Ambrose - Instructor's Report 4
Recent Duties: The last week at the Academy has been quite stressful, and spirits are down. The term has passed its midpoint, which means that finals exams are fast approaching. While this should be the primary concern of most students, you're more anxious regarding the teaching evaluations that will be filled out on that same day. Furthermore, Samuel de Champlain and several of the other instructors are very worried about the report WABco is compiling on the Academy. And judging from the deplorably grungy classes taught by some of your colleagues, their worries may well be warranted.
Faculty Relations: (You may refer to yourself as faculty, but you certainly don't seem to be paid like one. Of course, it's probably beyond the Academy's budget to actually pay what you're worth. But they could still do better than they have so far.)
-It's hard to believe that a modern police institution could retain any employees at all without offering expense accounts or lines of credit. After all, you deserve a lot of credit for shaping these new recruits into professional agents, and the least they can do is translate that into monetary sums. Especially since your automobile was damaged in the course of duty. It's just unseemly for a man of your station to be forced to barter away your prized possessions. You've approached Samuel de Champlain over this matter, though the language barrier made it hard for you to convey your complaints. In any case, he's assured you that instructors have always been paid on a per term basis.
Personal Notes:
-Although you're still displeased with the whole transaction, you have to admit it's oddly appropriate that your silver flask funded the repairs to your Origina Silver, which has been restored to its former glory. You had your doubts, but it appears Tiny's reputation is totally deserved. When it comes to wine and automotives, you're a big fan of a good vintage. You picked it up just yesterday, and hardly a moment too soon considering the field trip you have planned for today's class.
-Commuting into Cormus to get your automobile repaired was a bit of a nuisance, but at least it gave you opportunities for some delectable dining. The port at Simpson's Diner had a nice depth, and Mrs. Hudson's cooking was clearly the inspiration for Watson's cooking. And, to a more stripped down extent, Jamie Oliver's.
-Your attempts to schmooze Wanda last week seem to have backfired. You're not overly concerned about WABco's appraisal of the Academy itself, but you are very much concerned about the damage to your good name that could be infliced by Wanda's allegations. It seems word of your spending habits in Corsair has reached Cormus, and it could be disastrous for your standing at the school. You'll have to counter with a charm offensive. Fortunately, you have plenty of that to go around.
-A new student has been enrolled in your class, and she should be arriving today. It seems a bit late for a transfer student, but apparently she has some connections from way up high. Millernia didn't elaborate, but did say that you should be prepared to make her feel welcome.
-Caesar's been absent from the Academy for just over a week now. Samuel and Strider were discussing this at dinner the other night, and it came out that Caesar's apparently been hospitalized after some altercation in Cormus. His absenteeism would be more of a concern if he was enrolled in your class. Since such isn't the case, it's not like he's missing much.
-Launch a public relations campaign to polish your image at the Academy, and protect your good reputation.
(Please keep a list of the PR initiatives you've undertaken.)
John McGuire – Recruit's Report 4
Recent Duties: The term's already more than half over! Not that this makes the damn classes go any faster. Some of them are a real drag, and not the good kind that you get from your cigarettes. Though in the case of Major Pain's class, both do tend to inflict almost equivalent damage to your body. That's what learning's all about.
-Instructor Ambrose proved quite useful in dealing with the Baker's Dozen. Of course, you've faced plenty of punks just like them before. Still, you have doubts about any guy who uses a damn renaissance weapon. A sabre is no match for a good handgun. Or even a bad one, really.
Personal Notes:
-That Roger Thornberry certainly had the stuff you were looking for. The people on Baker Street claim he's not good for anything; they must not share your addictions. Now that your rations of contraband have been restored, you should be fixed to go for the rest of this term.
-Everyone seems concerned these days about school spirit. You've even heard Instructor Millernia mentioning something about a pep rally to unite the Academy as one community. As far as you're concerned, there's only one kind of spirits that matters, and that's the sort you find in a bottle. Maybe you can find a way to tie that into this pep rally. There's nothing like moral in a bottle.
-That Caesar guy's been gone for over a week now. 'Course, you're probably one of the last people to advocate a good attendance record. Still, it's starting to seem excessive, even by your standards. He seems like a good kid, aside from his choice in headgear, and it would be a real shame if something bad happened to him.
-Some religious bigwig is visiting the Academy today. Religion really isn't one of your vices. All things considered, your lack of church attendance is one of your least important sins.
-Promote booze as the true source of school spirits.
(Please keep an accurate list of your promotional methods.)
Neji – Recruit's Report 4
Recent Duties: Term is now officially more than half over, which means that final exams are fast approaching. This is apparently a very stressful time for students, one that will test both mind and body to the limit. At least you assume that's why everyone seems so concerned about 'school spirit' lately.
Divine Rumblings: (With 'school spirit' apparently lacking, the powers of katra only grow in importance.)
-You remain ever vigilant, even in the face of ominous signs.
Personal Notes:
-You're still reminiscing about the joy of riding the non-stop Subway express all the way to flavour country. If it is possible to visit heaven while still on the mortal coil, you have to suspect that they would serve Subway. Now if only they would open an outlet here at the Academy. Mrs. Keen's coffee and donuts would be no competition for freshly-cut sandwhiches.
-Young Frodo has grown more and more withdrawn over the past week, to the point where he barely responds, even to Sam. He always seemed to be the fragile sort, but now he seems prone to bouts of random terror. You have to think that the symbols carved into his room are a serious cause of his trauma.
-You're not really sure what this whole 'school spirit' thing is about, but apparently it's lacking here at the Academy. As a very spiritual person, you feel that you are fully qualified to lead the school's spiritual revival. While attending schools back home, you discovered that Dodgeball seems to be a great way of building spirit and camraderie amongst fellow students. After all, it's got the five Ds: dodge, duck, dip, dive It's fun for the whole family! It's also viewed as one of the most violent games still allowed back home. A traditional game involves twelve players, so you'll have to find eleven other people to participate.
-Convince people to participate in a game of Dodgeball.
(Please list the other players who've signed on to play, up to 11)
John Watson – Crime Doctor 4
Recent Duties: The present term is now officially more than half over, which means that the final exams are now fast approaching. You can't help but be reminded of your final medical exams back at the U of T. Studying was made difficult by Sherlock Holmes' presence in your bungalow, and his pretense at practicing his violin. Which just involved playing your gamophone record repeatedly. Really, the man was a fake in almost every way. He would also read over your shoulder and declare your complicated medical textbooks to be elementary. Remembering Holmes certainly puts things back in perspective. Whatever your current conditions, they have to be better than when that rotter was staying with you. Memories aside, these pedestrian exams should be no problem for a man of your academic background and tolerance for frustration.
Newspaper Headlines:
-The political situation remains volatile. The Blue Moon has more extensive coverage on the Vietnam scandal. Publicly, President Cerin continues to deny authorising the Blue Bereet operations, but has refused to specify what action he intends to take in the aftermath of the recall. An annonymous insider claims that Defense Minister Aegeus has neither offered nor been asked to resign from his post, and now claims that Blue Berets were only in the area to protect Deksiilan diplomats who were attempting to mediate the conflict. This has done little to placate the ever more clamorous opposition parties.
-Pippin remains an unending source of information; unfortunately, he seems incapable of filtering the useful information from all the rumours he manages to gather. This time he's all excitied about the 'spirits' he's seen hanging around the barrow downs. He calls them Barrow Wights, and insists that they're really scary. Of course, as a man of science, you give no credence to these theories of ghosts.
Personal Notes:
-Your sources indicate that a religious envoy will be visiting the Academy today. Ever since your days at St. Christopher's, you've been wary of religious organizations. Especially since you're not well regarded in those circles. It's possible that your reputation might have followed you here from Corsair, in which case caution is certainly in order. You definitely don't want word to get out that you don't technically have a valid medical license at the moment. Fortunately, you're well accustomed to subterfuge and should have no problem blending into your surroundings.
-Wiggins sent you a telegram six days ago about a rather mysterious murder on Baker Street. A resident of the 300 block of Baker Street flats was found dead the morning after your visit. One of the neighbours discovered the body after noticing that the door to the victim's flat had been kicked down. Police aren't releasing many details regarding the case, not even the identity of the vicitm, and no arrests have been made. Neeedless to say, this has greatly distressed Mrs. Hudson.
-Avoid being recognised by any of the religious visitors.
-Help solve any mysteries that present themselves, even if your assistance is not solicitated.
Wheatie – Recruit's Report 4
Recent Duties: The term is now officially more than half over, which means that finals are fast approaching. You were expecting to be faced with a whole slew of exciting midterms. Unfortunately, the classes instead seem to be placing all their weight on the finals. Not that this is really a problem, but you wish they would have indicated the marking scheme on a course outline or something. How else are the good students supposed to be able to maximize their marks?! Anyway, you're ready to dive into your books and get studying for finals, but you've noticed that some of your fellow students don't seem to be sharing your enthusiasm. They might need some help to get into the spirit of this exciting time.
Book Report:
-This Academy really needs to bring on a full time librarian. The books are horribly disorganized, and new ones haven't been ordered for several years. You've taken it upon yourself to sort and reshelve all the books using the Wheatie-Decimal System. In so doing, you've noticed that some of the library's books are missing. Unacceptable! As far as you're concerned, overdue library books should go on peoples' criminal records. It's a very serious transgression.
Notes from Home:
-Running into old Uncle Chet the other day on Baker Street was quite the coincidence. The last time you saw him must have been about fourty years ago when he visited your farm on Denchul to celebrate St. Clovey's day. It's almost surprising that he would still recognise you. And here you thought you were beginning to blend in to urban life.
Personal Notes:
-That Mariano guy was totally nuts! Visiting him was quite the traumatic experience. Still, Samuel de Champlain seemed to think the pate and poutine were well worth it. And the whole wheat served at Simpson's Diner certainly made things worthwhile for you.
-Instructor Millernia has also noticed the lack of school spirit at the Academy. In the name of increasing camraderie among students, she has given you authority to plan an extracurricular pep rally. She wants to hold it after class today, which doesn't leave you much time to prepare. Fortunately, she has given you some resources to help put things together.
Pep Rally Resources:
-A big Boily the Coffeepot costume. He's the official mascot of the Cormus Police Academy, though apparently he hasn't made an appearance for quite some time.
-100 marks in seed money. Your favorite kind.
-A broken Roomba. You're not sure how this can be used, but you do have it.
-Plan an exciting pep rally to strengthen school spirit at the Academy.
-Make sure everyone is aware that Boily the Coffeepot, the Academy's official mascot, is essentially the living embodiment of the school's spirit.
(Please keep an accurate list of all the important facets of your pep rally.)
Chins – Staff Report 1
Recent Duties: The last four weeks have been a blur of slumber and snacks. Thankfully, Major Pain hasn't demanded your assistance in any excercise drills since the orientation. Which is good, because all that floating around in the water really took it out of you. To expediate your recovery, you've been going light on the paperwork. Much to your delight, you've discovered that time-sensitive work tends to lose its importance if you wait on it long enough. It's almost like the work gets done without you even needing to do it.
Piles on the Desk: (The pile of paperwork on your desk, which sometimes seems to balloon almost as fast as your weight. Not that you really check either very often.)
-There's still some Academy registrations to process. You've gotten through most of them, though that's only because there are so few students this year. There are some advantages to low enrolment, as far as you're concerned.
-A new student has transferred into the Academy. She doesn't officially have the prerequisites necessary to register at such a late date, but apparently she's got connections high up instead. Plus, it's more work to argue about these things.
Chins' Most Wanted: (In essence, the inventory of the Academy's vending machine. You spend more time compiling this list than on any other type of paperwork.)
-Guacamole Doritoes. How do they come up with this stuff? This is the kind of research that really paves the way to a better future. And a bigger belly.
-Fifth Avenue Bars. A mediocre chocolate bar that's main selling point is the inclusion of nougat. It's no match for the cookie crunch of a Twix bar.
-Gobstoppers. Just recently introduced to the market, these hard candies can provide flavour for hours. In a pinch, they can also make effective projectiles.
Personal Notes:
-When rubbing your multiple chins, you're used to uncovering stashes of crumbs. You found something quite different after a nap last week. It was a ticket plastered to your chin. It was from someone named Wanda, who apparently works for WABco, a WABtech company. You don't remember receiving this ticket, but that could be because you were sleeping on the job. Which is what the ticket accuses you of doing.
-More importantly, you made your daily trip to the vending machine this morning only to discover that there was but a single Twix left. Craving the cookie crunch that only Twix can provide, you quickly plugged the machine. Tragically, the Twix didn't make it out. It got stuck. Not wanting to damage one of your main food sources, you quickly rushed back to your desk for more change. Well, rushed might be a strong word. Anyway, by the time you got back, the Twix was gone! Stolen! Just because a candy bar fails to fall from its perch does not imply transfer of ownership. You don't know who got this freebie, but you intend to find out. Through any means necessary, including a candy lineup.
-Discover who was responsible for taking the last Twix bar from the vending machine. Your expertise in candy should serve you well in this investigation.
Meanwhile, when we rejoined the rest of the PCs (in the cafeteria, surprise, surprise), they discovered that Frodo, everyone's favourite manic depressive, had started to succumb to random fits of terror and was probably about ready to crawl under a rock and die at any moment. Thankfully, it seemed that exorcism was immanent when the party learned of a religious visitation that had been scheduled for that day. At that point, Watson, who apparently ain't got Jesus, attempted to make himself scarce when Cardinal Callistus and his entourage (mainly consisting of a previously inebriated Father Ted) made his appearance by posing as some sort of kitchen-boy and hiding in the cafeteria. Wheatie, on the other hand, seemed indifferent about this kind of spirituality and instead was valiantly trying to organize a pep rally to try and boost school spirit (yeah, like THAT ever works). This idea seemed welcomed by McGuire, who was concerned with still another kind of spirit, of the liquid and alcoholic variety, and proceeded to spend the entire rest of the adventure preaching about the greatness of School Spirits, while Pippin was just going on about Barrow Wights -- more bloody spirits in places that Pippin shouldn't be but invariably is. Neji also seemed super psyched about this idea of a pep rally and used it as a convenient excuse to coerce people (PCs and hobbits alike) that the best way to promote school spirit was with a good, old-fashioned, friendly game of Dodgeball -- which was apparently the national sport of whatever planet Neji is from, or so she said. Convinced this would be fun for the whole family, she managed to get Wheatie, McGuire, Merry, Pippin, Sam, Frodo, Fatty, Mugsy (with the promise of being able to peg Wheatie in the face), and even Watson (with some strings attached) on side rather quickly.
She was interrupted however, by the arrival of the religious party, who seemed interested in young Frodo and the strange goings on that concerned him. After a brief conversation and the commencement of a procession towards the hobbit's room, the party was accosted by Ambrose, who was trying to get them all to sign a card for their dear, departed Caesar, who apparently had been in the hospital for the last two weeks (which means SOMEONE had been clearing his absences!). He got some signatures and got blown off by others (namely Neji, who remained convinced that if he had been following the path of the light, he wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place and it was his destiny to screw up).
Chins (who seems to have moved for the first time in months) seemed to have had his Twix bar pilfered from him and, with Watson (who can't seem to be gotten rid of, even if desired), they set out to try and unmask the culprit.
And with the parting of the faith, we return to our regularly scheduled class highlights...
Only to discover that there was a new student around and she has got it out for Wheatie. It was none other than Penny from Inspector Gadget sitting in HIS desk in the front row! (THE HORROR!) Complete with computer-book, dog, and snooty/smarmy butler, it was clear that she was a jerk and probably a driving plot-force for the rest of this adventure. Of course, that led to hysterics when Mugsy barged in (late as usual) and asks about the identity of the dog -- only to add that he wasn't talking about the puppy.
In PE, Major Pain was at it again; getting his class to go through an obstacle course, gutter crawling, over caltrops, in mud pits, with barbed wire, and with the Major driving randomly in his jeep. After all, if you can dodge a Jeep, you can dodge a ball! Or so he said after Neji convinced him (unnecessarily easily) to play dodgeball that afternoon. Between classes, Wheatie was going on about Boiley the Coffeepot, who apparently was the embodiment of school spirit. To those lines, he got McGuire to wear the Boiley costume for the pep rally, but only after telling him that he can have "beverages" inside the suit.
On to Period 2, where Ambrose took his class on a field trip, which was probably better described as a booze run to replace his sacred flask. However, things take a turn for the worse when Merry gave him a gourd full of whiskey and Mugsy opted for a paper bag filled with every sort of random alcohol he could find, stating that he couldn't choose just one for such a fine instructor. Once Ambrose refused, however, Mugsy found himself with quite a lot of booze on his hands and nobody to give it to...
That alcohol had not been seen since.
Strider, on the other hand, thought it would be a great idea to blindfold his students and send them into the forest to find their way back with nothing but bad owl calls (or was it a chicken?) to guide them. Of course, hijinks ensued when the trees started ATTACKING the students and John McGuire was forced to send Old Man Willow on a quick trip back to Mother Nature -- in a ginormous ball of FIRE, much to the appreciation, perhaps, of certain long since dead Republic characters.
Next up, Duck Hunt, with your host Cimmaron. Guns were issued and things (though surprisingly, NOT Merry) were shot. And Joachim made his class make up signature wrestling moves, which ranged from a Snake Bite (Mugsy) to a flame foot untrained double leg kick (Neji).
While all this was going on, Chins was randomly accosting anyone and everyone who seemed to possibly have a reason to take his Twix bar (which mostly seemed to consist of Fatty over and over again). Eventually, he came up with the genius idea of a candy line up. Only to be thwarted by Rufus the dog, who not only reveals himself as the thief of the Twix bar and its delectable cookie crunch, but ATTACKED the party -- which spawned perhaps more euthanasia jokes than was necessary. But the dog was put down nonetheless by the combined efforts of most of the PCs.
Finally, it was time for the pep rally, which Wheatie was able to make quite extravagant due to getting a government grant. McGuire was on hand, handing out togas, which apparently made any party involving school spirit(s) better, and directed everyone to the table of Caesars, which worked well enough in the absence of their undoubtedly battered and broken comrade.
Lastly, after rounding up Major Pain, Joachim, and Cimmaron, the super Dodgeball showdown was set to begin, with Samuel de Champlain acting as the bench coach for whatever team Wheatie ended up on. But, before it could begin, in the proud tradition of organized sport, teams must be picked. At which point Neji discovered that her list had 12 names on it and that meant there were 13 players wanting to play. This worked out nicely, as Dodgeball was a sport of Violence, Exclusion, and Degradation -- meaning the last poor sap to get picked just wasn't going to get to play. With Neji and McGuire as team captains, teams were chosen, with of course the bigger, stronger kids getting picked first so they could all gang up on the weaker ones. In the end, Frodo got the short end of the stick and was forced to sit out.
Now with team School Spirits consisting of McGuire, Wheatie, Cimmaron, Fatty, Pippin, and Sam going up against team Purple Cobras, made up of Neji, Watson, Major Pain, Joachim, Mugsy and Merry, it was time for violence, degredation, dodgeball and MINI-GAME!
Apparently, however, Major Pain and Joachim couldn't pull their weight and Cimmaron is amazing, which leads to the crushing defeat of team Purple Cobras. This is where the adventure ends, with experience flying out the window.
BUT... avast, you thought this summary was over! Wrong, for now we present you with the ALTERNATE ENDING!!!!!!!!!1111oneonetwo@
Right off the bat, Cimmaron threw a bullet at Neji, nailing her right in the arm and sending her to the bench before she could recite the 5 Ds of Dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and... dodge! But Mugsy turned around and smashed Wheatie, the Easy Target, with a Power Shot IN THE FACE!
Finally living up to his stats, Major Pain made a miraculous diving catch of the ball Pippin leisurely tossed his way, sending Pippin to the Box of Shame and letting Neji come back on. John McGuire tried to take out his opposite number, John Watson, but by some sheer dumb luck the Crime Doctor somehow managed to stumble clumsily out of the way.
This was good for clearing the field for Major Pain and Joachim to team up against Cimmaron, with the former throwing wrenches and the latter turning into GRAND PAPILLON! and using his incredible power to take out Cimmaron, even in spite of the firearms instructor’s intimate knowledge of ballistic motion, making him the deadliest butterfly in the galaxy... with a dodgeball.
Cimmaron is still in hospital and there are rumours flying around the academy that that shot may actually have killed him, but these rumours are still uncorroborated. But back to the game...
Trying valiantly to pay back John McGuire for his earlier attempt at his spot on the court, Watson picked up a ball and tried to throw it -- only for that to be a miserable failure and to have none other than Sam pick it up and peg off the Crime Doctor right in the chest on a run-by pegging. Needless to say, that case was far from closed. Unfortunately, having no Frodo to protect left Sam vulnerable with no special powers to prevent the well-balanced Merry from taking advantage of his lapse in concentration and pinging him in the side of the head before disappearing behind his larger teammates.
Leaving only Fatty and John McGuire against a fleet of Purple Cobras, it looked grim for team School Spirits. That was, until Mugsy hurled a shot at McGuire, who just so happened to still be in the Boiley the Coffeepot costume from the pep rally, but he dove spectacularly out of the way, letting Fatty nail Mugsy when his back was turned. This latter promised Fatty that he would "get him" once the match was over. To this day, nobody knew what that meant. But McGuire got a wrench to the head courtesy of Major Pain for his troubles; after all, if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball! It was almost as if the Major had transformed into the 7-time ADAA all-star, Patches O'Hoolihan. After suffering his concussion, it was easy pickings for Neji and Merry to pelt McGuire with balls until he crawled off the court.
Joachim decided he was going to make short work of Fatty, powering up and hucking a super-charged ADAA approved dodgeball straight at Fatty's head. However, he had failed to notice that the hobbit was tightening his belt, which deflects everything: dodgeballs, corruption, rabid dogs, it even makes julienne fries! Merry tried to take out his hobbit friend, knowing the belt was only a one-time effect, but Fatty easily caught the ball aimed at his chest and Merry had to sit out while Wheatie came back on.
Unfortunately, Wheatie came in on the same hex Fatty was occupying and so when Neji hit Fatty in the knee, eliminating him, the ball ricocheted off Fatty at a strange angle, and hit Wheatie right in the face (again), sending both spirits off to the bench and clinching the game for the Purple Cobras and thus ending the greatest COPs adventure in Las Vagas, ever.
Note: Special thanks to Neji for writing this summary.
Father Ted
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Church of Cormus
Although he maintains a jovial manner, Father Ted is in fact a very spirtual man. To be specific, he believes in two sorts of spirits - the Holy one and the kind that comes in a bottle. Preferably a bottle marked as Irish Whiskey, but Ted really isn't that picky. Aside from this distinction, Father Ted is much like many other priests that could be found throughout the city of Cormus, albeit a bit more British. He wears a typical black priest's habit and has plentiful gray hair. Father Ted is the senior priest at Westminster Abbey, on Baker Street, where he can usually be found provided he's not out giving a religious toast at one of the neighbouring pubs.
Cardinal Callistus
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Church of Cormus
Cardinal Callistus is the head of Cormus' most widespread non-denominational church. He is also an ardent supporter of law and order, and has made great efforts to collaborate with the Cormus police department. To this end, he has even briefly served as a police chaplain, restoring faith to officers who have spent their lives fighting an unending war against corruption on the city streets. As befitting his station, Cardinal Callistus wears elaborate white robes emblazoned with golden crosses and flared gloves. His dark hair reaches his shoulders, with two graying bangs hanging in front of his angular face. Though the church currently has no official role in running the Police Training Academy, Callistus' recent visit suggests that this policy may soon be changing.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Recruit
Circe is a 'tranfer' student who entered the Cormus Police Academy in the middle of its term. Although she doesn't really seem to have the transfer credits necessary to make this arrangement feasible, she does have connections high up. In particular, her uncle is a highly regarded police inspector who works at the downtown bureau. Coming from a wealthy family, Circe is used to a life of privilege and luxury. She is always dressed in trendy and expensive clothing, along with all the important accessories such as pricey jewelry, a really advanced watch and a computer book. Her reddish blond hair is pulled back in a pair of pigtails.
Race: Spheran
Affiliation: Butler/Bodyguard
Dominic serves as Circe's personal manservant, performing the combined functions of both her butler and her bodyguard. He has been employed by Circe's family for many years, and has been recognised for his loyalty and prompt service. Dominic is dressed for the part, with an impeccable black tuxedo, white gloves and a flower at his label. His black hair is slicked back and shaved around the sides, and his mustache bears the appearance of diligent grooming. Dominic has also been trained for combat, just in case his mistress' independence gets her in trouble. And it often does.
Race: Big Dog
Affiliation: Circe's pet
According to Circe, Rufus is an extremely friendly, playful dog that loves meeting and greeting new people. However, the people in question tend to disagree, especially given the way Rufus likes to climb all over them, leaving behind dirt and mud in his wake. And that's when he's not biting or mauling. As Circe's loyal companion, Rufus was officially brought to the Academy in order to became part of the Police Canine Unit. And while questions about Rufus' true character remain, few would be willing to claim that he lacks the ferocity and persistance required for such a job.