X Marks the Spot

Heroes: Jackie, Saavik, Neji, Wheatie and John Watson.
Enemies: Campus Security, Rhadamanthys, Theseus and the Bleeding Hollow.

Neji – Inspector's Report 35

Recent Duties: You believe that about twenty minutes have passed since the conclusion of the battle at the Police Academy. It is hard for you to say precisely, as you only just awakened from having been knocked unconscious by superhero and former CQC instructor Grand Papillon. Despite your fall, the police were able to defeat the renegades who were harbouring the hostages at the Academy. Only Tairix and Cimarron were able to escape, while the rest were arrested by Inspector Valtyrez. The Academy itself has been shut down temporarily, while the police investigate who has been assisting the known criminals that were taking shelter there.

The Street Beat: (Word on the street.)

-The media apparently arrived on the scene only minutes after the end of the confrontation. There were reporters from all the major newspapers and television stations scurrying all over the Academy grounds, trying to catch any officials they could with pointed questions. Foremost among them was Eddie Brock, The Daily Planet's crime reporter. His venomous pen was working the whole time, almost certainly spreading doubts about the reliability of any police force that cannot even keep its own members in check. The editorial bias of Brock's paper is well known, but it still frustrates you to have your integrity implicitly questioned in such a sensationalized manner.

Personal Notes:

-How deep does the treachery in this force run? And why has it chosen to surface all at once? Given the reliability of certain instructors at the Academy, you were not surprised that they would seek to shelter your former comrades. But you were shocked that headmistress Millernia would condone such a flagrant breach of police procedure. It now seems like the entire Academy might be guilty by association. Even if not, you have no doubt that the school must be shut down. The recruits being trained there are the future of this city's law enforcement department, and they must be held strictly to the standards of their future positions.

-Information gathered thus far suggests that Dr. Wagner and the Chief were also hiding out at the Academy. It seems they must have recruited the fugitives who escaped from Guantanimo prison into some sort of underground movement, though their purpose remains unknown. Surely they cannot expect to elude the police for much longer, especially with you in charge of hunting them down. You'll just have to make sure you can catch them before their mysterious aims can be achieved. Though perhaps their aims won't be so mysterious after you take the chance to question some of the prisoners arrested during the raid on the Academy. Joachim, Frozone and El Dorado all seemed to be actively aiding in their escape by providing a distraction, so perhaps they have mor information to share, if asked properly.


-Interrogate the prisoners and discover what they know about the plans of your former companions.

Wheatie – Fugitive's Report 36

On the Run: It's been about thirty minutes since you escaped from the beleaguered Police Academy. Even with the use of Millernia's secret tunnel, you never would have been able to reach the Academy garage without the distraction provided by Tairix, Joachim, Frozone and El Dorado. Thanks to their heroic stand, you were able to reach the amazing Gaidinmobile and make a fast exit. The Chief and Dr. Wagner were also able to escape in the latter's advanced radar car, which was also parked in the Academy garage, though only after giving you The Chief's cell number and ordering you to call in after meeting up with Ben Gates.

You've spent all the time since cruising in the comfortable, turbo-powered Gaidinmobile towards the address given to you by Frozone. Everyone seems to be occupied with their own tasks the moment. Jackie is driving with a certain wild abandon that you've come to expect from him, while Watson seems to be listening intently to the radio built into the amazing car's dashboard, and Saavik seems to be scanning everything in sight with her spare tricorder. You initially spent most of your time gazing out the window at the fields flying past along the highway. Since entering the city, you've turned your attention to flipping through the more interesting passages in The DaVinci code. After all, if knowledge is power, then you need to cram as much as possible.

Book Report:
-Here is one of the important excerpts from The DaVinci code:

“The next question we have is bold, lying within the masterpiece created in DaVinci's 47th year of life. In times long gone, treasures like this were guarded throughout the ages by secret societies, initially inspired by the Knights-Templar, with honor as bright as the noonday sun. However, times have changed. Initial intentions, once so pure, have been clouded by ego and strife. Of course, no one seems willing to believe in the existanceof these groups in the first place. In so doing, they forego the quest to discover the secrets of our past.”

Personal Notes:

-You were initially excited when returning to the Police Academy. The place isn't just filled with books, but also with nostalgia, and memories of your less stressful youth. You hoped that you could forget your current troubles by reminiscing about the golden days of your education at the Academy. Instead, you just ended up bringing your current troubles to the place of your past. Now you're worried that the whole school will be shut down for good this time. And it would be all your fault! That would make you the worst alumni the Academy has ever known.

-The current crop of students at the Academy never ceases to disappoint you. Sure, your year had a few bad seeds, like McGuire and Mugsy, but at least they knew how to speak proper galactic, at least most of the time. This term's class definitely seems to have language issues, especially Rocky Wang. He seemed confused by the buook you were carrying, and continually referred to it as such. You were more than a bit tempted to book him an appointment with a language instructor.


-Demonstrate your knowledge of the language by making as many book or knowledge puns as possible.

(Please keep an accurate listing of such puns.)

John Watson – Fugitive Doctor 31

On the Run: It's been about thirty minutes since you escaped from the beleaguered Police Academy. Even with the use of Millernia's secret tunnel, you never would have been able to reach the Academy garage without the distraction provided by Tairix, Joachim, Frozone and El Dorado. Thanks to their heroic stand, you were able to reach the amazing Gaidinmobile and make a fast exit. The Chief and Dr. Wagner were also able to escape in the latter's advanced radar car, which was also parked in the Academy garage, though only after giving you The Chief's cell number and ordering you to call in after meeting up with Ben Gates.

You've spent all the time since cruising in the comfortable, turbo-powered Gaidinmobile towards the address given to you by Frozone. Everyone seems to be occupied with their own tasks the moment. Jackie is driving with a certain wild abandon that you've come to expect from him, while Wheatie has his head stuck in that giant book given to him by Ben, seemingly oblivious to the rest of the world, and Saavik seems to be scanning everything in sight with her spare tricorder. You've spent your time listening to the radio embedded in the amazing car's dashboard. No one else even seems to notice how relevant the news is to your current situation, but you've been noting every word.

Radio Headlines:

-The radio is a poor substitute for the detail that can be found in a newspaper or a telegram, but it will have to do in the absence of those other forms of media. Fortunately, the news appears to be playing at the moment, sparing you from the noise that some lads refer to as pop music. The soothing and monotonic voice of Thunder Dan is reading off the breaking headlines with none of the enthusiasm they really deserve. In this case, they seem to be all about the police raid that was just launched on the Police Academy. Because of jurisdictional issues, Inspector Lestrade seems to consider himself nominally in charge of the investigation, but he seems unwilling to reveal any real details. However, the media has apparently discovered that several superheroes were captured during the operation, including Grand Papillon, El Dorado and Frozone.

Personal Notes:

-Those young urchins at the Academy seem ignorant of all the fundamentals of deductive theory. Once again, you're absolutely baffled that you could ever have been put in the same category as such raw recruits. After all, you fully understand that deduction is the search for facts. Most of these lads seem more interested in truth, but if that's their aim they should probably be taking a philosophy class instead. Why, some of them probably still believe that X always marks the spot. With only one day of guest lectures, you didn't have nearly enough time to disabuse them of all these foolish notions, but hopefully you got them thinking along the right path.

-You're still not sure what Rhadamanthys is planning, but whatever it is can only be diagnosed by the crime doctor. Ben Gates seems to believe he has proof that is sufficient to indict your nemesis. Admittedl;y, you weren't the one to unearth this evidence, but you'll still figure out what it is far before your clueless comrades. That should be enough to keep your reputation intact for now.


-Deduce the information Ben Gates has found to indict Rhadamanthys before it is revealed to you.

Saavik – Fugitive's Report 13

On the Run: It's been about thirty minutes since you escaped from the beleaguered Police Academy. Even with the use of Millernia's secret tunnel, you never would have been able to reach the Academy garage without the distraction provided by Tairix, Joachim, Frozone and El Dorado. Thanks to their heroic stand, you were able to reach the amazing Gaidinmobile and make a fast exit. The Chief and Dr. Wagner were also able to escape in the latter's advanced radar car, which was also parked in the Academy garage, though only after giving you The Chief's cell number and ordering you to call in after meeting up with Ben Gates.

You've spent all the time since cruising in the comfortable, turbo-powered Gaidinmobile towards the address given to you by Frozone. Everyone seems to be occupied with their own tasks the moment. Jackie is driving with a certain wild abandon that you've come to expect from him, while Wheatie has his head stuck in that giant book given to him by Ben, seemingly oblivious to the rest of the world. Dr. Watson seems to be listenning intently to the radio built into the amazing car's dashboard. You spent most of the trip analysing things on your spare tricorder. Although you would be loath to admit to any emotional attachment, you must confess that the sound of the beeps is extremely reassuring.

Upon arriving at your destination, you found an empty house that seemed mostly

unremarkable aside from a couple cryptic clues and some odd, gothic music playing on

a loudspeaker. It took you only moments to compile this information into the hidden message left by Ben. Clearly, you are expected to meet him somewhere on the U of C campus. At the same time, you are disgusted by the childishness of forcing you to interpret clues in order to meet up with him. Surely it would be less conspicuous simply to meet here. Despite the illogical nature of this hunt, you've decided it would be best for you to do what you can to help. In this case, you have made your way over to the University of Cormus, a campus you know well, in order to scout out the area before the rest of your group arrives. You also spent a few moments purchasing chain armor from

one of the novelty stores surrounding campus. Apparently it can be quite a dangerous place.

Tech Report:

-Rocky Wang has been shown the value of viewing science from a feminine perspective, and hopefully it will keep him from spouting off any more nonsense. An eyebrow was all it took to quiet him, especially after he had been run down by that jeep. Without his negative influence, it should be easier to reprogram the rest of the student population – at least the ones who do not end up being incarcerated for aiding known fugitives.

Tricorder Analysis:

-This spare tricorder might not have all personal logs, but it does allow you to resume your scientific analysis. Knowledge is power, after all, and there are always many lifeforms, and new civilizations, that can be encountered on the University campus. At the moment, you are observing some form of veridian amphibians.


-Scan as many strange lifeforms at the University as possible.

(Please keep an accurate listing of all the lifeforms you've scanned.)

Jackie - Fugitive's Report 24

On the Run: It's been about thirty minutes since you escaped from the beleaguered Police Academy. Even with the use of Millernia's secret tunnel, you never would have been able to reach the Academy garage without the distraction provided by Tairix, Joachim, Frozone and El Dorado. Thanks to their heroic stand, you were able to reach the amazing Gaidinmobile and make a fast exit. The Chief and Dr. Wagner were also able to escape in the latter's advanced radar car, which was also parked in the Academy garage, though only after giving you The Chief's cell number and ordering you to call in after meeting up with Ben Gates.

You've spent all the time since cruising in the comfortable, turbo-powered Gaidinmobile towards the address given to you by Frozone. Everyone seems to be occupied with their own tasks the moment. Wheatie has his head stuck in that giant book given to him by Ben, seemingly oblivious to the rest of the world. Dr. Watson seems to be listenning intently to the radio built into the amazing car's dashboard and Saavik seems to be scanning everything in sight with her spare tricorder. Of course, you've been showing your admirable automotive abilities by driving the Gaidinmobile. It handles even better than your DC cab! While you may no longer be licensed to make arrests, at least you still consider yourself licensed to drive. Maybe.

Plugging the Meter:

-How come Tairix got to drive the Gaidinmobile while it was blasting through

all those police roadblocks? Those kind of maneuvers would be right up your alley! You were quick to grab the keys this time, although it's not nearly as much fun. Watson keeps telling you to 'drive casual', whatever that means. Unfortunately, even your galactic isn't bad enough for you to believe that gives you permission to test out all the cool gadgets on the car, like the machineguns or the afterburner.

Personal Notes:

-Thanks to your very smart tuxedo, you really stuck out at the Police Academy, and not like a sore thumb. Which is what you're used to, both literally and figuratively. Those kids just weren't as popular with their boring Academy uniforms. They could learn a thing or two from you about style. You're pretty sure that even headmistress Millernia was checking you out.

-Everyone seems to think you're only good at driving and using technology stuff. That is not true! Well, you are certainly good at those things, but they are far from your only skills. You were an IBI agent for a long time, and people in that job don't survive as long as you without developing keep observational skills. This is just one of your many other abilities that no one else seems willing to acknowledge. It's about time you proved your deductive might. The next time you receive clues, you intend to show that your mind is every bit as acrobatic as your body. And you'll do it by figuring out a clue before any of your fellow fugitives.


-Do as much driving as possible.

-Be the first to discover a clue.

Adventure Summary

Summaries are getting just out of control. All gimmicks and no substance. My only gimmick here is to complain about other gimmicks. I'm tempted to make that the only content too.

Adventure 37. Otherwise known as the Ben Gates adventure. Our heroes – that is to say, Wheatie, John Watson, Jackie and a rather complacent Saavik – make their way to the address given by Ben Gates. But to the surprise of no one, they discover not the man himself, but a perplexing clue that no doubt leads to clue upon clue upon clue. Perhaps there is no Ben Gates at all? Nevertheless, a search of the mysteriously familiar house reveals two more clues, which point to the University of Cormus campus. Off to the car our heroes go, in both the game and in real life!

Meanwhile, Neji is interrogating super-heroes. Efforts on El Dorado and Joachim accomplish little, possibly because they know next to nothing. Joachim is mostly trying to figure out whether Neji was once one of his students. However, despite predictions he would play it cool, Frozone cracks like a glacier in mid-summer and tells Neji the plan to meet up with Ben Gates.

However, she has no hope of following Gates' clever clues, possibly because the heroes were removing them as they went. At the University campus, the search was even more insidious, largely due to the campus' greatly increased size in comparison to the GM's house. Perhaps an even greater obstacle was that the players felt like they were LARPing, which increased their already considerable geekiness a hundredfold. Wheatie was particularly concerned by this and almost died under the pressure. Saavik declared the entire thing illogical, while Watson was amazed that the lemon juice carried by Merry and Pippin actually did work in revealing a secret message.

From Kirk Hall to the Wingd Lion to the Stockticker, the heroes followed the trail until they had finally assembled a map that looked suspciously like the GM's house again, but was in fact the house of the University President. Before they could bust in, however, they were accosted by Campus Security, Parking Enforcement (due to the illegally parked Gaidinmobile) and the now-legendary Safewalk. Campus Security lay down the beats with their pepper-spray and nightsticks, while Parking wrote out fearsome tickets and healed the group with the incredible power of Timmy's Roll up the Rim. Eventually, the battle was won, and the heroes went inside to find Ben Gates waiting for them.

Watson immediately tried to deduce the information that Ben had gathered, first obliquely supposing it had to do with the Gaidin's possible death, then went on to the explosion that had destroyed the courtroom. This latter “guess” (of course, Watson had known the real answer all along) proved correct, and Ben introduced the only other survivor of the event: John Grisham, co-author of Gates' The DeVinci Code under the pen name of Dan Brown.

Grisham had seen the whole thing and could ensure our heroes, the courts and his large readership that Rhadamanthys' story didn't hold up, and that he had been the one behind the tragic explosion. With this eye-witness report, Gates felt they had enough evidence to contact the Cardinal. A game of phone-tag ensued with Neji as our heroes arranged to set up the meeting, even agreeing to turn themselves in so long as Callistus agreed to meet with them and Grisham.

Neji arrived to bring them to the church – rather telling that this had become the de-facto police headquarters. The group came inside to demand Rhadamanthys' arrest, with Grisham's testimony as the trump card. Callistus agreed the evidence was strong, but had one problem; namely, that Rhadamanthys was on his side. In stepped the man himself, accompanied by a scruffy brigade of men who were clearly criminals but Callistus didn't seem to care.

This situation was unacceptable, as the only real demand the heroes had made was that Rhadamanthys not find out about Grisham being alive. Callistus meanwhile seemed to have forgotten about them and was asking whether Rhadamanthys had succeeded in getting “Minos.” The sinister CEO cackled that he had, since it was based on his previous work, but fortunately had decided to take the worst possible moment to betray his master and declared he had better use for it than Callistus. Even Neji could see the writing on the wall here and undid our heroes' handcuffs to help defeat Rhadamanthys and his gang. Despite his obvious evil, the Cardinal was on their side for now and squared off against Rhadamanthys. Watson quickly defeated the rifle-carrying goons with a chemical explosion while the others defeated the underconfident Theseus and the savage Kilrogg Dead-Eye. But this turned out to be a bad idea, as Rhadamanthys decided this made them a threat, and unleashed the same wave of power Grisham had already witnessed in the courtroom. Not even Watson's apparent death could save our heroes from this one, and they were swept away to oblivion...

Note: Special thanks to John Watson for writing this summary.

New Characters

Race: Zelzakian
Affiliation: The Bleeding Hollow

Theseus is a self-proclaimed hero with ambiguous morals and massive muscles that seem small in comparison to his minority complex. Originally promoted as an improved version of Hercules, Theseus has come to realise that he is nothing more than a pale shadow of the more famous hero. This has done little for his self-esteem, and perhaps explains why one of his six labors involved joining the Bleeding Hollow criminal organization. Theseus stands an intimidating six and a half feet tall, and he is usually garbed in only a loincloth. In combat, he is prone to wielding a giant wooden club. Of course, missing with this unwieldy weapon is only likely to inflame his inferiority complex, causing his foes to take pity on him. Theseus can also unravel a ball of string behind him as something of a life line, though it makes him easy to find and strike.

Kilrogg Dead-Eye
Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: The Bleeding Hollow

Kilrogg Dead-Eye is one of the founding members of the Bleeding Hollow gang, once the most powerful criminal organization in all of Cormus. In fact, the gang is said to have gotten its name based on the scar running across one of Kilrogg's baleful eyes. Otherwise, Kilrogg can be described as an intimidating Terrorian with greenish skin and jutting teeth. He typically wears chain-plate armor, and wields a battle ax when engaging in combat - which he does quite frequently. His foes rarely stand long when faced with his Drop of Doom.

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