Pros and Cons

Heroes: Jackie, Saavik, Neji, Wheatie and John Watson.
Enemies: The police.

Neji – Inspector's Report 34

Recent Duties: It was only yesterday that your former colleagues managed to elude police capture and escaped into the Cormus underground. Now wanted by the law, they will be forced to survive as fugitives, if at all. Considering your inspector status, it comes as no surprise that Inspector Valtyrez has charged you with locating your former colleagues. This is no light burden, but your knowledge of these convicts may prove invaluable in chasing from whatever cesspool of darkness in which they've hidden themselves.

-You have received Full Armorian Armor.

Civic News: (News regarding Cormus' municipal government.)

-The escape from Guantanimo prison is all over the news, and has been greeted by the city's most unbiased media source, the Daily Planet, with scathing criticism. J. Jonah Jamieson is absolutely furious that the police would allow fugitives to escape from the maximum security facility, and has accused the force of gross negligence and incompetence. The crash of the last police helicopter certainly did not serve to protect against such charges. Mayor Mycroft Holmes has issued a public statement declaring that the renegade police officers will soon be apprehended, and that anyone who supports or aids these terrorists will also be facing the people's justice. Inspector Lestrade was at the press conference, and quickly declared that he would arrange a personal appointment with the crime doctor, who would soon be making a special jail call.

Personal Notes:

-Although you do have some sympathy for the plight of your former allies, you

cannot look past their recent misdeeds. They might have had a chance at a reasonable defense had they allowed due process to take its course. Instead, they made the spineless decision to escape from their lawful confinement. Furthermore, they did not even have the backbone to face you when confronted during their escape. This distinguishes them as neither cops nor heroes, whatever they may profess.

-In light of recent events, the Cormus International Dodgeball League of Cormus has been put on hiatus. The police are in a state of emergency, and there seems to be little time that can be devoted towards dodgeball. More importantly, your teammates are not exactly in good standing at the moment. You expected that they would be taken out, and rather frequently, but only on the Dodgeball court. Hopefully you'll soon have time to find some more suitable replacements.


-Locate the hideout being used by your former comrades.

Wheatie – Fugitive's Report 35

On the Run: It feels like you've been on the run from the law for a long time, even though it's really only about a day. In fact, it was just last night that you managed to escape from the filth of Guantanimo prison. You've been on a roller-coaster ride of emotions ever since, and you were never a fan of such thrill rides in the first place. You can still hardly believe that you were able to escape the city limits. Arriving back at the Academy was a huge relief, especially since they let you reclaim the room you used during your stay here. You've grown in a lot of ways since the last time you were here, but you didn't expect one of those ways to involve a criminal record.

Book Report:
-You've lost all your other books, but at least you still have the Da Vinci Code. The new students at the Academy were very impressed to see that you had a signed, limited edition copy of this incredibly popular novel. One of them even mentioned how the rights to the book have been bought up by some film studio, and that a movie based on the story will soon be released. Apparently they've decided to change the name to National Treasure, or some such nonsense. Of course, you have no intention of ever seeing this film; they always manage to ruin the book during the conversion process, usually by trying to stick in movie cliches such as the typical action hero and the scantily clad heroine. Those stereotypes so totally don't exist in real life!

Personal Notes:

-You never intended to be a fugitive in the first place. It would have been way better to tell on the others the moment they started planning their crazy escape. You're in even deeper trouble, now that you've escaped from custody and led the police on such a ridiculous chase. Even Nicholas Chesterly might have trouble getting you off from these charges. Clearing your name might now be the only way you can avoid expulsion.

-Though you never attended by choice, you still have many fond memories of your time here at the Academy. Things were a lot simpler back then; you didn't have to worry about real crime, saving lives or the intricacies of when to apply police procedure. All of these things seemed much more clear when you could just read about them in a textbook from the comfort of the dusty library, and the biggest worry you faced was your CQC final exam. Which was totally unfair, by the way! Come to think of it, not quite all your memories are so fond.

-In a lot of ways, you feel like you've returned to your roots by coming back to the Academy. Of course, things aren't quite the same as they were. The halls seem a little narrower, the students smaller and more smarmy, and the water fountains much lower. Furthermore, the Academy doesn't seem as well upkept as it was during your tenure. Earlier this morning, you even came by some chalkboards that had not yet been erased from the morning classes. Unacceptable! You won't allow your alma matter to fall into such a state of sloppy disrepair! It cheapens your degree/two month certificate! This new crop of students needs to know what an Academy education is all about.


-Make sure the Academy is kept fastidious and tidy, just as it was back during your tenure.

-Whine a lot about the good ol' days you enjoyed while attending the Academy, and how your poorly your current predicament measures up to such times.

John Watson – Fugitive Doctor 30

On the Run: When it comes to performing an operation, there's no one more suited than a doctor – even if that operation involves escaping from a maximum security stockade into the Cormus underground. Of course, you have absolutely no choice in the matter. Given your amazing observational skills, it was simple for you to deduce that your enemies would never allow you a chance to leave the prison, at least not before it was too late to stop their sinister schemes. As such, you had no choice but to orchestrate a deft and cunning escape plan. Unfortunately but rather predictably, your careful planning was upstaged by the appearance of Ben Gates, who had his own ideas on how to exit the prison. His plan had a few holes in it, but it did come together in the end, and you love it when that happens. It should come as no surprise that you were able to elude your police pursuers during your escape to the Academy. Your group arrived here only last night, and you were all ushered into your old rooms for some much needed rest and recovery. Even you couldn't have diagnosed a better cure for what ails you.


-Ben was muttering something about Sapientes Gladio when he rescued you from Guantanimo prison. They're supposedly some sort of secrety society that has woven itself into the very fabric of Cormus society. You've never previously heard of any such group, nor are you not one to generally subscribe to such conspiracy theories. On the other hand, a man with Gates' educational background is hardly likely to be looney. It's not like Big Foot stole his proof or anything.

Personal Notes:

-Staying at the Academy is hardly a sustainable solution to your current problems. Besides, harbouring known fugitives is hardly the best way to protect all the young recruits coming through their Academy training. No, your stay here will have to be very brief. After which, you'll have to turn decisively to the task of unravelling the machinations of Rhadamanthys. Stopping him might be the only way to clear your name at this point. In the interim, you intend to get as much rest as possible. It might be in very short supply in the days to come.

-It doesn't seem that much has changed here at the Police Academy. The students are still mostly little more than itinerant urchins, the rooms are still far too small and the instructors remain barely qualified to teach their respective courses. What these young lads truly need is a professor who has both a solid Academic background, real credentials and considerable experience Fortunately, they have just such a person present at this moment, and likely for a limited time only. As such, you've decided to make yourself available to give a series of guest lectures, so that perhaps this new crop of students can actually learn something useful during their training here. Really, it was absolutely outrageous that you weren't given leave to perform just such a function during your first stay here.


-Convince the instructors at the Academy to let you give a guest seminar during their lectures discussing the insights you've picked up over a lifetime of fighting crime.

-Remind everyone that you were the one to come up with so many escape plans that could certainly have overcome the intense security of Guantanimo prison.

Saavik – Fugitive's Report 12

On the Run: Even though it was only last night that you managed to break free from Guantanimo prison, it feels like you've been on the run for a very long time. Though you are used to being a fugitive, you can never grow comfortable with it, especially given the tumultuous nature of your escape. Without your tricorder, you could not precisely calculate the probability of reaching the Academy undiscovered, but you are confident that it was extremely low. So low that Tairix demanded that you avoid telling him the odds, which is rather odd in and of itself. Upon arriving at your destination, you were given an empty dorm room in which to sleep. The walls of this room are bare and without ornamentation, and at the moment they match well with the state of your own mind.

Tech Report:

-The students at this Academy seem to have very old fashioned opinions. In particular, they seem to believe in very stereotypical gender roles. One of the recruits even admonished one of his friends for speaking with you about science, claiming that such discussions are not meant to be held with girls. Most illogical. You would not expect such viewpoints to be held on a planet as progressive as Deksiil. Speaking candidly, these students will truly make for mediocre officers if they do not shake this ill-founded opinion.

Tricorder Analysis:

-Your greatest worry at this point would be your tricorder. You recorded and encrypted your thoughts onto that device, but it appears that Vladislav has broken the encryption and listened to your logs. Although recording them is soothing, you will endeavor in the future to keep such thioughts to yourself. You will not allow that kind of weakness again, although you admit that you still feel lost without them.

Impersonal Notes:

-The horrors of Guantanimo prison will take some time to fade from your mind. Thankfully, the Academy had some alternate garb, so you were able to change out of your dehumanizing red jumpsuit. You are still concerned for Valeris, stuck amongst your enemies. There is no telling what they might do in an attempt to reach you. Scuples seem to have no place in this police department, as in so many others.

-It seems that even the faith you attempted to develop here on this world may have betrayed you. Neji seems to have become part of this corrupt system, and even your green blood almost boils at the thought of her treachery. You are starting to have doubts about Cardinal Callistus as well. They say that he now controls the police in all but name, yet he allows Rhadamanthys to remain free. Surely he, above many others, would understand that sometimes the right thing must be done, even at the expense of the law.


-Put a stop to the spreading of these chauvinistic rumours.

Jackie - Fugitive's Report 23

On the Run: It's not at all unusual for you to be on the run. In fact, you're almost always trying to frantically escape from someone, be it an angry cyclist or the angry denizens of a pool hall. So running from these Deksiilan police isn't really anything new for you, although you don't often get a chance to ride in a helicopter. It's too bad you weren't allowed to fly it; with your amazing grasp of technology, you probably could have avoided Valtyrez altogether, and Amphion might still be alive. Anyway, it was just last night that you managed to escape from the city limits into the cover of darkness. As soon as you reached the Police Academy, you were given an empty dorm room in which to rest. Sleep might be in short supply over the next few days, so you've made the most of it.

Plugging the Meter:

-You were an amazing taxi driver. Some said it would be impossible for DC Cabs to move in on ground that was so fiercely guarded by Emerald Cabs, but you had no problem doing just that. Sure, your taxi got a bit banged up, but you never had a complaint from any of your customers. Even that young Nicholas Chesterly seemed impressed by your driving skills. Of course, it now seems like you might have lost your license to drive, in addition to your IBI license.

Personal Notes:

-You'd always wondered why agents on television seem so much more popular than you ever did. It looks like that saying might be true – 90% of an agent's success is based on the clothes, while the other 10% is heart, and you've got plenty of it. Now that you have the Tuxedo, you have plenty of the former as well. It's too bad they made you shave your soul patch, but it didn't really fit in with your new look anyway. Now that you have the appropriate attire, you're sure you can be just as popular as any fictional agent. Especially if you try to adopt some sort of phony British accent; no agent seems complete without such an admirable characteristic.

-It's good to see that the Chief is alright. You've been really worried ever since he was taken to the hospital. Considering all the doctors you've met, it's no surprise that you have nothing but distrust for this western medicine. Your ancient Chinese medicine is far more effective for healing injuries. Fried chicken is probably also helpful.

-You weren't at all surprised to find out that Neji has turned against you. Those Armorians are always too self-righteous for their own good, and very intolerant besides. You're not quite sure what this whole rift in the police department is all about, but you're far more likely to trust as authority figure of color such as the Chief over any follower of the Man.


-Talk about how good you would be at flying helicopters, if you were ever given the chance.

-Prove how popular you are amongst the students at the Academy.

Adventure Summary

Neji: *annoyed* Um… I don’t quite recall when you said there would be a written exam after this mission, Inspector…

Valtyrez: ^__^ [....I was afraid I would be seeing this...]

Neji: >_< ……..…*sigh*…….…

INSP 133.6
Mission Debriefing Exam

Examiner: Inspector Valtyrez
This exam is open book — any aid is allowed and encouraged...
All answers to be written in proper, academic Armorian
Allocated time = 180 minutes
(...yes, that means meta-gaming, Neji.)
Show all your work where required

Question 1 – (15 marks)

What lessons can be derived from the destruction of the last Eagle of Justice™ and the subsequent death of its commander?

Well, after the last helicopter’s back router was blown off, (by you, if my extensive meta-gaming serves me correctly…) the chopper was quickly plummeting to the ground below. Somehow, however, through magic, GM finagling, and the fact Wheatie can fly, the fugitive PCs were able to descend to the ground safely as the flaming wreckage slammed into the pristine asphalt, proving two things: One, that the construction industry in Cormus really will be booming with all the damage being done to it in recent weeks. And two, no matter how unlikely the situation, in 99.9% of all gaming circumstances, PCs getting blown out of the sky normally ends up with them falling to their near-certain survival unless there is some mitigating force affecting them on the way down (like being unconscious already and weighed down by armour, for example).
As for the unfortunate situation surrounding the death of Amphion, there is something of infinite importance to be learned. First, trying to figure out how she managed to get impaled on one of the helicopter’s blades from inside the chopper was a feat in and of itself, finally chalked up to convenient plot device. Second, perhaps the more important lesson to be realized at this juncture is that no matter how much one tries, and regardless of the medical training (or lack thereof) of those assembled, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to save an NPC that is dying in a plot scene. It just can’t happen unless the almighty GM says so. We would all do well to remember that there are powers beyond our own at work here and nothing happens were it not willed by the Gods…

Question 2 – (25 marks)

When engaging in a high–speed chase with known fugitives, explain the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of detainment and the imperativeness of improved police vehicles. Be thorough in your answer (future funding may depend on it).

First of all, I’m really not sure why I ended up driving at all. But, with Tairix driving the Gaiden-mobile, which appeared out of nowhere while the fugitives were resisting arrest, it seemed that the Level 1 Beat Cops that were my backup couldn’t drive as well as I could – which is sad. Be that as it may, with a trusty Beat Cop gripping the dashboard until his knuckles turned white due to my… um… erratic driving, we pursued the Gaiden-mobile for as long as we could, using what amenities we had available to us. A crude representation of the area is shown in the diagram below:

[Unfortunately, the image seems broken at the moment.]

As you can see, the route taken by the fugitives was an interesting and unintuitive one. This was largely affected by the aborted initial plan, which was shown to be impossible due to the large draw bridge that blocked the path. Fortunately, the Gaiden-mobile was not going at high enough of a speed to navigate the obstacle and allowed me some extra time by forcing them to choose an alternate route. Unfortunately, the armoured vehicle had no problems going over the caltrops that littered the ground and its rocket launchers made short work of the cement truck and other heavy police vehicles that made up the massive police barricade. Thankfully, however, due to its amazing maneuverability and the ability to take a short cut and have the obstacles removed so I may pass through them, I was able to make use of the police cruiser itself to ram into the Gaiden-mobile just north of the roadblock the fugitives passed through on their way to escape. Beyond that, not even the amazing engine of the police cruiser was able to catch up to the super-charged vehicle on the only straightaway separating them from temporary freedom. The car’s machine guns proved to be sufficient to dispatch the heavy infantry which was the last thing in the fugitives’ way – although they did manage to cause heavy damage to the Gaiden-mobile before their… unfortunate demise.

Now for a brief (somewhat redundant) comparative analysis of the instruments at my disposal:
  • Caltrops: It seemed as though these small objects could easily puncture tires and slow down an offending vehicle. However, the Gaiden-mobile’s extensive armour plating seemed to protect it from the dangers on the ground.
  • Heavy Infantry: The eternal foe of anything heavily armoured, these troops carried heavy artillery that was able to punch through armour and cause significant damage to the Gaiden-mobile. However, being infantry, they do not last long in the face of a head-on encounter with a nearly flying car.
  • Basic Roadblocks: Not that anybody ever pays attention to these, anyway. It was no surprise that these were ploughed over without much difficulty. But they did make the fugitives wonder as to their purpose long enough for me to overtake them and attempt some serious ramming.
  • Police Barricades: Huge cement trucks and the like made these infinitely better than their roadblock counterparts. Although, they do not really stand up to heavy fire from rocket launchers, they did prevent the fugitives from passing freely or even picking up more speed, which would have rendered them uncatchable.
  • Magic Draw Bridges: How these things popped up in Cormus at my beck and call exactly where I wanted them, only Millius and the GM know, but these in the up position prevented the fugitives from passing unless they were going fast enough to jump over. It seems that these were amazing, as neither of them were destroyed and they forced the fugitives to take another route, buying us valuable time.

Question 3 – (5 marks)

Describe the process which led to determining the probable location of the fugitives’ end destination.

Come now, as though that wasn’t obvious enough? After eluding me and speeding through Precinct 17, Tairix’s manic driving was enough to tip me off to their general direction, thanks to lots of burnt rubber and triggered red light cameras. Once I figured they were going in a generally southern direction, I needed to find out what lay in that direction. Unfortunately, that required talking to Scotland Yard and, specifically to “I am” Inspector Lestrade. I discovered the only areas of note in that direction were a warehousing district and the Police Academy towards the edge of our jurisdiction. Relying on intuition and a small meta-gaming hint, I decided to dispatch the incompetent Scotland Yard to the warehousing area and assemble a team to head to the Academy. With the Yard searching in a southernly direction and with my team heading north from the Academy, if the fugitives were still in our jurisdiction, we would catch them in a pincer-esque maneuver if we did not catch them outright. Elementary, really.

Question 4 – (15 marks)

What impact will the fugitives’ arrival at the Police Academy have on both the credibility of the institution and on the implicated recruits?

Given that Headmistress Millernia was certainly not impressed to have her Academy basically invaded by The Chief and a bunch of criminals, it is assured that she will try to disassociate herself with the situation as much as possible. This may be the only thing that will prevent the Academy’s reputation from being irrevocably tarnished and threaten its continued survival. Regardless, the fugitives were still put up rather nicely, in some cases, getting their old dorm rooms. This threw Wheatie into some sort of nostalgic whirlwind, causing him to spend about 75% of his time reminiscing about the good old days with leopards, boathouses, and canoes as part of some Alumni Project he was working on. The other 25% was spent harassing the new recruits to keep the Academy looking shiny and clean. He told the students that this was how he got where he was today… to which the rest of the PCs immediately meta-gamingly replied “…Sucking up.” This emphasis on cleanliness was achieved mostly by him cleaning chalkboards and telling kids to do it too, cause it’s cool. (Which reminds me, I wonder if anybody ever got rid of that unblinking eye that was burned into the wall of Frodo’s dorm room…?)
As for the new recruits, let’s just say the standards have dropped considerably since the last time we were there. With an entirely male class, it is no surprise that chauvinism reigned like some sort of dark cloud over the Academy that not even Social Skills could penetrate. Without anyone there who could properly bring them back into the light, Saavik did as best she could by forcefully correcting their blatant statements that girls could not be good scientists – to which she managed to take particular offence. Now if only we can convince them (in particular, a young foreign-looking recruit by the name of Rocky Wang) that girls can play dodgeball, we would be set and I would be confident that the next wave of recruits will live up to the exacting standards our class has set… well, were setting until this last week when Wheatie and Watson fell from grace.
The quality of instruction was also something of note. Having undergone a significant teacher shortage after our term, the Academy had managed to hire one instructor, one Señor Miguel Gomez Sanchero del Ranchero. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who you talk to), they also acquired one with the fugitives’ (untimely?) arrival, as Doctor Watson absolutely insisted on being a guest lecturer in… well, absolutely everything. How he could lecture at all in CQC, I will never know, but clearly this was his paramount priority. So much for keeping a low profile, guys.
Speaking of not low-profiles, Jackie decided it was a good idea to try to make himself as popular as possible with all the new recruits. Apparently, he was going on some idea that the clothes make the man, or something like that. It did, however, involve him scrambling away from (Sergeant) Major Pain’s jeep during fitness training, which is an entertaining thought if nothing else. His efforts were met with… interesting results. Also, Cimarron had an interesting comment wherein he mentioned that once, he read stuff… on a WEBSITE!
All in all, the fugitives’ presence at the Police Academy might as well have been broadcast on SCTV for all the secrecy associated with it. If I checked a little harder, I could probably find the record of a fried chicken delivery to the Academy for The Chief. It will be difficult to justify the continued existence of the establishment, given its history of murder, corruption, aiding and abetting criminals, and obstructing justice, but if anyone can make the Academy survive, I have faith in Millernia’s abilities, even if she’s not the end boss.

Question 5 – (25 marks)

Based on the information you received, describe how the fugitives were able to escape and the plan to keep authorities at bay during this endeavor.

From what I understand, somehow the fugitives caught wind of the police’s impending approach. My information tells me that The Chief called everyone into the office formerly belonging to Samuel de Champlain, which he apparently promptly commandeered upon arriving at the Academy, and brought them up to speed on the caravan of armoured cars heading in their direction. The course of action, then, was to leave immediately to avoid a repeat apprehension. That was delayed somewhat by the arrival of Frozone and a load of the same sort of super hero items from the Heroes Gambit convention (Championship Belt, Rawk Socks, Super Decoder Ring, etc). A spree of purchasing ensued with the fugitives (The Chief, Dr. Wagner, Wheatie, Saavik, John Watson, and Jackie) fleeing through some apparent underground tunnels to Precinct 8m where they met up with one Ben Gates, who had previously aided in the escape from Guantanimo Prison. With this new ally, the fugitives’ movement is shadowed from my rumoured all-seeing gaze which I may or may not actually have. To allow them the time they need, Frozone and Tairix, along with Grand Papillon… er… I mean Joachim and the newly introduced El Dorado (secretly Señor Miguel Gomez Sanchero del Ranchero in his super hero garb), offer to hold the substantial police force at bay until the fugitives can get away safely.
From there, any sort of cover or element of surprise the police may have had was promptly shattered by the… loud and ill-advised announcement by Inspector Lestrade that he was, in fact, Inspector Lestrade. From there, the battle commenced, with waves of police swarming the area, The Anthropologist getting blasted by Frozone before even being able to hand out the boom. Joachim was trying to decide whether or not he was in fact Grand Papillon and El Dorado was trying to figure out what his skills actually were. Just when it looked like Inspector Giraud might actually hit something with his PK-97 and impact bullets, another gun user showed up… a better gun user. Cimarron first told Rocky Wang to go and get the RIFLES before laying into the police with up to 12 rounds of pure, unadulterated pain. Not even Full Armorian Armour could withstand that kind of punishment for long. Eventually, (and somehow…) the battle just spontaneously ended with the closing of the curtain on the adventure and the presumed eventual win for the police force, cause Valtyrez is amazing and probably could have taken the entire Academy side by himself and won, because he is glorious and… yeah…

Question 6 – (15 marks)

List all the persons involved in the battle at the Academy, in the order of their arrival on a front-by-front basis.

Front #1
  • Inspector Odie
  • Circe Dominic
  • Rufus
  • Wedge
  • Inspector Neji
  • Inspector Valtyrez
Front #2
  • Inspector Lestrade
  • The Anthropologist
  • Inspector Keanu Reeves
  • Mugsy
  • Señor Sceptical
  • Agent Smith
Front #3
  • Inspector Vladislav
  • Eldridge
  • Inspector Giraud
  • Inspector Kojack
  • Brain
  • John McGuire
  • Joachim (Grand Papillon)
  • Tairix the Terminator
  • El Dorado
  • Frozone
  • Cimarron
  • .

Finally finishing the exam with only a minute or two to spare, Neji runs up to Inspector Valtyrez’s office to submit the stack of paper before the rest of her time elapses. She then promptly retreats to her office for some serious meditation.

Note: Special thanks to Neji for writing this summary.

New Characters

Miguel Gomez Sanchero del Ranchero
Race: Chalchakian
Affiliation: Instructor at the Cormus Police Academy

After the betrayal of Strider, and the consequent murder of Samuel de Champlain, the Police Academy was forced to recruit new faculty in a hurry. Senor Miguel Gomez Sanchero del Ranchero was the result of this recruitment, and was hired based on a recommendation from CQC instructor Joachim, and placed in charge of teaching the police tactics course once taught by Samuel. Of course, the administrators remain completely unaware that Miguel is actually El Dorado, a vaguely ethnic superhero with extremely poorly defined superpowers. Can El Dorado fly? He doesn't even seem to know himself most days. Instead, he'll sometimes pull out an elaborate Aztec ax with a Mayan handle and Incan carvings running along the haft. In keeping with his vaguely hispanic aura, El Dorado's costume includes gold armor, a swarthy mustache and some sort of golden mask.

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