Rush Hour

Heroes: Jackie, Saavik, Neji, Wheatie and John Watson.
Enemies: Saruman the White, Colonel Blood and Juntao.

Neji – Beat Cop's Report 25

Recent Duties: Two days have passed since you were transferred over to Precinct 17 to assist in providing security for the Guy Fawkes festivities. Putting up with a physician like Watson on a more regular basis has been something of a chore, but at least this sojourn hasn't been a complete waste of time. Capturing the infamous Mr. X has surely made Precinct 17 a safer district. Apprehending this spineless villain was no trivial task, but your skills on the Subway ensured that you were ready to jump him the moment he popped up. Still, you're glad that the day in question has finally arrived; you're eager to get back to Precinct 13 so you can begin training your Dodgeball team, and to get back to food that has not been intensely boiled into submission.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-Controversy has started to swirl as the election moves towards its final stages. Mayor Don Atchison has enraged supporters of Andrew Shuba with recent comments suggesting his back alley receives more traffic than many of the sidewalks around the city. Shuba's campaign team, mostly consisting of Shuba himself, responded by posting a sentry behind the mayor's house in order to test this hypothesis, and claims to have found it to be patently untrue. It didn't take long for the other candidates to leap on this opportunity to discredit the incumbent. In an official statement, Mr. Riven and his Cormus Party reiterated their strong support for the city's sidewalks, which have been supporting pedestrians in the city for generations. Mycroft's remarks were more pointed, and accused the Mayor of once again demonstrating an air of arrogance and a lack of concern for the common citizens. Analysts don't expect that where the candidates stand on this incident will have a prolonged effect on the electorate, but they suggest that such heated exchanges will only grow more common during the last days of this very close race.

The Street Beat:

-The Cormus election continues to be the talk of the streets. Complaints have emerged from the Riven campaign that their signs and posters have been targeted and vandalized. This is not an uncommon occurrence during a campaign, though supporters claim that these incidents seem too well organized.

Personal Notes:

-Assembling a Dodgeball team befitting your expertise would have been much more difficult had you not been blessed with certain metagaming visions. Unfortunately, several members of your team now seem reluctant to back up their commitment. In fact, Wheatie has whined so much about it that you're not surprised he usually ends up being last picked on any such team. They haven't yet learned that as captain, you'll be calling all the shots. Especially where balls are concerned. Still, it might be prudent to come up with a team name and identity that is acceptable to all members of the team, if only to avoid open rebellion.


-Come up with a name for the Dodgeball team that satisfies all the members.

-Don't allow any of the artifacts within the British Museum to be harmed.

Wheatie – Legal Assistant's Report 26

Recent Duties: It's been two days since you were transferred over to Precinct 17, which marks the second time you've been transferred around this law enforcement without being consulted. Anyway, Guy Fawkes day has finally arrived. You're still not sure why a guy who tried to blow up the district would be such a folk hero. After all, Bomb Voyage almost blew up the Academy, but you'd hardly ascribe him with heroic qualities. But being a guest in the district, it's hardly your place to discredit their holiday. After all, your parents have always taught you to be polite, even in less pleasant circumstances.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-Controversy has started to swirl as the election moves towards its final stages. Mayor Don Atchison has enraged supporters of Andrew Shuba with recent comments suggesting his back alley receives more traffic than many of the sidewalks around the city. Shuba's campaign team, mostly consisting of Shuba himself, responded by posting a sentry behind the mayor's house in order to test this hypothesis, and claims to have found it to be patently untrue. It didn't take long for the other candidates to leap on this opportunity to discredit the incumbent. In an official statement, Mr. Riven and his Cormus Party reiterated their strong support for the city's sidewalks, which have been supporting pedestrians in the city for generations. Mycroft's remarks were more pointed, and accused the Mayor of once again demonstrating an air of arrogance and a lack of concern for the common citizens. Analysts don't expect that where the candidates stand on this incident will have a prolonged effect on the electorate, but they suggest that such heated exchanges will only grow more common during the last days of this very close race.

Book Report:

-In light of the upcoming exhibition at the British Museum, you decided to get a book on Mummification from the public library. Apparently some of the foreigners who fought with the Electran armies during the formation of their empire preferred this style of burial. There are rumours that the rituals involved imbue the corpses with curses and supernatural abilities, but the book dispells any such myths. It's all really interesting! Apparently the museum just received another shipment of Tibetan sarcofogai that will also be featured as part of the display. They say that silver scrollwork on these pieces is just incredible. There's certainly nothing like that where you come from. The only kind of mummies you would be able to find out on Denchul would have to be some kind of Bubba Ho-Tep.

Legal Report:

-Miss Vayl was not pleased to hear that you'd been unceremoniously transferred over to security detail at Precinct 17. Still, she has urged you to ensure that you and your colleagues be on your best behaviour. After all, your conduct here will necessarily reflect on both the legal department and Precinct 13 in general. Not to mention on your parents, as your Uncle Moose was just reminding you last week.

Personal Notes:

-Oh no! How did you get drafted onto the Precinct 13 Dodgeball team? Once again, it seems that participation was not so much voluntary. You didn't even like Dodgeball when it was played back at the Academy; that ball really hurt, especially when thrown by Major Pain. You only agreed to captain a team because it was part of the pep rally. Anyway, if you complain enough you might be able to get some kind of off-court position, away from the action. This same plan sort of worked for your police service, though the legal department still sees a bit more danger than you would like.

-To get a better sense of Precinct 17, you decided to take Little Isaac and Roomba for a walk through Hyde Park yesterday. While so doing, you happened to eavesdrop on a shocking conversation. It was between the suspicious Roger Thornberry, who you previously encountered during the riots in this sector, and a swarthy Fenixan with a distinctive chain dangling from one ear. They seem to be muttering something in hushed tones about tonight's exhibition at the British Museum. From the sounds of it, they might be up to no good. You rushed off to tell on them before you were able to hear any more of their conversation. So far, Scotland Yard seems remarkably unconcerned about this possible security threat.


-Ensure that your fellow officers from Precinct 13 are on their best behaviour during their time here at Precinct 17.

-Make sure sufficient security is provided for the big exhibition at the British Museum this evening.

John Watson – Crime Doctor 21

Recent Duties: Jolly good! It's been two days since you orchestrated the capture of the elusive Mr. X. It was deuced off of him to try to make a break for it during tea time. He should have known that the game was afoot. And so you were you. Of course, Inspector Lestrade tried his damndest to claim credit for your success, but you're sure that no one really believes that pompous windbag.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-Controversy has started to swirl as the election moves towards its final stages. Mayor Don Atchison has enraged supporters of Andrew Shuba with recent comments suggesting his back alley receives more traffic than many of the sidewalks around the city. Shuba's campaign team, mostly consisting of Shuba himself, responded by posting a sentry behind the mayor's house in order to test this hypothesis, and claims to have found it to be patently untrue. It didn't take long for the other candidates to leap on this opportunity to discredit the incumbent. In an official statement, Mr. Riven and his Cormus Party reiterated their strong support for the city's sidewalks, which have been supporting pedestrians in the city for generations. Mycroft's remarks were more pointed, and accused the Mayor of once again demonstrating an air of arrogance and a lack of concern for the common citizens. Analysts don't expect that where the candidates stand on this incident will have a prolonged effect on the electorate, but they suggest that such heated exchanges will only grow more common during the last days of this very close race.

Newspaper Headlines:

-The London Guardian has a special edition for Guy Fawkes day that is sure to stir the patriotism of any blue-blooded Britisher, not to mentiont he wallets of all the tourists. One of the lead stories deals with the new exhibition opening up at the British Museum later this evening. This marks one of the largest collections of historical Electran artifacts ever on display on Deksiil. Several of the pieces were recently recovered from smugglers by Scotland Yard/KGB ARTteams. Ambassador Thomas Griffin is expected to introduce the collection, after which the mayoral candidates in attendance are sure to say a few words. Security for the event is being provided in collaboration by Scotland Yard and the Electran embassy's IBI contingent.


-The collection opening at the British Museum is also said to include several mummies dating back to the Electran Empire's formation. Several of these are said to have been removed from cursed tombs, and the more superstitious believe that a series of mishaps that have dogged these artifacts can only be the work of a mummy's curse. It's all rubbish, of course, but a lad by the name of Philip Travis seems sufficiently concerned to schedule an appointment with you later this afternoon to discuss these mummies.

Personal Notes:

-Hiya! There's something not quite right about Saavik, Precinct 13's new forensic investigator. For one thing, her blood is green! You didn't really notice during the battle with Rambo, but it became instantly clear to your observant eye during the arrest of Mr. X. You happen to have a much higher tolerance for foreigners than most of your blue-blooded kinsmen, but she sticks out a bit too much even for your tastes.


-Solve the mystery of the mummy's curse.

Saavik – Forensic Investigator 3

Recent Duties: It's been two days since you succeeded at the impossible simulation delegated to you by Inspector Lestrade. As a result, you were able to capture Mr. X, a criminal of considerable ill repute. You were not familiar with him, but you recently looked up his record. This was all accomplished in spite of the illogical nature of public transportation within this city. Unfortunately, your means of doing so may have earned you an excessive amount of attention from your British colleagues.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-Controversy has started to swirl as the election moves towards its final stages. Mayor Don Atchison has enraged supporters of Andrew Shuba with recent comments suggesting his back alley receives more traffic than many of the sidewalks around the city. Shuba's campaign team, mostly consisting of Shuba himself, responded by posting a sentry behind the mayor's house in order to test this hypothesis, and claims to have found it to be patently untrue. It didn't take long for the other candidates to leap on this opportunity to discredit the incumbent. In an official statement, Mr. Riven and his Cormus Party reiterated their strong support for the city's sidewalks, which have been supporting pedestrians in the city for generations. Mycroft's remarks were more pointed, and accused the Mayor of once again demonstrating an air of arrogance and a lack of concern for the common citizens. Analysts don't expect that where the candidates stand on this incident will have a prolonged effect on the electorate, but they suggest that such heated exchanges will only grow more common during the last days of this very close race.

Tech Report:

-Though wireless access remains sporadic here at Scotland Yard, you were still able to succeed in checking Inspector Kojak's email. In fact, it was no more difficult than opening a hailing frequency from the deck of a starship, except that the latter seemed a more appropriate task for one of your skills. Though most of Kojak's inbox was full of junk, your tricorder did indicate one message he might consider to be of interest.



Woah, Kojak!

It's like we're cyberspace!

Pop Quiz: How are my cases going?

If you get a moment, could you ask that chick in the equipment depot to take another look at my computer? I think it's totally been hacked. We really need to do something about all this cyber crime.

-Keanu Reeves

'There is no spoon...'

It is perhaps illogical to assume that Kojak will find this email any more useful than you, but you can only give him what is sent. It would also be preferable if Reeves could stop addressing you as some sort of young avian.

Tricorder Analysis:

-While checking Kojak's email, you heard rumours from several of the Yard's clerks about some sort of curse that is supposed to accompany the mummies that are being unveiled at the British Museum tonight. The series of accidents they attribute to this cause seem much more likely to have been the result of natural causes. Furthermore, your tricorder analysis can turn up no reliable information mummy sightings throughout the galaxy. As such, you can only respond to such claims with a very arched eyebrow.

Impersonal Notes:

-Like so many societies you have encountered, the British seem far from logical, up to and including their celebrations. Still you feel that in this case you would be best served by adhering to the prime directive. In fact, you have already attracted enough attention with your green blood and distinctive hairstyle. The British seem extremely insular, and have not really taken well to such oddities. They seem to believe in conformance to some sort of British standard above almost all else.


-Demonstrate your skepticism and debunk any illogical rumours about mummies and their curses.

-Come up with appropriate means of blending in with the Brits.

(Please keep an accurate list of such measures.)

Jackie - Agent's Report 15

Recent Duties: Two days have passed since the confrontation with Mr. X, and thanks to Watson's crazy chemistry set, you can hardly remember any them at all. You're used to pulling dangerous stunts, but maybe playing with that stuff wasn't the best idea. Perhaps because of this, or maybe because of your use of the crazy taxi, the British have come to regard you as something of a loose cannon. You're not quite sure what that means, but Chris Tucker's arrival at Scotland Yard probably hasn't helped to diminish that sort of reputation. And this in spite of your status as a Shanghai Knight!

Wokking the Streets:

-Chris Tucker agrees that the big exhibition opening up tonight will be a big target for Juntao. After all, he's known as a collector of such antiques. Since antiques wait for no man, he might be tempted to act soon. Security is being provided by a combination of Scotland Yard and the Electran embassy's IBI contingent. You'll be the first to admit that IBI agents are quite skilled, but even they will surely prove no match for Juntao's large caches of weapons and explosives. You and Chris Tucker absolutely must get inside to help protect the exhibtion, but without tipping off any of your opponents. Or any of your colleagues who might not be so good at keeping secrets. It's too bad that the man with the biggest mouth in the west already knows all about the plan.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-Controversy has started to swirl as the election moves towards its final stages. Mayor Don Atchison has enraged supporters of Andrew Shuba with recent comments suggesting his back alley receives more traffic than many of the sidewalks around the city. Shuba's campaign team, mostly consisting of Shuba himself, responded by posting a sentry behind the mayor's house in order to test this hypothesis, and claims to have found it to be patently untrue. It didn't take long for the other candidates to leap on this opportunity to discredit the incumbent. In an official statement, Mr. Riven and his Cormus Party reiterated their strong support for the city's sidewalks, which have been supporting pedestrians in the city for generations. Mycroft's remarks were more pointed, and accused the Mayor of once again demonstrating an air of arrogance and a lack of concern for the common citizens. Analysts don't expect that where the candidates stand on this incident will have a prolonged effect on the electorate, but they suggest that such heated exchanges will only grow more common during the last days of this very close race.

Classified Information:

-Surprisingly enough, you're not the first Warchon to be spotted in this precinct recently. Then again, no one would really recognise your true race at the moment. Anyway, some of the lads mentioned that the Electran Ambassador, Thomas Griffin, has a Warchon manservant by the name of Mabuto. They refer to him contemptuously as some sort of savage, though they still seem a bit nervous when discussing him.

Personal Notes:

-You really are an amazing actor! People would be wrong to just typecast you into some sort of action role, because you are really good at blending in with the locals. Now that you've perfected your guise as a Shanghai Knight, you shouldn't have any problems concealing yourself amongst the crowds of Guy Fawkes revellers. You just have to remember to use all the slang and peace pipes given to you by the Anthropologist.


-Find a way to get you and Chris Tucker into the British Museum without putting your enemies on their guard.

-This is your adopted empire's history at stake here! You cannot allow any of the artifacts to be damaged during any ensuing confrontations.

Adventure Summary

The scene opens, not in Monk's, because the PCs are not exactly in Precinct 13, but in fact in Scotland Yard's Pub. They are sitting there at normal number, although this means that Saavik is missing and Watson looks very smug at having insinuated himself into their company. After a little bit of banter between the PCs, Saavik shows up with a barb at one of them, having changed both her clothing and her hairstyle. The only really important thing that happens at this point is that Neji convinces everybody that they need to spend a couple moments deciding a name for their dodgeball team, and Isaac comes up with "Team IQ". Watson and Saavik like it, and I'm still not entirely sure if it stands for "Team Intelligencia Quorum" or "Team I Quash". It doesn't totally matter, the PCs are fine with either way, but Jackie has mysteriously disappeared which makes Isaac look grave.

Father Ted then enters the pub and motions Neji over to the bar. He hands her a letter.....


The scene begins on the other side of a door with smoke curling lightly through the bottom slit. The door is then kicked open with John McGuire leading the charge in the land of Mordor. Unfortunately, on the other side of the door happens to be a chair, and Irvine sits down (Irvine being the guy who was lazy). Agent Smith cajoles him to rise while Hamlet gives him a large *smack* with the flat of his sword. And the adventurers continue.

The nameless people on the strike force secure the ground floor, Commander Leo and Callistus have secured the motor pool, and it is left to the PCs mark 2 to begin the harrowing climb in the tower. They come to two doors, and open the first. Bo[r]romir [I am not compromising the proper spelling of his name] gets attracted by the loot and ends up reaching for it, while Smith again tries to stop him. Irvine is taking the moment to rest, although the proper title of that should be takes the moment to be constantly smacked by Hamlet's sword, and I think John is drinking. Actually, I have no idea what he is doing, but it must be drinking.

No, John is shooting at Borromir. He misses, knocking the sinister stature that appears to have fire inside it over, forcing Boromir out of his reverie, and they take the other room. The library. There is a maid inside that John totally overkills, and Irvine then eventually Hamlet want to stay behind to heal her. Smith, being a jerk, drags them off into the battle in the next room, as John is still kicking through doors.

It is Saruman....

To make a really long story short, without the ability to roll a will of the west, the PCs are in major trouble. The scene darkens and we are given the option...Continue? Y/N.

Battlex2. Most of the PCs change their abilities from levelling up, and the battle goes much better this time. The PCs remove Saruman's entourage while Saruman himself takes out Lurtz, the first of the Uruk-hai. After the palantir is shattered by the Ghost of Hamlet's father, the other PCs rush in. Smith totally infects Saruman with a Virus, and as near as I can tell, Irvine was still lazy while Borromir shielded him. And with Saruman destroyed and the PCs mark 2 rushing towards a door, on the outside of which they can see the black tower of Barad-Dur, the.....papers cut off? They must have been lost. Neji is thrown out of the flashback.


Neji returns to the table among snide comments of her drinking habits and the PCs each get two rounds for their mini-objectives. Isaac goes first and he looks very stern, and mentions that he's going to piggyback on other people's time. He also chats quickly with Lestrade and convinces the Inspector that he's needed at the museum that night. Neji calls Chesterly and gets him to agree to the name, and then hunts down Jackie and achieves the same. Jackie kicks us out for a really long time, although Isaac got in on it, somehow. Watson goes searching for some grad student on Baker street and ends up just talking about mummies for a while, and Saavik calls back to Precinct 13 to speak to Kojak about his email.

Round Two.

I still can't remember if Isaac does anything. Same with Neji, I think she ends up kicking us out. As does Jackie. Watson finds out that the Spheran ambassador is ill and heads off to the museum in his place (with a telegram. He is the official representative of the Spheran ambassador), and Saavik also kicks people out of the room.

The others return, and the scene shifts to that of the museum.

Isaac and Saavik arrive first because they are working with the security there. Saavik is introduced and Isaac is reacquainted with Rufus of the K-9 unit. The two take their places, and people (including the other PCs sans Jackie) arrive. The other main addition is an impetuous Pippin who is 'convinced' by Rufus to stay at Saavik's side at all times. This ends up not working.

When the candidates start talking, Saavik realizes that Pippin is gone and she and Isaac go off to find him. Unfortunately, the other PCs manage to slip off without alerting anyone, and the chase is on.

Saavik and Isaac are able to communicate because they are actual members of the security detail, and they see a couple rooms and then come up with a few ideas. They would be very long to put into here, but I shall make some attempt. First what we know is that the other people disappeared when they went upstairs, and it was assumed that this was because they had found and were fighting the mummy. Unfortunately we both appeared to forget that they were *hiding* from us. We compared notes about the rooms that we saw and eventually decided that the most important room to check each round was the "Glory of the Republic" with the Crown Jewels in it. This is partially because we forgot about a fifth room! But mostly because we noticed Neji beneath a table (kind of) and decided after we realized this was an important point, that she must be trying to steal the jewels.

The jewels did end up disappearing. And so Saavik continued to return to that room, on her second trip there she scanned with the tricorder and noticed a lifeform coming her way. At that moment, she had decided it was Isaac who was going to meet up with her. But then the PCs were gathered again to watch the dramatic conclusions of...well...the mummies.

Neji and Watson had met up with each other and were hiding in each of the rooms. The mummies were also wandering around the museum, but before Watson could confront them, they were set upon by the Anthropologist! He was about to give the mummies "the Boom" when he was stopped by the Crime Doctor and the very "dodgy" Beat Cop. Watson tries to grab at the mummies' bandages and fails miserably, but they end up coming off in the end. It is revealed that the mummies were no more than Chris Tucker and Jackie who had broken into the museum that way. The scene fades to Saavik in the Glory of the Republic waiting for who she supposes is Neji when a very sinister man appears with a Blood red flame is none other than Colonel Blood!

A very important note must be made at this point in time. It should have been entirely obvious where Colonel Blood had been hiding the entire time. If people had carefully read the quote on the homepage, it will be noticed that it is about Blood's famous attempt to steal the Crown Jewels of Britain. Looking at the full story of it will also reveal that the Colonel could have been named "the dumbest man alive" had that title not been already taken. This is very important. In the science room, another one in the museum, there were artifacts from the Republic era. One of these were "the boxes that Kal Meachem hid in while working on his waffle project". And where had Blood hidden when trying to steal these jewels? You've got it. Isaac had noted that the boxes looked a bit askew, and Saavik remembered that everything had been normal (she had visited that room before Blood moved the first time), but even as we were suspecting Colonel Blood, we had not put the quote and the situation in the museum together.

Isaac then appears and he and Saavik easily knock out the Colonel. And retrieve the jewels from his trousers, of course. They return to the main room with Saavik barely holding onto conciousness (although she didn't look green. It blended quite nicely with her new jacket) and the Press clamouring for answers. Blood was taken out through the front doors when he moans the word "help", and who leaps to his aid but Thomas Griffin! (Blood isn't in the next battle, however).

It actually appears that security was essential at this event because Watson did not have his gun. Why was this good? It means that it didn't matter that he spent basically all of his time healing first Isaac and Saavik from their previous encounter and then anyone who got too badly injured. The PCs easily took down Juntao and his other cronies who included...Bob Fawkes! Apparently this decendant of Guy Fawlkes wanted to go down in the history books with his ancestor and this included holding Circe hostage (and Isaac told him to blow her up!) and throwing bombs at the PCs. The other main villian (there were a couple grunts in attendance) was Mabuto, who revealed himself to be none other than...[Seng]!

But these were no match for Team PC, who ended the battle with a record of no one lying unconcious on the floor.

Note: Special thanks to Saavik for writing this summary.

New Characters

Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: Saruman the White

According to the White Wizard of Accounting, Lurtz is the first of a new race that would be destined to rule the galaxy. In fact, Lurtz is just a green-skinned Terrorian with delusions of orcdom and an oversized iron bow. He also wears tarnished chainplate armor and a helmet emblazoned with Saruman's sigil, the white hand. Although lacking in vocabulary or importance, Lurtz makes up for much of this with his monstrous endurance. He is sometimes even known to deliberately step into attacks, if only to demonstate how little effect they have on him, even going so far as to pull blades right through his chest. This habit may not have been entirely healthy.

Philip Travis
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Paranoid Grad Student

Philip Travis is a graduate student who has been pursuing studies in archaeology at the University of Cormus. His interests focus on mummification, ancient spiritual practices and spurious superstition. In fact, he seems utterly convinced that the ancient Mongols discovered the eternal secrets of life and death through their mummification processes, and he has personally been attempting to recreate their formula for years. When Travis discovered that Mongol mummies dating back to the formation of the Electran Empire were being brought to Cormus, he was instantly paranoid that the requisite curses would wreak havoc. Travis looks like a typical underpaid, rumpled graduate student.

Colonel Blood
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: Nefarious Criminal

There are few who would display the cunning and audacity necessary to steal the Electran crown jewels from the British Museum during its opening exhibition. The nefarious Colonel Blood has the latter covered, but certainly not the former. A Fenixan expatriate, Blood has a reputation for pulling daring stunts such as this, especially in high risk and return scenarios. His fiendish plan was to stuff the jewels down his trousers and simply walk on out. In addition to his extremely ominous name, Colonel Blood had dusty red hair, a gold chain hanging from one ear and khaki clothing. When forced into combat, he could retaliate with martial art skills and by shocking his foes with the stupidity of his plans.

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