Friends & Foes

Heroes: Ambrose, Caesar, John McGuire, Dr. John Watson, Neji and Wheatie.
Enemies: Farmer Maggot, his farmhands and some recalcitrant students.

Ambrose - Instructor's Report 1

Recent Duties: This Police Academy is really not your sort of establishment, especially since it necessites your mingling with the more common classes and other such undesirables. As such, you didn't even intend to bother settling in. For the first few days, you didn't even bother unpacking your expensive leather suitcases. However, much to your dismay, it looks like the Cormus Police Commission has no immediate plans to transfer you back onto active duty. Upon learning this, you've had little choice but to accept your fate, at least for now. Since that realization, you've spent most of your time preparing the curriculum for your course, which you intend to treat as a platform to promote your philosophy on policing. After all, if you have to teach, you might as well use the opportunity to instruct your superiors on the errors of their ways.

Faculty Relations: (Most people refer to your colleagues merely as instructors, but you prefer the term 'faculty' because it implies a certain level of prestige and dignity.)

-That Major Pain really is a major pain! Not only is he noisy, uncouth and rude, but he also almost messed up your clothing with his demands for push-ups. To top off your frustration, he even displays terrible table manners! That's a cardinal sin!

-Joachim is the Close Quarters Combat (CQC) instructor, and as such you're not surprised to find that he's a hulking, sweaty wrestler who has fallen woefully behind modern fashion. He could learn a thing or two from your class.

-The firearms instructor at this Academy is an old, crusty gunfighter by the name of Cimarron. You've personally never had much use for firearms; they're noisy, clumsy and lack the finesse of a true gentleman's weapon, namely a saber. The fact that this guy is obsessed with guns doesn't speak well for him, as far as you're concerned.

-Millernia is the one bright spot in this otherwise dreary facility. She's demonstrated herself to be very poised, civil and polite. And that's not even mentioning the fact that she's a very attractive lady. Although she doesn't seem to have yet caught on to the latest neo-casual fashion trends, you still have to give her credit for wearing her uniform so well. If all the instructors were like Millernia, you wouldn't mind your tenure here in the least.

Personal Notes:

-It seems the students at the Academy will soon be selecting their courses. Yours has been designated under the heading of an Area of Expertise, and is thus being offered during Period 2 opposite Strider's Covert Ops and Samuel's Police Tactics. In order to demonstrate the importance of your discipline, you intend to ensure that your class is by far the most popular during its timeslot. After all, there's no reason your class should be any less popular than you are.


-Convince as many students as possible to enroll in your class.

John McGuire – Recruit's Report 1

Recent Duties: The first week at the Police Academy has involved a series of lectures on basic police procedures. Damn basic stuff. It's nothing you haven't heard before. But given the caliber of these other students, it's not too surprising that they have to start teaching from scratch. Still, in your opinion, a twenty minute crash-course on the street would be way more effective. It might end with a few dead recruits, but if you're not tough enough to take the heat, you shouldn't be in the line of fire anyway.


-That Major Pain is hardcore. Not that you have any problem with that.

-Instructor Millernia is a very fine looking woman. Frankly, she seems awfully young to have received instructor status, and you can't imagine her having much field experience.

-Instructor Ambrose seems like the conceited sort who considers themselves too good for real work. You've met his kind before.

-Strider's a man of few words, and those few words are usually harsh and grim. In other words, he's your kind of guy.

-You've heard that Headmaster Samuel de Champlain has been running the Academy for quite some time. Like most figures in authority, he talks too much and says too little.

Personal Notes:

-These young Hobbits need to toughen up! Given their current attitudes, they wouldn't survive a day on the streets of Cormus.

-Today is registration, which means you're expected to pick the courses you'll be attending during the remainder of your training. Of course, it's unlikely that any of these courses teach the skills that really matter.


-Your goal is to toughen up the impressionable young Hobbits so they have a chance of surviving a life of policing.

Neji – Recruit's Report 1

Recent Duties: The first week at the Police Academy has involved a series of lectures on basic police procedures. They've emphasized that all officers need to go strictly 'by the book'. You're used to holding yourself up to very high standards, so you have no doubt that you'll be able to measure up to police expectations. Still, you wouldn't mind getting a look at this 'book' they keep talking about, just to make sure you know the rules you're supposed to be following.

Mystical Rumblings: (As a woman of great mystical prowess, you are well attuned to the primal forces of katra that fill this galaxy. This section describes the revelations brought on by these forces.)

-Evil took a more tangible form last night. You were up late in the training yard, rehearsing your combat skills, when you noticed a blur of darkness from the corner of your eye. Though you only saw it for a moment, you are convinced that it was a mounted figure cloaked all in black. Unfortunately, they disappeared before you could unleash one of your taglines on them. This Black Rider has left you more than a bit troubled.

Personal Notes:

-It seems all your training back home has paid off. If last week's orientation is any indication, you may well be one of the most promising new recruits at the Academy. Of course, you don't intend to let this initial success go to your head. There is still much to be learned, and you hope to make the most of your training here so that you can someday become one of the finest cops this planet has ever seen.

-Although you have thus far tried to remain a bit withdrawn and aloof from your fellow recruits, you can't help but notice that some of them are not the most reputable characters. Especially this John McGuire fellow. You got a chance to experience some of his more digraceful habits firsthand during the orientation exercise, and your clothes still smell of smoke from his ubiquitous cigarettes.

-Furthermore, you've even seen some of your fellow recruits encouraging the young, naive Hobbits to break Academy rules and imbibe contraband substances. Clearly, a bad example is being set for your younger, more impressionable colleagues. It seems clear to you that these Hobbits need to have a positive role-model, to keep them on the right track. In fact, you're ready to consider it your first mission.


-Act as a positive role model for the impressionable young Hobbits.

(Please keep an accurate list of any positive lessons or examples you're able to impart.)

John Watson – Crime Doctor 1

Recent Duties: The first week at the Police Academy has involved a series of lectures on basic police procedures. They've emphasized that all officers need to go strictly 'by the book'. It's been quite intolerable! Considering your qualifications, you're more suited to be giving these lectures than listening to them. In fact, this all reminds you rather starkly of your college days. Which, in turn, brings back memories of Sherlock Holmes. All of which you would much rather forget.

Newspaper Headlines: (It didn't take working with acclaimed detective Sherlock Holmes to teach you that a good investigator always reads diligently through the most recent newspaper. And sometimes several previous ones as well.)

-The Cormus Daily Planet contains an editorial this week blaming a recent surge in crime, including the bombing of a downtown courthouse, on the city's superheroes. According to the editorialist, these individuals are not heroes at all, but actually master criminals masquerading as saviours in an attempt to fool the populace. Although there is much railing at the heroes in general, the article seems particularly venemous towards one Human Spider. Rubbish! Although you're well aware that villains sometimes like to assume aliases, it seems obvious to a man of science like yourself that no self-respecting villain would adopt such a ridiculous moniker as the Human Spider.


-The only mystery afoot at the moment is that you're being forced into the role of a recruit at this Academy, instead of receiving the superior accomodations and treatment that the Crime Doctor deserves.

Personal Notes:

-Preposterous as it may seem, the instructors at this Academy presume that you need to be taught how to solve crime. As such, they've mixed you in with the other recruits, and expect you to pick and attend a series of courses in order to graduate from this establishment. Although you find it hard to believe that they're unwilling to grant the Crime Doctor an honorary degree, you're willing to play their game. But only because it's afoot.

-At the same time, you're outraged by some of the rules you have to follow while attending the Academy. In particular, the edict against leaving the Academy grounds seems quite preposterous. Your accomodations at 221 Baker Street are far more comfortable than the dormitories here, and it would also include the amenities such as cooking and cleaning courtesy of Mrs. Hudson.

-If you're going to have to spend six weeks here, you might as well get settled in. Besides, in that amount of time, mysteries are bound to crop up, as they have a habit of doing wherever you happen to go. In the interest of being prepared, you've decided to recruit some assistants to serve as your information network within the Academy. You've always had good luck with street urchins, who tend to be easily bought and manipulated. These Hobbits seem like the next closest thing, especially in terms of stature, so they'll just have to do.


-Recruit these young Hobbits to serve as your Baker Street Irregulars.

Wheatie – Recruit's Report 1

Recent Duties: The first week at the Police Academy has involved a series of lectures on basic police procedures. They've emphasized that all officers need to go strictly 'by the book'. In your opinion, anything that has to do with books can't be anything but great. In fact, attending these seminars was lots of fun. You made sure to sit as close to the front as possible so that it be easier for you to commit your full attention to the instructor.

Book Report: (It's no surprise that one of your first priorities upon settling in to the Academy was to check out the facility's library. While the selection isn't massive, at least the subject matter is more varied than the heavily agricultural library at the U of D. This section contains notes on any interesting books you've been reading lately.)

-You've been reading a lot of books on police protocol lately. It's actually really interesting! You had no idea that everything you say could be used against you in a court of law! Another factoid that you've picked up is that standard Deksiilan procedures require a multitude of forms to be filled out every time an officer discharges their sidearm. This has allowed you to conclude that it's a good thing you never intend to be firing a gun. Then again, paperwork sounds a lot more appealing than anything that would actually get you in a situation where firing a gun becomes necessary. In any case, with all this reading, you're sure to have a headstart for when real classes actually begin.

Notes from Home:

-Nothing, but then they aren't yet aware of your new address.

Personal Notes:

-At first, you were more than a bit uncomfortable with the manner in which you were recruited. To your knowledge, you were supposed to be spending your internship on Deksiil working at Atch & Co, but instead it seems you've somehow been unceremonisouly transferred into a police training program, without so much as your consent, or even a permission slip from home. Fortunately, your initial impression of the boot-camp style exercises seems like it might have been highly misleading. In fact, this is starting to seem a lot like school back home. If being a policeman just involves going to a bunch of cool classes free of charge, it might just be the right job for you.

-On that note, you've heard that today is when you finally get to choose and register for your classes! This has you really excited. You can hardly wait to check out the course offerings. And once that's done, you'll be able to go pick up textbooks! Yeah!

-Unfortunately, the food seems to be this institution's greatest weaknesses. Even the University of Denchul offered a superior selection. And most of it was fresh! Here, you're lucky to get a cup of coffee that isn't at least a day old, and the donuts are even worse.. You're really starting to crave anything with wheat or whole grains, but at this point you'd even be satisfied by some cake donuts. At least they actually have some substance to them!


-Optimize your course schedule to make the most of this educational opportunity.

Caesar – Recruit's Report 1

Recent Duties: The first week at the Police Academy has involved a series of lectures on basic police procedures. They've emphasized that all officers need to go strictly 'by the book'. This sounds seriously whack. You're eXtremely reluctant to let a book dictate your actions, but if that's what this Academy training requires, you might just have to suck it up.

Personal Notes:

-You've tried to tell Yumi that you've enrolled at the Police Academy, but her parents are apparently screening her calls. Furthermore, they don't seem to believe you have what it takes to be a police recruit. In order to prove them wrong and demonstrate your progress, you plan to get a picture of yourself wearing a police uniform. Chicks really dig a man in a uniform. And bunnies, but you'd rather avoid subjecting yourself to any more nicknames than necessary. Unfortunately, they have yet to issue you a uniform. And you don't have a camera. But surely there's one to be found somewhere around here.

-That Chins guy is totally dead weight! You're quite convinced he was actually more of a hindrance than a team mate during the orientation. Once the fat man finally dropped out, you were running lean and able to make up a lot of ground. It was an eXtreme comeback, and you don't see how the Enchiro family can fail to be impressed by the fact that you basically got through a team-based exercise on your own.

-Word on the street is out about a new type of Spheran candy that will soon be at vending machines near you. They're called Gobstoppers, and are billed as being super eXtreme. Extremely difficult to chew, anyway. Apparently a single gobstopper can sustain chewable flavor for several hours.


-Get a picture of yourself in a police uniform that you can send to Yumi.

Adventure Summary

Choosing Classes: The most electrifying sports entertainment event of the century, or perhaps not. At least Wheatie was excited, until he learned that like with everything else they did, the Police Academy handled registration poorly as well. As such, course packets were handed out at the beginning of lunch hour, and registration was to be completed by the end of lunch hour. Reactions ranged from apathy to desperate cries that time tables could not be optimized within such a small window.

Then it was off to talk to everyone, giving advice on being tough and distrusting Watson. There was a big hoe down jamboree with the hobbits, wherein Ambrose tried to convince everyone to take his class, and was quite willing to resort to bribery to do so. John McGuire was more insistent that the hobbits toughen up, lest they be shot in the back while on the streets or possibly while eating their donuts. Neji was a veritable font of advice, ranging from "Seek help from qualified professionals" to "Watson is not a qualified professional". Caesar just tried to convince everyone to join Strider's covert ops class because all the cool kids, such as himself, were taking it, and peer pressure is great. Watson tried to convince the little suckers to join his Irregulars, informing him of anything suspicious that happened. He accomplished this by appealing to such traits as curiousity, greed, and a desire for doctor's letters.

Eventually people split up, with Wheatie going to talk to Samuel de Champlain about his class to ascertain whether it involved anything but shooting leopards. He was vindicated by the knowledge that it was mostly about canoes, and their underuse in everyday police operations. Then Neji...continued advising the hobbits on how to live their lives, with more advise like, "Don't trust anyone" and "Don't listen to Watson." McGuire once again led Pippin down the path of toughness, which meant drinking a pint and spilling it. Possibly denying going to the Barrow Downs at every opportunity. Watson bribed the hobbits with shiny marques for the vending machines. Caesar tried to get put on a brochure for a public relations campaign, but was shot down. Then, or possibly way before any of this stuff happened, classes began.

First there was Social Skills, with Millernia, which all the wimps took. Smiling and pleasantries occured. Then Major Pain had his fitness course, which consisted of one-fingered pushups, which almost killed Pippin. But apparently Neji, McGuire and Caesar were all totally fine with them. Then there was a food preparation class, which Fatty took. Presumably, donuts were procured and eaten.

Then 2nd period began, with the coolest class of them all, Covert Ops. John Watson quickly decided it wasn't for him as the only person more obvious was Pippin, who had a pyromaniacal compulsion to constantly start fires. Next up was de Champlain's class, with a single student, Wheatie. Although the class consisted of rambling stories about leopards and canoes, Wheatie convinced himself there was a deeper meaning that could be applied to modern police tactics and was quite pleased with the course. Finally second period ended with Ambrose's High Crimes class, which consisted of a lecture and a pop quiz. Watson showed up fashionably late, as he had dropped out of Strider's class lickety-split. The pop quiz consisted of Watson mopping the floor with the rest of the class, particularly Mugsy, who wasn't familiar with multiple choice and instead wrote random comments for all the questions, because pop quizzes are totally gay.

The glory that was third period was up next, with Pippin getting his hands on a firearm, and in lieu of standard ammunition, a nail. Which promptly ended up being shot into Merry. Well played, Pippin. The instructor Cimarron was a hands on kind of guy, and just had everyone shoot targets... or Merry. Then he showed off his ability to feel the bullets by doing some ricochet shots and then triple crossing his students while twirling his gun. Next up, the CQC course was taught in the most legitimate of classrooms, the Holy Ring, with it's Mat of Justice and Ropes of Tangling the Students. The instructor was none other than Joachim, who showed up with a bang, a speech, and a flying body slam onto the students. Then he went on to the basics of hand-to-hand combat, the flamboyant introduction. Unfortunately, no one could really match the incredible flamboyance of Joachim himself.

With classes for the day done, some of that stuff that was mentioned before classes now actually happened. More importantly, it turned out there was an entertainment room, and with only three channels one of them was the Discovery channel, fulfilling the need for dolphin education.

Then Fatty sprung his trap which he set up with Farmer Maggot in order to get food. The trap involved many burly farmers and an incredibly weak guy who had a rifle. Everyone threw down outside, with Sam, Frodo, Neji and Watson getting stuck in the trap before backup arrived in the form of the other PCs and hobbits. Except Fatty. Who was an evil jerk with a sack of food, consisting for some reason of eggplants. Chaotic melee/firefight ensued, wherein Wheatie discovered untapped reserves of strength meaning he could use 4 Psi-Globes instead of 2, turning him into an engine of PURE DESTRUCTION. In his own mind. Caesar brushed with death as Farmer Maggot slowly and inaccurately attacked him with a pitchfork, and someone, possibly Ambrose, was a force of pure futility rivalled only by Kojak in his prime. In the end, severe beatings were issued, and Fatty tried to convince everyone it was really a triple cross, and this trap had been sprung for the sake of capturing Farmer Maggot, and also getting food. This convinced no one but Pippin, but hey, no hard feelings. It was just near-death. THE END.

Note: Special thanks to Caesar for writing this summary.

New Characters

Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Recruit

Nya! Mugsy is a prodigal and perpetual student at the Cormus Police Academy. In fact, it seems he's already taken almost every class offered at the Academy, though with much the same level of success, or lack thereof. At the same time, Mugsy believes this only augments the tough, shady image portrayed by his short stature, shaved head and newsboy cap. He also has a chain wallet and a gangsta' accent. Some people have been known to doubt whether Mugsy's motivations for joining the police force are noble, but this concern seems far from pressing given that he's been stuck in the role of an incomplete/fail.

Race: Zelzakian
Affiliation: Police Academy Instructor

For justice, these muscles! For truth, this face! For power, these boots! Joachim generally uses some approximation of the above as his introduction, usually followed by some heroic posing. As CQC (Close-Quarters Combat) instructor at the Academy, Joachim has plenty of opportunities to teach and use those sorts of cheesy taglines. He's also prone to wrestling, smacking people with large objects and misconstruing students as opponents. On the other hand, it would be hard to misconstrue Joachim as any other sort of instructor. He's a massively built man, with long blond hair and giant wrestling boots. He also wears tight pants, a weird leather jerkin and a championship belt with a skull buckle. There are also suspicions that he sometimes wears a mystic butterfly mask, transforming him into the mighty Grand Papillon, but this has yet to be confirmed.

Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Academy Instructor

In Cimarron's view, it's not just guns that kill people. It's gunslingers. As the firearms instructor at the Cormus Police Academy, he considers it his job to teach the new recruits how to shoot, while leaving it to other staff members to instruct them on when and why. Cimarron also seems to have a taste for westerns, which is strongly reflected in his appearance. This includes cowboy boots (complete with spurs), a red bandanna tied around his neck, a brown trenchcoat and a holstered handgun hanging on each hip. His long gray hair hangs loose to his shoulders. He clearly has considerable experience using firearms, and is not hesitant to demonstrate this with gun spins and ricochet shots.

Farmer Maggot
Race: Denchulli
Affiliation: Unhappy Farmer (are there any other sort?)

It takes only a glance to see that Farmer Maggot is from out of town. Although every bit as short as the Hobbits, the Farmer looks considerably more solid. His outfit is clearly designed for rural living, and includes blue overalls, a yellow-checkered shirt, a pitchfork and a worn straw hat that hides most of his white hair, with the exception of his mustache and sideburns. Originally from Denchul, Maggot has relocated to Deksiil in order to take advantage of more generous farm subsidies. This also allowed him to enter the campaign from way out of left field, seeking revenge on the Hobbits who had continually snacked on his crops. Maggot was planning to end this mischief once and for all with an old-fashioned lynching.

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