Neji – Prisoner's Report 37
On the Run: Upon exiting the catacombs where you were imprisoned, and defeating several members of Sapientes Gladio including the inebriated Father Ted, you found yourself on the streets of downtown Cormus. A precarious location indeed, especially for fugitives from the law. Fortunately, a quick call on your radio brought the remote-controlled Gaidinmobile right to your location. From there, it was only a short ride across town to meet up with The Chief and Dr. Wagner at their headquarters.
And in some ways, it could definitely be called a headquarters. That's because the Chief's new center of operations is the Last Strand, a barbershop deep within an ethnic section of Precinct 13. Apparently, this location has been used as a field base by the enigmatic branch of Deksiil's CIA known as The BROTHERHOOD, with which The Chief was once affiliated.
You arrived at the barbershop about one hour ago. After making your report to The Chief, you've been ordered to rest while one of the barbers works you over. Although the Chief seems to think that the barber will somehow cut down on the damage you've taken, you tend to ascribe any therepeutic effects to the reading material. Considering the results, this distinction is probably just splitting hairs.
You are at full hitpoints and psipoints.
Sapientes Gladio:
-Despite being a charter member of Sapientes Gladio, you still had no information regarding their stronghold under the Church. It seems they didn't really trust you after all. Perhaps with good reason, given the corruption that seems present within their organization. Yet, you are not the one who has failed them. It is Cardinal Callistus who has doublecrossed the Gladio, bending their unshakeable faith towards unconscionable deeds. Even those who follow the light most closely, such as Inspector Valtyrez, can be blinded by it. He has given you twenty-four hours to demonstrate this, and you intend to do so. You have not failed him before, and you will not do so now. If you cannot find the evidence you seek, you will submit yourself to his judgement.
Personal Notes:
-You are still finding it difficult to work with these fugitives, but it seems you are one of them now, and you have no choice but to live with that fact. It is those who have perpetrated this evil who may not live much longer. They must be shown the error of their ways, no matter the cost.
-Ever since you lost your armor, you have been beset by intermittant shaking. It stings all the worse that it was your former allies who robbed you of your protection. In so doing, it is as if they took a part of your spirit, even your spine, as well. Nevertheless, you have found the backbone to oppose them, and you will use it to help obtain a new set of armor to shield you for the difficult times ahead.
-Find a suitable suit of armor to replace the set taken by Sapientes Gladio.
Bonus Objective:
Wheatie – Fugitive's Report 38
On the Run: Upon exiting the catacombs where you were imprisoned, and defeating several members of Sapientes Gladio including the inebriated Father Ted, you found yourself on the streets of downtown Cormus. A precarious location indeed, especially for fugitives from the law. Fortunately, a quick call on your radio brought the remote-controlled Gaidinmobile right to your location. From there, it was only a short ride across town to meet up with The Chief and Dr. Wagner at their headquarters.
And in some ways, it could definitely be called a headquarters. That's because the Chief's new center of operations is the Last Strand, a barbershop deep within an ethnic section of Precinct 13. Apparently, this location has been used as a field base by the enigmatic branch of Deksiil's CIA known as The BROTHERHOOD, with which The Chief was once affiliated.
You arrived at the barbershop about one hour ago. After making your report to The Chief, you've been ordered to rest while one of the barbers works you over. This has given you time to peruse some of the old magazines that are intended to pacify impatient customers. They really don't have much conent to speak of, but it's a big improvement over anything else you've been able to read of late. Although the Chief seems to think that the barber will somehow cut down on the damage you've taken, you tend to ascribe any therepeutic effects to the reading material. Considering the results, this distinction is probably just splitting hairs.
You are at full hitpoints and psipoints.
All your possessions that were left in the Gaidinmobile have been recovered.
the DaVinci Code was a major blow to your personal library.
Or the Wheatie Bibliotheque, as you prefer to call it.
Fortunately, Ben Gates seems to be part of The Chief's underground
movement. He's not here at the moment, but apparently he left
another copy of the book to replace the one you lost. This one isn't
a special edition like the one you had before, though it will be
difficult to cross-reference the two to find the differences
with only one in your possession.
You have recovered the DaVinci Code.
Personal Notes:
-You never imagined that the catacombs underneath the church could be so vast. And so full of rats. Big ones! It's a good thing you've had all your innoculations. Those rats can carry some wicked diseases. If not for that student health plan, you're not sure you would have been able to make it out of there.
-Unlike most of your acquaintances back home, you've never really had a taste for animals. Well, except in the sometimes eating meat sense. However, you've made an exception to that rule for both Roomba and Little Isaac. The former is safe, but the latter remains in great peril. Neji claims Little Isaac was being kept safe in her office, but anything could happen to him now that she's become a fugitive. You have to save him!
-Rescue Little Isaac from Neji's office at Precinct 13.
Bonus Objective:
John Watson – Fugitive Doctor 33
On the Run: Upon exiting the catacombs where you were imprisoned, and defeating several members of Sapientes Gladio including the inebriated Father Ted, you found yourself on the streets of downtown Cormus. A precarious location indeed, especially for fugitives from the law. Fortunately, a quick call on your radio brought the remote-controlled Gaidinmobile right to your location. From there, it was only a short ride across town to meet up with The Chief and Dr. Wagner at their headquarters.
And in some ways, it could definitely be called a headquarters. That's because the Chief's new center of operations is the Last Strand, a barbershop deep within an ethnic section of Precinct 13. Apparently, this location has been used as a field base by the enigmatic branch of Deksiil's CIA known as The BROTHERHOOD, with which The Chief was once affiliated.
You arrived at the barbershop about one hour ago. After making your report to The Chief, you've been ordered to rest while one of the barbers works you over. This has given you time to peruse a local newspaper you picked up on the way into the shop. Although the Chief seems to think that the barber will somehow cut down on the damage you've taken, your medical training would suggest otherwise. Considering the results, this distinction is probably just splitting hairs.
You are at full hitpoints and psipoints.
All your possessions that were left in the Gaidinmobile have been recovered.
Newspaper Headlines:
-It's been a couple days since you've had a chance to carefully examine a newspaper. Given the tendancy to uncover useful information even in ostensibly outdated documents, you decided to start catching up by reading the Cormus Daily Planet from two days ago. This edition features an article by Eddie Brock, describing the police commission's recent decision to deputize Cardinal Callistus and many other members of the Church. These new officers have been granted unprecendented discretionary powers, and have been using them to vigorously crack down on crime. Strangely enough, this has coincided with the sudden re-emergance of the Bleeding Hollow criminal organization, which has set itself up as the dominant criminal force within the city.
Personal Notes:
-It's hard to imagine how, but Inspector Lestrade still seems to consider himself your superior in investigative prowess. Of course, it's hard to imagine anything that might cross that boorish mind of his. The last straw occured during a news conference staged not half an hour ago, in which he and Mycroft Holmes agreed that your escape from custody could only have been accomplished with the assistance of one Sherlock Holmes. You've had just about enough of Lestrade's pompous posturing, and you intend to close the case on his incompetence the next time you encounter him. Why, the man couldn't detect his way out of a paper bag, even with a flashlight and a map.
-Settle your score with Inspector Lestrade.
Bonus Objective:
Saavik – Prisoner's Report 15
On the Run: Upon exiting the catacombs where you were imprisoned, and defeating several members of Sapientes Gladio including the inebriated Father Ted, you found yourself on the streets of downtown Cormus. A precarious location indeed, especially for fugitives from the law. Fortunately, a quick call on your radio brought the remote-controlled Gaidinmobile right to your location. From there, it was only a short ride across town to meet up with The Chief and Dr. Wagner at their headquarters.
And in some ways, it could definitely be called a headquarters. That's because the Chief's new center of operations is the Last Strand, a barbershop deep within an ethnic section of Precinct 13. Apparently, this location has been used as a field base by the enigmatic branch of Deksiil's CIA known as The BROTHERHOOD, with which The Chief was once affiliated.
You arrived at the barbershop about one hour ago. After making your report to The Chief, you've been ordered to rest while one of the barbers works you over. This has given you time to compose your once chaotic thoughts, and to formulate another personal log entry. Although the Chief seems to think that the barber will somehow cut down on the damage you've taken, your scientific mind suggests otherwise. In fact, you would ascribe any healing to the veridian blood running through your veins. Considering the results, this distinction is probably just splitting hairs.
You are at full hitpoints and psipoints.
All your possessions that were left in the Gaidinmobile have been recovered.
Impersonal Notes:
-It is hard for you to make sense of the events of the past few days, given how they have started to pile and compound atop one another. You know that Rhadamanthys is dead, for you watched Tairix shoot him. Telris Izael, a companion close to you that you shall never know, has been avenged. It is the least you could do for him.
-Part of this confusion is no doubt due to the loss of your original tricorder. Though it may sound illogical to admit, it was far more than just a device to you. Your memories, your thoughts and your very history were buried therein. It is hard for you analyse the future without the benefit of understanding your past. Even more intolerable is the thought of a merciless man such as Vladislav holding your past in the palm of his hand. You must recover it before he is able to break the encryption you have placed on that most sensitive data.
-You still do not know what to make of the plot concocted by Sapientes Gladio. They seem driven, and quite under the control of Callistus. After you and your companions crosssed the traps set for those in your predicament, you ran into Valtyrez. He is far gone, giving your group only a short amount of time to prove yourselves, as he drinks the words of an unholy man – the head of his order.
-Recover your original tricorder, and all the valuable data it holds.
Bonus Objective:
Our heroes escaped from the clutches of Father Ted and his fat friends. Upon arriving on the streets of downtown Cormus, the radio controlled Gaidinmobile arrived to take them to their new headquarters… a barbershop. The Chief and Dr. Wagner were waiting for them. Somehow, haircuts restored everyone's HP and PP. Interesting…
Then Caesar arrived! No reason was given for his sudden appearance aside from 'he needed to be more Xtreme.' However, it is certainly uncontested that Xtreme amounts of Japanese candy were enjoyed by the players. Some bad, most good.
Soon, our protagonists were dispatched on several missions… breaking the superheroes out of prison (taken care of by NPCs), rescuing Little Isaac from precinct 13, seeking help from Cyberdine, and… something else… that must have been of some significance… like… making sure Rhadamanthys was dead… perhaps… yes…
Saavik and Wheatie easily snuck into their old building and used amazing abilities (mainly some sweet psychics… like telekinesis! Cool!) to fool Reeves. Little Isaac was recovered and Neji's fish were fed.
Neji and… Dr. Wagner? Went to Cyberdine and were smacked down by the smarminess of Evadine and Dr. Scherizawa. However, Neji's own smarminess was more than enough to counter and their help was recruited.
Tairix and… I don't know… Sarah Connor or something went to the prison and freed the superheroes… maybe. There were no PCs on this mission so we don't know what happened. It seems pretty clear to me that they must have failed…. Because we weren't saved by any superheroes later.
Ummm… I guess Watson and Caesar must have… gone back into the tunnels to check and see if Rhadamanthys was still dead... which he maybe was. And all the missions were complete.
(Oh… I just actually remembered for real. Watson created a distraction by mobilizing the French against the British, leaving the Bastille and the streets of the French quarter relatively undefended… hmm… what did Caesar do?… something Xtreme no doubt)
Then it was time for a full-scale assault on the Bastille (where 'Minos' was being held)! PCs… and some of the NPCs became leaders that could have several units under their command (selected from the Gaidinmobile, ED-210, Cyberdine guards, and Zoombas). The troops snuck around, occasionally engaging Bleeding Hollow units. Things were looking good until the churchies joined the battle and started smacking down the PCs.
Saavik got her tricorder back from Vladislav, Watson shot Lestrade in the face, and Neji didn't get any armor. When we started to lose, nobody saved us and Callistus was a big meanie. Most of us were unconscious, and even Tairix couldn't stand up to huge army of religious fanatics. In the end though, Valtyrez coolily set us free, saying our 24 hours were not up.
As we escaped, we could see that Cardinal Callistus and his goons had found 'Minos' but for some reason, we still could not see what 'Minos' was… although Jeff seemed pretty sure as to it's purpose (but let's remember that Jeff also thought JJJ was the end boss which clearly has already been disproven yo).
Now here are some limericks:
There once was a kid named Wheatie,
Whose farm grew all things meaty,
He owned a bird,
Clearly a nerd,
He probably talked in 1337y.
Who could be the end boss?
A really bad rhyme would be moss,
We wrote an essay,
Things got messay,
GM decided with coin toss.
Minos is very mysterious,
Most guesses are not so serious,
Watson thought it be cool,
If t'were a God-moding tool,
I'm pretty sure he was delirious.
How very forgetful is me,
Not gaining a level I see,
Now the GM has onus,
To give experience bonus,
Next time I prob'ly gain three.
Note: Special thanks to Wheatie for writing this summary.
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: The Bleeding Hollow
The power vaccuum in the Bleeding Hollow criminal organization left by the sudden demise of Rhadamanthys did not last long, and Sanguin was the man who stepped up to fill this void. A criminal of some ill repute, Sanguin is known for his merciless tenacity and his preference for bloody and crimson imagery. This extends into his appearance in the form of the red cloak and bandanna he always wears. In addition to his mirrored sunglasses, his face is also adorned with tattoos of bloody teardrops on both cheeks. In combat, Sanguin is known to wield a pair of short blades with bloody savagery. It is not known if he is related to the infamous and sinisterly named Colonel Blood, although their appearance in the same area can hardly be a coincidence.