Neji – Fugitive's Report 38
On the Run: The attack on the Bleeding Hollow forces barricaded in La Bastille essentially turned the streets of Precinct 6 into a warzone, especially after the arrival of the Church forces. After hours of intense combat, victory was snatched from your hands by Callistus and his Templars of Steel. Escaping from that predicament was a rather close shave. Fortunately, the Gladios seemed preoccupied with seizing the mysterious MINOS. Still, you would not have been able to flee the scene without the assistance of Inspector Valtyrez, who resumed his former habit of arriving just in time to save the day. Once out of La Bastille, you were able to secure transportation by leaping inside one of Cyberdine's black sedans.
The Chief cut you a bit of slack upon your return to the Last Strand, granting you a couple hours of rest. This also gave the rest of your ragtag companions time to find their way back here. Unfortunately, your ranks have been thinned by the absence of Caesar and Sarah Connor, though the latter's disappearance is no surprise given Evadine's presence. As per last time you knew him, Caesar seems to have departed without any warning at all.
Now that you have all regrouped in your impromptu headquarters, the time has come to make a final plan to recover MINOS from Cardinal Callistus and his secret society, and the Chief seems to consider himself eminently suited for that task. The sun is just rising over the city of Cormus as you embark on what will likely be your most difficult mission since joining the police force. It may well be up to you to ensure that the city lives to see another sunrise. No longer do you stand as part of the of the thin blue line, instead you are the razor-thin line that stands between the citizens of Cormus and disaster.
This time, it's do or dye.
You are at full hitpoints and psipoints.
Sapientes Gladio:
-You are still working on a tight deadline, but Inspector Valtyrez's actions at La Bastille suggest he might be willing to grant you an extension, or at least a suspended sentence until these issues are resolved. You sense that Valtyrez may be starting to doubt the methods of Sapientes Gladio, especially as regards an attack on a city monument in order to seize the property of a private company. Still, if you are to obtain absolution, you will have to bring him proof of Callistus' evil plans.
Personal Notes:
-Wheatie reported on his recent mission to Precinct 13, and you were shocked to hear that your office has been given to Inspector Reeves. He has never done anything that would make him worthy of such a working environment, let alone one so carefully appointed.
-This is it. Cardinal Callistus has crossed the line for the last time. It is hard to believe that he could have deceived you regarding his true nature for so long, but it seems that he has deceived himself much longer. In seeking to destroy the darkness, he has become a part of it himself. A cruel irony to have brought down a man who was once an icon of hope for the city and the light. Now that your corneas see him for what he truly is, you are ready to stop him once and for all.
-Save the city from evil in any of its forms.
Wheatie – Fugitive's Report 39
On the Run: The attack on the Bleeding Hollow forces barricaded in La Bastille essentially turned the streets of Precinct 6 into a warzone, especially after the arrival of the Church forces. After hours of intense combat, victory was snatched from your hands by Callistus and his Templars of Steel. Escaping from that predicament was a rather close shave. Fortunately, the Gladios seemed preoccupied with seizing the mysterious MINOS. Still, you would not have been able to flee the scene without the assistance of Inspector Valtyrez, who resumed his former habit of arriving just in time to save the day. Once out of La Bastille, you were able to secure transportation by leaping inside one of Cyberdine's black sedans.
The Chief cut you a bit of slack upon your return to the Last Strand, granting you a couple hours of rest. This also gave the rest of your ragtag companions time to find their way back here. Unfortunately, your ranks have been thinned by the absence of Caesar and Sarah Connor, though the latter's disappearance is no surprise given Evadine's presence. As per last time you knew him, Caesar seems to have departed without any warning at all.
Now that you have all regrouped in your impromptu headquarters, the time has come to make a final plan to recover MINOS from Cardinal Callistus and his secret society, and the Chief seems to consider himself eminently suited for that task. The sun is just rising over the city of Cormus as you embark on what will likely be your most difficult mission since joining the police force. It may well be up to you to ensure that the city lives to see another sunrise. No longer do you stand as part of the of the thin blue line, instead you are the razor-thin line that stands between the citizens of Cormus and disaster.
This time, it's do or dye.
You are at full hitpoints and psipoints.
Notes from Home:
-Apparently, the mail you received since being arrested was being forwarded to Neji's office. You made sure to pick it all up while you were feeding her fish. Surprisingly, your parents actually seem to have taken the initiative to find out about your arrest, possibly because your letters suddenly stopped coming. They seem to have taken this news with a grain of salt, and have instructed you to seek support from local relatives, as is family tradition with any sort of disaster. They furthermore elaborate that this would be Uncle Moose, in case you didn't catch the hint. Unfortunately, they also add that your Uncle Henry is visiting Moose at the moment. You've never got along with Uncle Henry, possibly because he was into this whole nickname thing even before it apparently became 'cool'. Henry is old enough to remember some really ancient ancestor who was named Isaac, and he seems to assume that you're named in his honor, meaning that he always refers to you as 'Junior'. It's very annoying.
Personal Notes:
-Unlike some of your allies, you don't have any problems working with Cyberdine Systems. However, you do have ethical issues with the use of Zoombas in battle. It's inhumane to send them on suicide detonation missions! You can't imagine treating either Little Isaac or Roomba in such a manner. You would never send either of your pets into battle! ...Not again, at least. And you certainly never did so after strapping explosives to their backs.
-It seems like the fate of the city might be in your hands, or something like that. They certainly didn't mention this on the course outline for the work experience course. At the same time, it's not that different from what you've been doing since arriving on Deksiil. When circumstances call for it, you're willing to don the baggy flannel of the Harvester, fighting for wheat and justice. You came to Cormus as an intern, but maybe you'll leave as a hero. That will look pretty good in your internship report, though it's unlikely to make up for your criminal offences. Still, you might as well make the best of a bad situaton.
-Conclude your internship by saving the city of Cormus.
John Watson – Fugitive Doctor 34
On the Run: The attack on the Bleeding Hollow forces barricaded in La Bastille essentially turned the streets of Precinct 6 into a warzone, especially after the arrival of the Church forces. After hours of intense combat, victory was snatched from your hands by Callistus and his Templars of Steel. Escaping from that predicament was a rather close shave. Fortunately, the Gladios seemed preoccupied with seizing the mysterious MINOS. Still, you would not have been able to flee the scene without the assistance of Inspector Valtyrez, who resumed his former habit of arriving just in time to save the day. Once out of La Bastille, you were able to secure transportation by leaping inside one of Cyberdine's black lorries.
The Chief cut you a bit of slack upon your return to the Last Strand, granting you a couple hours of rest. This also gave the rest of your ragtag companions time to find their way back here. Unfortunately, your ranks have been thinned by the absence of Caesar and Sarah Connor, though the latter's disappearance is no surprise given Evadine's presence. As per last time you knew him, Caesar seems to have departed without any warning at all.
Now that you have all regrouped in your impromptu headquarters, the time has come to make a final plan to recover MINOS from Cardinal Callistus and his secret society, and the Chief seems to consider himself eminently suited for that task. The sun is just rising over the city of Cormus as you embark on what will likely be your most difficult mission since defeating Moriarty. It may well be up to you to ensure that the city lives to see another sunrise. No longer do you stand as part of the of the thin blue line, instead you are the razor-thin line that stands between the citizens of Cormus and disaster.
This time, it's do or dye.
You are at full hitpoints and psipoints.
Newspaper Headlines:
-This morning's paper went to press before the conclusion of the fighting at La Bastille, but it does have some striking shots of the conflict taken from the vantage of a press helicopter. The fires spreading across La Bastille stand out starkly against the night sky, and will probably serve to rile up the whole of the city's French population. Really, the French are far too sensitive. The picture is escorted by an article from Eddie Brock, denoting the conflict as being between french revolutionaries and police forces.
Personal Notes:
-Mycroft Holmes may be a fool, but at least you can always trust him to be fooled. And there's no one with a sharper wit than the Crime Doctor. After all, the effectiveness of placebos suggest that one of the main skills of a medical practioner lies in persuading their patients that a given treatment plan will be successful. Perhaps it's time you employed that bedside manner on the mayor. The Cardinal isn't the only one capable of pulling the wool over Mycroft Holmes.
-You recently received a wire from Wiggins. Lesser minds might be surprised that such a missive could reach a wanted fugitive, but you've long acknowledged the value of wires. Anyway, the lads have apparently been quite anxious regarding your absence, and have been eagerly awaiting a chance to assist you in your current investigations. They've promised to behave properly this time around.
-It doesn't take a detective of your experience to recognise that Cardinal Callistus represents a significant danger to this city. You still don't know what MINOS actually is, though you have a few theories, but the fact that this evil society is willing to do anything to obtain it is reason enough to fear it. Besides, it and all of the treasures hoarded by these Gladio belong in a museum! Preferably the British Museum. And you intend to ensure that they get there, just as soon as you perform one last major operation. It may end up being fairly invasive, but you'll lessen the pain by giving out a few shots.
-Close the case on the dangers that threaten the city of Cormus.
Saavik – Fugitive's Report 16
On the Run: The attack on the Bleeding Hollow forces barricaded in La Bastille essentially turned the streets of Precinct 6 into a warzone, especially after the arrival of the Church forces. After hours of intense combat, victory was snatched from your hands by Callistus and his Templars of Steel. Escaping from that predicament was a rather close shave. Fortunately, the Gladios seemed preoccupied with seizing the mysterious MINOS. Still, you would not have been able to flee the scene without the assistance of Inspector Valtyrez, who resumed his former habit of arriving just in time to save the day. Once out of La Bastille, you were able to secure transportation by leaping inside one of Cyberdine's black sedans.
The Chief cut you a bit of slack upon your return to the Last Strand, granting you a couple hours of rest. This also gave the rest of your ragtag companions time to find their way back here. Unfortunately, your ranks have been thinned by the absence of Caesar and Sarah Connor, though the latter's disappearance is no surprise given Evadine's presence. As per last time you knew him, Caesar seems to have departed without any warning at all.
Now that you have all regrouped in your impromptu headquarters, the time has come to make a final plan to recover MINOS from Cardinal Callistus and his secret society, and the Chief seems to consider himself eminently suited for that task. The sun is just rising over the city of Cormus as you embark on what will likely be your most difficult mission since joining the police force. It may well be up to you to ensure that the city lives to see another sunrise. No longer do you stand as part of the of the thin blue line, instead you are the razor-thin line that stands between the citizens of Cormus and disaster.
This time, it's do or dye.
You are at full hitpoints and psipoints.
Tricorder Analysis:
-Recovering your tricorder was a large boost for your morale. It seems irrational to form such an attachment to a mere piece of machinery, but it is a part of your past and a part of you. Fortunately, it seems that Vladislav was not capable of breaking the encryption. He already has too much that you value in his clutches. In any case, you somehow find the cold, machine logic of your tricorder extremely reassuring. It is a state of calm that you hope to achieve again someday.
Impersonal Notes:
-You have sixteen hours left in this race to provide Valtyrez with evidence about Rhadamanthys and the Cardinal. You can only hope that this is enough time. Though you are not one to rely on such things, you cannot help but feel that Valtyrez is a good man, and you do not wish to come to any more blows with him.
-Events at the Bastille have caused you to recall your first assignment with the Cormus Police Force. Young Enjolras, the leader of the student protesters, spent much time discussing his distinct culure. His words still strike a chord with you, and you imagine they would strike true with the French quarter of Cormus, particularly after last night. It is no surprise that the French have consequently been preaching revolution, especially after having Inspector Lestrade traipsing all through their district, introducing himself with no mercy. You know full well how hard it is to exist in an environment as part of a very small minority.
-Cardinal Callistus must be stopped. Whatever he is planning does not seem to be predicated on reason or logic, potentially leading to disaster regardless of his initial intentions. But in stopping him, you must not fall back on the dark methods of your past. To do so would put you in the same danger that caused the Cardinal to fall from grace.
You pray for guidance in this, that Nobellius may keep you from giving in to your darker urges.
-Restore logic and sanity to this city by defeating the Cardinal and his secret society of religious zealots.
Jackie - Fugitive's Report 26
Current Predicament: Upon exiting the catacombs where you were imprisoned, and defeating several members of Sapientes Gladio including the inebriated Father Ted, you found yourself on the streets of downtown Cormus. A precarious location indeed, especially for fugitives from the law. Fortunately, a quick call on your radio brought the remote-controlled Gaidinmobile right to your location. From there, it was only a short ride across town to meet up with The Chief and Dr. Wagner at their headquarters.
And in some ways, it could definitely be called a headquarters. That's because the Chief's new center of operations is the Last Strand, a barbershop deep within an ethnic section of Precinct 13. Apparently, this location has been used as a field base by the enigmatic branch of Deksiil's CIA known as The BROTHERHOOD, with which The Chief was once affiliated.
While the barbers were busy removing any evidence that your soul patch ever existed, the Chief arranged a meeting with Evadine, the CEO of Cyberdine. Not surprisingly, she was also interested in recovering her company's property, MINOS, from La Bastille, and she was willing to assist your team with all sorts of really cool robots and technology. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to want you to accompany them on that mission, despite the fact that you probably would have been able to upgrade all those crazy robots. Instead, the Chief sent you to make contact with some group called the BROTHERHOOD. This involved going down to a poolhall called the Snooker Shack, where you tried to greet the brothers in the way that Chris Tucker taught you. This resulted in a short scuffle, and your ejection from the premises, but hopefully the message got through to this BROTHERHOOD.
The Chief cut you a bit of slack upon your return to the Last Strand, granting you a little rest. This also gave the rest of your ragtag companions time to find their way back here. Unfortunately, your ranks have been thinned by the absence of Caesar and Sarah Connor, though the latter's disappearance is no surprise given Evadine's presence. As per last time you knew him, Caesar seems to have departed without any warning at all.
Now that you have all regrouped in your impromptu headquarters, the time has come to make a final plan to recover MINOS from Cardinal Callistus and his secret society, and the Chief seems to consider himself eminently suited for that task. The sun is just rising over the city of Cormus as you embark on what will likely be your most difficult mission since joining the police force. It may well be up to you to ensure that the city lives to see another sunrise. No longer do you stand as part of the of the thin blue line, instead you are the razor-thin line that stands between the citizens of Cormus and disaster.
This time, it's do or dye.
You are at one hitpoint.
All your possessions that were left in the Gaidinmobile have been recovered.
(Yes, this means you're back in the Tuxedo.)
Personal Notes:
-It looks like you were right about the Cardinal and his church all along. It's too bad no one listened to you earlier. It's no wonder that they would try to lock you up. They probably don't want their true nature to be revealed. In fact, you're certain that they're still probably intent on capturing you before your information goes public. It's a good thing they have this whole MINOS thing to distract them at the moment. Then again, it's not like they'd be able to catch you anyway. After all, you have a big headstart, and you know all the local customs for every precinct in this city. You'll blend in, disappear; they'll never see you again. Until you show up to foil their plans, that is.
-It sounds like the city of Cormus may be in great peril. Local police don't seem up to dealing with this challenge, which is no surprise. What they need is a supercop: a police officer who is also a superhero. That's a part you're totally fit to play. You've already saved the girl. Now it's time for you to save this city.
-Save the city!
Note: Special thanks to Neji for writing this summary.
Vegetable Lasagna
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Tourist
Who is this guy?! That's the question that's on everyone's tongue when they consider the mysterious man known only as Vegetable Lasagna. He seems to be a mystery wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in an unfashionable red and green suit that makes him resemble his curious namesake. Although officially a tourist visiting Cormus to take in the sights, Vegetable Lasagna was perfectly willing to be recruited into an attack on the downtown church, ostensibly because he thought it was part of some crazy tourism package. His Michellin guide couldn't prepare him for such conflict, but fortunately his ability to cheat any sort of system serves him in good stead when he's pressed into battle.
Uncle Henry
Race: Denchulli
Affiliation: University Professor
Uncle Henry is one of the few members of Wheatie's extensive family to have achieved any form of post-secondary education. As a professor of galactic literature at the University of Deksiil, Henry is known as something of an Attila, who was never giddy, even when he was a schoolboy. More locally, he's known for criticising Wheatie's nickname. After all, they named the dog Wheatie. Henry believes that Wheatie should properly be addressed as Junior, given that he's named after an elder Isaac far up the family chain. Uncle Henry can be described as an older, dignified man with a short beard and glasses. He usually wears a small cap which conceals his balding head, and he is prone to carrying umbrellas and quoting Charlemagne.