End of a Long Road

Heroes: Jackie, Saavik, Neji, Wheatie and John Watson.
Enemies: The Danes of Sweyn Canute and Inspector Rambo.

Neji – Beat Cop's Report 23

Recent Duties: One day has passed since the climactic confrontation with Professor Moriarty and the surprising return of Dr. Watson. Some might be tempted to label it a miracle, but you see it as more of a mixed blessing. It is your continuing mission to ensure that criminals and villains are kept from harming the populace. At the same time, Watson's interferance in police affairs has often made this more difficult.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-Not even the most outspoken of pundits could have predicted the events that occured at the public election forum held just yesterday in the city square. Now analysts are speaking out to assess the fallout from this incident. Not surprisingly, Don Atchison is shouldering much of the blame for having allowed a group such as the United Underworld to coalesce in the first place. In an attempt at damage control, the mayor has responded by promising strong and immediate action against any who have aided or abetted this criminal movement. While Atch's popularity may be waning, Mycroft Holmes has seen an unprecedented boost in the polls. Public preception seems to suggest that the famous detective Sherlock Holmes was responsible for foiling the schemes of these villains, and some of the more apathetic members of the electorate seem unable to distinguish between the mayoral candidate and his more famous brother.

Divine Rumblings:

-Your typically tranquil meditation was interrupted last night by a feeling of intense malice, shattering your calm and leaving you shuddering beneath an oppressive wave of darkness. There can be no doubt that evil is once again brewing somewhere within the bowels of this cursed city. Perhaps it is almost time you sought guidance on how best to exorcize this darkness.

Personal Notes:

-Municipal authorities have made great strides in setting up the civic Dodgeball league. It looks like the first balls could drop as early as next week.. The recruitment drive seems to be going well, and should offer a good opportunity for the public to meet and interact with their local police officers. So says the brochure, anyway. You've also received word from Cardinal Callistus regarding the religious contribution to the league. He's dispatched Father Mazurbal from Precinct 4 to serve as a team captain.


-Defeat any evil you encounter.

Wheatie – Legal Assistant's Report 24

Recent Duties: The election forum held yesterday was a great chance for you to circulate your petition. Of course, most of your audience was distracted by the rioting and so forth. And by the appearance of the Harvester, no doubt. You were more shocked by the return of Dr. John Watson. His sudden arrival spelled the end of Professor Moriarty's tenure of terror. It seems that the protection offered by tenure is only really effective in an academic setting.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-Not even the most outspoken of pundits could have predicted the events that occured at the public election forum held just yesterday in the city square. Now analysts are speaking out to assess the fallout from this incident. Not surprisingly, Don Atchison is shouldering much of the blame for having allowed a group such as the United Underworld to coalesce in the first place. In an attempt at damage control, the mayor has responded by promising strong and immediate action against any who have aided or abetted this criminal movement. While Atch's popularity may be waning, Mycroft Holmes has seen an unprecedented boost in the polls. Public preception seems to suggest that the famous detective Sherlock Holmes was responsible for foiling the schemes of these villains, and some of the more apathetic members of the electorate seem unable to distinguish between the mayoral candidate and his more famous brother.

Notes from Home:

-Your family refused to sign the animal rights petitions you sent home. In addition to being confused by the complex legal language, they've also objected that your petition would entail the banning of cow tipping, a very popular sport on Denchul. It's right up there with bowling in most rural communities.

Book Report:

-Though you normally visit the city library, you have upon occaison visited the University library. Apparently that's not an option at the moment; the University library is closed for repairs after Inspector Rambo trashed the 6th floor with heavy and indiscriminate automatic weapons fire. This has gotten him in a lot of trouble, as it should. You're not so much curious about why he was shooting, as he really doesn't seem to need a rational reason, but you do have to wonder what he was doing at the library in the first place.

Legal Report:

-Even with the overwhelming evidence against him, Wendy James was almost able to get her client off with little more than a slap on the wrist. Her speaking skills are truly amazing. You're sure that you would have been able to counter many of her points, had you been allowed to heckle during her closing address. Unfortunately, this is protected time. You'll have to work on other less verbal methods of responding to opposing views.

Personal Notes:

-Wow, acronyms can sure be misleading! You never would have guessed that the PFC humans rights group was actually the People For the Constitution. It's almost like a secret identity, although not quite as cool. Anwar seems to think that he was able to 'school' Atch during the election forum protest, although you can't really take his word for it, given that he made the same claims about you during the Eastside Mario trial.


-Employ as many non-verbal heckles as possible.

(Please keep a list of all your good non-verbal heckles. What's a good non-verbal heckle? Witty, brief and to the point.)

John Watson – Crime Doctor 19

Recent Duties: It was just yesterday that you finally foiled Moriarty's most devious plot. His further scheming will have to be conducted strictly behind bars. Now you have but to hope that the police are actually capable of holding him after you so capably captured him in the first place. And on that score, you're somewhat lacking in confidence.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-Not even the most outspoken of pundits could have predicted the events that occured at the public election forum held just yesterday in the city square. Now analysts are speaking out to assess the fallout from this incident. Not surprisingly, Don Atchison is shouldering much of the blame for having allowed a group such as the United Underworld to coalesce in the first place. In an attempt at damage control, the mayor has responded by promising strong and immediate action against any who have aided or abetted this criminal movement. While Atch's popularity may be waning, Mycroft Holmes has seen an unprecedented boost in the polls. Public preception seems to suggest that the famous detective Sherlock Holmes was responsible for foiling the schemes of these villains, and some of the more apathetic members of the electorate seem unable to distinguish between the mayoral candidate and his more famous brother.

Newspaper Headlines:

-Catching up on the newspaper has been very enjoyable. Some might be inclined to merely skim through missed newspapers, but you've learned better than to dismiss anything as simply old news. One of the more interesting articles you came across was in yesterday's Blue Moon. After a considerable delay, it seems the Deksiilan government is finally arranging to compensate veterans of the recent Vietnam conflict on Lorac. Although Deksiil was never officially invovled, the government is now inviting all combat personnel to check in with the department of veteran affairs for acknowledgement.


-Once again, your heroic and timely efforts have been overshadowed by the pretentious pronouncements of your former colleague. Despite all semblances of reality, much of the public seems to believe that Sherlock Holmes was solely responsible for unravelling and ultimately foiling Moriarty's plan. How the devil does he do it?!

Personal Notes:

-After days of roaming through the snowy bushes of Hans Island, it's good to be back among civilization. You've been enjoying the bounty of Mrs. Hudson's dinner

table ever since emerging from your concealment. And apparently you're not the only one. During your absence, both Wiggins and Holmes have apparently been taking advantage of her hospitality.

-The nefarious Professor Moriarty and his henchmen are a chapter in your life that you've closed decisively, at least for now. And without any help from a certain overly pretentious acquaintance of yours. Though you're not one to often indulge in overly dramatic pronouncements, you must admit to some pleasure in finally declaring this case closed.


-Declare the United Underworld case closed, and make sure that you receive the credit for having closed it.

Saavik – Forensic Investigator 1

Recent Duties: The University campus seems to have calmed down after last night's incidents. Those students were allowing themselves to be ruled by their emotions, and it almost led them to ruin. Fortunately, you were able to douse the burgeoning fires of revolution with cool logic just in time to avert major bloodshed. In the end, several of the student leaders were arrested, while the Saint somehow managed to escape. This came at a considerable cost to your own health, but your veridian ichor has ensured that you will not need to miss a day of work.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election. You have always been confused by the purpose of these election campaigns. They seem designed to prey on the emotions of the electorate, rather than placing emphasis on logical plans and policies. And yet still, this news is somehow fascinating.)

-Not even the most outspoken of pundits could have predicted the events that occured at the public election forum held just yesterday in the city square. Now analysts are speaking out to assess the fallout from this incident. Not surprisingly, Don Atchison is shouldering much of the blame for having allowed a group such as the United Underworld to coalesce in the first place. In an attempt at damage control, the mayor has responded by promising strong and immediate action against any who have aided or abetted this criminal movement. While Atch's popularity may be waning, Mycroft Holmes has seen an unprecedented boost in the polls. Public preception seems to suggest that the famous detective Sherlock Holmes was responsible for foiling the schemes of these villains, and some of the more apathetic members of the electorate seem unable to distinguish between the mayoral candidate and his more famous brother.

Tech Report: (There seems to have been some sort of mistake in your deployment. You have been assigned to work in the Precinct 13 equipment depot, despite being a fully qualified forensics investigator. Such a placement seems highly illogical.)

-Inspector Reeves still seems to be encountering problems with his personal computer. He claims that the files he needs for an important investigation have gone missing, and that they must have been 'hacked'. Your analysis indicates no such conclusion. If you were still capable of emoting, you would probably be frustrated by the implicit assumption that you have nothing more useful to do with your time than to repeatedly check his computer. As it is, you've responded to his requests and his cryptic comments about the Matrix with little more than a raised eyebrow.

Tricorder Analysis: (By using your advanced reasoning skills to interpret the beeps of your tricorder, you are able to extract detailed information from even the slightest evidence.)

-A mysterious audio tape arrived with this morning's mail. The annonymous sender identifies themselves only as 'Deep Throat', and promises that the police will find the contents of the tape to be of interest. As such, the tape was sent to you and Dr. Wagner for analysis. According to your tricorder, this tape contains one half of telephone conversation. You have yet to identify the speaker, though Dr. Wagner claims that they sound familiar. Here is a direct transcript of the tape:

Unknown voice: Yes, as a matter of fact I do have a problem!


Unknown voice: We had an agreement, and you'd better not forget it.


Unknown voice: That's what I'm talking about. This wasn't suppose to happen! You told me that they had given up. It really didn't look good, and it could ruin everything.


Unknown voice: Don't let it happen again. And remember: we're in this together, now. If I go down, you'll be coming down with me.

Impersonal Notes:

-You are not at all impressed by what you have witnessed at Precinct 13 thus far. In all your years of policing, you have never been compelled to work with such a motley crew. It even exceeds the reckless misbehaviour you witnessed at Starfleet. There are too many examples to list here, but a few choice ones stick out in your mind. First of all, the manner in which Inspector Rambo charges about with his guns blazing is hardly befitting of a police officer. And his usual mode of attire is certainly inappropriate, from the lack of a shirt to the bloody knife tattooed on the back of his neck. Inspector Reeves seems quite clueless, and the Anthropologist seems to think he is some sort of superhero. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to irrational behaviour at the Precinct. Perhaps it would be best for you to have a few candid discussions with your colleagues regarding proper policing procedures.


-Demonstrate your considerable knowledge of policing procedures.

(Please keep an accurate list of all the characters you have lectured on this subject.)

Jackie - Agent's Report 13

Recent Duties: It's been two days since the big football game at Griffiths Stadium was interrupted by the giant explosion and Neji's giant talk on dodgeball. You wouldn't be surprised if the two were connected. You also helped to arrest the Black Bronco, although you're still not sure he's really guilty of anything. In fact, you've heard rumours that it's all part of the city's plan to keep the black man down.

Wokking the Streets:

-Casing KD's really didn't get you much more information on the mysterious Juntao, although it did give one of the goons present there the opportunity to kick Chris Tucker several times. However, you did manage to catch a glimpse of a rather distinctive figure on one of KD's security cameras. It was a Warchon in a gray suit with dyed blond hair. You don't know anyone off-hand who meets that description.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-Not even the most outspoken of pundits could have predicted the events that occured at the public election forum held just yesterday in the city square. Now analysts are speaking out to assess the fallout from this incident. Not surprisingly, Don Atchison is shouldering much of the blame for having allowed a group such as the United Underworld to coalesce in the first place. In an attempt at damage control, the mayor has responded by promising strong and immediate action against any who have aided or abetted this criminal movement. While Atch's popularity may be waning, Mycroft Holmes has seen an unprecedented boost in the polls. Public preception seems to suggest that the famous detective Sherlock Holmes was responsible for foiling the schemes of these villains, and some of the more apathetic members of the electorate seem unable to distinguish between the mayoral candidate and his more famous brother.

Classified Information:


Personal Notes:

-Since your arrival in this city, you've noticed that a lot of people here seem to have racist views. People should be able to look beyond the color of your skin! From your perspective, it looks like Don Atchison isn't doing much to combat this trend. Not surprising, since he's a rich white guy. Chris Tucker totally agrees with this theory. It's about time you brought this issue to the mayor's attention. As such, you've decided to join up with a human rights protest group called the PFC. Tucker claims they've been sticking it to the man.

-So there was a big riot at the election forum held yesterday. You're not sure how it got started, but it probably had something to do with a bomb. Or possibly Juntao. Either way, it's too bad you missed it. It would have been a good chance to meet up with the PFC.


-Continue to protest Don Atchison's racist policies.

Adventure Summary

The adventure began, supposedly oddly, with Watson having tea at home. It becomes apparent that he's speaking to Inspector Lestrade. The good Inspector invites Watson to join the police as basically a deputy because he's the only one with amazing knowledge of Hans Island, and this is apparently a good thing.

The scene then moves to Monk's Cafe where the normal PCs are sitting and eating, with a notable absence. Neji. She comes in, quite plainly carrying Subway into the Cafe. Thieves try to make off with it, but of course Subway is amazing and survives DOOMED. [I can't believe anyone would try to sneak this by my amazing editing.] It is also noted that Jackie isn't actually there. Or he's passed out/asleep. After some banter (or barbs) passed between Isaac and Neji, the Anthropologist appears loudly in the doorway trying to describe the culture of the place, leading a woman. She seems to be happy to get away from him, but it's really hard to tell since she's absolutely emotionless. Anyway, Isaac releases Roomba at the Anthropologist who tries to culture shock it, and introduces Saavik to the others already at the table. And then leaves. Saavik wastes no time correcting people on their shoddy procedure, and Isaac is a big silent jerk!

Watson then arrives, more introductions are made. And after some more talking, they decide that it's time for mini-objectives. Isaac goes first, still being a total jerk. He's mean to everyone! He bugs Senor on the phone and blocks light from Wedge who is trying to work. Then Neji kicks us out, which is fine because Jackie mysteriously has woken up and needs to be let into the...umm...house. Chips are also acquired at this point.

Saavik then goes into the station and lectures a couple people about how they aren't following procedure, and we aren't entirely sure what Watson and Jackie do, at least, Watson didn't do anything but declare the case closed a lot (although there was reasoning behind this) and Jackie ran off to defend...the Consititution! I don't remember his objective, but I'm sure that running around in the middle of the street had something to do with it.

Anyway, then the PCs all piled into the chief's office, and Jackie starts babbling about Zombies, freaking out Kojak and creating minibarricades in Kojak's office. Apparently they are surprised that Watson is back, and no one can calm them down. In fact, no one tries.

The Chief tells the PCs that there is going to be an assault on Hans Island to try to remove the Danish presence, and Watson babbles more about Moriarty and Moran. But oh well, I'm sure people weren't listening to him by this point either. There are amazing amounts of credits given and they pile down to the equipment depot where Saavik does more lecturing and is more efficient than Doctor Wagner. Yeah!

Although, admittedly, that isn't hard.

Anyway, this sparks a major discussion about what we are going to get, and eventually it's decided that they will take two cold weather gears, long range vision goggles, and a loudspeaker for Isaac. Then they get into the van (it's either Wedge or the crazy survivor guy who are driving) and get down to the docks. For some reason, the Commisioner decided that it would be a good idea to let the KGB gas the island. Or control the mission. Which means gassing the island that all the PCs are going to.

Atch gives a bit of a speech and Saavik is 'candid', although I'm not entirely sure if she was candid to the Chief or Atch. Probably both. We find out that Watson is going to be directing the gas, and all the other PCs pile into a boat. Their objective is to release the longboats and to remove any Danes they find.

They spread out on the island, and because Saavik and Neji have the cold weather gear they were going to go for the longboats, although Neji was being strange and said that she wanted to go into some massive cave instead. Neji found Rudolph and dispatched him with the help of the old guy [Eldridge], even though he almost knocked her out (as far as we could tell). Saavik released the longboats and was taken out by one hookpunch. And the others fought the Danes. Isaac flew close to them, did damage to all of them but not enough to take them out, and then was knocked out. Jackie saw everything coming, fought the great dane, and then hid in the equipment shed that had been cleared out by the Seal Clubber. And Wedge shot things and was then knocked out.

But then the Danes threw a grenade at the mountain and oddly enough Jackie flew out spectacularly, saving the old guy [Eldridge] and Wedge from the massive avalanche. I think Neji creeped out to get Isaac, even though he wasn't in danger, really.

And then they were magically revived in the hospital and put back into the Chief's office. They found out that Inspector Rambo appeared to be murdered by a massive explosion on the island. They found his dogtags and a tree completely covered in his blood. The PCs were given his mission to complete, which was to investigate the deaths of a guy burned in a pawnshop and a headless corpse.

This involved finding nothing in the pawnshop, and then heading off to see Doctor Doom! We learned a bit from him, that the murders were connected, and I think that we began to rule out the Mouth at this stage, since it became a possibility that it would have indeed been the Mouth committing the murders.

Anyway, after this we talked to the guy who owned the pawnshop, and then Watson had a brilliant leap of logic (using newspapers that none of the rest of the PCs had access to). The two men, he told us, were recently back from the Vietnam war. There was some more babbling, but then some splitting up happened. Neji went to ask random questions of the Chief, she and Isaac were going to meet at the Veteran's Affairs. Jackie disappeared for a while. And Watson with Saavik went to the department of defense.

No one really got anywhere (well, we aren't sure about Jackie, and who knows what Neji was actually looking for, something about the Mouth I think) except for Watson and Saavik, so everyone met them at the Department because they had gotten the records from that to look over the DNA evidence of the victims. They were called into Colonel Lynch's office and he told them that the two were from the Blue Berets, Squad 88, the one that Rambo had been in. We got the history of the Squad, but didn't exactly know where the last guy was, who we had assumed killed the three others.

I'm not entirely sure why we went back to Veteran's Affairs, but we did, and in the doorway was...Rambo!

I don't remember what it was called, but if Rambo killed everyone else in his squad, he got lots of money [a tantine]. Well, that's what ended up happening. The last one alive got major amounts of money. So we fought Rambo with amazing moves like Neji ripping out her own spine to use as a whip, Wheatie flying all over the place, Jackie putting on a belt (I tell you, belts are amazing), and Saavik looking green.

In the end, when it appeared everyone was knocked out (or in Watson's case, dead), and Rambo had levelled his weapon at Neji planning on killing them all, Watson appeared from behind him and took him out with one shot. Because Watson is amazing when people think that he's dead.

Note: Special thanks to Saavik for writing this summary.

New Characters

Race: Spheran
Affiliation: Precinct 13

Saavik is the latest addition to Precinct 13, and serves in the capacity of a forensics investigator. Much to her candid dismay, this apparently translates into maintaining the Precinct's equipment depot under the eccentric Dr. Wagner. Although lacking in formal education, Saavik brings a wealth of experience from law enforcement agencies across the galaxy, including Deksiil's own Starfleet. Furthermore, her cool and logical demeanor and her ability to decipher the cryptic beeps of her tricorder could prove useful in a Precinct that is often dominated by emotions such as overwhelming anger. In keeping with this attitude, Saavik's face bears little expression, aside from her highly demonstrative eyebrows. Her brown hair always seems to hang loosely down to her shoulders, and she usually wears nondescript clothing, except during winter missions, at which point she seems to opt for a winter jacket with a ridiculous collar.

Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: The Danes

Yorggi is one of the most dangerous soldiers fighting under the green Danish banner. He was originally part of Precint 4's KGB before defecting to form his own terrorist group, Anarchy99. This mysterious and extreme group seems interested in eliminating any sort of authority. At this point, that goal seems to coincide with the Danish occupation of Hans Island. Yorggi has long, stringy dark hair, a goatee and a black leather trenchcoat. While an experienced gunmen, Yorggi's combat tactics seem more based in his KGB roots. This involves the mixing and releasing of a deadly chemical weapon known only as Silent Night.

The Seal Clubber
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: The Danes

The seal hunt has been a Danish tradition for many years, despite the protests of hippies across the galaxy. Furthermore, the Seal Clubber is willing to use his clubs on more than just defenseless animals in order to protect his territorial hunting rights. This can often be quite effective, especially considering that the club in question is almost the size of the Clubber himself, and he's far from small. In fact, the Seal Clubber is a large, blubbery man who typically dresses in a thick sealskin parka. He is also often seen cruising the icy slopes of Hans Island on his snowmobile.

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