
Heroes: Jackie, Saavik, Neji, Wheatie and John Watson.
Enemies: Sarpedon, Papa John's Pizza and Sybok.

Neji – Beat Cop's Report 27

Recent Duties: It's been two days since the disastrous press conference held at the Cyberdine laborartory. Once again, it has been shown that science is not a force that can be trusted. Mortals misplace their faith in technology only at their peril; God is not in the machine. It is a great pity that innocent lives were lost in order to get this message across. You intend to ensure that this lesson need not ever be repeated.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-As they are wont to do, pundits have declared that the final heat of the electoral race is now in progress. This has corresponded with a stunning shift in the public opinion polls, as Mayor Don Atchison's support has faltered dramatically. Insiders blame the horrifying failure of Cyberdine's policing robot, partially captured on live television, for the peril suddenly facing Atch's re-election bid. The other candidates were quick to pile on the beleaguered mayor. Mr. Riven has taken to characterizing his main opponent as a pawn of big business with a hidden, machine-driven agenda. Even a whole slew of new spending announcements from the Atch campaign have not been enough to stem the hemorrhaging of support. With the ballots set to be cast in only a few days, experts believe this race has become more of a coronation for Mr. Riven and his Cormus Party.

The Street Beat:

-While the Church of Cormus is the certainly the largest religious organization within the city, it is far from the only faith practiced in this area. Many of these smaller pagan sects seem to be based on ridiculous superstition and incongruous rituals that have been cannabilized from more established religions. These groups seem particularly prevalent within the rural regions surrounding Cormus. In recent years, the Church of Cormus has made great efforts to expand into these communities, in an attempt to bring them back into under the light. The success of these endeavors remains an open question.

Personal Notes:

-It seems that the Bad Dudes are very appropriately named; they are not just bad by title, but also in their skills. Team IQ had no difficulty quashing them, even with Nicholas out for the count and Wheatie expending absolutely no effort. You can only hope his spirits will improve once your team jerseys arrive.


-Discourage the practice of any pagan religions.

Wheatie – Legal Assistant's Report 28

Recent Duties: It's been two days since the big press conference at the Cyberdine laboratories. You were officially sent there just to look professional, but once again you ended up being forced into action. Unacceptable! Plus, Don Atchison didn't even seem to remember that you're supposed to be working for him. It's hard to believe that he could competently manage a city when he can't even keep track of one student intern.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-As they are wont to do, pundits have declared that the final heat of the electoral race is now in progress. This has corresponded with a stunning shift in the public opinion polls, as Mayor Don Atchison's support has faltered dramatically. Insiders blame the horrifying failure of Cyberdine's policing robot, partially captured on live television, for the peril suddenly facing Atch's re-election bid. The other candidates were quick to pile on the beleaguered mayor. Mr. Riven has taken to characterizing his main opponent as a pawn of big business with a hidden, machine-driven agenda. Even a whole slew of new spending announcements from the Atch campaign have not been enough to stem the hemorrhaging of support. With the ballots set to be cast in only a few days, experts believe this race has become more of a coronation for Mr. Riven and his Cormus Party.

Notes from Home:

-Although some might find it hard to believe, you actually come from a fairly religious family. Most rural Denchulli families are quite devoted to their local churches, and yours is no exception. Still, you've never been able to understand how anyone can really buy into the religious mentality, when so much of it is clearly contradicted by amazing and irrefutable scientific evidence.

Legal Report:

-Deep Throat called again yesterday to offer more information. His hints remain highly cryptic, but mostly seem to involve the financial aspect of the campaign. He has urged the police to follow the money trails in order to find what they seek. You're sure it would help if you knew what you were supposed to be seeking, but Deep Throat seems unwilling to reveal any information on that topic.

Personal Notes:

-You had a feeling that meeting Circe at the British Museum wouldn't yield anything but a whole crop of trouble. It seems like your educated guess was right on. Apparently Circe left on vacation yesterday and decided not to bring Rufus along. That's totally understandable. Who would want to spend any more time than necessary with that wild mutt? You find it more difficult to understand why she would leave him in your care. Dominic dropped Rufus off at your appartment last night, ostensibly on the misguided premise that the two of you really got along. Now you have to take care of him, and you don't even know when Circe is coming back!

-Rufus is out of control! To make matters worse, you can't even leave him alone in your appartment. Last time you tried that, he ended up wrecking some of your old text books, not to mention aggravating both Roomba and Little Isaac with his ceaseless 'playing'.

-The police commission has ordered that no information regarding the incident at Cyberdine can be released to the public until after a formal investigation has been completed. Despite this, your department has received several calls from Scaevoli requesting interviews with you or any of your colleagues who were at the scene. These requests have all been denied.


-Try to keep Rufus out of trouble.

-Point out some of the flaws of organized religion.

John Watson – Crime Doctor 23

Recent Duties: It's been two days since the little incident over at the Cyberdine laboratories. The things you saw there could definitely lead to great advances in the field of science, but they obviously need a bit of fine-tuning first. Besides, there are some things that can never be replaced by even the most amazing technology – including the natural intuition and observation of certain organic specimens.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-As they are wont to do, pundits have declared that the final heat of the electoral race is now in progress. This has corresponded with a stunning shift in the public opinion polls, as Mayor Don Atchison's support has faltered dramatically. Insiders blame the horrifying failure of Cyberdine's policing robot, partially captured on live television, for the peril suddenly facing Atch's re-election bid. The other candidates were quick to pile on the beleaguered mayor. Mr. Riven has taken to characterizing his main opponent as a pawn of big business with a hidden, machine-driven agenda. Even a whole slew of new spending announcements from the Atch campaign have not been enough to stem the hemorrhaging of support. With the ballots set to be cast in only a few days, experts believe this race has become more of a coronation for Mr. Riven and his Cormus Party.

Newspaper Headlines:

-The Deksiil Blue Moon has periodic articles devoted to some of the most promising business leaders on the planet. Their feature this week is centered on Ricky Tan, one of Cormus' most eccentric and successful residents. It turns out that Mr. Tan is one of the top executives with Warchon Wok, the galaxy's only authentic chain of Warchon restaurants. Ricky Tan is in charge of the company's Deksiilan outlets, and has turned his holdings into the most successful branch of the business. There are rumours circulating that the Wok's current CEO might soon be stepping down, in which case insiders suggest Tan would be first in line for the position.


-It seems that your services are indeed needed within the small community of Domremy. Your personal investigations have revealed that the report in The Sheaf wasn't greatly exaggaerated after all. Two recent murders remain unsolved.

The first victim was the town's last mayor, Lemvin. His body was found in Fangorn forest a month ago, badly torn. The local innkeeper, Simon, is serving as interim mayor until another election can be held. Sheriff Rance, the second victim, disappeared about two weeks ago. His body was only discovered four days ago, in much the same state of disrepair as Lemvin's corpse. Rance's deputee, Dawson, is the new sheriff.

The superstitious locals have attributed these murders to the work of Werewolves, who supposedly prowl the community late at night. Rubbish! This sounds quite like the case where you unmasked the Hound of the Baskervilles as just another human murderer.

Personal Notes:

-As expected, The Chief seemed rather nonchalant about the mysteries of Domremy. It's just like the bureaucratic authorities to ignore any crimes that aren't precisely in their jurisdiction. But as the Crime Doctor, you're willing to make housecalls. That's why you boarded the bus this morning on route for Domremy. Upon arriving, you checked in at the Way Inn and began your investigations.


-Solve the mystery of Domremy and restore peace to the community.

Saavik – Forensic Investigator 5

Recent Duties: Two days have passed since the press conference at the Cyberdine laboratories. Speaking candidly, you would have to qualify the event as something of a disaster. Although you are generally a proponent of science and technology, you are well aware that such systems are fallible, especially when not tempered by proper logic. The researchers at Cyberdine would do well to remember that reason, not ambition, should fuel all scientific progress.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-As they are wont to do, pundits have declared that the final heat of the electoral race is now in progress. This has corresponded with a stunning shift in the public opinion polls, as Mayor Don Atchison's support has faltered dramatically. Insiders blame the horrifying failure of Cyberdine's policing robot, partially captured on live television, for the peril suddenly facing Atch's re-election bid. The other candidates were quick to pile on the beleaguered mayor. Mr. Riven has taken to characterizing his main opponent as a pawn of big business with a hidden, machine-driven agenda. Even a whole slew of new spending announcements from the Atch campaign have not been enough to stem the hemorrhaging of support. With the ballots set to be cast in only a few days, experts believe this race has become more of a coronation for Mr. Riven and his Cormus Party.

Tech Report:

-In addition to monitoring Inspector Kojak's email, you have now also been charged with the task of operating Eldridge's email inbox. However, it was a message sent to your own account that gave you pause.



Greetings, Saavik.

I was able to find your email address through the Precinct 13 webpage. Have you not learned the dangers of sharing such information on the internets?

I feel your pain.

Tricorder Analysis:

-Young Isaac seems to be asking a lot of questions about your tricorder, and even comparing its complex analytical skills with the sound emitted by his rooster. You find it hard to believe that a legal assistant could truly be so childish and naive, but his curiosity took on a more sinister note when he began following you around town.

Impersonal Notes:

-Your colleagues at Precinct 13 seem very prone to performing highly dangerous feats, regardless of whether they are truly necessary. You could equate this mentality to climbing a giant mountain simply because it's there. That is not la logical justification for any significant action.


-Discover the source of the email and find out what they're up to.

-Question the logic of any dangerous stunts performed by your companions.

Jackie - Agent's Report 17

Recent Duties: Oh, it has been two days since you teamed up with Inspector Valtyrez to stop the evil robot that was rampaging through the Cyberdine laboratories. They were all really lucky that you were there to assist them with your amazing technological prowess. Still, you're not a fan of all the firearms you've had to deal with recently. That robot needed to learn how to fight like a man.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-As they are wont to do, pundits have declared that the final heat of the electoral race is now in progress. This has corresponded with a stunning shift in the public opinion polls, as Mayor Don Atchison's support has faltered dramatically. Insiders blame the horrifying failure of Cyberdine's policing robot, partially captured on live television, for the peril suddenly facing Atch's re-election bid. The other candidates were quick to pile on the beleaguered mayor. Mr. Riven has taken to characterizing his main opponent as a pawn of big business with a hidden, machine-driven agenda. Even a whole slew of new spending announcements from the Atch campaign have not been enough to stem the hemorrhaging of support. With the ballots set to be cast in only a few days, experts believe this race has become more of a coronation for Mr. Riven and his Cormus Party.

Classified Information:

-Precinct 13 has received another mysterious message. Thankfully, this one was written in a more conventional means, and wasn't accompanied with a bloody corpse. It reads as follows:

The time has come for Words to be replaced with Actions

Let the sacrifices draw near...

The bloody anniversary is upon us.

Personal Notes:

-That Saavik is a rather strange woman. She seems to think that she knows more about technology than you do. After all your demonstrations, everyone else should know otherwise. You are used to handling complex science stuff like cell-phones and microwaves. The fact that she doubts your abilities must mean she does not grasp all the nuances of these devices. As such, you've found yourself feeling just a bit uncomfortable every time she tries to 'use' any piece of technology.

-All Neji's talk of religion has got you thinking that maybe some divine guidance is just what you need to help deal with Chris Tucker. At this point, you're willing to try almost anything. Unfortunately, the conventional Church of Cormus does not seem to recognise your religion, and you can't go praying to their false faith. You will have to look elsewhere for guidance. A city of this size must have at least a few smaller religions that are closer to your own.


-Seek divine guidance to assist you in dealing with Chris Tucker.

-Climb the highest thing you can find, just because it's there.

Adventure Summary

Upon arriving back at Precinct 13, Saavik swiftly heads around the back of the building so that she may enter away from her colleagues’ prying eyes. Or more specifically, from the prying eyes of that young legal assistant, who had become far too interested in her tricorder. The Spheran woman opens the device and presses in a code, beginning to speak…

"Science Officer’s Log, Correction:
Forensics Investigator’s Log
StarDate 42583.29

I am about to make my report to the Chief about the situation that we found in Domremy. For my own records, I will be using my tricorder to record my statements."

With this, she climbs the stairs of the building, knocking on the Chief’s door and gaining entry.
"Damnit Saavik! Why are you bothering me?"
"I have come to give my report on our most recent mission, Sir."
"Well damnit, why haven’t you started yet?!"

"I met with my colleagues for a brief meal that unfortunately happened at Monk's. This is usually not an issue, but the illogic of my colleagues has never been in question and the situation degenerated into Mr Chan being shot by Inspector Kojak over the results of the so called 'dodgeball' game. Madame Neji and myself excused ourselves from the situation, my tricorder is not a medical one and furthermore neither of us have the medical skills necessary to have been able to help Mr Chan. I realize that this may sound cold and heartless as I often must to many of my colleagues, but in this situation specifically, it is known that Mr Chan is more than able to heal himself. That, or we would run into that fascinating Doctor Watson who would give his medical expertise.

It was then that we heard the screaming from the hallway and we went to investigate, only to find that the young Mr Chesterly and the young Mr Isaac. They were being dragged around by a large dog who I've had the dubious pleasure to meet before, one Rufus from the K-9 unit. Apparently Mr Isaac was taking care of Rufus for some time, but even the two men together could not restrain him. Madame Neji picked up the leash and the dog fell still. Unfortunately, this was still not enough and the canine lept onto Mr Chan. Because combined efforts could not free him, I moved forwards and applied pressure to one of the nerves on the dog's throat, causing the beast to fall unconcious for a short amount of time. We then pushed the dog off of Mr Chan and went upstairs at the your call."

"Damnit Saavik, I know all this already! You don’t have to be so goddamn thorough all the time!"
"Permission to speak candidly, Sir?"
"De-nied! Go ahead with your report, I don’t have all day to listen to you yammer!"
"Very well then:"

"When I arrived at the bus depot, I was wearing a long white robe with a strip torn off one of the hems to tie around my head. I was, of course, claiming to look for aquatic wildlife in Domremy, and the driver accepted this without question. Upon entering the bus and sitting down, I observed that Mr Isaac had disguised himself as a farmer, and was speaking in a curiously low voice. Madame Neji had borrowed a cassock from the church and was posing as a priest going on a pilgrimage to the Domremy convent, and finally Mr Chan had grabbed a briefcase and was sitting aloof from the rest of us, disguising himself as Mr Chan."

"Damnit, this was an undercover operation! Jackie!"
"His lack of logic has caused many…"
"Keep reporting, Saavik!"

"The driver put on a video of a dog show which sent Rufus into a fit, and Madame Neji and I both allowed ourselves to sink into meditation. It is lucky that we did. If anyone was going to be childish enough to ask with every draw breath "Are we there yet?", I luckily didn't hear it.

Upon arriving in Domremy, we were met by the mayor, Mr Simon (Bwahahahahaha! ). He welcomed us to the town and offered suggestions of what would be the most enjoyable way for people to spend their time, at least, to what our disguises suggested. We acquired our rooms, already having spent half of our stipend, ("Damnit!") and were about to leave to investigate the town when we were met by the eminent Doctor Watson who had arrived earlier that morning. Doctor Watson went immediately to work, questioning the mayor on every detail he could think of ("Damn that Watson!") as the rest of us dispersed throughout Domremy.

I followed Mr Chan to the sheriff's office as I believed while wounded, he should not attempt his usual 'stunts' and damage himself more. ("Damnit Jackie!") Surprisingly, all Mr Chan did was follow his disguise to set up a chain of the resturant Warchon Wok in Domremy. Statisfied that Mr Chan has seen the error of his ways, or at least, that he would not harm himself at this current point in time, I started off towards the convent to which I had heard Madame Neji and Mr Isaac depart for. They, logically, arrived first.

I must mention at this point in time that Mr Isaac appears to be somewhat of a bigot. On my approach to the church, I could hear him being extremely derogatory towards any sort of religious practices. If I felt any emotions, I would say that I was extremely insulted, but as the case may be it nearly caused an incident between Mr Isaac and Madame Neji. She refuted his contentions, but provided new evidence in the last three minutes of her speech. As Mr Isaac did not point out this fact through any of his regular or irregular heckling methods, I did not take it into account. ("Damnit Saavik! What in the hell are you yammering on about?!") At this point, they disappeared through the main door at the bidding of Nix, one of the pastor’s disciples.

I entered soon afterwards, early enough to see Madame Neji slip into a confessional booth ("Damnit, again?!") and I was forced to wait and listen to Mr Isaac continue his long string of vicious remarks."


Meanwhile, somewhere else in the Precinct 13 building, Neji is doing some soul-searching of her own. In a valiant attempt to document her experiences before they, too, flee her mind, her quill flies across a formerly clean sheet of parchment as the final details of the strike team's operation begin to fall into place in her mind.

"Their goals only a few staircases away, our (surprisingly healed) heroes pressed forward into the tower. Strike Commander Leo apprised them of the plan to take down Sarpedon once and for all. Blueprints the police had found detailing the inner sanctum of Barad-Dur showed that there was a staircase outside that led to a balcony which overlooked Sarpedon's study, where the Master Criminal was presumed to be. That would be the location from which the shot was to be fired. The rest of the team, including Crusader Callistus, Borromir, Agent Smith, Hamlet, and John McGuire, were to wait just outside the chamber doors until the shot was fired. At that point, they were to move in and take care of any business that was remaining. With that, the team was divided, Strike Commander Leo took Irvine up the outside stairs and they proceeded to their positions.

"From his vantage point on the balcony, Irvine could easily see into the study. As predicted, Sarpedon was inside, standing with his back to the window, an unblinking eye seemingly burned into his cloak. Irvine was instructed to take up his position and wait for Leo's signal to fire. The lazy gunman was instead taking a nap. After being swiftly (and probably rudely) awakened, Irvine started to set up for the shot, but not before loading his gun with a special holy bullet just for this task.

"Unfortunately, the perfect moment for the shot never came, as the doors to Sarpedon's study suddenly burst open. Penetrating into the room and ripping off the robe which concealed his identity, his gleaming white armour well... gleaming, Crusader Callistus penetrated into the room, demanding that Sarpedon be held accountable for all the sins he had committed against the people, committed against faith.

"While the rest of the heroes cowered at the doorway, peeking in whenever one of them got a sudden burst of bravery, Callistus stood defiantly before the Evil One, brandishing his holy sword bravely. Knowing that the perfect moment was gone, Leo immediately ordered Irvine to proceed with the shot. Thankfully, all his sniper training finally paid off and Irvine was able to pull the trigger without choking and embed the holy bullet into the back of Sarpedon's head.

"Presuming that the battle was already won and their mission a success, the rest of the strike team entered the room to flank Callistus and watch Sarpedon die. However, nothing is fair in life, love, and boss fights, as our heroes were all too quick to understand, watching Sarpedon slowly turn to face them. Flinging off his robe, he revealed himself as one of the most truly hated sect of all existence, one of the Order of Doom.

"Knowing that they will not escape Barad-Dur alive if they do not stop Sarpedon here and now, our heroes spring into action. John McGuire takes up his usual habit of indulging his vices, namely smoking and drinking on the job. Smith's Multi-Agent System kicked into action right away, with four Smith-clones entering the battle, and Hamlet promptly summoned his ghost. Callistus suddenly called a crusade and called upon his colleagues to join him in his cause. This instilled unparalleled life force among its members, but reduced their intelligence to 1.

"Sarpedon, however, seemed hardly concerned with this turn of events and instead decided that he needed a minion and promptly took dim-witted and weak-willed Borromir under his control, proving once and for all that he never was loyal to his companions in the first place – Borromir’s transgression was clearly the first fissure of the Fellowship. This did not dissuade our heroes who continued the assault on the Doom Priest. Several noble Smiths perished, flinging themselves onto the deadly spikes of Sarpedon's Doom Armour. Irvine continuously pelted Sarpedon with bullets while McGuire shot frantically into nothing. Callistus used his holy sword to inflict much damage upon the heretic, getting a little bit of help for his death blade will checks from the Wisdom of Elrond that Agent Smith was able to impart upon him by tapping into his glorious Elvish heritage. This proved most helpful. Also, McGuire shot stuff, possibly including Borromir.

"Knowing that the efforts of his companions would not be sufficient against the Dark priest, Strike Commander Leo descended down from the balcony and carved into Sarpedon with his amazing mad skillz." Neji frowns at this last sentence before scratching it out and beginning anew. She had spent far too much time with Wheatie. "He descended down from the balcony and attacked Sarpedon with his formidable sword prowess. Eager to make use of his new toy, Sarpedon commanded his faithful pawn, Borromir to take out Hamlet once and for all. Needless to say, with both combatants relatively futile as it was, the battle between Borromir and Hamlet was a relatively lengthy one, eventually ending with the victory of Borromir.

"But Sarpedon’s most deadly ploys were still to come. Beginning to look a little weak, the Doom Priest began to concentrate. Seeing this as a moment of weakness, the strike team approached to finish off the evil that plagued the land. But the true fiendishness of Sarpedon had yet to be revealed. A chain suddenly lashed out and ensnared some of our heroes, drawing out their very life force and giving all present a glimpse of his Chains of Dagos. That, coupled with several repeated beat down sessions contributed to the fall of the Strike Commander. However, not to be taken so easily, Leo lashed out with one final blow, cleaving Sarpedon’s hand clean off. With an aura radiating darkness and evil, Sarpedon snapped the last thread of Leo’s life.

"Enraged with the loss of their commander, the heroes’ vigor renewed (although their hit points did not). Much of the damage was inflicted in small amounts, but slowly they were witling away at the Doom Priest. Realizing that the largest threat against him came from above, Sarpedon ascended to the balcony and started to lay into Irvine with some divine fury only a follower of Dagobros could conjure. Soon the sniper lay with his commander…

"With a last valiant effort, our heroes pressed on, Agent Smith trying to bring down the renegade Borromir with a flurry of virii with Borromir only able to cling to consciousness through repeated kneeling and bowing (however, it must be known that this ability would work on any attack, save those launched by a bow, as Borromir hates bows).

"With one final war cry, Callistus cut down the evil priest once and for all. As Sarpedon fell, the heroes breathed a sigh of relief. Sarpedon was dead and the battle was over…"

Sitting in her darkened office, Neji wonders if this is truly the end of the saga to which she alone has been privy or if there is more to this story that has yet to be told. She only knows of one person in the near vicinity who might be able to tell her, and so she blows out the lone candle and leaves her office…


"When Madame Neji emerged from the booth a good hour later ("Damnit! Is there something I need to know about? Did she look for any tall buildings in the area?") , the three of us we ushered to the back of the room by the curious Mr Nix. He asked if we were there to see the pastor, and upon receiving assent, took us into the rectory. Mr Nix was asked to leave us, and the pastor turned around to introduce himself as Pastor Sybok. He enquired to our business in Domremy, to which we all gave the answers that best fit with our disguises, and in fitting with Madame Neji’s role they made plans to meet and speak again later."

At this point, Saavik’s tricorder emits a beep and then gives a high pitched whine, causing Saavik to cover her ears and wince in pain. Seeing that the Chief isn’t as affected by it, she tries to continue, "Pastor Sybok and I shared a…"the tricorder begins beeping loudly, drowning out almost all of her words. The few that make it over the noise are, "work", "church", and "fascinating."
"Damnit Saavik, what the hell did that device thing just do?"
"It appears that my tricorder has malfunctioned. If you give me a moment, I shall perform a quick repair."
"My tricorder is again functioning normally. Permission to continue?"
"Damnit, you don’t need permission for that!"

"I believe that at this point Mr Isaac went off towards the Sheriff’s office for his own reasons; in any case, Madame Neji and I went to Wanuskewin. Pastor Sybok had mentioned that there were some men out there who practiced pagan rituals, so she and I went to investigate. We met a man there by the name of Greycloud and it was Madame Neji’s turn to act like a rude, uncouth, legal assistant. She began to insult Mr Greycloud’s religion and as a direct action, he ordered her to leave his land. She showed that she had some backbone by actually following through with the request. At this time, however, Mr Chan joined me in Wanuskewin and Greycloud continued."

"Damnit Saavik, what happened to Jackie, Wheatie, and that Watson fellow while you weren’t there?"
"Sir, it would be illogical for you to ask me to answer for things I did not observe."
"Damnit! I don’t want any of your mumbo-jumbo logic. I want to know what happened!"
"I can try to infer that information for you, Sir."
"Well get on with it!"
"I shall endeavor to give you accurate information, although I must mention that I am merely piecing together what I heard from them at our nighttime meal."

"When Doctor Watson left the Way Inn, he went towards the Rance Ranch where the widow of the former Sheriff still resided. He met with her, a Madame Joan of Arc, and began to question her about the events surrounding her husband’s death. Although the woman has been known to hear voices in her head and occasionally follow their whims, he took for face value her words denouncing the new Sheriff, the new Mayor, and the new Pastor. Then with what I suppose was his usual pedantic way, he set out with his umbrella, illogical, because the weather was quite pleasant, for the Sheriff’s office.

At the office at this time was Mr Chan who was still discussing the benefits that a Warchon Wok would bring to the community ("Damnit Jackie! You aren’t supposed to promote your business during police duty work!") and Mr Isaac who had appeared from the convent. The good Doctor began to speak to the Sheriff about the recent events of the town, but before he could get any in depth analysis into their conversation, there was an explosion from one of the guest cabins on the lake. The group ran to see what happened, and Watson alone noticed that there was a van hidden in the woods.

On closer investigation, it was revealed that the van was one of many used by Papa John’s pizza. His two newest associates revealed themselves to Watson: Little Caesar, a short man in a toga, and Mrs Vanelli’s, a tall woman in a green dress. They were looking for Mr Isaac, specifically Mr Isaac with Rufus. ("Damnit Wheatie!") Misters Isaac and Chan joined in the battle and the three of them took down the newest pizza icons in the city of Cormus. Doctor Watson and Mr Isaac then returned to the Way Inn to eat while Mr Chan trekked out to Wanuskewin.

Upon arrival at Wanuskewin, Mr Chan and I learned a little about Greycloud’s culture, and were in fact offered a chance to participate in a little ritual. Mr Chan immediately agreed, and I mentioned that I would be interested in perhaps observing. We were told that we needed to bring some densely packed wheatgrass for the ritual, such that grew in the nearby Fanghorn forest, and to return at around midnight. Agreeing to these requests, we too turned back for the Way Inn and our nightly meal."

"Sir, someone is making their way up the stairs."
"Damnit Saavik! I don't hear anything!"
"It would appear that my hearing is…" Saavik cuts off at this point, having learned from many years in Starfleet that calling your superiors actually inferior is a bad idea.
"Um…Mr. The Chief, I have Neji here to see you…" the voice of Debbie the receptionist echoes over the intercom.
"Neji? Damnit I don’t have time for this… Oh whatever, send her in…" The Chief says before continuing in a mutter to himself, "I’ve already got enough whack jobs around here… one more won’t hurt."
"Sir?" From her place in front of the desk, Saavik looks as calm as ever, even though she’s just been insulted. It seems that she doesn’t understand that she has been insulted, "Perhaps I should finish my report to you first, before Madame Neji…"
Only somewhat confused at the strange title she has been given, Neji penetrates into the room, an expression of inquiry on her face. "I’m sorry, I was unaware I was interrupting anything…"
"Damnit Neji! You’re always interrupting! All of you cops…"
"Sir, perhaps I should continue with my report. Neji knows what happened, and although her assistance is not required, she might care to offer her singular input."
Not really knowing how to respond to that, Neji stays silent and instead takes a chair to wait patiently. She hadn’t meant to intrude, so she might as well wait until this matter is resolved before pressing The Chief for information. It’s not like Saavik's report is exactly G-14 Classified information…she was there, after all.

"Our meal was for the most part uneventful. Doctor Watson was making some rude remarks towards the Pastor but otherwise there was nothing out of the ordinary. I believe that Mr Isaac’s chicken got loose and started fighting with Mr Isaac’s vacuum cleaner."

"You mean Roomba… it gets insulted when you don’t call it by name or refer to it as a common vacuum…" Neji suddenly interjects.
"It is illogical to assume that an inanimate object would be able to be insulted by calling it what it really is. But that is a moot point, because that thing does not feel anything."
"Well, see if it saves you from a cave-in next time…" Neji scoffs.
"Damnit Neji! What the hell happened to you idiots? Can you do anything without causing some sort of intergalactic incident?!"
"My colleagues appear to be able to get themselves into a variety of interesting situations. However, in this case, it was Doctor Watson who got us into trouble."
"Damn that Doctor Watson! Why can’t he stop meddling in police affairs! We made it perfectly clear that we didn’t want him around. He can go back to that dumpster of his… Now why don’t you tell me what the hell is going on with this cave-in…"

"After dinner we went on a hunt for the so-called werewolves that inhabited Fanghorn Forest. Rufus dragged Mr Isaac through the forest and we were at the other side at a cave that was named aptly the "Cave Inn". Watson asked us to go inside because he believed that we wanted to find was in there, so listening to what we wrongly supposed was good advice, we entered the cave.

Inside we found a pile of rocks built to an alarming height and beside them, a note. Mr Isaac flew in to grab the note and came back, reading it to us. It instructed us to turn around to see our doom, and in doing so we saw the Mouth through a hole in the top of the cave. He threw a grenade down in the cave, causing the rock pile to tumble over and trapping us in a cave in."

"At this point, my information is largely incomplete, perhaps Neji could elucidate on the state of our collective condition beyond this point?"
Neji nods. "Admittedly, after the initial explosion, Wheatie, Saavik, and Dr. Watson were all knocked from their feet, and at varying stages of consciousness. Still hoping we might be able to escape the cave before the walls caved in and crushed us, Jackie and I grabbed our fallen comrades and made a break for the entrance as fast as we could. Unfortunately, the speed of the falling rocks proved too swift and we became trapped beneath much heavy rock. We were most lucky to find ourselves in a small space between some of the rocks, but we knew we had to act quickly lest we be crushed by the ever weakening cave walls."

"Goddamnit, can't you idiots do anything right?!"
"I believe Saavik can take it from here." Neji suggests.

"We could not escape from the rocks ourselves and I could hear that there were more rockslides happening further down in the cave. It was imperative that we got out immediately or we would have been crushed. Unfortunately, the only access to the outside was a small crack that none of us could fit through. We were lucky that Mr Isaac’s menagerie were with him at the time, and the good Doctor reminded us that we should put a note onto the chicken’s back before we released him to find help.

The chicken and the vacuum cleaner were released into the wild. I would have pointed out the illogic of relying on them had we had any other option. I can infer what happened during the chicken’s run for freedom because my hearing is much superior to that of my colleagues. ("Damnit Saavik! We know your ears are good!") Even though the vacu… at a look from Neji, Saavik clears her throat softly the Roomba, got stuck in the passageway Little Isaac escaped to the surface. As soon as he emerged, the wargs – for that is what the ‘werewolves’ are, howled and began the chase. I did not mention this to Mr Isaac as he is prone to emotional displays, especially surrounding his group of animals.

The warg caught up with Little Isaac, who held his own in the battle considerably well. He was aided by the Roomba who had also finally gotten through the crevice in the rocks. Together, the two of them managed to defeat the warg, and they continued on together. At this point, the rocks around us collapsed totally, I assume knocking us all unconscious. I cannot continue the narrative until I awoke."

"Damnit! Can’t you cops deal with a simple cave in?"
"Sir, as much as our technology is impressive, even we cannot deal with forces of nature."

"Upon joining with my colleagues in the kitchen of Mr Ben’s home, we decided that it was imperative that we return to Domremy immediately because the citizens of the town may be placing themselves in danger looking for us. We thanked our benefactor and left, hurrying through the forest and returning easily to the Way Inn. Here again we split up. I am not entirely sure what Mr Isaac and Watson did, there are some inferences I can make and I will, Sir, when I get to the next actions of theirs that I know."

Saavik turns slightly so that she is addressing the other woman in the room as well, "Neji went off on her own. I would also be more than curious to hear what happened during that time."
Neji, startled at her sudden inclusion into this conversation. "Well, there isn’t much to say, Sybok and I spoke of the paganism that has darkened the area around Domremy and catapulted them farther and farther from the light." Saavik raises an eyebrow at Neji’s comments.
"In any case, through thorough discussion of the meaning of life and all that pertains to the pursuit of the light, Sybok informed me of his utopia, Shakari, which he wished to forge in the ashes of the pagan heretics that plagued this land. This is the extent of my supposed escapades."

"Mr Chan and I went back to Wanuskewin to meet with Greycloud. On our trek back through the forest I gathered the plant material that we needed to bring. Mr Chan seemed excited to participate in what we knew at that point as the ritual, and I was there because it seemed that a member of law enforcement may have to be. Earlier, Pastor Sybok had shared his suspicions with me over the religious practices of the natives of Wanuskewin, and he cautioned me to be extremely careful. I carried with me my communicator with which I could call both the Sheriff and the Pastor if anything had happened. Unfortunately, I could not contact any of my colleagues as the only other one with a mobile communications device would be Mr Chan.

Greycloud led us towards a mountain range that he called the "Great Barrier". He said that behind it was where their ritual would take place. When we were ascending through the mountain, there were two paths. I was dismayed to find that Mr Chan had decided upon behavior that I had previously assumed he would not undertake."

"Damnit Jackie! Wait…what the hell did you just say?"
"I am saying, Sir, that he climbed the mountain."
"Damnit! Why would he do such a goddamn fool thing like that?"
"Because it was there, Sir."
"Damnit! He didn’t try to jump off of it, did he?"
"Sir, he did come down the cliff on the other side…"
"Damnit, I don’t need two officers on suicide watch!"
At this, Neji seemes rightfully put out.

"Upon reaching the other side and being past the Great Barrier, Mr Chan removed his shirt and allowed the other men to paint him with the symbols that I could not translate. They began to smoke from a pipe, and because I did not know how long it would be, I signaled the Pastor and the Sheriff to come observe.

"For the love of Millius, Saavik, get on with it!"
"Neji, it is extremely important that every detail of this ‘ritual’ is accurately reported."
"Damnit Saavik, hurry it up!"

It was obvious to me that Pastor Sybok had been correct in his suspicions that these people were worshipping the dark god Dagobros.

"Heretics…" Neji growled under her breath.

The men danced and smoked for nearly twenty minutes while I watched, and then the stopped. A couple of them went to get a struggling figure bound tightly in a blanket and Greycloud pulled a wicked-looking knife from his belt, saying that it was time to make the sacrifice.

He loosened the blanket, allowing us to see the bovine trapped there, but before they were able to go any further in the heinous act, Pastor Sybok arrived with the Sheriff and some of his disciples from the Church, dressed in hooded white robes with red flames emblazoned upon them. The Sheriff had his shotgun aimed directly at Greycloud’s chest, apparently the town had their suspicions about these natives for a while and all they had needed was proof to be sure. Oddly enough, the Sheriff wanted to shoot Greycloud, and I was surprised that Pastor Sybok wasn’t doing anything to stop him.

I argued with Pastor Sybok, saying that even if these men are misguided in their religious principles, that there is no reason to specifically cause their deaths. The law is there for a reason, and that reason is to deal with situations such as these. He tried to stay the hand of the Sheriff, but the man appeared possessed by a need to take blood. The Sheriff shot Greycloud.

Mr Chan and I went to him, and we found that he was not dead. At that moment, Doctor Watson and Mr Isaac appeared on the crest of the ridge. I can only assume that the psychic energy that Sybok later showed to possess was enough to call Mr Isaac’s new abilities to our location. Being that it was over a mountain range, I can only infer that he grabbed the Doctor and flew. It was the Doctor who exclaimed that Pastor Sybok was under arrest on conspiracy and attempted murder. ("Damn that Watson! He’s not a police officer!") The Pastor responded that he wasn’t, but instead of backing down and defending himself in court, he revealed a champion to fight for him and in his name."

Again, Saavik turns to Neji and this time she raises an eyebrow. Slowly, and not looking at the Chief she speaks, "His champion… was Neji."
From where she was seated, Neji paled. "The Army of the Light was formed with the intention of purging the worship of Dagobros from the fine, formerly pristine lands of the Deksiilan countryside. Although it is a cause to which I would typically lend my support, I do not recall engaging in any such championing…" As she spoke, it was unclear whether or not the Armorian truly did not remember what happened. (Mostly because the relevant PC is also unclear on this point.)
"Neji, you attacked Isaac."
"It’s not like I actually tried..."
"You used a Duo-Strike… with your spine!"
"Damnit Neji, are you trying to hurt yourself again?!" Obviously, once again, The Chief was furious at the mere insinuation that he might have to put Neji on suicide watch -- again. That had been enough of an ordeal the first time.
"…my mind was clouded, as though all my pain had disappeared and I was left only with the voice of Sybok in my mind…" Neji protested, "Clearly my actions were not my own at that particular juncture."
"I would concur with this assessment as Neji was constantly asking the Pastor for what her next action should be. However I would also note that when he tried to do the same to Mr Chan, the man resisted the Pastor’s will. Neji was entirely enthralled, so far in fact that I would have to say that much of her actions were her free will." Saavik pauses for a moment before continuing, "Coupling that information with the violence she nearly displayed at Mr Isaac earlier that day…"
Neji scowls, of course if it were possible, she would have resisted, being clearly far more willful than that heretic, Jackie. "At least I did something during that battle, unlike some people I could mention..."
"Damnit Saavik, what is she talking about?"
"Sir, due to my unique position in the battle, I thought it best to try to stay out of the confrontation as much as possible in order to discern the most effective way of defeating Sybok and use that knowledge to empower my companions. But I would not expect Neji to understand that there are other ways to inflict damage than simply making fist meet flesh."
"At least I was not the one who actually knocked out Wheatie." Neji interjects, "The fact still is that Jackie's mind was just as easily corrupted as mine was, demonstrating the unparalleled mental fortitude of Maste... I mean MisterSybok." Neji shakes her head for a moment to clear it. "Forgive me, even at this time, my mind still has moments of residual cloudiness."
"Damnit, I don't have to send you to Arkham again, do I?"
"No, Mr. The Chief, that will not be necessary." "Actually, Sir, we have no way of knowing how long the effects of the Pastor’s mind control will affect Neji or Jackie. I believe that it may be important to not place them into any sort of dangerous situation as they may both have residual issues."
"Somehow I don’t think it would be a good idea to keep us locked up, we may get a little stir-crazy cooped up in the Precinct…" Neji suggested, knowing that would strike a particular chord with The Chief.
"Damnit Saavik! I don’t need any stir-crazy officers on my force!"
With a strange glint in her eye, Neji might swear that Saavik nearly smiled for a moment as she spoke, "We don’t need to be shot in the back either, Sir. Perhaps they should at least undergo some sort of psychological analysis before they are returned to active duty?" "It is clear that The Chief has already taken steps to prevent us getting shot in the back, as Señor Skeptical has ceased to participate on our missions."

As the fight continued, it appeared that we may actually be unable to stop Neji, the Pastor, and Mr Chan. Mr Isaac took a beating from Neji ("Damnit Neji!"), although when he moved away the only person who could reach him was Mr Chan, who pursued Mr Isaac. The boy was easily knocked out ("Damnit Wheatie!"). Sir, I’m not entirely certain you should be putting such a young boy in the line of such terrible danger. Although he obviously has the skills for battle, his mental fortitude has much to be desired.

At this point, the Doctor had managed to sneak behind Pastor Sybok and leveled his revolver at the back of the Pastor’s head. I feel that I should formally point out, Sir, that having non-members of the police appear on our missions is a procedural nightmare. Any proper police officer would know that death is not our objective. The position that Watson was in was one in which he had total control. He was behind the Pastor, without the other man’s knowledge. It would have been simple enough to wound the other man in the arm, the leg…any other area of his body that would not have caused death.

It would have been a great benefit for us to have taken Pastor Sybok alive. We could find out what exactly he tried to do to Neji and Mr Chan, or the extent of the Army of the Light. The Doctor has obviously gone on a bit of a power trip, trying to force us to rely on his ‘deductive’ abilities to learn these facts that would be easily enough done had Sybok still been among the living.

"Saavik, as much as I agree that the good Doctor should refrain from police missions, he has proven useful to us in the past and it would be unwise to write him off completely…"
"Damnit Neji, are you siding with the private citizen?"
"Mr. The Chief, in spite of his massive shortfalls and complete lack of any police field training save for his short stint at the Academy, Dr. Watson has sometimes proved useful…"
Saavik cuts Neji off, "Saving our lives does not excuse the fact that Doctor Watson has erroneously taken that of another with no good reason to do so."
"Was Sybok not resisting arrest at the time of his… unfortunate demise?"
"And as I noted earlier, Neji, Doctor Watson had every opportunity to be able to apprehend Sybok, albeit violently, without causing the man’s death."
"But when a fugitive is resisting arrest, does it not give the relevant law enforcing officer the authority to use any means necessary to apprehend the criminal and remove another source of corruption from our fair city?"
"Neji, you have completely missed the point. Firstly, Doctor Watson has not been deputized, and therefore he is not the relevant law enforcing officer. And secondly, being a member of the police does not give one the allowance to commit murder. We are only authorized to use the necessary force to apprehend the criminal, and my point is Doctor Watson used far more than necessary force."
"Admittedly, Doctor Watson is not a police officer, but the relevant officer, being Wheatie, was knocked out at that time. And since you decided you were too good for the battle entirely, the only person we had left was Dr. Watson. As such, it would be better to…"
Again, Saavik begins speaking quickly, cutting off the stream of words from Neji’s mouth. "Simply because you do not have the mental faculties to understand that not all battle must be done with one’s own spine…"
"Saavik, I can assure you I have more than enough comprehension to understand that it would be more prudent to apprehend the criminal rather than let him escape…" Neji scowled and made a noise very similar to that of a smarmy llama.
"I’m sorry that you do not have the memory necessary to properly analyze what actually went on in the battle, or that at the time you would have been helping Sybok escape, Neji. Sybok would have been apprehended. His death was unnecessary."
"You mean you actually would have done something?"
"Are you actually suggesting that I would be callus enough to let my colleagues die?"
"I'm suggesting that perhaps had you had intervened, Sybok wouldn't have had to die."
"Are you suggesting that the fact that I was too far away to aid a criminal gave Watson his bloodlust?"
"No, Saavik, you're misinterpreting me. What I'm saying is that if you had acted to assist in the capture of Sybok from the beginning instead of pretending to be a garden gnome, none of this would have happened.
"Oh, so it is my fault now. That's funny; I don't think I was the one who fell at his knees because he discussed a couple words of pain with me..."
"You certainly weren't helping.
"I wasn't hurting, either, Neji"
"It's not like I had much say in the matter!"
"I'm sure you had a say at the time in which he asked you for your assistance. What did you do, begin singing his praises immediately?"
"Hardly. In fact, my initial refusal is what spurred him to overpower my mind, and I can assure you I did everything in my considerable power to resist him. But we've been through this already, Saavik."
"Indeed, and I would thank you not to bring it up again. The real issue is that Watson used overly excessive force, and Sybok has been killed. Since Watson is not a member of the police and has no authority in the situation, he should be arrested for murder."
Neji shrugs. "Do what you will, it's not we have any jurisdiction to do anything in Domremy anyway."
"You make it sound, Neji, that the only way you wanted to see the battle end was with the Pastor's death"
"Any port in a storm. He did try to take over my mind, remember. I'd take especially appreciate that."
"It is illogical at this point to slip in words like 'try'. He did take over your mind. Although it is fortunate that you have returned to normal, we do not know if you have any actual side affects and we cannot ask him. My concern, Neji, is for your health." In fact, Saavik sounds rather patronizing and nearly motherly.
"I can take care of my health just fine on my own, thank you. Why don't you stick to your job which, thankfully, does not involve concerning yourself with my health -- which is just fine, I might add."
"Damnit Neji! You sound like you're trying to convince yourself! Damnit! Get away from my window!"
"Mr. The Chief? I'm on the other side of your office in the chair I've been sitting in for the last ten minutes."
"Well damnit! Stop looking at my window!"
Perhaps in uncharacteristic fashion, Neji arches an eyebrow in confusion. "Um... alright..."
"My job becomes more difficult when others are not working at their full physical or mental capabilities. I have a right to know if you are still affected because that will affect my abilities"
"You need not fear, Saavik, all my demons will be properly exorcised long before you need to worry about them. Though my mind was clouded in darkness for a time, the light will purify what has remained untouched and banish all that has been tainted."
If a Spheran like Saavik could sound sulky, she sounded sulky, "You're sounding like Sybok"
"Must be the religious training."
"Perhaps it's the taking religious pursuits to an obsession"
"Perhaps it's being enlightened."
"I would not call Pastor Sybok enlightened."
"Nor would I call me obsessed."
"Then you would be mistaken."
"I would be mistaken about my own classification of my own faith?!"
"One of the indicia of obsession is that the one trapped in it is unawares."
"Even if that were true -- which I'm not saying that it is, I would rather be obsessed with faith than deluded by science"
"You seem to believe that one must choose between them."
"Damnit you two..."
"As the two are fundamentally contradictory, it would be difficult to find an amenable balance between them."
"Damnit Neji..."
"You have obviously not seen the benefits of being able to draw from both faith and science. It is difficult, but ultimately entirely rewarding."
"But when push comes to shove, one of the two is going to have be forsaken in the interest of doing what is right. Thus mooting your point as one will always have to take precedence over the other and to strike a balance is nigh impossible."
"Your totally obsession with faith blinds you to what science gives us, Neji."
"Damnit Saavik!"
"What has science done for us lately? Created destructive powers beyond our wildest dreams that are hard to combat and even harder to control? Remember that the neurotoxin that Dr. Falstav used to send Precincts 6 and 17 to near riots was created by science. Remember that ED-209 was created by science and both of which were overcome by faith and perseverance."
"And faith also brought us Sybok. Faith brought us Greycloud's rituals to the dark gods. What stopped them? Science. Your rhetoric is easily turned back on you."
"Maybe, but as one who claims to know how everything about everything, you have to agree that the "scientific" method for stopping both Greycloud and Sybok -- being of course to pump them full of cold, unforgiving lead -- was not the proper course of action. At that juncture, perhaps faith was the preferable venue to peruse.
"Your faith made you more susceptible to Sybok's mental controls. It became a danger to your health, and to all of us. I do agree that the specific methods used were unsuited to the situations that they were applied to, but I would also say that faith would have been insufficient."
"Damnit you two!"
"My faith had nothing to do with it."
"If you had not returned to speak with him, specifically because of your faith, you would not have been captured into his spell."
"I didn't think Jackie had anything to do with Sybok's faith so I don't see how that has anything to do with it." Neji crosses her arms across her chest. "And he was captured all the same..."
"Mr Chan's situation is entirely different, so your smugness is entirely unwarranted."
"Damnit Neji!"
"Mr The Chief..."
"Damnit Saavik!"
"Damnit Saavik! Damnit Neji! Shut the hell up and get back to work!"


It wasn't until she was half-way back to her office that Neji remembered she hadn't actually gotten to talk to the Chief at all. Oh well, that would wait for another day...


Upon sitting at her desk, Saavik closes her tricorder with something that suspiciously sounds like a sigh, resting her head in her hands.

Note: Special thanks to Saavik and Neji for writing this summary.

New Characters

Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Mayor of Domremy

When not busy directing the people of Domremy, based mostly on the authority derived from his name, Simon spends his time running the Way Inn. This is the only hotel within Domrermy, and serves as a focal point for the small community. Having been bred and raised within this rural environment, Simon displays many of the characteristics commonly associated with country towns, including a serious drawl and a wardrobe made up mostly of flannel. In addition to a shirt made of this very material, Simon usually wears blue jeans, cowboy boots and a ridiculously large belt buckle. His description also involves shaggy blond hair and a rather patchy beard.

Sheriff Dawson
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Sheriff of Domremy

As the only local law enforcement within the small community of Domremy, Sheriff Dawson tends to have a rather inflated view of his own importance. He also has a rather inflated physique, which only barely manages to fit into his beige sheriff's uniform. Befitting someone of his station, Dawson is rarely seen without his white cowboy hat or his trusty shotgun. When not busy laying down the law, Sheriff Dawson seems prone to advocating the economic benefits of gambling and smoking ridiculously large cigars. He also seems willing to do almost anything that Simon says.

Race: Loracian
Affiliation: Doom Priest

The public record contains very little information on the master criminal known only as Sarpedon. It is believed that he was responsible for an attempt to assassinate the President of Deksiil during his visit to Cormus 30 years ago. Only some bad luck prevented this plan from being successful, and it remains one of the city's most infamous crimes. Sarpedon's motives for planning such a deed remain unclear, but rumours at the time suggested he was part of some dark cult that was intent on descending Deksiil into anarchy. When pressed into combat, Sarpedon often dons the dark, spiked armor of his order. This also includes a horned helmet and a rippling cape, emblazoned with the symbol of a lidless eye, burning with infernal fire.

Race: Vulcan
Affiliation: Pastor of Domremy

Officially a missionary representing the Church of Cormus, Sybok was sent out to Domremy as part of the church's plan to bring the outlying communities surrounding the city back into the Light. In truth, Sybok harbors a hidden agenda to eradicate all forms of pagan religions in order to create Shakaree - his own brand of paradise. To achieve this end, Sybok created the Army of the Light, and coerced the villagers to enlist. Of course, Sybok would say that he merely liberated the minds of his flock by sharing and exorcizing their deepest pain. In keeping with his role as the town's pastor, Sybok maintains a rather dramatic appearance, complete with a hooded white robe, jewelled strap armor and a dignified black beard. His pointed ears are only slightly more off-putting than his often inappropriate laughter.

Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Native of Wanuskewin

Greycloud represents the natives who once flourished within the area where Domremy is now located. Most of their land has been signed over to the government, with too little money provided in return. Only the sacred site of Wanuskewin remains the property of Greycloud's people. Greycloud feels further disenfranchised by the attempts of the Domremy church to convert his people to their faith, as opposed to the Dagobros worship that has long been the tradition of the tribe. An older man, Greycloud has dark hair pulled back in two braids, a weathered face and wears horsehide clothing.

Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Adventurer

Ben Gates can best be described as something of an enigma. Within academic circles, he's regarded as some sort of a kook with a passion for historical artifacts. Within the social spheres of Domremy, he's known only as an eccentric hermit with a nice house. In truth, Ben would be more prone to describe himself as a treasure protector. He's certainly qualified for the job, with degrees in both engineering and history. Ben is also said to have a background in theology. Despite having such an amazing resume, Ben has a rather nondescript appearance. This includes a blue denim jacket, a black sweater and blue jeans. Some would say that his brown hair is somewhat thinning on top, but this is far from confirmed.

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