost understand how this would make her resent children. Though you`ve retired from your role as Deputy Hall Monitor, you`ll have to take it up again if you ever find out who`s responsible for Samuel`s death and give them millions of demerits. Because that was a clear and blatant violation of school rules!


-Find a new mentor to guide you through these tumultuous times.

Caesar – Recruit's Report 5

Recent Duties: It`s been two days since the end of the Academy term. The graduation ceremony was originally scheduled for tonight, but it has been indefinitely delayed while the police investigate the murder of Headmaster Samuel de Champlain. It seems clear that the police department has no intention of allowing the graduation of any students that remain connected to an unsolved crime. In other words, the policing careers of all the recruits are now resting in the hands of Scotland Yard`s Inspector Lestrade. Lestrade has been working long hours on the case, but hasn`t been at all forthcoming regarding his progress. So as of this moment, you`re still stuck in graduation limbo. And the limbo is one of the least eXtreme games out there.

Path to Justice: (You wouldn`t say that the Sword of Justice bombed, but it didn`t quite seem up to taking on Bomb Voyage. You`ll have to make it even eXtreme!)

-Your skill with the Sword of Justice technique seems to have hit a plateau, and you`re not sure why. You`ve heard that Kurando always talks about how it`s about more than just swinging a sword of psychic energy, and that the energy itself is fueled by the drive for justice. Of course, that`s just the sort of blather he`s always going on about. Still, it might be worth a shot. Especially since you just so happen to have a just cause close at hand. Surely defeating Samuel de Champlain`s killer would fit the bill. And would probably even allow you to graduate!

Personal Notes:

-You were planning to wreak mad vengeance on Bomb Voyage, though not nearly so soon. It seems the french malvivant has decided that blowing you up would be a good way to get back at the Enchiro family. Apparently it all works through the transitive property of grudges. Frankly, you`re not sure that Kurando would mind much at all if Bomb Voyage happened to take you out. It`s too bad Bomb Voyage didn`t believe you when you told him that. Too bad for him, `cause next time you see him, he and all his annoying puns are going down!

-Mugsy just doesn`t get it. His gang was just so lame. Naming it after snakes was just so cliche. Not like the Kickass Dragons, who clearly kick ass. Yeah, the name says it all. Plus, Mugsy`s group actually has other members, making it automatically less cool than your own. By allowing others to join, Mugsy has demonstrated that he`s not too cool for them. Essentially, this makes his group about as cool as its least cool member – the lowest common denominator in this case being Fatty. It`s just simple math. Not that you subscribe to that math stuff, `cause it`s also super uncool.

-Last you heard from Yumi, she said she was going to be bringing your bike to the graduation. Which means that she must have paid the impoundment fee. It`s about time she paid for something with her own money. Anyway, those plans have been all screwed up by this investigation. Now no one seems to know when, or even if, the graduation ceremony will be taking place. After all this work, you can`t stand the thought of not receiving your diploma.


-Get the graduation ceremony back on track so you can finally get out of this place.

Chins – Staff Report 2

Recent Duties: The end of term is always the busiest time at the Academy, what with all the marks and course evaluations that need to be tallied. That`s why you prefer to sleep through it. It was a bit harder than usual this year thanks to all the commotion from Rufus, random gunfire and your phone constantly ringing. Fortunately, you`re not a light sleeper. In any case, your slumber was interrupted two days ago by the arrival of one Inspector Lestrade. Apparently Headmaster Samuel de Champlain was murdered, and Lestrade has come to handle the investigation. He keeps talking about how everyone is a suspect, but this clearly doesn`t include you, since you lack the motive, method and mobility necessary for such a crime.

Piles on the Desk: (The pile of paperwork on your desk, which sometimes seems to balloon almost as fast as your weight. Not that you really check either very often. Fortunately, some of it also seems to disappear on occaison.)

-Someone must have already processed all the marks, because those sheets appear to be gone. There are still a bunch of course evaluations to be entered into the computer. But they can`t really expect you to work with an investigation going on.

-You had a book on Risk Management buried somewhere on your desk. Mostly to make you look busy. You picked it up way back before you had all the overdue paperwork to fulfill the same task, and it seemed like too much trouble to return it. But now it`s gone, according to your extremely cursory search.

Chins' Most Wanted: (In essence, the inventory of the Academy's vending machine. You spend more time compiling this list than on any other type of paperwork.)

-Twix, the only candy bar with the cookie crunch. You`ve learned to time your purchases such that Rufus is in class and thus unable to make a play for your favorite chocolate bar.

-Other stuff, but it`s only worth mentioning when the machine is out of Twix.

Personal Notes:

-Although this term`s graduation has been indefinitely delayed while the murder is being investigated, Millernia has still started planning the ceremony so that everything`s ready to go once Lestrade is finished with his work. Traditionally, Samuel delivers the convocation speech to the recruits, but since he`s gone, Millernia has decided that you should be the one to address the recruits. On the topic of Risk Management, of all things. She seems to think you`re an expert on that topic, possibly because it says just that on your resume. Which means you really don`t have very much time to become an expert.

-Your stuff keeps going missing. After waking up from a nap a couple days ago, you happened to notice that your sidearm was nowhere to be found. In fact, it could have been gone much longer. Your paunch makes it hard to tell if you`re wearing it or not. Not that you particularly need a gun. But some people in authority might be upset that firearms are randomly disappearing.

-It`s really amazing what kind of stuff gets stuck in your chins! This time it was a ticket of some sort, claiming you owed fees for an overdue book or something like that. Frankly, you would have rather found more crumbs.


-Find a way to give a convocation speech on Risk Management without actually doing much work.

Jazz - Top of the Charts 1

Work log: They say that if you pick a job you love, you`ll never work a day in your life. The BROTHERhood is all about that, man. The last few years you`ve spent working there have just flown by with the speed of a kickin` James Brown number. You`ve spent most of your time spinning tunes at the secret BROTHERhood HQ in Coursair, though you`ve also been sent on several missions to stick it to The Man. Most of the Brothers have accepted you as one of their own, although some of them still hastle you every now and then about being too white for the job. Conspiracy Brother in particular. You may be white on the outside, but your heart is black. In a good way! Peace, dude!

Your Mission:

Your current mission comes right from the Chief. This is actually somewhat unusual these days, since the Chief was transferred out of the BROTHERhood several years ago and sent to run one of the police precincts down in the city of Cormus. He`s not technically your commander these days, so this mission isn`t so much official as it is a favor for an old friend.

Anyway, the Chief wants to cruise down to the Cormus Police Academy in your caddy and help out with some investigation. Apparently some bad guys whacked the head honcho of the school. That`s just weak, man. You`re supposed to assist the investigating officer in solving the crime.

Jazz’s Playlist: (Basically, a summary of the songs that you currently have on your WinAmp playlist. They quite accurately represent the current most popular and best trends to be found in the music industry).

-Classical music is in on Deksiil these days. You never thought classical artists could be as petty and annoying as their pop counterparts, but apparently their newfound popularity is going to their heads. For example, you heard one Maestro by the name of Handel even joined a criminal gang. Don`t these guys know that criminal records are nothing to be proud of, despite what N*Sync might tell you?

Personal Notes:

-This mission is a great opportunity to pick up chicks. All the young recruits will surely look up to a man of your experience and style. The selection`s got to be better than what you had out in the middle of deep space. Not to mention that students at these places are always ready to party, and nothing gets a party going like a solid DJ. If this place also has a bountiful supply of orange soda, you`ll be totally set.

-Solving this mystery should be no problem, man. You`ve got plenty of experience dealing with this sort of thing. After all, you`re the one who figured out that Picard and his crew were behind the murder of Admiral Thrawn out on Epsilon. With that kind of background, and an even larger fro, this case should be a cakewalk.

-It`s been a while since you`ve heard from your old Epsilon buddies. Last you knew, that crazy Morton Ragnarsson was still zooming through space, apparently making cameo appearances in Super Adventures. By starring in this campaign, you plan to totally upstage him. `Cause you`ve got the funk.


-Hit on any and all eligible women at the Academy.

Adventure Summary

Detective John McGuire: Undercover Case Report: Police Academy Disappearances

Status: Case Closed.

By now, it has likely been officially noted that I wasn't in favour of this assignment. The crime: missing students at the Police Academy. Babysitting a bunch of green recruits should be left to the PR people, or the slightly greener recruits. There's no sense putting a useful officer in danger of being shot with some newbie who'll likely be shot anyway - that's what separates the Cops from the Corpses. Unfortunately, I ended up at the Academy anyway. After six weeks of background checks and "classes", the case took a real break when instructor Samuel de Champlain was found dead and the academy was locked down by Lestrade. The following is a short summary of the last day at the academy: the most important few hours in the case.

Being locked down by Lestrade was bad, but at least the food was still up to par. The recruits met up for the first time in the remains of the cafeteria - now with a new window to replace the one that somehow got broken in the fight with Bomb Voyage. As usual, the conversation drifted away from anything useful until chaos ultimately ensued involving Pippin, Mugsy, Caesar, or any combination of the three. During the 'discussion', a huge yellow car rolled up and the Chief's backup arrived: Jazz. Of course, the police took this time to send out all the recruits and Jazz took the time to hit on the eligible ladies - this could mean any ladies by his books, apparently. All the while, Chins was trying to find a way to do as little work as possible, while preparing for the graduation ceremony - a substantial task for a substantial man.

Afterward, with the recruits locked in their rooms, Inspector Lestrade, with the help of Chins and Jazz, took charge in questioning the only group on the grounds with no motive or opportunity to murder de Champlain: the recruits themselves. First, they questioned Ambrose, Neji and Watson and determined that none of them were responsible although Watson was highly suspicious. They then questioned Wheatie, Caesar, and myself, where Wheatie took the opportunity to pin the crime on everyone else, and Caesar and myself denied all accusations. Meanwhile, Jazz interrogated the secretary and determined that she was in grave danger of falling prey to his way with the ladies.

After this useless batch of questions, they released the recuits to explore the grounds and actually solve this mystery. Ambrose and Watson spent their time attempting to piece together clues to find the killer's identity and provide an explanation to Lestrade, who would then take all the credit. Jazz and Neji attempted to solve varying mysteries, including how to get to Millernia first. Caesar was eXtreme. To the MAX. Wheatie was randomly wandering around looking for a new mentor and Chins was looking for a lackey. This only led to Wheatie becoming Chins' protege and doing all his work.

Eventually, the recruits managed to talk to the people they thought could lead them to a clue and decided to check out Samuel's office. This, of course, was easy to do however few clues were yeilded, possibly due to the horrible policing of Lestrade and his 'officers'. Eventually, the few clues gathered led to a number of assumptions:
1. If the murder happened during period 3 final exams, it was Millernia or Strider
2. If the murder happened during the 'gang war' after finals, it was Cimmaron
3. Everyone thought that McGuire was responsible, despite being totally wrong.

Pippin was destructive, Frodo was depressed, Merry was in horrible pain, Fatty was ginormous, and Sam was co-dependant.

Finally, the mystery was almost solvable, despite not knowing how or when Samuel died.

Luckily, real policing pays off and I managed to plant a department-requisitioned tracer beacon on Frodo, the latest student to receive death threats. He would probably be taken out and we'd be there. Sooner or later. Either way we'd know.

Then, it was time for the only REAL cop to narrow down how and when. By talking to the chief, it was determined that de Champlain was killed, then cut up and burned. This completely ruled out Cimmaron, because nobody with a gun in their right mind would use a blade. That would be insane. All that was left was to decide between Millernia and Strider. More specifically, it was time to try and come up with a plan that did not implicate Strider, the most obvious suspect ever. Eventually, it was just too obvious and a plan had to happen. Finally, a plan was hatched, just make up information to implicate Strider and watch to see what happens to Frodo. First, however, it was time to make up information on Strider. Telling him that the others were going to frame him put him on the defensive, and then it was time to fake an explanation. Luckily, he took that opportunity to take the bait: Frodo.

With the entire graduating class, Ambrose, Jazz, and Chins following, we found Frodo out in the woods at the top of a tree, tied up and leaving a trail so wide even Wheatie could find and Chins could go through. Strider then appeared from behind and made the mistake of tangling with a PK-97 and some other people. Massive explosions ensued, specifically his torch and a rock. Jazz and Caesar hit wildly, Watson fired and kept people alive, Wheatie threw everything including rocks. Neji jumped out of a tree and hit Strider, and Chins distracted him with chocolate sauce and the power of PURE GLUTTONY. Eventually, Strider made the same fatal mistake so many criminals make: death. Then it was time for the Chief to come in and clean up the mess.

Graduation then went off without a hitch, and awards were awarded. Don Atchison was there with his new 'assistant', and Chins gave the greatest speech ever in the history of Risk Management. In particular, Ambrose won the teaching award for the year, and Fatty failed to graduate. Mugsy, surprisingly, actually graduated to a life of corruption and mafia connections with all the subtelty of a train wreck. Then, everyone got jobs at Precinct 13. Everyone, that is, except Watson. Apparently there is only quota for one John on the force, and that job was taken.

Now, if I can finally get back to regular duty, this case really will be closed...

McGuire Out

Note: Special thanks to John McGuire for writing this summary.

New Characters

Race: Tortalian
Affiliation: The BROTHERhood

Several years after saving Sector Y in Deep Space, Jazz makes the jump into the world of COPs. His description hasn't changed much; it's still all about the retro clothing, the massive afro with its concealed haircombs and the platform shoes. And despite all his time with the BROTHERhood, Jazz is still white on the surface, though he would argue his soul is a darker color. He would also consider this a good thing. However, one shouldn't be fooled into thinking that Jazz hasn't adapted to his new life as a secret agent. This is Jazz version 2.0, now with 100% more wheels and the ridiculous Eagle Style, the laughingstock of martial art stances. Although not officially employed by the Cormus police force, Jazz is often seen cruising the area, performing favors for the Chief. And showing off his yellow Cadillac.

Yumi Enchiro
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police HQ

Yumi Enchiro comes from a very strict and traditional family that has long had binding ties with the law enforcement community. Her father, Kurando, recently retired with full honours from the active police force. As the family's only child, Yumi is under heavy pressure to meet up with her parents' expectations. This has resulted in her taking up a desk job at the downtown police HQ. However, Yumi is also at an age when playing the dutiful daughter is not always the top priority. One of her sprees of rebellious behaviour led to her hooking up with Caesar, an arrangement that her parents do not condone. Yumi is a young woman with a vaguely oriental complexion, dyed red hair and very outlandish outfits that can only have been selected through long and intense shopping sprees. She also thinks bunnies are really 'cute', and carries a handbag stamped with their likeness.

Don Atchison
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Mayor of Cormus

Don Atchison is the current mayor of Cormus and the owner of Atch & Co., a major mensware store. It's The Look Men Wear. Atch, as he is often called, was elected several years ago on an ambitious police mandate, aimed at curbing the crime wave that continues to plague Cormus. His unorthodox initiatives include mounted and aerial police units, and while the utility of these projects remains to be assessed, the media have gone ahead and labeled him Deksiil's craziest mayor. Don Atchison is also a firm believer in professional attire, and has been known to institute many dresscodes throughout the city administration. As such, Don can always be seen in a well-tailored Atch & Co. suit with an expertly knotted tie. Otherwise, Atch can be described as a short, bluff-faced man with short brown hair and a firm handshake. He can often be seen carrying his own campaign signs and waving from streetcorners, which is apparently what gave him the edge in the last election.

Grima Wormtongue
Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: Atch's Advisor

Grima Wormtongue currently serves as Don Atchison's enigmatic advisor. Rumours suggest that the two have become inseparable, and that when Wormtongue speaks, Atchison is almost sure to take heed. Based on these rumours, not to mention sheer appearance, people have begun to question the intentions behind Wormtongue's often caustic advice. Fitting a man of his reputation, Wormtongue is always dressed all in utilitarian black, with a flowing fur cape and polished boots. His hair is greasy and dark, in sharp contrast to his extremely pale skin. Wormtongue's beaked nose is also very distinctive. No one seems to know where he came from, but most can agree that Grima Wormtongue is not to be trusted.

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