Neji – Beat Cop's Report 32
Recent Duties: Two days have passed since the fall of the Midnight Gaidin. He fell not just to defeat, but also from grace. You were once willing to consider him one of the city's few true superheroes, but his blatant disregard for the law and the divine strictures left you with a moral imperative to defeat him. The police are not above the law, especially the ones laid down by the Light.
Civic News: (News regarding Cormus' municipal government.)
-After a few days to learn the ropes of the job, Mayor Mycroft Holmes has made his first few policy announcements. Unsurprisingly, the first of these was directly related to policing within the city of Cormus. With his electoral victory coming amidst a storm of crime, Mycroft is determined to clean up the city's image. To this end, he has vowed to rebuild the partnership that once existed between the police and the Church of Cormus. This has come as a shock to many who have followed Mycroft's campaign, as it goes directly contrary to his many recorded statements on the separation between church and state. Most observers see this declaration as excessively opportunistic, aimed only at gaining the support of the religious demographic in any coming election. Mycroft's administration has responded by claiming that the Badge and the Cross are both valid tools in the fight against crime.
Divine Rumblings:
-While attending a service at the newly-rebuilt Church yesterday, you were surprised to notice Saavik emerging from one of the confessional booths. It's hard to see her as the devout type, especially given how much she believes in science, the antithesis of faith. Of course, she has committed many sins of late, and a confessional booth is certainly the most appropriate place for her to begin her redemption.
Personal Notes:
-Though you will not accept the methods of the Midnight Gaidin, you still cannot bring yourself to trust this Rhadamanthys. You can sense there is something not quite right about him, though it's not quite the same feeling that you got from Strider or Scaevoli. Perhaps it's the unsettling blue gleam that sometimes seems to flash through his eyes. Regardless, Evadine's testimony certainly seems to indicate that your instincts are accurate. However, he has been granted clemency from all his crimes, so you must respect his stature as an innocent man. The Gaidin would have done well to remember that.
-The Dodgeball league has started to gain a following within the community, and it would be a great shame to knock it down when it is just starting to get on its feet. In fact, you expect a decent crowd for Team I..Q.'s match against the Point Blank RIFLES later this afternoon. Both teams are undefeated, and it will surely be the most exciting dodgeball to date. And that's saying a lot.
Team I.Q. (3-0) vs The Bad Dudes (1-2) – Team I.Q.
The Bloody Wrenches (2-1) vs The Red Pill (0-3) – The Bloody Wrenches.
Raging Butterflies (1-2) vs Point Blank RIFLES (3-0) – Point Blank Rifles.
Divine Dodgers (2-1) vs 7-11 Closers (0-3)–The Divine Dodgers.
-Keep an eye on your colleagues and report any suspicious activity to Inspector Valtyrez.
-Claim Jackie's office as your own.
Wheatie – Legal Assistant's Report 33
Recent Duties: Two days have passed since the defeat of the Midnight Gaidin, and you're still upset about the outcome of that confrontation. It was only thanks to Saavik's last minute effort that the Gaidin survived. It's true that his attack against Rhadamanthys was against police procedure, and it certainly seemed to come out of left field, but every other time you've seen him circumvent procedure has always been for a good cause. You can't help but feel guilty for turning on your ally after all he's done for the city of Cormus.
Civic News: (News regarding Cormus' municipal government.)
-After a few days to learn the ropes of the job, Mayor Mycroft Holmes has made his first few policy announcements. Unsurprisingly, the first of these was directly related to policing within the city of Cormus. With his electoral victory coming amidst a storm of crime, Mycroft is determined to clean up the city's image. To this end, he has vowed to rebuild the partnership that once existed between the police and the Church of Cormus. This has come as a shock to many who have followed Mycroft's campaign, as it goes directly contrary to his many recorded statements on the separation between church and state. Most observers see this declaration as excessively opportunistic, aimed only at gaining the support of the religious demographic in any coming election. Mycroft's administration has responded by claiming that the Badge and the Cross are both valid tools in the fight against crime.
-Saavik was a lot
more cooperative than you expected, and you were able to cut her
quite a good deal. You haven't yet received a report from Dr. Freud,
but you expect that it will arrive within the next couple days.
However, you were a bit taken aback that Saavik would so quickly
violate her curfew. She claims this was authorized by Dr. Wagner,
but you haven't seen him since the incident and have been unable to
In the process of dealing with Saavik's case, you also took the opportunity to apply for compensation regarding the mental duress and stress you went through during Saavik's mind meld. Nicholas seems sure that the government has funds to cover this sort of thing. Apparently the issue came up in one of his debate cases, so it must be true.
-You recently
picked up a copy of J. Peterman's autobiography, signed by the author
himself. Upon reading, you were shocked to discover that several of
the exploits sounded like they came right out of your adventures here
in Cormus, only you would swear that Peterman himself wasn't involved
in any of them.
Personal Notes:
-The words of the Gaidin continue to haunt you: “Are you a cop, or a hero?” Of course, you're neither. You're just a student from Denchul, and you belong in a university, not at a crime scene. At the same time, you're also sort of both. Wheatie might be bound to blindly follow police procedure, regardless of the circumstances, but the same cannot be said of the Harvester, and you feel you may not have picked the best role for the situation in question. This just reminds you that even reading all the books on police procedure can't always give you the right answers.
-In light of these recent circumstances, you've really started looking forward to the end of your internship. Of course, you'll regret leaving behind the amazing facilities now present at the legal department, and you will miss some of your colleagues. Needless to say, the precinct will miss you far more, especially given the depleted state of the legal department. As such, you've taken it upon yourself to field a qualified replacement to take your job upon your departure. You really have learned a lot since arriving on Deksiil, and you plan to teach as much of it as possible to Nicholas Chesterly so that he can follow in your footsteps as an amazing legal assistant.
-Your duties are also made worse by the necessity of playing dodgeball. The sport worked fine as a means of building school spirit back at the Academy, but competing in this crazy league seems pointless. Neji doesn't seem to agree, and expects that you'll be present for this afternoon's big game.
-Teach Nicholas Chesterly all he'll need to know in order to take up your job.
(Please keep an accurate listing of all the lessons you've taught young Nicholas.)
John Watson – Crime Doctor 28
Recent Duties: Two days have passed since the arrest of the Midnight Gaidin. You've never been of the belief that only police can resolve crimes, but you do take exception to anyone who gives your branch of private law enforcement a bad name. Even if you are not officially a part of the police, it's only prudent to act within their procedures, such that they can take over when it comes time to clean up all the details. Those are the sorts of tasks that are best left to local law enforcement.
Civic News: (News regarding Cormus' municipal government.)
-After a few days to learn the ropes of the job, Mayor Mycroft Holmes has made his first few policy announcements. Unsurprisingly, the first of these was directly related to policing within the city of Cormus. With his electoral victory coming amidst a storm of crime, Mycroft is determined to clean up the city's image. To this end, he has vowed to rebuild the partnership that once existed between the police and the Church of Cormus. This has come as a shock to many who have followed Mycroft's campaign, as it goes directly contrary to his many recorded statements on the separation between church and state. Most observers see this declaration as excessively opportunistic, aimed only at gaining the support of the religious demographic in any coming election. Mycroft's administration has responded by claiming that the Badge and the Cross are both valid tools in the fight against crime.
Newspaper Headlines:
-The exploits of your colleagues made the front page of the Daily Planet, though your contributions to this endeavor are of course attributed to the officers of the law. J. Jonah Jamieson's cover story takes on a triumphant tone as it describes the unlawful conduct and subsequent arrest of the Midnight Gaidin. His true identity remains a closely guarded secret, but Jamieson seems absolutely convinced that the Gaidin has demonstrated his true colors, and that they're as black as the cloak of his costume. Little mention is made of Rhadamanthys, except to declare that the Gaidin was caught assaulting the prominent CEO of Elysium Incorporated. Utter rubbish, the lot of it.
-You received an annonymous wire this morning containing the following document. It appears to be a police file, but the sender left no clue as to their identity or their purpose for sending it to your flat.
Age: 2356
Race: Tortalian
Criminal Record: Cleared of past crimes.
Available records indicate that Rhadamanthys first appeared within the city of Cormus approximately 1700 years ago. A scientist by training, with degrees in electrical engineering and engineering physics from the University of Tortalus, Rhadamanthys spent several hundred years working within the industrial sector of Cormus.
The majority of Rhadamanthys' scientific contributions were made while employed at Cyberdine Systems. He worked within the company's research and development branch, making key advances in the field of robotics. While the exact nature of these projects remain confidential, it is known that Rhadamanthys specialized in embuing mechanical systems with psychic enhancements.
Rhadamanthys' tenure at Cyberdine ended abruptly approximately 600 years ago. He not only left without giving proper notice, but also stole blueprints and specifications for some of Cyberdine's most cutting edge projects. It is believed he sold these documents on the black market after having joined with the Bleeding Hollow criminal organization.
This was around the time when the Bleeding Hollow gang began its rise to prominance. The Hollow soon became the most powerful gang within the Cormus underworld, a position that it held until just six months ago. Rhadamanthys is believed to have occupied a position of high authority throughout this period.
Several previous attempts had been made to convict Shaharrizad, the formidable leader of the Bleeding Hollow organization. Locating witnesses willing to testify against him proved almost an impossible task. Six months ago, Rhadamanthys stepped forward to offer his testimony against his criminal cohort. In exchange for his cooperation, he was offered full immunity for his past crimes.
Rhadamanthys was placed into the witness protection program, and escorted to the Cormus courtroom by some of the city's finest cops. However, the trial was interrupted before its conclusion by a terrorist bombing. The explosion in the courtroom, believed to have been engineered by supporters of the Bleeding Hollow who feared being implicated within the case, left the room in rubble. As of this time, Rhadamanthys is regarded as the sole survivor of this tragic incident.
Rhadamanthys has no address or contact information on record with the police department.
Personal Notes:
-You wouldn't rely on Mycroft Holmes for much, but at the least you can count on his opportunism. That's really about the only exceptional trait that characterizes the Holmes family, and in this case you're hoping it will convince the mayor to drop the writ at the earliest opportunity. Once again, a Holmes would be attempting to profit from your deductive genius, but this time it's the city of Cormus that will come ahead. In any fair election, you have no doubt that Mycroft will be turfed out of office. Why, you have half a mind to run and toss him out yourself.
-What with all the chaos sweeping through the police department, you were hoping that the community Dodgeball league would be shut down, at least temporarily. Instead, you've been slated to play an important league game this very afternoon. It seems that even the greatest crisis is not enough to delay sporting events.
-Discover who sent you the file on Rhadamanthys and their purpose for doing so.
Saavik – Forensic Investigator 10
Recent Duties: Two days have passed since the arrest of the Midnight Gaidin. You have mixed feelings regarding his defeat. Of course, it is strange for you to acknowledge having any feelings at all, but perhaps your faith has allowed you to better interpret the stirrings of your emotions. From a more logical standpoint, you find the reversal of roles that took place during that confrontation quite ironic. This time, you were the one fighting for the law and order of the police, while he was attempting to achieve vengeance or justice through any means available. It seems that even so-called 'superheroes' can be clouded by the strength of their emotions.
Civic News: (News regarding Cormus' municipal government.)
-After a few days to learn the ropes of the job, Mayor Mycroft Holmes has made his first few policy announcements. Unsurprisingly, the first of these was directly related to policing within the city of Cormus. With his electoral victory coming amidst a storm of crime, Mycroft is determined to clean up the city's image. To this end, he has vowed to rebuild the partnership that once existed between the police and the Church of Cormus. This has come as a shock to many who have followed Mycroft's campaign, as it goes directly contrary to his many recorded statements on the separation between church and state. Most observers see this declaration as excessively opportunistic, aimed only at gaining the support of the religious demographic in any coming election. Mycroft's administration has responded by claiming that the Badge and the Cross are both valid tools in the fight against crime.
Tech Report:
-As part of the deal you signed with Wheatie, you have relinquished almost all of your access to the police computer systems. You have only been granted just enough access to perform your inventory duties in the equipment depot.
Tricorder Analysis:
-You still have not had a chance to question Dr. Wagner regarding your deployment at the Elysium building. In fact, you have not seen him since the day of that incident. This makes your account even more difficult to confirm, and you're concerned that the legal department might use this as an excuse to impose a stricter curfew.upon you. As such, you've made it your goal to locate the good doctor and also to find out what has drawn him away from his place at the equipment depot.
Inner Child: (Freud thinks everything is rooted back to your childhood, and this section contains his analysis on your psychiatric state).
-Dealing with Dr. Freud's weekly psycho-analysis seems like it will be the most ardurous portion of your punishment. He appears intent on probing your childhood as much as possible, even while claiming to already know all about it. Furthermore, he keeps making you sit on a strange couch and talk about your even stranger feelings. Most of the time, your feelings consist of irritation directed towards him, but you've been careful to avoid making such comments.
Impersonal Notes:
-You were initially furious at the Midnight Gaidin for denying you the opportunity to finish Devastator. However, such feelings had long since dissipated by the time you confronted him in the Elysium building. As such, you did not hesitate for a moment in using your amazing Vulcan strength to push him away from a killing blow. One lone good gesture among a sea of sins, but perhaps the first step you've been searching for. -Last time you were mired in emotional difficulties, you found solace by seeking the guidance of Nobelius. With this in mind, you paid a visit yesterday to the Church of Cormus. You had never before gone to a confessional, but after speaking with Cardinal Callistus for some time, you emerged with the belief that your atonement might yet be within reach. You just need to seal away your past behind a wall of unbreakable faith.
-Unfortunately, the suspension of your duties did not include an exemption from the Cormus Dodgeball league. In fact, you are expected to play in an important game later this very afternoon. Truly, it seems most illogical to be playing games of any sort during such a trying time for the city's police forces.
-Investigate the abrupt disappearance of Dr. Wagner.
Guy: Wha� but I thought that show was over� they beat up the Gaidin and saved Rhadamanthys� I thought that was the end. I couldn't think of any loose ends.
Nerd: *scoff* you clearly weren't paying attention. Don't you remember when the courtroom got blown up in adventure 0? What about the introduction of Ben Gates? The clear evil doings of Cyberdine? Or The Chief's convenient disappearance? Izael's manor housing the Terminator? Valtyrez being covered in wires? *gasp* I need my asthma medication!
Dude: Yeah dude, you must have been high or somethin'.
Guy: Probably�
Dude: That nerdy guy is like, totally dying over there. But more importantly, you have to hear about the start of season 3, it was awesome! I mean, there was a new title sequence and everything� yeah!
Guy: So what� was the first half just everyone walking around doing things that didn't add to the plot? That's the best.
Dude: uhh� duh.
Nerd: I'm not dead! You must hear my clever analysis of the storyboard!
Dude: Hey man, I'm telling it.
Guy: Yeah, why don't you just step off?
Nerd: Too late for that! *initiative* -30PP, All powerful monologue!
Guy: *fails INT check* aw crap�
Dude: *fails INT check* bummer�
Nerd: Now you must listen to me for� several minutes! *talking slowly, so as not to trigger his asthma* The episode began with several important and character-developing subplots. Wheatie was training Nicholas Chesterly to take over as head legal assistant when his work term was over. This involved many creative lessons, such as how to use post-it notes, and the importance of photocopying in triplicate. Neji was busy transforming Jackie's office into a meditation room. Feng Shui, plants, and a koi pond were suggested as accessories for the room. Watson needed to find out who had sent him a mysterious message. He thought it might be the Gaidin, but he was dead wrong (hehe). Saavik set to work trying to uncover the location of Dr. Wagner, who had mysteriously disappeared on vacation leave without leaving new contact information.
Guy: Shut up! -30PP, Deathblade! *fails WILL check*� no!
Dude: Chill out homeslice. War is for squares. Let's unite as one under our love of COPS.
Guy: *pouts like an especially smarmy alpaca*
Nerd: So, anyway, they all decided to go and investigate Dr. Wagner's house since he was nowhere to be found. All they could find was a cold cup of coffee next to a rather cryptic note�
Dude: Oh yeah, they totally had to decode it! Sweet! But I don't think they ever could have done it without Wheatie, he totally schooled that totally easy code.
Nerd: Whatever! Neji's hot.
Dude: � so the answer to the code was 'Midnight' so they were all like, "whoa, that's the Midnight Gaidin, maybe we should like, totally go to his house". And Dr. Wagner was there, and Watson was going "so that's who sent me that smarmy telegram" and Dr. Wagner was like "I'm amazing".
Guy: Dr. Wagner? Wasn't he a useless jerk?
Nerd: Ah! You see but you do not observe� I'm so cool!
Dude: Well, I guess he was a useless jerk until just now. Talk about a plot twist! Wicked unexpected!... oh yeah, then they went down to the basement with Dr. Wagner and they walked past some armor and stuff and it was totally like, the Gaidin cave. Then Tairix was there and he was all "Yo, the Gaidin's dead y'all" and Wheatie was like "No!" and Tairix goes "But he totally, might not be dead, so let's totally save him".
Guy: Oh no! The Gaidin's still alive! I thought they beat him�
Nerd: Um� the Gaidin's not evil, they just had to fight him because of bureaucratic procedure. Don't you remember the conflict? Deep, internal, Wheatie conflict? COPS isn't just about hack and slash action, you need to appreciate the character development! Speaking of character development, when Tairix told them they should try and find out more about the Gaidin, it involved cornering Rhadamanthys and forcing him to talk. Wheatie was quite unwilling to break the law by breaking into Elysium industries, but eventually the other main characters, who all seemed to have such boring lives that they had nothing to lose, the Harvester was convinced to join them.
Guy: What? Wheatie was the Harvester? I totally didn't see that coming.
Dude: Yeah, so they totally lied to Valtyrez about where they were going and used the Gaidinmoble to book it out to the downtown office buildings. Then they scaled the wall with bitchin' grappling hooks and broke into some of the top floor rooms. Tairix, Neji, and Watson put the smack down on some guards in the security room and one of the guards was going all "you need a totally secret key to get into the CEO's office" and Tairix was like "die jerk" and the guy was going "don't kill me! Find the key! Arrrgghh�" so everyone scoured the rooms, hiding from security and looking for the key. Saavik found it easily, but Wheatie was supportive! And awesome!
Guy: What? So then they were gonna break into the office and attack Rhadamanthys? But why? What did he ever do?
Nerd: Baka! Rhadamanthys is obviously evil. If you had seen the new title sequence, you would know that. Also, don't you remember the series premiere? Of course he's evil! So they went in and attacked him.
Guy: Well, that must have been easy. A CEO like Rhadamanthys is at most level 2.
Nerd: No! How could a level 2 blow up a courtroom with a flash of his eyes! Rhadamanthys has 100 weapons and Psi, with like 600 psi points! It was a totally outmatched battle! Pay attention!
Guy: ;(, you're mean for a nerd.
Dude: Brothers, don't hate, communicate� and let me totally finish telling you about this amazing episode. They started fighting and Tairix was like "bam!" and Rhadamanthys was like "whoosh!" and Neji was like "whh-chh!" and Harvester was all "badzzzeeerrrm!" and Saavik was totally "smack, slap� paint!" and Watson's all like "puh tzeeew! puh tzeeew!" and the field of wheat was saving people left and right!
Nerd: Yeah, it was a pinnacle of special effects.
Guy: So they beat Rhadamanthys and found out where the Gaidin was?
Dude: No dude� they were outmatched by his deathblades, spinstrikes, and teleports. And eventually Valtyrez was like "Valtyrez is here!" and he totally 'saved' Rhadamanthys with his low level cops. And all the main characters got arrested!
Nerd: Actually, Valtyrez didn't arrest Neji.
Guy: What? She's totally evil! She's been working with Valtyrez all this time! Remember all those episodes where Neji was having secret, off-screen meetings with Valtyrez? She sold out to Valtyrez to screw the other characters!
Nerd: That might be the first intelligent thing I've heard come out of your mouth all day� but yeah! I agree! It makes her even more hot! *looking to the sky* Someday� someday Neji� we will be together�
Dude: Right so all the PCs totally got arrested for a wicked cliffhanger ending!
Nerd: Also, wasn't there a dodgeball game?
Dude: Oh yeah, there was dodgeball� Cimarron crushed Team IQ.
Guy: Also, I didn't hear enough about Wheatie.
Nerd: He was amazing as usual.
Jerk: *enters scene* What? I hate Wheatie! He's the worst character on the show! What is with that flannel? And how come� *get's crushed by huge cube of lead that falls from the sky defying all logic*
Dude: Whoa, that guy is totally crushing.
Nerd: uhh� well I have to go build a computer� or watch Xena� or not take a shower or something.
Guy: yeah� and aren't we scheduled to smoke the pot later this afternoon?
Dude: yes� let's do that.
Note: Special thanks to Wheatie for writing this summary.
Rocky Wang
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Academy Student
Rocky Wang is part of a new wave of students going through basic training at the Cormus Police Academy. While taking firearms training from Cimarron, he was also 'persuaded' to join the instructor's own dodgeball team, The Point-Blank RIFLES. Rocky is at best an indifferent dodgeball player, but he would quickly retort that he is surely better than any girl. Because girls don't know how to play games like Dodgeball. This casual chauvinism has earned Rocky quite a reputation throughout the Academy and the league itself, and it was also known to breed notoriety during his debate days. Rocky is a foreign looking recruit with dark hair, a gray suit and a black leather folder that may contain pretentious debate materials.