Class Warfare

Heroes: Ambrose, John McGuire, Dr. John Watson, Neji, Wheatie and Caesar.
Enemies: Final exams, Roomba and Bomb Voyage.

Ambrose - Instructor's Report 6

Recent Duties: Finally, the last day of classes has arrived. And not before time. Given your depleted Academy budget, you barely had the funds to photocopy the final exam, even forgoing your preferance for high quality looseleaf. Hopefully the students won't notice, though if they've truly absorbed the lessons in your class, they should instantly recognise the poor quality of the paper.

Faculty Relations:

-You've met your share of bureaucrats just like Police Commissioner NORG. Coursair is full of them. You can't stand them. They always fixate on the bottom line, at the expense of the bigger picture. The budget is merely a means to an end, and not the end unto itself. And minimizing it isn't the only sign of success. Given your intimate knowledge of this sort of mindset, you're not at all confident of the Academy's future. It's sort of a shame, but it might entail a transfer back to Coursair.

Personal Notes:

-Meeting Handel was certainly a surprise, if not all that pleasant. Still, you're grateful to have had the opportunity to converse with one of the galaxy's most unorthodox classical composers. The fact that such an upstanding member of high society was part of the nefarious Hand Clan only underscores the importance of your own field of investigation. You'll have to be sure to point that out to anyone of note.

-Digging up the dirt on Sargeant Pain proved easy for one of your investigative prowess. With this knowledge in hand, you should be able to effectively counter any further bluster from Pain about your expense accounts. In fact, you're veritably surprised that the Academy would accept such a non-commissioned military reject onto its faculty. Surely it's not due to his teaching skills!

-On the topic of teaching skills, the traditional Academy course evaluation forms are to be distributed and completed immediately after the final exam. Apparently there was once briefly a movement to put these evaluations online, but the plan eventually fell through. So it's up to each instructor to administer the paper copies. These evaluations are taken into account for planning future course offerings and curriculum. They are also used to determine the top class and professor. As it happens, you're one of the latter who has a lot of the former. Earning these distinctions would probably result in considerable prestige and would almost certainly demonstrate the interest that exists for your style of policing.

-It seems the competition for these top awards is somewhat fierce; Millernia even sent out a special memo to the faculty reminding them that undue influence should not be exerted on the students. This has apparently been an issue during previous terms. From what you understand, Millernia herself is usually the frontrunner for the instructor award. However, the class award for the last few years has alternated between Fitness and Firearms Training, shockingly enough. You're not sure how any self-respecting student could reward such distasteful classes.


-Obtain the high scores on the Academy course evaluation forms that you and your class certainly deserve.

John McGuire – Recruit's Report 6

Recent Duties: Classes have reached their climax, with the final exams only hours away. The time has come for you to demonstrate what you've learned over the course of the term here at the Cormus Police Academy. Or, in your case, what you've known for a long time. Paper tests really aren't your thing; you much prefer the kind of tests that involve the lead from your gun rather than your pencil. Still, having placed a couple full packs of cigarettes in your pockets and not drunk too much last night, you feel totally prepared.


-Major Pain's probably gonna be real upset if you 'borrow' his jeep again, and what with the final grades soon to be computed, that might not be such a good idea. If you're gonna pick up supplies to help 'demonstrate' the dangers of the Academy, you might need to look for an alternate form of transportation.

Personal Notes:

-So it turns out the lazerfire exercise did involve some livefire after all. This time it was a hostage situation, with young Frodo in serious danger. It all seemed to be orchestrated by that Handel. Why does it always seem to be Germans who set up these sorts of situations? Or at least Europeans. Anyway, you're all about volatile confrontations, but you can't say the same for some of your colleagues. You've tried to toughen them up, but they still have a long way to go, and they're clearly not tough enough to face these sorts of situations. At this rate, one of them is gonna end up being shot. Again, in Merry's case.

-The Academy instructors certainly don't seem overly concerned about all the criminals that have been confronting their students. You're not one to harp on safety, but you have to think it's more than a bit irresponsible to be using untrained kids to do the work of real police officers. It may be time for you to start voicing your complaints with a bit more emphasis. And nothing makes a point quite like additional evidence.


-Take every opportunity to complain about the unsafe conditions at the Academy. Though obviously not on your own behalf.

Neji – Recruit's Report 6

Recent Duties: Classes have reached their climax, with the final exams only hours away. The time has come for you to demonstrate what you've learned over the course of the term here at the Cormus Police Academy. The pressure is definitely on. Many of your classmates seem to be preparing by hitting the books. Since your classes don't so much involve books, you've spent the past week working on your Dodgeball skills. Because everything you need to know for your exams can surely be learned through playing your favorite sport. You've also spent some time praying, which is apparently the thing to do during exam periods.

Distress Calls: (The teen help-line seems quite popular, though you're not sure if that's because of your promotional endeavors or simply due to the catchy number (1-800-MYANGST). Whatever the case, this is a list of recent calls that you've dealt with.)

-You've been hearing a lot of goth poetry, mostly from a depressed, melodramatic caller who identifies himself as the AngelOfDeath. His poetry is definitely not the sort of stuff that would get composed back home, and in fact you find it rather distasteful. Though you have attempted to keep an open mind, you usually just reroute Angel's calls to Chins, who doesn't answer the phone anyway.

-Some pranksters must also have somehow found this number. They've called in a couple of annonymous bomb threats in an annoying french accent that sounds really fake. The first such call had you a bit worried, but that was several days ago. The second call came in this morning, and was promptly ignored.

-Frodo finally called into the help line yesterday, and not before time. As usual, he sounded really anxious and depressed, but after some coaching, he eventually confided that he had been receiving annonymous threats warning him to drop out of the Academy. Unfortunately, he destroyed the messages soon after receiving them. It's not much information, but it's certainly vindication for setting up this phone line. And nothing save Subway tastes better than vindication.

Personal Notes:

-You've heard serious students like Wheatie refer to the last few days of classes as crunch time. In the case of Major Pain's class, that seems almost literal. Still, while your classes have continued to test you to the limit, you've noticed that others seem to have wrapped up early. In fact, you've heard that the last couple weeks of Ambrose's class have mostly been field trips. Clearly, those classes must be really short on material. It hardly seems fair to equate those kinds of cakewalks with your own grueling class load.

-You've heard there are awards for the top graduates in several different categories. This is yet another opportunity for you to demonstrate the righteous persistance and determination that has served you so well throughout this term.


-Prove yourself yet again by excelling on your final exams.

-Don't miss any opportunities to degrade contentless classes that rely on field trips to fill up the term.

John Watson – Crime Doctor 6

Recent Duties: Classes have reached their climax, with the final exams only hours away. The time has come for you to demonstrate what you've learned over the course of the term here at the Cormus Police Academy. The pressure is definitely on. On the other students, that is, if they even want to stay on the same grade curve as you. After all, these exams are sure to be nothing less than elementary. While others are probably frantically cramming, you've continued to adhere to your normal daily routine. Surely there's no better way to prepare than by reading the paper.

Newspaper Headlines:

-Still paging through the local papers, you found an interesting article in the Cormus Daily Planet. It's all about a new art exhibit that will be opening in a few weeks at the Gallery of Modern Art. This exhibition will feature recent works from such prominent artists as Christin P., Lite Metal and Yoko. However, the centerpiece of this collection is a number of works by the enigmatic artist known only as Krypto. In fact, this will mark the first time that Kryptos will be on display in the city of Cormus. This event is being sponsored by several major companies, including Cyberdine, and it certinaly has the city's elite very excited.


-As per your request, Wiggins and his lot have been looking into the murder on Baker Street. The official investigation is being run by Inspector Lestrade, which means it's almost condemned to remain unsolved, at least by the police. Wiggins has discovered that the victim was a young man by the name of Tanrael. He was fairly new to the building, and very reclusive. Neighbours suspect he might have been hiding out from some sort of trouble, what with the way he kept to himself. But no one really seems to know anything concrete about him. Though it's hard to say what's been going down on Baker Street, it does seem clear that things are quite irregular. Wiggins is waiting for your instructions on how to proceed with this case.

Personal Notes:

-You came back from breakfast this morning only to find your door hanging ajar. You were instantly worried for your chemistry set, but fortunately it appears to have weathered its possible exposure to outside influences. However, when you returned to reading the paper, you discovered that the business section had gone missing. And now it's your business to locate it. The only clues you found at the scene were a few little scraps of newspaper that might well have come from the missing section.

-In your expert opinion, any doubts among your colleagues regarding your esteemed credentials have now been put to rest. Not only did you demonstrate your understanding of complex medical theories, but you also let loose your PhD level vocabulary. You plan to do much the same thing during the final exams, and once again demonstrate your amazing powers of deduction.


-Solve the mystery of the disappearing newspaper section.

-Score well on these most elementary final exams.

Wheatie – Recruit's Report 6

Recent Duties: Classes have reached their climax, with the final exams only hours away. The time has come for you to demonstrate what you've learned over the course of the term here at the Cormus Police Academy. The pressure is definitely on. Although you're looking forward to the final exams, you'll still be a bit sad to see the end of classes. Well, except for CQC. Of course, you don't have much time to dwell on this, what with all the studying you need to be doing. Some people seem to believe they can get by with more unorthodox methods of exam preparation, but you've always preferred to do things the traditional way. By the book, as it were. And with lots of frantic highlighting.

Book Report:

-Thanks to your hard work, the library has been restored to full functionality. Not only is it clean, but it's now also complete thanks to the recovery of the four missing books. This is sure to delight future generations of young Academy readers. In fact, Millernia has even proposed renaming the newly refurbished library in your honor. Unfortunately, Samuel de Champlain doesn't seem to agree that 'The Isaac Memorial Library' is an appropriate name. Possibly because he doesn't recognise your real name. Instead, he has proposed to call it 'Wheatie's Biblioteque.'

Notes from Home:

-You wrote home about your amazing performance during the exercise last week. A response just arrived yesterday, in which your father proudly proclaimed that you'd finally admitted your preferance for one of Denchul's national icons, the rifle.

Personal Notes:

-Instructor Millernia was so impressed with your work as a bookcop that she nominated you for the position of Deputy Hallway Monitor. Apparently, Mrs. Keen needs some assistance in controlling the more unruly students. This position may well be an ideal fit for you, given that you're already well-acquainted with all the school rules. Furthermore, Millernia says that doing this job could earn you a school spirit award at graduation. Sweet! Of course, studying remains your top priority.

-That Lazerfire exercise last week was actually almost fun. At least until the Hand Clan showed up. You were really worried when you first learned that Major Pain was partially responsible for planning it. But he probably never planned for you to be such an amazing shot with those lazers. You would still rather have read about such an event in a book than participated in it, but as far as real life goes, it wasn't that bad.

-The Roomba is loose! You had been leaving it running in the library during the nights in order to pick up all the dust. Unfortunately, the impetuous Pippin must have left the door open at some point, allowing the Roomba to escape. By this point, it could be anywhere on the main floor. Catching it seems way too physically intense, especially right before final exams, so your plan is just to wait until it runs out of power.


-First and foremost, you've got to do really well on your final exams!

-Fulfill your duties as a Deputy Hallway Monitor and make sure that all students at the Academy are behaving in an acceptable manner and are obeying all the institution rules.

Caesar – Recruit's Report 4

Recent Duties: Classes have reached their climax, with the final exams only hours away. The time has come for you to demonstrate what you've learned over the course of the term here at the Cormus Police Academy. The pressure is definitely on. Especially for you, given that you missed a significant portion of the term. Your instructors still seem willing to let you take the finals, though you've had to do a lot of catching up. This has included a lot of Pain (Major and otherwise), and a few private lessons with Joachim and Strider. Yeah, it's some eXtremely accelerated learning.

Path to Justice: (Size does matter. And even Kurando would have to be impressed by the progress you've made on your Sword of Justice.)

-Kurando seems to think there's more to being a decent person than jumping in the way of bombs or spending all your money shopping. Impressing him really isn't going to be easy. At the very least you're going to have to graduate from the Academy, preferably with some respectable awards. It might also help if you're able to take down Bomb Voyage. Which is something you were intending to do anyway.

Personal Notes:

-Recovering all your stuff seems like totally more work than it should be. Though you've repossessed your stereo, you still need to get back your bike, which was impounded by the city. Worse yet, they won't release it until you pay the sum of twenty marks. There's no way you can fork over that much money, especially after shopping. Maybe you can ask Yumi to pick it up for you. You should be seeing her at the graduation in a couple days, provided her father lets her come. And provided you pass.

-That Mugsy fellow keeps talking about his gang, and how it's supposedly really tough and cool. Yeah, right. Mugsy wouldn't know cool even if he was stuffed in a freezer. Which isn't a bad idea, come to think of it. Anyway, this has given you the idea to found your own group. Unlike Mugsy's, your clique really will be cool. And it will be really exclusive. 'Cause excluding people is what makes cliques so much fun.

-The Lazerfire exercise was sort of neat. Over the course of your eXtreme life, you've had a lot of experience with getting shot, but you've never been shot without actually getting hurt. So that was cool.

-You've heard that famous biker and stuntman Ernie Devlin will soon be making a stop at the Cormus Carnival. Kids these days might not know much about Devlin, but anyone from your generation (or from Fenixa) knows that he's one of the greatest and most daring stuntriders in the Galaxy. Or at least he used to be. They say he's broken pretty much every bone in his body at some point, sometimes all at once. In fact, rumours suggest that he's forgotten more about pain than you'll ever know. About pain. About forgetting about it. It would be great if you could take Yumi to meet him.


-Form an exclusive and highly cool clique.

-Ostracize any students not part of your gang.

-Don't bomb on any of your exams.

Adventure Summary

One quick note: there is not and never was any character named “Wheatie” in this campaign. This name seems to be a figment of people’s imaginations, people who can’t seem to remember more about a person than where they are from. From now on, any persons who were being called “Wheatie” will be referred to using their proper names. Any references to “Wheatie” during this summary are strictly inadvertent.

In honor of everyone’s favorite instructor, Samuel de Champlain, today’s summary will be written entirely in French.

<French> The adventure begins with some FMVs of the PCs madly cramming for their final exams. Presumably, they have all been studying diligently over the past few weeks and this cramming is only needed as a final review. Excitement and anticipation permeate the campus grounds as every student’s favorite time of the year approaches. If you thought Christmas was fun, you obviously haven’t written the police academy final exams.

Scene two takes place in the cafeteria (not too surprisingly). Rather than perusing a textbook as per usual, Wheatie is seen standing at the edge of the cafeteria watching the room like a hawk. He holds a reflective stop sign and scribbles furiously on a very professional notepad. A bright yellow sash strapped over his chest reads “Deputy Hall Monitor”. With this newly obtained authority, Wheatie quickly assigns demerits to Mugsy, for smoking/threats/wearing gang colors, to Circe, for being a jerk to the deputy hall monitor, to Rufus, for running at large, to Caesar, for vulgar language, and to all of the other PCs (except for Ambrose unfortunately) for detracting from school spirit by criticizing the school’s excellent policies. As this strictly regulated atmosphere is not conducive to completing mini-objectives, the PCs move out of the area.

John McGuire sets out to prove that the academy is a death trap. This firstly involves talking to the guards at the top of the stairs to the second floor. John manages to “convince” one of them that the stairs are deadly by pushing him down them. Of course, John claims that he only fell because the wall on the second floor was structurally unsound and ummm… fell apart or disappeared or something. Using a similar story that somehow involves a chandelier, John manages to push Wheatie down the stairs as well, who is also “convinced.” In the dorms, Pippin becomes a new target for John’s misdeeds, and trips over some carpet (which was dangerously pulled up by John) along with Wheatie. Pippin, of course, agrees that the carpet must have been installed this way. Wheatie, however, makes his intelligence check this time and is able to assign demerits to McGuire for vandalizing school property.

At the same time John Watson is making intelligence checks of his own. Apparently the B section of his newspaper has mysteriously gone missing from his room. He begins by thoroughly examining the scraps of paper left there. Using his chemistry set, Watson finds no dog saliva, and thus eliminates Rufus, who is surprisingly not the answer to every mini-objective in this adventure. After questioning the impetuous Pippin, the crime doctor deduces that he, although an obvious suspect, is also not to blame. Continuing the investigation, Fatty is interrogated, and although scraps of paper are discovered in his chins, it is clear that they belong to the wrapper of a 5th avenue bar, and not to the B section of a newspaper. After these suspects are eliminated, Watson, (although this occurs much later in the adventure) realizes that the culprit must be the Roomba! It had apparently escaped from “Wheatie’s Bibliotheque” (which, incidentally, Millernia wanted to name after some unknown kid named Isaac) and had been wreaking havoc across the globe. In the end, Watson is able to retrieve a shredded version of his B section. I guess he shouldn’t have left it on the floor.

Meanwhile, Caesar seems to be intent on starting a gang war. He exchanges trash talk with Mugsy, claiming that Mugsy’s gang, the Rattlesnakes (Mugsy and Fatty), is full of losers who are part of the “uncool” group on campus. Assertions are also made that Caesar’s gang, called something like Purple Thunder or Bunny Brigade (I was getting pop at the time), is extremely cool due to the fact that it is so exclusive and only lets the coolest, most invisible people join. Mugsy and Caesar do manage to agree that Wheatie isn’t cool at all, which earns them scores of demerits. To settle their argument, it is decided that there will be a rumble behind the school after classes, as if the students didn’t already have enough distractions during final exam season. Wheatie runs off to tell on them.

Ambrose, being a teacher at the academy, is busy madly photocopying final exams (all 5 of them). This season is full of work for instructors to do. However, Ambrose knows that ‘tis also the season for course evaluations and does manage to find some time to suck up to his students. This involves a) telling Wheatie to vote for him, and b) sucking up to Circe by telling Wheatie to go away. Some other people may have been present during this scene who were also sucked up to but I simply can’t recall who… Most of Ambrose’s efforts to impress the students occurred long before this adventure anyway (a la iron chef). Wheatie is cool.

Neji finally decides what to do and takes her turn. She had previously made some remarks to the effect that field trips are an inappropriate educational tool and had chastised Ambrose on his use of them. Perhaps this was because many of these field trips were really chore-doing trips where students bought things for Ambrose, drove his car to the repair shop, brought him alcohol, etc. Simply calling him on this abuse of funds is not enough for Neji, and she approaches instructor Millernia (the only sane/competent staff member at the academy, and therefore best suited to deal with this problem). Stuff happens and then Neji sets up and office for the crisis line (1-800-MYA-NGST). She sits in the warm darkness and waits for the phone to ring when a red light is seen slowly moving toward her. It is not a sniper laser, but rather, Roomba! (So this is when Roomba is actually found, fill in the blanks yourselves, you bums).

And eventually, the much anticipated final exams arrive. Millernia’s exam is a written test consisting mostly of answers that were from the course outline. However, there is also an excellent section where guns blazing and handcuffs are offered as solutions to loitering persons and PR events. Watson, Wheatie, and Circe tie for top marks with 90%, Wheatie missing the first question on the test, and Watson thinking he could let felons off with a verbal warning. Major Pain’s test is obviously not written, as that could not possibly involve jeeps or blood. Turns out, the exam is a shortened version of the orientation exercise (of course, everyone is a couple levels higher now) but with the sergeant (that’s right, sergeant Major Pain) chasing the participants. Neji makes it out first for top honors, followed closely by Caesar. John McGuire and Merry are unfortunately caught by Painy and fail the exam (McGuire does end up with a 49% because he was so close). With all the students in the final exam groove, they charge on excitedly to second period.

Samuel de Champlain’s final is also a written one much to the delight of his only human student, Wheatie. Again, he misses one of the first questions. Obviously he has spent too much time studying the actual material for each course, and not the course outlines. Luckily, the second part of the test is an essay question about a police raid on a leopard’s cave. Wheatie scores bonus points by writing the essay entirely in French and gets 140% (so knowledge IS power…). Rufus, fortunately, fails Police Tactics with a 0%. He just drools on the paper. Strider’s Covert Ops class has a final exam that appears to be just as difficult as all of his classes have been. The students hide in a stretch of mixed terrain while some hired goons take a look for them. The laziest goon manages to spot three students on the second round, so he decides to take a break and leaves the game. Even with that goon gone, Strider and the other goon have an easy time discovering Frodo and then Neji, leaving Pippin as the winner of the game (somehow). Finally, High Society instructor Ambrose gives an insanely hard exam. In order to do well on this exam, the PCs would have had to pay attention during previous adventures (eww). Circe scores highest by using her special power “bell curve” to get a mark of 6 out of 10. Most people get 5’s, some get 3’s. Too bad Wheatie wasn’t in this class.

Period three is the cause of much rejoicing. Joachim’s CQC final is a big battle with the winners of last week’s class in a royal rumble versus Joachim! More realistically though, it’s a survival match, with the last student standing proclaimed the top of the class. Dominic, Neji, Caesar, and Wheatie take heavy damage from the wrestling moves of Joachim. Caesar goes down, Dominic goes down, Caesar gets back up, Neji goes down, Wheatie goes down. It might be appropriate to mention that Wheatie only went down last because constant missing with something as accurate as psi-bolt must have given Joachim the idea that Wheatie was no threat. Nevertheless, this means Wheatie ends up with the highest mark on the final. Incidentally, everyone who took this class passes, because Joachim is such a nice guy. Cimarron’s firearms training is more target training where the students (Merry, Pippin, Watson, and McGuire) shoot at ducks, snakes, gangstas, elvises, and snipers. Pippin is a killing machine, doing incredibly well for someone with no firearms skill and no competence! McGuire comes out on top, then Watson, Pippin and Merry. Merry fails sadly and is then shot in the leg by McGuire who is still trying to show that the “academy” is dangerous. Merry limps off to cry I’m sure, since he failed all his finals.

Now that classes are over, it is time to rumble. Students gather to watch the gang war. Ambrose and Wheatie try desperately to quash the impending scene. They are successful in the sense that no violence occurs since the gangs (collectively only three people) just trash talk each other some more. Suddenly, an explosion is heard from inside the school. Peering in, Wheatie sees that Watson, Neji, and Millernia are being held at gunpoint by some sort of French terrorist (a la bombs). Having just passed his police tactics class, Wheatie decides that an approach should be made from all directions. Wheatie sneaks in through the back, Pippin through the kitchen, Ambrose through the dorms, and Caesar through the front (McGuire has disappeared at this point). Unfortunately but predictably, Wheatie fails his agility check and the terrorist looks in his direction. He threatens to kill the hostages if Wheatie does not come forward with his hands up. Wheatie reluctantly does so, but luckily, Ambrose and Caesar spring into action and easily take out the flunky. A message is heard over flunky’s radio in a French accent. “What iz going on, we ‘ave almost located our target non?” Wheatie responds with his impeccable French, convincing the sender that everything is under control and discovering that there are two bombs in the building, one upstairs and one in the kitchen. Neji and Watson head to the kitchen, while Ambrose, Wheatie, and Caesar head upstairs.

Watson and Neji come upon the unlikely scene of Mrs. Keen fending off terrorists in the kitchen alone; one of which is in possession of a comically oversized bomb! Unfortunately, the three heroes are schooled by the amazing psychic abilities of one of the terrorists. With Neji unconscious, it looks like all hope is lost, when McGuire breaks through the window on Cimarron’s bike and uses his MAD SKILLZ to put the smackdown on the terrorists. Mrs. Keen wags her finger at him for breaking the window and causing explosions but this battle is won nonetheless.

In the meantime, Wheatie and friends rush to the upstairs hallway to find three terrorists of their own (complete with oversized bomb), one psychic, one gun guy, and one suicide bomber with bombs strapped all over him. Crappily, this is a long hallway, and team terrorist is much more range oriented than team awesome. Wheatie frantically tosses psi bolts at the jerks at the end of the hallway, while Ambrose and Caesar stab the bomber. In the next round, the bomber decides to detonate himself, dealing 37 damage to himself and those around him. By a miracle of fate, he rolls an 03 for his attack roll and completely misses Caesar and Ambrose. Team Wheatie quickly takes out one of the remaining jerks. The last terrorist, noting his predicament, lights the fuse on the bomb, spelling certain doom for the academy. But, from out of nowhere, Roomba zooms into action, detecting the fuse against the carpet of the hallway and quickly putting it to death. With that little distraction out of the way, the last jerk takes a beating. The PCs rendezvous and charge roofwards, knowing that the leader of the terrorists must be there.

Waiting for them is a notorious criminal, Bomb Voyage, a naughty Frenchman. He defends himself by holding dangerous bombs, making the PCs too afraid to attack him, and forcing them to spend their turn convincing him to drop it. However, since all the PCs are totally weak by now, they get squished. Bomb Voyage escapes into the night (evening?). Afterwards, the PCs hear horrible news. During the commotion, the coolest instructor at the academy, Samuel de Champlain, was murdered, and every one of them is a suspect (even though it was obviously Sam). Graduation is held up, to say the least. Wheatie rules. </French>

Note: Special thanks to Wheatie for writing this summary.

New Characters

The Unabomber
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: Suicide Bomber

The Unabomber is a feared member of Bomb Voyage's bomb squad, and is said to be fanatically loyal to his boss. Not only is he willing to detonate the numerous explosives strapped to his small body, but he's willing to do so with almost no provocation, making him a suicide bomber to be feared. His manner of dress is also calculated to spread terror. The Unabomber always wears a thick, long red hooded jacket, regardless of the weather. His exposed skin is further hidden by a white mask and red gloves. Finally, the Unabomber's short stature is strapped heavily with explosives, ready to be detonated at any moment. It's rumoured that the Unabomber was once a successful tennis players, but those days are clearly far behind him. The cause for his sudden change in careers remains a mystery.

Bomb Voyage
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: Supervillain

Bomb Voyage is a Fenixan supervillain who has long terrorized the people of Cormus with his random bomb threats and his obnoxious french rap. Although usually known to hit banks and other such financial institutions, the vindictive Bomb Voyage has also been known to hold grudges. In particular, he seems to view the Enchiro family and anyone associated to them with undisguised malice. Not one to blend into his surroundings, Bomb Voyage is reknowned for his extremely long chin, his white facepaint and his french barret. He also often wears a black shirt and tight white pants. When pressed into combat, Bomb Voyage usually attempts to blow away his opponents using a combination of dynamite, other explosives and bomb threats. Also of interest is the fact that Bomb Voyage speaks exclusively in french, but fortunately white subtitles are always there to translate, albeit poorly. Caesar in particular seems to have an ax to grind with Bomb Voyage, especially after the latter almost caused him to bomb his final exams at the Police Academy.

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