Riot Army

Heroes: Neji, Wheatie, Senor Sceptical and John Watson.
Enemies: The laziness of La Policia, Colonel Sebastian Moran and Professor Moriarty.

Neji – Beat Cop's Report 22

Recent Duties: It's been a day since the big demonstration at Griffiths stadium. Unfortunately, news of your dodgeball pitch has mostly been overshadowed by the explosion that rocked the stadium shortly afterwards. An investigation into this event is already underway, though unsurprisingly you haven't been placed in charge of it. All the same, you intend to do all within your power to ensure that these criminals do not succeed in dodging justice the way you frequently dodge balls.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-The first of the major election forums will be held later this afternoon in front of city hall. All mayoral candidates and members of the public are invited to attend. According to the incumbent, his challengers really aren't looking good heading into this event. In fact, Don Atchison has commented during several radio interviews on the fashion faux-pas committed by his challengers. Mycroft Holmes came under serious fire for his renaissance style clothing, while single-issue candidate Andrew Shuba was tarred for apparently owning only a single outfit. Mr. Riven's conservative suits were deemed slightly more acceptable, although Atch is still reported to have emphasized that they still do not represent the look men wear. Analysts have slammed Atchison for taking such a superficial view of the campaign, but he continues to insist that a professional image is essential for any sort of civic leadership, and that if the mayor doesn't look good, neither will the city.

The Street Beat: (As a beat cop, it's your job to walk the streets of Cormus and keep the peace. In so doing, it's easy to gather rumours and whispers about some of the illicit activities occuring within nearby districts, and the criminal organizations performing said deeds.)

-Opinion on the street is highly divided over the arrest of supposed superhero O. J. Simpson, generally along ethnic lines. The majority of the populace seems glad to see the menacing Black Bronco behind bars. However, there is a small but vocal minority of Loracian immigrants who remain totally convinced that O. J.'s arrest is all one giant setup arranged by the police and the media to keep the black man down. You find it hard to believe that anyone rational would confuse a criminal like Simpson with a martyr of racial relations, but some things on this planet just seem to defy explaination.

Personal Notes:

-Controversy over the O.J. trial seems to have spilled over into the election campaign. You've heard claims from various lobby groups that Atch's administration hasn't been very progressive on racial equity issues. You're not sure if this is true, but you are positive that it's not nearly of the same importance as the fact that Atch is the only candidate to have introduced physical fitness as a key plank in his election platform. You intend to see that this plank holds him in good standing.


-Shore up support for Don Atchison and his pro-fitness policies, especially against any untrue claims of racism.

Wheatie – Legal Assistant's Report 23

Recent Duties: It's been one day since Little Isaac's foray into the dark world of cock-fighting, and he's still recovering from the aftermath. That match was totally inhumane! And it's really ruffled your feathers that the Chief has yet to order a raid on Amigo's and their illegal sport. It's against the law, and thanks to Little Isaac, you have plenty of evidence to arrest the people and roosters behind it. Unfortunately, it seems that certain other cases take precedence.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-The first of the major election forums will be held later this afternoon in front of city hall. All mayoral candidates and members of the public are invited to attend. According to the incumbent, his challengers really aren't looking good heading into this event. In fact, Don Atchison has commented during several radio interviews on the fashion faux-pas committed by his challengers. Mycroft Holmes came under serious fire for his renaissance style clothing, while single-issue candidate Andrew Shuba was tarred for apparently owning only a single outfit. Mr. Riven's conservative suits were deemed slightly more acceptable, although Atch is still reported to have emphasized that they still do not represent the look men wear. Analysts have slammed Atchison for taking such a superficial view of the campaign, but he continues to insist that a professional image is essential for any sort of civic leadership, and that if the mayor doesn't look good, neither will the city.

Notes from Home:

-Uncle Moose is now totally convinced that Little Isaac was born to cock-fight, and insists that you're making a big mistake by keeping him out of the ring. Ridiculous! You don't intend to let Isaac, big or small, be forced into a life of crime!

Book Report:

-According to the spanish-english dictionary you recently borrowed from the library, your previous book on rooster-rearing was actually all about breeding better prizefighting cocks! Why didn't Senor Sceptical inform you of this himself? Could it be that he doesn't actually speak spanish? Now you're sceptical of his language skills.

Legal Report:

-With the assistance of Nicholas Chesterly and his vast knowledge of the related comic book source material, Miss Vayl has already initiated the case against Rawk Hawk. This leaves you in charge of the prosecution of O. J. Simpson. It's a big case, with a lot of complicated evidence, and it's already polarized large sections of the public, generally along racial lines. While you want to be more sensitive to their concerns than someone like the Anthropologist, you still intend to do your job. The Black Bronco committed a crime, and for that he'll need to do some time.

Personal Notes:

-Maybe Uncle Moose was right. Little Isaac certainly does seem to have some aggressive instincts. You've been letting him rest back at your apartment, and he's gotten into several animated scuffles with Roomba. Those two had better start behaving themselves soon!

-The delay in shutting down the illegal cock-fights is simply unacceptable. In order to leverage some political pressure on the police to act on this case, you're going to have to rely on one of the lobbying techniques you swore by during your student days. Which still aren't over, by the way. Yeah, so you're going to circulate a petition! There's no way a politician can ignore such a document!


-Convict O. J. Simpson on all charges.

-Circulate a petition condemming animal prizefighting of all sorts.

Senor Jose Skeptical - Receptionist's Report 4

Recent Duties: Once again, it has been your pleasure to reveal the true colors of another superhero. And this time, those colors were all black. You were certain from the very beginning that this Black Bronco was nothing but a brute in disguise. Most of the other football players you encountered were little better. They would do better to engage in a more honorable and traditional sport, such as cock-fighting.

Tidings from the Campaign Trail: (News regarding Cormus' coming election.)

-The first of the major election forums will be held later this afternoon in front of city hall. All mayoral candidates and members of the public are invited to attend. According to the incumbent, his challengers really aren't looking good heading into this event. In fact, Don Atchison has commented during several radio interviews on the fashion faux-pas committed by his challengers. Mycroft Holmes came under serious fire for his renaissance style clothing, while single-issue candidate Andrew Shuba was tarred for apparently owning only a single outfit. Mr. Riven's conservative suits were deemed slightly more acceptable, although Atch is still reported to have emphasized that they simply do not represent the look men wear. Analysts have slammed Atchison for taking such a superficial view of the campaign, but he continues to insist that a professional image is essential for any sort of civic leadership, and that if the mayor doesn't look good, neither will the city.

Superhero Sightings: (Senor, these superheroes are always trying to meddle where they do not belong. They, above all others, cannot be trusted. In fact, you suspect that most of them have been stretching their necks out a bit too much lately. Adios!)

-The spanish community is buzzing about some new ethnic superhero who supposedly calls himself El Dorado. In fact, rumours suggest his ethnicity might be his only superpower. This makes him no better than la policia, and almost certainly worse because unlike them, he is a criminal!

Personal Notes:

-After his big win in the cock-fighting arena, Marcellino has finally been able to repay some of his debts. This time his payment was in cash, as opposed to the bouncing cheques that he usually employs to ward off creditors or disgruntled family member. Of course, he still owes you a lot more money, but 500 marks isn't a bad start. Now you almost believe that he will some day pay back the rest.


-As always, you must do what you can to look out for la familia.

John Watson – Crime Doctor 18

Recent Duties: It is hard to quantify the amount of time that has passed since that eventful evening underneath Arkham Asylum. In truth, you barely escaped that encounter with your life; fortunately, you were able to stow away on Moriarty's ship before rigor mortis could set in. From there, it was a simple matter for a registered surgeon of your caliber to patch yourself up.

By the time you recovered from your self-surgery, Moriarty's vessel had docked on Hans Island. There appear to be many hidden coves on this small spit of land that would be beneath the notice of anyone lacking your level of observation. Moriarty must have made some sort of deal with the Danes who have occupied this island. It's too bad they do not know him as well as you do. Of course, he would probably respond that it's a pity you cannot speak their native tongue so you could warn them.

In any case, you spent the next several days exploring the island, surviving off the land and your always quick wits. You were unable to contact the police, but that's probably for the best; in the past, they have often proven to be more hindrance than help. However, you were able to gain some insight into Moriarty's plan. It seems that the cargo taken from Arkham contains more of the Scarecrow's aggression-inducing chemicals. It seems like Moriarty has not given up on his plan to craft a riot army.

It was earlier this morning that the United Underworld finally made its next move. You were just about ready to believe that your surveillance would bear no further fruit, when you noticed Moriarty's henchmen loading up their ship. Upon reaching the city, you were able to stow away in one of the lorries being driven by one of Moriarty's henchmen.

This eventually led you to a downtown theater, right across from city hall. The play being produced here is one with which you're familiar, and clearly a front besides. In the Shadow of the Valley of Death was one of the most critically panned productions ever put on at the U of T, mostly because it starred your former colleague, Sherlock Holmes. Moriarty clearly must truly believe you're dead, else he would never let slip such an elementary clue.

After concealing yourself within the theater, you've started to piece together Moriarty's plans. Based on clever deductions and observations, you suspect that Moriarty's target must be the public election forum that is to be held in front of city hall later this afternoon. His plan seems to involve filling election balloons with the Scarecrow's chemicals, and then allowing them to hover over the square. Such a high dosage is sure to cause chaos amongst the crowds. More dire yet, Moriarty has acquired a large blimp which he plans to crash right into city hall during the confusion. The explosion of his helium laden vehicle would almost certainly be enough to wipe out the entirety of the city's civic leadership, leaving anarchy in its wake. But now that you've diagnosed the problem, it should be elementary for you to foil Moriarty's schemes.

Newspaper Headlines:

-Though the rumours of your recent demise were greatly exaggerrated, you're still shocked that they didn't even make it into any of the newspapers that you've been able to get your hands on.


-How have the other COPs characters been able to survive without you around? That's the real mystery.

Personal Notes:

-Though you haven't been in contact with the police, you did manage to send a wire from the theater to Mrs. Hudson, explaining the details of Moriarty's scheme and suggesting that she put the authorities on the alert. Meanwhile, you intend to stop these fiendish schemes at their source. This will be Moriarty's final curtain call.

-You've also spotted Colonel Sebastian Moran hanging about the theater. Moriarty's number two is definitely a man to be feared, and reputed to be only slightly less cunning than his master. He's also reputed to be something of a rogue mathematician. You and Holmes tangled with him once before during a train trip back on Tortalus, though he was able to escape with the use of a highly improbable and elaborate plan. You do not intend to let him do so again.

-Moriarty's tenure of terror must come to an end. It's about time he learned that it takes more than an apple or an energy blade to keep this doctor away.


-Put a stop to Professor Moriarty's villainous schemes, and receive the credit for having done so.

Adventure Summary

Haha! Our most favoritest summary writer, Wheatie, returns for an encore. Having finally pwned all his finals, he is ready to write the summary two weeks after the adventure. Ain't I great? Yes.

Ug.. my hands are all greasy from sour cream + onion chips, ick… man… this remix from my super adventure is so great, it pwns anyone who hears it!


3 heroes enter the scene (well, 1 hero, 1 corrupt latino, and 1 armor McPunchy). This adventure is about the Cormus election, since the PCs end up attending a 'forum' of sorts. It's been two weeks, so it's hard for me to remember the mini-objectives, but they maybe had something to do with that. Wheatie's was to prosecute O.J. Simpson (aka the Black Bronco) and get people to sign an anti-cockfighting petition, Neji's was maybe to make sure physical activity was at the forefront of the forum or yell or something, and Senor's was maybe to be swarthy… not help the PCs… be skeptical… I dunno (sorry).

So Wheatie goes to court, and is met by an extremely smarmy defense lawyer, Wendy James (gasp! It's the debate final all over again) and she has the most unstoppable legal weapon, pregnancy! So she tries to shut down Wheatie by showing that he's racist, hates children, and can never be pregnant (modern science has come just so far). But Wheatie's evidence is too good, with fingerprint DNA, and testimonies from Wicket the ewok and the amazing Chris Tucker. Target destroyed.

Then our heroes go out on a case, solving the murder of some sleazy Spanish guy (a 'collector' of sorts… *cough* Spanish Mafia! *cough*). Unfortunately, although Wheatie is in charge, little gets done… mainly because Skeptical does not believe any crime has been committed and Neji falls asleep for a while (?). Even though they find some blood evidence and know where the crime has been committed, they run out of time and can not arrest anyone (that surely would have been an unnecessarily damaging fight anyway). We can blame this on uhh… Jackie! Obviously.

From there, it's on to the forum. Some people (Atch, Mycroft, Riven, and some other guy? Oh yeah… the sidewalk guy) make some speeches. This (along with conveniently released gas) incites riot in the crowd and the PCs must calm the masses (déjà vu?) but now with the help of such amazing agents as Anwar, who can flaunt the constitution in the faces of the riot army. But what about the gas? Who will stop the gas? Clearly, Frozone and The Harvester have this under control. They fly into the air, taking out hot air balloons and blimps, later assisted by Amphion (helicopter lady). All the while, Wheatie is nowhere to be found (hohoho). But they can't stop the blimp from ramming into city hall! Oh Nooooo!!!

It's being controlled from a nearby theatre so Sherlock Holmes leads the PCs there (with The Harvester in tow). The anthropologist (ew…) joins in lieu of the missing Jackie. They confront Colonel Sebastien Moran and the evil Moriarty! But the PCs are no match, and are handily dispatched. It looks like all is lost (you know it isn't) as Moran presses the remote control to detonate the blimp, turning city hall into a huge hydrogen explosion… when he finds that… the detonator has been disconnected?

'Ah ha' says the zombie Watson, 'I think you'll find that your little plan has been sabotaged from the beginning (read: I secretly gained a level before the adventure I 'died' in giving me the ability to survive death from Moriarty and developing my character in a meta-gaming movie-esque way. That's right, I staged the whole 'not that much HP' with the GM).' Moriarty's jaw drops in amazement… 'But, my psi-wave…' And with Watson's help, the remaining PCs (whoever was up, Watson kept reviving people) defeat Moriarty and justice is served, Holmes being exposed as a fake.

Kudos to Jeff and Jeremy for fooling everyone, that was awesome. I would maintain that we weren't completely fooled though, as Senor Skeptical seemed like such a temp character (>_>).

Note: Special thanks to Wheatie for writing this summary.

New Characters

Wendy James
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Defense Lawyer

Wendy James is one of the top defense lawyers in Cormus. Her path to this position of prominence involved many years of debate experience. With so much rhetorical training, Wendy can easily deploy advanced vocabulary and verbiage. In so doing, she is often able to claim and hold the moral highground, usually on the premise that her opponents hate children. In addition to such allegations, Wendy's performance in court benefits from the fact that she is very obviously pregnant. Since she is about to bring a new Deksiilan into the world, she automatically has a bigger stake in any dicussions about the state of society at large. Wendy was called in to defend football player and sometimes superhero O.J. Simpson, but even her legal prowess was not enough to get the jury to see past the clear evidence indicting him.

Inspector Enrique
Race: Chalchakian
Affiliation: Precinct 8's Policia

Precinct 8's Policia is not generally known for its work ethic, except insofar as it seems to lack one. By that criteria, Inspector Enrique fits in well with his colleagues. He's a tall, swarthy man, with dark stubble covering his long jaw and greasy black hair that is usually hidden under a battered sombrero. Otherwise, Enrique blends in with the locals in a stripped poncho, with a bottle of tequila never far from his hands. In fact, some would say that drinking tequila is about the only thing Enrique has accomplished since reaching the rank of inspector. Of course, Enrique would claim that's only because all the cases he is presented with are much too difficult; solving them just isn't possible. In fact, even addressing cases with anything more than extremely lethargic grammar seems like almost too much for the apathetic Enrique.

Andrew Shuba
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Mayoral Candidate

Andrew Shuba is a businessman aspiring to be the mayor of Cormus. He's a single issue candidate with an extremely generic description. This alone might be enough to doom his aspirations, and it probably doesn't help that his single issue is actually really trivial: sidewalks. He's all about the sidewalks. On the other hand, his opponents can't claim that his policies aren't well grounded. By telling everyone where he stands (on sidewalks), Shuba hopes to bring attention to this vital issue, and by setting his sights low, he hopes to show that politicians can make a difference in the everyday lives of citizens.

Mr. Riven
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Mayoral Candidate

Some say that Mr. Riven is probably the only candidate who presents a credible challenge to the incumbent Don Atchison. Riven is a business consultant who has received the support of the Cormus Party, a patriotic political organization dedicated to the advancement of Cormus. This rather vague mission statement makes it hard for anyone to oppose the Cormus party without appearing to be against the city's own interests. Riven's campaign team has been working the patriotic angle from the very start of the race. In keeping with this theme, Mr. Riven can usually be seen wearing a professional black suit, complete with a tie displaying the Deksiilan flag. Otherwise, he can be described as a dark haired man with a man scarf.

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