Neji – Beat Cop's Report 28
Recent Duties: After the exhausting midnight ritual, the decision was made to remain in Domremy overnight before returning to Cormus in the morning. This decision doubled as a matter of some necessity, given that the last bus had long departed by the time you ushered the misguided villagers down the Great Barrier. Upon arriving back at Precinct 13 this morning, you found a scene of chaos and confusion...
Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)
-The electoral race changed completely late last night, leaving the population of Cormus riven with shock and horror. Responding to calls of a disturbance in the area, police arrived at the Cormus Party's downtown campaign office to find a scene of gruesome slaughter. Among the deceased was the majority of the Cormus Party's upper echelon, in addition to Mr. Riven himself. The police have refused to release any significant details regarding this heinous crime, but have confirmed the identities of the victims. Lacking official information, speculation and rumours have surfaced and circulated rapidly throughout the city.
Meanwhile, officials are attempting to determine what effect this will have on the election. Most pundits acknowledge that Mr. Riven was the frontrunner in this campaign, until his efforts came to a dead stop. Some have claimed that one of Riven's relatives should be allowed to run in his stead, while others believe a new election campaign needs to be staged. However, city clerks claim that there is nothing in the city bylaws that would invalidate the results of the election, even given these extraordinary circumstances. Supporters of Mr. Riven will now have to decide where to direct their votes, and have a mere three days to do so.
The Street Beat:
-Not surprisingly, talk on the street continues to revolve around the perils of politics. It's not often that a civic election turns into a murder mystery, and as a result it has a spawned a storm of controversy and speculation. However, one common thread seems to connect all these disparate rumours, and it can be summarized to a single name: Sarpedon. No one seems to know how this name first became associated with this incident, but it is now widely feared that a figure forgotten for thirty years has again come to dominate the public consciousness.
Personal Notes:
-Just as the best of intentions can lead to disastrous consequences, so can even the most true of faiths be subverted into something less than pure. Some would probably claim Sybok as evidence against the glory of the Church, but you prefer to view him as what he was: a charlatan, a pretender and a criminal. Anyone who seeks to make religion work for them is by definition violating their own faith; only by allowing the religion to work through you can true purpose be found.
-Still, you can't fault Sybok for wanting to bring those Dagos-worshipping natives back into the light. Jackie's participation in the ritual was particularly obscene, and should not be condoned. At the same time, you are well aware that forced coercion is not the proper way to enlighten such misguided souls.
-It seems that Domremy is a rite of passage for many of the more devout, including Cardinal Callistus. This only demonstrates that greatness truly can grow from even the most humble beginnings. Given the history of this convent, it's somewhat surprising that this Ben has not also become an important part of the Church. In fact, much of what he said seemed to be more related to science than religion.
-Remind everyone that it was not your own religious beliefs that caused you to join Sybok's Army of the Light.
Wheatie – Legal Assistant's Report 29
Recent Duties: After the exhausting midnight ritual, the decision was made to remain in Domremy overnight before returning to Cormus in the morning. This decision doubled as a matter of some necessity, given that the last bus had long departed by the time you ushered the villagers and your array of pets down the Great Barrier. Upon arriving back at Precinct 13 this morning, you found a scene of chaos and confusion...
Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)
-The electoral race changed completely late last night, leaving the population of Cormus riven with shock and horror. Responding to calls of a disturbance in the area, police arrived at the Cormus Party's downtown campaign office to find a scene of gruesome slaughter. Among the deceased was the majority of the Cormus Party's upper echelon, in addition to Mr. Riven himself. The police have refused to release any significant details regarding this heinous crime, but have confirmed the identities of the victims. Lacking official information, speculation and rumours have surfaced and circulated rapidly throughout the city.
Meanwhile, officials are attempting to determine what effect this will have on the election. Most pundits acknowledge that Mr. Riven was the frontrunner in this campaign, until his efforts came to a dead stop. Some have claimed that one of Riven's relatives should be allowed to run in his stead, while others believe a new election campaign needs to be staged. However, city clerks claim that there is nothing in the city bylaws that would invalidate the results of the election, even given these extraordinary circumstances. Supporters of Mr. Riven will now have to decide where to direct their votes, and have a mere three days to do so.
Notes from Home:
-Your parents still don't seem to accept your religious beliefs, or lack thereof. In their most recent letter, they included a brochure for some semi-religious college in Corsair, apparently to show that education and religion are not mutually exclusive. This St. Christopher's College actually seems to have a decent medical school, at least if the brochure can be believed.
Book Report:
-With Rufus and all his noise gone, you've finally had a chance to visit the library. While browsing the non-fiction section, you uncovered a book written by Benjamin Franklin Gates, that strange hermit you encountered in Domremy. His work is called The Da Vinci Code, and talks about treasures that were hidden throughout history. It even makes several allusions to some secret society descended from the Knights Templar that is dedicated to protecting such relics.
Legal Report:
-While you were away, a meeting was arranged between Deep Throat and Miss Vayl. A video was made of the encounter for further study, though even so no clues have been found to Deep Throat's true identity.
-In light of Deep Throat's information, a secret investigation was launched into the finances of this campaign. The results indicate that Don Atchison's team has spent more than twice that of the other candidates combined, well above the spending limits specified in the city bylaws. There is little transparancy with these campaign donations, and authorities can only guess where these funds are coming from.
-Considering all this informaiton, The Chief has decided to instigate an undercover operation to look into the Atch campaign. He has dubbed this plan 'Operation Intern', and has picked you as the perfect agent for this job. Your assignment is to resume your identity as a sales intern at Atch & Co. in order to investigate the mayor's menswear business and to make contact with his campaign team. For your own safety, this plan is to remain top secret. As such, you've been instructed to make a big show of quitting your job at the legal department. Fortunately, you have plenty of very convincing reasons for doing just that.
Personal Notes:
-Doing legal work with Rufus around just isn't feasible. He drools all over your important papers, and seems to view your prized and fragile photocopier as some sort of enemy. As of this morning, you still had heard no word from Circe, so you finally decided to take matters into your own hands. In this case, that involved a trip down to the SPCA. They can take care of Rufus until Circe gets back to town. Given what others have claimed, Rufus must really have liked the clerks at the SPCA, considering how 'playful' he quickly became. Although you've heard rumours of incompetence surrounding that place, you believe it mostly revolves around the management positions.
-It's not like you don't have reason enough to quit this job. Not only are you always forced into violent confrontations that have nothing to do with your qualifications or position, but you're also backed up by a set of extremely unreliable allies. Sure, Neji and Saavik were brainwashed by that Sybok's religious rants, but it takes an unreliable sort to be susceptible in the first place. Suffice to say that the seeds of doubt have taken root in your mind. You no longer feel comfortable working with either of them.
-Make sure none of your companions suspect your true motives for leaving the force.
-Disguise yourself as a convincing sales intern at Atch & Co.
John Watson – Crime Doctor 24
Recent Duties: After the exhausting midnight ritual, the decision was made to remain in Domremy overnight before returning to Cormus in the morning. This decision doubled as a matter of some necessity, given that the last bus had long departed by the time you ushered the confused villagers down the Great Barrier. Upon arriving back at Precinct 13 this morning, you found a scene of chaos and confusion...
Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)
-The electoral race changed completely late last night, leaving the population of Cormus riven with shock and horror. Responding to calls of a disturbance in the area, police arrived at the Cormus Party's downtown campaign office to find a scene of gruesome slaughter. Among the deceased was the majority of the Cormus Party's upper echelon, in addition to Mr. Riven himself. The police have refused to release any significant details regarding this heinous crime, but have confirmed the identities of the victims. Lacking official information, speculation and rumours have surfaced and circulated rapidly throughout the city.
Meanwhile, officials are attempting to determine what effect this will have on the election. Most pundits acknowledge that Mr. Riven was the frontrunner in this campaign, until his efforts came to a dead stop. Some have claimed that one of Riven's relatives should be allowed to run in his stead, while others believe a new election campaign needs to be staged. However, city clerks claim that there is nothing in the city bylaws that would invalidate the results of the election, even given these extraordinary circumstances. Supporters of Mr. Riven will now have to decide where to direct their votes, and have a mere three days to do so.
Newspaper Headlines:
-It goes without saying that most of the major papers are concentrated solely on the massacre at the Riven campaign headquarters, which has now been dubbed by the editors as the 'Death of Democracy'. Not interested in such sensationalism, you flipped over to more obscure papers, including The Sheaf, which actually has a few articles dedicated to other topics. One such is a curious new store that has opened in downtown Cormus known only as 'SOLD OUT'. Despite its name, this store is supposedly well stocked with oddities ranging from computer games to faux oriental items and weird Warchon weapons. Whether it's games, trinkets or clothing, SOLD OUT promises to 'bring you the best'.
-Not surprisingly, one mystery has come to dominate all others. You've had Wiggins out combing the streets, searching for details regarding the Death of Democracy. There seems to be plenty of information to find, but none of it official. That means you have to sift through a whole plethora of rumours in order to determine the truth. The one common thread that seems present in almost all rumours seems to be the name of Sarpedon. According to locals, it's been close to 30 years since that name was whispered through the city streets. Furthermore, locals note that it's only five days until the bloody anniversary of when Sarpedon was killed while resisting arrest.
Personal Notes:
-It seems that your book on the crime doctor has finally made its mark on the market. Mr. Cartright recently told you that it's hit the best selling chart and is still going strong. Of course, the book is now nominally the work of J. Peterman, who is claiming it as his own biography. At the same time, you think the story behind the true J. Peterman should be known. You signed away any claim to the royalties, but you have to think that surely the public wants to meet the real man behind the story. There's supposed to be a book signing at Brentano's, a high end downtown bookstore, later this afternoon, and you intend to be there.
-You received an odd phone call from the Yard not twenty minutes ago, informing you that you would soon be graced with a visit from Inspector Lestrade. You're not quite sure what he wants, but he sounded awfully smug on the phone. It doesn't take a detective of your amazing caliber to know that this can only be a bad sign.
-In your experience, religious fervour can be an extremely dangerous thing. Anyone who truly believes that their specific divine strictures stand above the law is a criminal in all but their own eyes. They might think they can find salvation in the next life, but they'll find no such sympathy from the crime doctor. In fact, you don't believe that religion should mix in either parts of your profession. The folks at St. Christopher's would do well to remember that.
-Claim credit as the real J. Peterman.
Saavik – Forensic Investigator 6
Recent Duties: After the exhausting midnight ritual, the decision was made to remain in Domremy overnight before returning to Cormus in the morning. This decision doubled as a matter of some necessity, given that the last bus had long departed by the time you ushered the confused villagers down the Great Barrier. Upon arriving back at Precinct 13 this morning, you found a scene of chaos and confusion...
Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)
-The electoral race changed completely late last night, leaving the population of Cormus riven with shock and horror. Responding to calls of a disturbance in the area, police arrived at the Cormus Party's downtown campaign office to find a scene of gruesome slaughter. Among the deceased was the majority of the Cormus Party's upper echelon, in addition to Mr. Riven himself. The police have refused to release any significant details regarding this heinous crime, but have confirmed the identities of the victims. Lacking official information, speculation and rumours have surfaced and circulated rapidly throughout the city.
Meanwhile, officials are attempting to determine what effect this will have on the election. Most pundits acknowledge that Mr. Riven was the frontrunner in this campaign, until his efforts came to a dead stop. Some have claimed that one of Riven's relatives should be allowed to run in his stead, while others believe a new election campaign needs to be staged. However, city clerks claim that there is nothing in the city bylaws that would invalidate the results of the election, even given these extraordinary circumstances. Supporters of Mr. Riven will now have to decide where to direct their votes, and have a mere three days to do so.
Tech Report:
-It seems probable that Sybok was indeed behind the email you received earlier, as you have received nothing further from that address since his death. Instead, you've noticed that all three of the inboxes you monitor have received messages from Scaevoli, the crime reporter for the Cormus Daily Planet. The message reproduced below is the one that was sent to your inbox.
I understand that these must be busy times for the police department, but I hope you can find a few moments to consider my request. Like you, I am concerned with performing my public duty, though it may take a different form from your own.
I don't believe in protecting the reputation of the police commission at the expense of the public's right to know the truth. If you believe as I do, I hope you'll be willing to grant me an interview so that we can discuss recent events.
I can assure you that this interview will be kept strictly off the record, and that any information you provide can be completely annonymous, upon your request.
You can contact me at the Planet any time you have information that needs to reach the public.
Tricorder Analysis:
-While you were away, there was apparently a big security breach with the police databanks. You and Dr. Wagner have been called in to help investigate, but have made little progress. The one responsible seems to have gone to great pains to cover their tracks. It appears that several police files have been altered, but you can't even determine which ones or to what extent. It is suspected that someone with inside knowledge of the system may have been involved.
Impersonal Notes:
-The characteristics Dr. Watson demonstrated in killing Sybok are dangerous. Personal feelings aside, as they always are for you, it would be best to make sure that the doctor cannot be trusted with such delicate situations.
-Make sure everyone is aware of Dr. Watson's unreliability.
-Claim that all your actions during the Domremy affair were all in the best interests of the police.
Jackie - Agent's Report 18
Recent Duties: After the exhausting midnight ritual, the decision was made to remain in Domremy overnight before returning to Cormus in the morning. This decision doubled as a matter of some necessity, given that the last bus had long departed by the time you ushered the confused villagers down the Great Barrier. Of course, you took the opportunity to climb down the long way a second time, just because it was there. Upon arriving back at Precinct 13 this morning, you found a scene of chaos and confusion...
Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)
-The electoral race changed completely late last night, leaving the population of Cormus riven with shock and horror. Responding to calls of a disturbance in the area, police arrived at the Cormus Party's downtown campaign office to find a scene of gruesome slaughter. Among the deceased was the majority of the Cormus Party's upper echelon, in addition to Mr. Riven himself. The police have refused to release any significant details regarding this heinous crime, but have confirmed the identities of the victims. Lacking official information, speculation and rumours have surfaced and circulated rapidly throughout the city.
Meanwhile, officials are attempting to determine what effect this will have on the election. Most pundits acknowledge that Mr. Riven was the frontrunner in this campaign, until his efforts came to a dead stop. Some have claimed that one of Riven's relatives should be allowed to run in his stead, while others believe a new election campaign needs to be staged. However, city clerks claim that there is nothing in the city bylaws that would invalidate the results of the election, even given these extraordinary circumstances. Supporters of Mr. Riven will now have to decide where to direct their votes, and have a mere three days to do so.
Classified Information:
-The police have also instigated an investigation into the Papa John's delivery squad that you encountered in Domremy. Questioning of Little Caesar and Mrs. Vanelli has revealed that they were sent specifically to eliminate not just Wheatie, but also yourself, Neji and Saavik. These orders apparently came from someone high up within the Papa John command structure.
Personal Notes:
-Those natives might follow the same God as you, but their means of worshipping Him are certainly strange. You've never heard of all that dancing in any of the rituals you've attempted before. And that peace pipe...that was certainly a unique experience that you've never had before. You believe that Chris Tucker would probably refer to such a sensation as funky.
-Help market Warchon items.
-Defend your participation in the native ritual.
“Hello. This summary gonna be given by a new narrator. Why? Because all the others have SOLD OUT!! Plus, they are racist. Whereas as for me, whether it action, mystery or comedy, I bring you the best in role-playing summary.”
The mysterious man starts frantically waving a messily written billboard.
“That right, we get signal. Big news broadcast about Cormus party. They were competing with SOLD OUT! This probably make someone mad, so they get killed.”
Another billboard is displayed.
“Inspector Lestrade come to Dr. Watson's house. He say he gonna arrest him! How can he do this? He must be racist! Whether it theft, kidnapping or murder, the Crime Doctor bring you the best in crime detection!”
Continuing on in a disjointed fashion, the man holds up another unrelated billboard.
“Wheatie was having lunch at precinct, then said he not gonna work there anymore! He gonna go to Atch & Co instead! They musta offer him the best value in work opportunity. He shoulda come to SOLD OUT instead! There they go again, poaching our employees. Doctor Watson come to get legal help, but Wheatie sell him out to Nicholas Chesterly! What a racist!”
“Dr. Watson go to book signing to sign his own book, but he has sold out to J. Peterman. Peterman make him go buy clothes from Atch & Co so he look better. He shoulda directed him to SOLD OUT instead! We have all the latest trends! What a racist!”
“Jackie come to SOLD OUT to work for owner, me! He make good choice! But that racist Wheatie try to steal his customers! He try to sell them dumb things like man ring and man scarf! Meanwhile, Sold Out bring you only the best items, at bargain prices!”
“Everyone then get a call from the Chief. He tells them they have to leave Sold Out and go on some mission. Chief claim to like affirmative action but really he is just a big racist like everyone else!”
“Cops try to solve the mystery. Someone try to convince them the Mouth have Sold Out, but Dr. Watson know better! Instead, Hobo Jones tell them he saw pizza van come and kill the Cormus Party. Hobo Jones have own software business tryin' to compete with Sold Out! He must be put out of business! But instead cops go to Pizza warehouse, where the Big Cheese sells out his buddies and blow them up! What a racist!”
“Cops get call from Deep Throat, who have sold out to bring them the best in secret news. He tell them come to city hall, instead of coming to Sold Out! They find Don Atchison, he meet with Papa Delissio and NORG! The Mayor try to say Papa Delissio have sold out, but Sold Out know better, and so do Wheatie, who have sold out Atch to get the goods on him! Wormtongue also sell out Atch and say he working for IRS! Atch try to fight, but he soon find that whether it firearm, bare hand or moon attack, the cops bring him the best in combat ability. Finally someone put a stop to his racist policies. At last Sold Out will take over the market with the best value!”
And with only the mysterious billboard left behind, the man frantically flees into the black background of the summary page.
Note: Special thanks to John Watson for writing this summary.
Mr. Tanegawa
Race: Warchon
Affiliation: SOLD OUT
Whether it's games, curios or clothing, SOLD OUT bring you the best in value, complete with a distinctly oriental flavor. Mr. Tanegawa is the owner and sole employee of SOLD OUT, and he personally ensures that the store's varied and curious stock includes only the most authentic yet fake Warchon goods. This includes Asian threads, prayer beads, other curios and an assortment of other random items ranging from weapons to 'bestselling' computer games and the staple of oriental culture known only as DDR. Mr. Tanegawa demonstrates his enthusiasm for his own wares by wearing a gold kimono with a very poorly drawn dragon on the back, and by rushing through the downtown with a big sign proclaiming that his 'competitors' have sold out and are racist. He seems to have no understanding of commerce.
Earl Cammembert
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: SCTV News
As the second half of the SCTV news team headed by Floyd Robertson, Earl is responsible for bringing forward the more obscure, human interest kind of stories. He succeeds at the former, but in so doing usually ends up talking about things that are of no interest to anyone, human or otherwise. This seems to aggravate his co-anchor to no end. Earl's professional attire is somewhat questionable, and includes a pin-striped suit and a polka-dot bowtie. He also wears really thick glasses, and has dark hair done up in a rather pathetic fro.