Food for Thought

Heroes: Ambrose, John McGuire, Dr. John Watson, Neji, Wheatie, Wanda and Jamie Oliver.
Enemies: The Baker's Dozen and Lord Ragland?!

Ambrose - Instructor's Report 3

Recent Duties: In addition to preparing your class material, you've spent most of the past week assisting the police with their case against Jimmy the Hands. You hope to hand him a long prison sentence, which is the least he deserves after the damage he inflicted upon your Origina Silver. Making an example of him should show other criminals and vagrants to keep their hands off your automobile.

Faculty Relations: (If only everyone referred to your colleagues as 'faculty' instead of 'instructors', which is such a pedestrian term.)

-Rounding up celebrity judges for your Iron Chef lecture wasn't easy. First of all, you had to find colleagues who weren't busy teaching during second period. Then you had to convince them that they should spend one of their union-specified prep periods to taste food prepared by questionably competent students. Chins was totally up for this, until he realised that it would involve climbing the stairs to the second floor. Instead, you were able to sign up Major Pain and Cimarron. The former was interested in the opportunity to verbally castrate students, while Cimarron was enticed by the prospect of a meal that didn't come with tangential stories from Headmaster Samuel de Champlain.

Personal Notes:

-The quality of life here at the Academy has seen a definite increase of late, due almost exclusively to your own efforts. It's amazing how more sophisticated terminology, such as Chez Ambrose, can turn a common mess hall into a dignified dining establishment. This sophistication seems to be brought to you by the power of french. You'll have to learn more of that language sometime.

-Several of the other Academy vehicles were damaged duing the car chase, but none of them were even in the same class as your Silver. And you'd just had it waxed, too! The police were able to restore it to a functional state, but its aesthetic appeal remains to be repaired, and that's really the more important part where you're concerned. At the moment, you hardly even want to be seen driving the thing.

-Obviously, you need to have your car fixed. The big automotive repair companies may be good enough for the common people, but they certainly don't have enough class to be touching your luxury vehicle. Fortunately, Millernia tipped you off to the bodyshop in Cormus which services her Illumina Lightning. It's located on Baker Street, which is within Precinct 17 on the southern edge of the city. Although not particularly well known, she says this place has often been called upon to restore vintage cars. That's the kind of pedigree you expect from your mechanics.


-Get your automobile checked into a bodyshop.

-While you're at it, you might as well spend a night out on the town It might not compare to the nightlife in Coursair, but it's a darn lot better than the rock music that pollutes the Academy during the night.

John McGuire – Recruit's Report 3

Recent Duties: This second week of class has really started to drag. And not the good kind of drags that you get from a cigarette or a bottle. In fact, you're damn sure that this marks the longest consecutive period you've ever spent sitting behind desks. You prefer to get your education from the school of hard knocks, where you graduated with great distinction.

Room Status: At first, you were a little concerned about the idea of an inspection. You're not used to having your digs evaluated by superiors. However, the only result was that you ended up with a second dorm room, which you've classified your showroom for any future instructor visits. This means you don't have to worry about keeping the other one clean.


-That peer pressure seminar was still more proof that Instructor Millernia really seems to go for an emotionally sensitive style of teaching. It's not your style at all, but it's all good by you if it means you get coffee, cake, donuts or any combination of the above.

Personal Notes:

-Even though you've never met met him personally, it's well known that Jimmy the Hands was doing some hard time at Corvalli prison. If he's out on the street, that can only mean that something's going down, and you're not the kind to pass up on things going down, unless it's some punk and you're the one making him go down. One of your contacts has to know something about why the Hand Clan would bust out their boss.

-Anyone would be amazed at how many cigarettes and bottles of booze you've gone through since arriving at the Academy. For you, this substance abuse is just business as usual. Still, it's not exactly easy to replenish your supplies here. You'll have to take the opportunity while you're off the facility to hit up some street contacts for some more smokes. And if they refuse? It's your gun that will do the smoking.

-That Mugsy seems like he could be useful here. Everybody needs somebody to do the grunt work like getting smokes and booze. Maybe he even knows a cheaper place to get them than some of your old contacts.


-Obtain more contraband to bring back into the Academy.

Neji – Recruit's Report 3

Recent Duties: It's been two weeks since classes started at the Academy, and already you feel like you've learned a great deal. Admittedly, some of it is extremely strange. You're not really sure what construction paper masks have to do with close combat, but you would never presume to second-guess your qualified instructor. In fact, you have come to be quite impressed by the hollistic teaching approach taken at this Academy. Now if only the menu at the cafeteria could share that methodology.

Room Status: You were greatly ashamed that your room was not among the cleanest for the inspection. You'll have to work harder to ensure you meet the approval of your superiors. And make sure that Pippin doesn't get access to your candles. To that end, you've decided to keep the broom in your room on a more permanent basis. It should hopefully allow you to sweep away your competition when the next inspection comes along.

Mystic Rumblings: (Your Katra-inspired visions have grown cloudy of late. You're not sure what this means, but you can only assume it's foreshadowing for something dark indeed.)

-The symbols etched on Frodo's wall were ominous indeed. As far as you're aware, the burned eye symbol has no particular significance. Still, it does not seem to be bode well, and has left a feeling of dread hanging over you that even meditation cannot purge.

Personal Notes:

-You've long been aware that healthy training can best be sustained by healthy eating. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be an option here at the Academy. The only food available seems to be donut and coffee slop from the cafeteria or junk from the vending machine. And after that inspection, you definitely don't want anything to do with junk. In fact, you've hardly eaten since arriving here three weeks ago. This is probably why your performance has been a bit off for the past week.

-You were hoping to get some nutritional variety at the peer pressure seminar. Unfortunately, that plan was nixed by the arrival of the cable guy. You did end up unplugging him, but not before he hooked himself up with most of the cake and snacks. Still, you hope that the hobbits learned something about being assertive and independent from the way you rejected the cable guy's extortion attempts. It still left you feeling hungry, though.

-If you're going to eat fresh, there's only one way to go. Subway. Their amazing sandwhiches are healthy, filling and virtuous. Unfortunately, visiing the nearest franchise would surely involve a field-trip into Cormus. There must be a way to get off Academy grounds. Of course, first you'll have to obtain permission to do so.


-Obtain and consume a healthy Subway sandwhich.

John Watson – Crime Doctor 3

Recent Duties: It's been two weeks since classes started at the Academy, and already you feel like you've sufficiently demonstrated the deductive superiority of your mind. This doesn't mean you intend to stop pointing out your superior skills of observation; only that you no longer need to go out of your way to do so.

Room Status: Curse that young Pippin! Mischief is one of the common side-effects from working with street urchins, and usually outweighted by the considerably lower overhead, but it's still been a long time since anyone blew up your chemistry experiments. In fact, since the last time you had a visit from Mr. Holmes. Fortunately, you were able to repair everything, along with crafting an ingenious lock for your door.

Newspaper Headlines:

-Scandal! The Blue Moon, Deksiil's only planetary paper, has just discovered that Blue Beret commando forces have been participating in the most recent incarnation of the Vietnam war, which broke out on Lorac some two years ago. Even as the Deksiilan govenrment publicly condemned the Loracian government's crackdown on insurgents, it seems that defense minister Aegeus was authorizing covert operations within the warzone. President Cerin has denied any knowledge of these operations, and issued a recall of all Blue Berets mere hours after the story broke. Unsatisfied opposition parties are demanding a fullscale inquiry into this matter.


-Pippin seems to be the most prolific of your new Baker Street Irregulars, though you remain paranoid that his reports will be accompanied by the explosion of your chemistry set if you let him out of your sight for even a moment. This time, he claims to have been up and about extraordinarily early, and to have seen a tousled and sleepy Caesar being hustled down the hallway by Mrs. Keen.

Personal Notes:

-You saw through that Jimmy the Hands right from the beginning. It wasn't just idle chatter when you crossly accused him of having stolen the Focus. In fact, it was probably this observation that caused him to panic and take rash measures that would soon see him behind bars. Villains often do that, you know.

-A telegram addressed to you arrived at the Academy yesterday. It's from your landlady, Mrs. Hudson. She claims to be missing your presence at your Baker Street flat. Furthermore, she also makes vague allusions to some problem that only you can unravel.

This is really all the invitation you need

-You're really getting tired of the poor meals served here at the Academy. The perfect perscription for this ailment would have to be Mrs. Hudson's home cooking, which she would surely offer you if you were to pay her a visit. You've resolved to do so today. After all, the rules about not leaving the Academy grounds surely don't apply to someone with your degree of importance. Still, it might be a challenge to get into Cormus; it's not like you can just call a cab to pick you up outside the front door.


-Visit your flat at 221 Baker Street and dine on Mrs. Hudson's fine cooking.

Wheatie – Recruit's Report 3

Recent Duties: You've spent your second week of studies here at the Academy really cementing your position at the top of all your classes. Through hardwork and academic enthusiasm (not to mention a few bruises), you believe you've managed to get into the good books of all your instructors. And there's almost nothing you like better than a book – particularly a good one.

Room Status: You would never describe books as junks, but apparently some of the instructors doing the inspection feel differently. In any case, you've tried to cater to them by organizing all your books in various bins using the Wheatie-Decimal System. It's an amazing sorting system! With skills like these, you would make a great librarian! Now if only the Academy would cater to you.

Book Report: (With the TV smashed, you don't even have the marginal distraction of the Discovery channel to keep you from your reading.)

-You've spent almost all week reading the Petit Robert dictionary from front to back. Since having submitted your essay, Samuel has become convinced that you're fully bilingual. He's since demanded that you translate most of your notes into french. Spending hours poring over the dictionary in your weakened state seems to have caused you to become a bit delirious, because now you think the dictionary is lying to you. It claims that petit means small, but the dictionary itself is anything but.

Notes from Home:

-It turns out that some cliches might actually have some basis. You sent a letter back home describing some of your classmates, and how disruptive they can be, and you happened to mention the altercation with Farmer Maggot. You didn't actually expect your parents to know him just because he's also from Denchul, but it turns out that they do! Apparently he used to farm next to your old uncle Flax. Supposedly he wasn't as crazy violent back in those days.

Personal Notes:

-You're STARVING! The combination of late night reading and poor nutrition has left you seriously weakened. You need to get some real food, and soon! You were hoping to pick some up during the peer pressure seminar last week, but you were too busy with your awesome roleplaying and it was all devoured by the big mamoo. Whatever that means.

-Clearly, you're not going to be able to find healthy, whole-wheat food here at the Academy. This suggests that it's time for a field trip into Cormus. Of course, you wouldn't even consider breaking the rules and leaving the grounds without permission. You'll have to find some way to get a daypass or something. It goes without saying that this will have to wait until after class.


-Find a legitimate way to get off Academy grounds so you can pick up some healthy (preferably whole-grain) food.

Wanda – Inspector's Report 1

Work Mandate: People are often confused when they first learn that you're a Wabco Police Inspector. They don't realise that in your case, this literally means that you inspect the police. Your mandate is to ensure that law enforcement officials are meeting up with bureaucratic standards set by police administration, and fining them if they fall short. Traditional police inspectors tend to look down on your company, but that's simply because they don't realise finding and ticketing offenders is every bit as challenging as solving crime.

Current Assignment: Your company, Wabco, has received direct orders from Police Commissioner Quinby instructing agents to look into police training facilities. Apparently low enrolment in police training programs is causing HQ to consider restructuring them. Your report into the Police Training Academy just south of Cormus could prove instrumental in helping HQ reach a decision.

Academy Personnel: (A list of staff and instructors current employed at the Cormus Police Academy. It could prove useful in your investigations.)

-Headmaster Samuel de Champlain is a veteran of the police force who was given command of the Academy as a means of recognising years of service with the Precinct 6's Surete. Rumours suggest he doesn't always do things by the book, unless said book is in french.

-Instructor Millernia has a spotless record, which isn't surprising given that she's in charge of the Academy's PR. When the Academy needs to present its best face, she's almost always the one called upon.

-Major Pain is an ex-military instructor who now teaches discipline and fitness at the Academy. His methods were supposedly brutal even for the military, so you can only assume his treatment of recruits is way out of line.

-Mrs. Keen is described as an instructor/lunchroom supervisor, who also runs the cafeteria. Ouch. Lunchroom supervisor is pretty much bottom of the totem pole as far as jobs with the police department go.

-Instructor Ambrose was recently transferred to the Academy from the Coursair Police Force. Apparently due to certain irregularities with his expense account. You'll have to make sure he doesn't try anything similar with the Academy's finances.

-Strider teaches covert ops at the Academy. His long history with the police department seems to be highly classified. You don't have the security clearance to get your hands on it.

-Instructor Joachim teaches close quarters combat. Rumours suggest he tends to do so by example, which had better include all the regulated safety equipment.

-Instructor Cimarron is in charge of firearms training. Records indicate that he used to be one of the force's best sharpshooters. You're not sure why he was taken off active duty, but you have a feeling gun safety was never his top priority.


-Thoroughly investigate the Police Academy to ensure that it's abiding by police standards.

Adventure Summary

Lunch, and the camera pans to the most stalwart of RPG cliches: the eating/drinking area. Meeting for a "meal" of stale donuts and staler coffee, the everyday heroes find their routine broken up. For inside the kitchen, scurrying to find any kind of ingredients, is Jamie Oliver, perhaps better known as "the naked chef", a minor culinary celebrity on Deksiil. He offers them a green salad, though they quickly find out that the greens are grass, not vegetables. Still, Wheatie seems quite happy, though John McGuire wants his usual fare.

Meanwhile, Mugsy tries to give grass of a different sort to Merry. This draws protests from Wheatie, citing academy regulations, and he then tattles to Mrs. Keene. Those talking to Oliver hear of his ghoulish creations, including tuna shakes, and a clamato-based vegetarian option.

During this, Ambrose is dining on roast boar with Samuel de Champlaine. Samuel informs him that there is going to be an inspector coming today, and that they will need to make a good impression. He asks Ambrose if he could show the inspector a good time - take her out for dinner, or what-not. The prospect of leaving the academy, even if only for the sub-par Cormus night-life, excites Ambrose, and he agrees.

Shortly thereafter, a helicopter with "WABCO" on the side arrives on the grounds, with Ambrose and Millernia waiting. A stern-looking woman exits, her pen already whipping across her clipboard, taking in the situation with all the humour of a dead comedian. Ambrose introduces himself, and the woman introduces herself as Wanda. She tells him that she is already well-aware of him, having made herself familiar with his accounting records from Coursair. Ambrose seems a little nervous, but politely informs her that he is sure that with his transfer to Cormus comes a clean slate, at least so far as accounts are concerned.

Wanda does not agree.

With the end of lunch hour, the students head towards the first of their three classes. In Millernia's Social Skills course, the students do PR work, making posters for police academy recruitment. Wheatie, using a lot of colours, creates a pop-up poster, complete with paper springs. Millernia is impressed, but concerned that it might be a bit too childish. Watson, by contrast, focuses on himself: in his poster, an elderly gentleman in a classic trenchcoat walks across a bridge, surrounded by rain and fog. Millernia likes this one as well, though she feels that it might be a bit too Watson-centric. Watson disagrees.

Among the NPCs, Mugsy uses chunky spaghetti sauce to write "Be Careful or Be Roadkill". This use of surprising materials would certainly be art in Ambrose's eyes, but Millernia is unimpressed, and is also not impressed with the efforts of the hobbits. Still, she says, the best three will be sent to HQ to be evaluated, with one of the three selected to be the next recruitment poster. Watson and Wheatie are selected, as is Merry. Mugsy is not, tragically.

Next up is PT, where Pain works over the recruits. It seems that he is not happy that his jeep was trashed, and has them to the basic repairs themselves, forcing them to lift the jeep, and then unscrew the bolts with their bare hands. Wanda sits in on this task, and seems very unhappy with Pain's methods.

On to period two, where a larger-than-usual crowd has gathered for Ambrose's class. Ambrose explains to the class the importance of gastronomical knowledge and culinary skills, and with that, announces a competition of Iron Chefs: Iron Chef English, John Watson; Iron Chef Italian, Mugsy; Iron Chef Buckland, Meriadoc Brandybuck; Iron Chef Shire, Fatty; and a special guest, Iron Chef Naked, Jamie Oliver. Joining Ambrose on the judging panel are Major Pain and Cimarron, making for a diverse range of tastes indeed.

The chefs prepare entrees, main courses, and desserts, with such a diverse range of foods as lamb curry, rocky mountain cake, spinach and mushroom loaf, gelato, blood pudding, and jogging (?!). In the end, the deductive skills of Iron Chef English are sufficient, and he takes both the competition, as well as the title of Iron Chef.

Meanwhile, in Strider's class, the enigmatic man has them track down a shack in the woods. Neji and John McGuire use Pippin in an elf-like manner, putting him on point and trying to spring any traps along the way. They are largely successful. After Pippin falls down a pit and can't do much else, the two others find the shack. With all the subtlety of a bag of ferrets, John McGuire kicks down the shack door and waves his pistol around. Finding the Big Shield, the two head back, but are thwarted by a new series of traps. Strider arrives out of nowhere, and tells them that they should keep up their guard at all times, even when their objectives have been reached.

The material in Samuel's class is even less meaty than this sentence.

Once third period is over, with much talk about "Rifles!" and concealed carry and prying of firearms from cold, dead hands; as well as near-challenges of inspectors by faculty, the recruits go about trying to get day passes from the faculty. Ambrose is hit-up by a number of people, but eventually gives his pass to Watson, who offers him a home-cooked roast beef dinner by Mrs. Hudson. Wheatie snags Samuel's pass in exchange for a promise to bring him pate; and poutine, while McGuire gets Mrs. Keen's, and Neji is able to acquire one from Joachim. With that, the group piles into a number of battered vehicles, and heads towards Baker street.

Arriving there, a number of recruits first head to Subway. Jamie Oliver is able to obtain all manner of vegetables from the restaurant, and can now concoct his ghoulish culinary creations. Neji enjoys a loaded sub, while Wheatie simply tries to get some whole-grain breads. Sadly, it seems that Subway is not the place to look, and Wheatie is forced to try elsewhere. Fortunately, he runs into a number of ex-pat Denchuli relatives, who of course have much advice to give him, and steer him toward Simpson's Diner. Thus, the Harvester is happy, at least for now. He heads off to the apartment blocks, and on one floor, finds a strange man in a spiked helmet and a leotard. After talking to this strange "Mariano", Wheatie is able to get the pate and poutine that de Champlaine requires.

Watson heads off to his apartment at 221B. He finds Mrs. Hudson, who has an important mystery for him to solve: her pies have gone missing. Watson questions both tenants and a number of local urchins, but comes up with nothing. Observing the situation, he finds that it would be difficult for anyone but those with access to the building to grab the pies. Stumped, the detective ponders the situation for a while.

While this is all happening, Ambrose brings his automobile into the body shop, where he is told that due to the cost of foreign parts, the repair job will cost 200 marks. Ambrose seems satisfied by this huge cost, but seems decidedly less so when the garage tells him that he can't charge it to the academy, and has to pay upfront. Muttering, Ambrose offers the mechanic his silver flask, mostly full with expensive crystal wine. The mechanic takes it, and remarks that he can make a fortune selling it on eBay (it seems that the Electran Bay Trading Company is still in existence, hundreds of thousands of years later).

After this blow to his personal possessions, Ambrose heads over to Simpson's diner, where he meets Jamie Oliver and several others, including Wheatie, and Wiggins, one of Watson's Baker street irregulars. Wiggins immediately tries to steal Ambrose's expensive Electran wallet, made from the soft leather of unborn calves, but is thwarted when Ambrose, in an extremely uncharacteristic move, tackles the boy to the ground. Dusting off his shirt and man-scarf, Ambrose buys a bottle of port, the anytime wine, and enjoys a glass of strong, brandy-fortified wine. Meanwhile, Mugsy and McGuire have wandered down one of Baker Street's many dark alleys, where the disreputable Roger Thornberry fixes the latter up with some contraband supplies.

But at this point, the windows of the diner are broken, and those inside see a number of street thugs: the Baker's dozen. Ambrose draws his sabre and walks outside to meet them, and is joined by Wheatie, and the naked chef. The three lay into the group, cutting down a number of them, but find that more arrive each round. Finding the odds decidedly against them, they fight valiantly, but take casualties: Ambrose falls first, then Neji. Arriving shortly after are John McGuire and Wanda. The rest of the group fights on, with Wheatie throwing amber psi energy, Wanda writing up tickets and spreading lots of red tape, and McGuire predictably firing lots of wild shots from behind postboxes, cars, and any sort of cover he can find. However, it seems that his aim has improved, as despite fighting with slugs in each shoulder, he fires at a car, causing it to explode and rain debris all around.

Despite these best efforts, it comes down to McGuire and the last thug, who are about to go one on one. But then, coming out of nowhere to steal all the credit, Watson points his revolver at the last thug's back, and takes him into custody, calling the police. Watson then somehow revives many of the fallen, including Wheatie, Neji, and Ambrose. He seems determined to solve the Case of the Missing Apple and Cherry Pies. The trail leads him to the residence of Lord Ragland, the new owner of the set of flats. Watson then accuses him, saying that he had the access (the master key) and the motive (pies are tasty). Lord Ragland then whips out a pair of D6 miniguns from his sleeves, telling them that he is indeed the pie thief. Wheatie, however, can't believe this, and refuses to fight him, though John Watson makes the difficult intelligence check. Ambrose goes down quickly, having received a terrible HP gain from Watson's healing, but this at least allows the others to keep attacking. In the end, Lord Ragland is forced to flee before Watson's revolver, and the curtain falls like a veil of fog on Baker street.

Note: Special thanks to Ambrose for writing this summary.

New Characters

Jamie Oliver
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: The Naked Chef

Although Jaime Oliver's called the Naked Chef, it's not because he actually cooks in the nude. In fact, most of the time he can be seen wearing a blue pull-over, torn trousers, sneakers and a ridiculous chef's hat that covers his poofy hair, but in no way diminishes his self-described boyish good looks. Jamie earned the title of The Naked Chef because of his cooking philosophy, which involves stripping recipes down to their bare essentials. This means that food has gotta be tasty, it's gotta be simple and it's gotta be fun. In furtherance to this unorthodox approach, Jamie spends much of his cooking time jogging or riding his bike. For these reasons, and possibly several others, his sponsors pulled the plug on his cooking show. This has left him looking for odd-jobs, which includes filling in for one of the cafeteria ladies at the Cormus Police Academy. When forced into battle, Jamie strips the martial practices down to their bare essentials by wielding a spatula, puffing his cheeks out like a bizarre jellyfish and jogging.

Race: Armorian
Affiliation: WABCO Police Inspector

Wanda is a police inspector, but not of the normal variety. In her case, the job involves inspecting the police to ensure that they're meeting up to procedural standards and regulations. In furtherance of her mandate, this strict and professional Armorian is never seen without a clipboard of forms in hand. Otherwise, her most prominent characteristics include her gray business suit and long blond hair. Wanda is not directly employed by the Cormus police department, but instead works for WABCO, a WABTECH company which is often employed to investigate law enforcement institutions. In this case, she was sent to investigate the Police Academy. In combat, Wanda can tie up her foes with bureaucratic red-tape or slap them with costly fines.

Mrs. Hudson
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Landlady

Mrs. Hudson is an older woman, with an even older sense of fashion that seems almost eerily similar to the one displayed by Dr. Watson. Her gray hair is pulled back in a bun, and is matched in tone by her large gray dress and smudged apron. Although she has yet to be seen in combat, it seems almost certain that she is fit to wield the broom she is constantly carrying both for clearing dirt and other unwanted visitors. Mrs. Hudson is the landlady for the 200 block of Baker Street Flats, where Dr. Watson lives. She once owned the building herself, but has since sold it to a larger company, run by Lord Ragland. When not complaining about some of the new tenants, she can usually be found baking a pies or an expansive dinner, which is often just what the Doctor ordered.

Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Baker Street Irregular

Wiggins is the most prolific member of the Baker Street Irregulars, a group of street urchins that brings information to Dr. Watson, often for a mere pittance in return. Like his colleagues, Wiggins is dressed in tattered clothing that looks like it just emerged from the Victorian era and is also way too big. Wiggins also wears a bowler hat and a bunch of dirt smudged all over his face. He can be distinguished from the other irregulars mostly by his raw enthusiasm and his obsession with Simpson's Diner. Coincidently enough, both of these traits are also shared by Garrett.

Anthony Mariano
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Weirdo

Watson's latest neighbour is the bizarre and eccentric Anthony Mariano. Although he apparently appears normal (albeit with shifty eyes) when attending many important business meetings at the Raven and Rat Inn, this is merely a facade. When at home, Mariano's eccentricity is on full display. This results in him wearing a ridiculous green pith helmet and a ballerina's tutu for no apparent reason. Otherwise, he can be described as a large, swarthy man with eyes that are not at all shifty. In keeping with his strange tastes, Mariano is also a connoiseur of foreign foods such as pate and poutine.

Philip Marlowe
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Investor

Philip Marlowe is another resident of the Baker Street flats. He's a brisk, tanned man with a graying mustache, hooked nose and golfing clothing. He can almost never be seen without either his bag of golf clubs or his shotgun. It's not quite clear how these two items relate to each other. As a wealthy investor and a golfer, Philip Marlowe has many connections within the business world. He has invested a fair amount of money in Lord Ragland's real estate company, despite his claims that the latter is a terrible businessman. He also spends much time golfing with Emille Zobar, the Spheran ambassador, who seems very prone to sudden illness.

Roger Thornberry
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Troublemaker

Among the echelon of Baker Street troublemakers, Roger Thornberry stands somewhere near the top. Everyone acknowledges that he's a rather dodgy character, though he has yet to be convicted of anything specific. His appearance certainly doesn't make him seem any less suspicious. It includes a long black trenchcoat, a black bowler and a three-piece business suit that does nothing to diminish Roger's rather intimidating frame. His black hair is cut short, with long suspicious sideburns. Aside from hanging out in dark alleys and being scapegoated for almost every criminal act that occurs in the area, Roger also sells black market items such as cigarettes and booze.

Porky Shinwell
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Owner of the Raven and Rat Inn

In addition to owning the popular Raven and Rat Inn, Porky Shinwell is also an informant for anyone willing to pay his price. Serving as the barkeep in his disreputable tavern, he picks up a lot of information about current events, both legal and not. As his name would suggest, Porky is a rather rotund man, with a bluff face and a mop of unruly brown hair. He also sports a beard and greasy bartenders' clothing. It is rumoured that Porky was once part of a major criminal organization, before getting on the right side of the law.

Lord Ragland
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Engineer at Cyberdine

Lord Ragland serves as a chief engineer at Cyberdine, one of Deksiil's leading munitions companies. He has also purchased the Baker Street flats, despite being an admittedly terrible businessman. As befits a lord, Ragland is a very well-groomed man, with an impeccable gray suit and slick black hair. He also wears a tophat and a black cloak clasped at the collar with a jewelled pin. While not restrictive in terms of accepting tenants, Lord Ragland does have certain rules. One of them seems to be that anything left in the hallways belongs to him, including pies. In combat, Lord Ragland's fascination with guns translates into a pair of D6-Miniguns holstered up his sleeves. He is also protected by his aura of obscurity. After all, who could believe that Lord Ragland is the boss of an adventure?

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