Neji – Beat Cop's Report 16
Recent Duties: Another day, another victory for justice. At least, that's how you would describe yesterday's high speed chase and its eventual, heroic conclusion. Even Inspector Reeves ended up being somewhat useful, if only for the way he used his commandeered bus as a moving roadblock. You have no doubt that your driving exploits impressed your commanding officers, even if they have yet to acknowledge your achievements. Of course, things have been a bit hectic around the Precinct. While Precinct 13's building is being repaired, you've all been redeployed to an empty warehouse a couple blocks away. It's likely this will serve as your makeshift headquarters until the police commission decides what to do with regards to the original building.
The Street Beat: (As a beat cop, it's your job to walk the streets of Cormus and keep the peace. In so doing, it's easy to gather rumours and whispers about some of the illicit activities occuring within nearby districts, and the criminal organizations performing said deeds.)
-The streets have already started to calm, though order remains unstable, especially in the more patriotic precincts of the city. Still, it looks like Cormus has been brought back from the brink of anarchy. This is good news for Mayor Don Atchison, though people speculate that his political position remains perilous. With Atch's current term set to expire in about a month, pundits are predicting an election will likely be called within the next couple weeks. Atch will doubtless be facing an uphill battle for re-election, especially after the events of the past couple weeks. It might take more than waving from the side of the street to win a majority this time around.
Personal Notes:
-After all the medical attention you've recently received, you almost consider it a divine miracle that you're still alive. As such, you do feel some sympathy for the Pig Man, if he actually exists. Being trapped in a hospital would be a terrible way to live. In any case, your survival was certainly not due to the work of Tor Eckman, the so-called 'hollistic healer'. He did give you a clean bill of health, though only after turning your face purple with one of his illegal concoctions. You know for a fact that recovery can sometimes be painful, but this fellow seemed to take that a bit too literally.
-Although Doc Ock has been captured, his masters at the United Underworld remain at large. And despite the setback you've dealt them, you have a feeling that their villainy is far from finished. Still, they have a definite appointment with justice, and you intend to personally see to it that they keep it.
-A funeral is being arranged for Vix, the beat cop who was killed in the assault two days ago. Though you worked in the same department, you never really got to know the guy. He seemed really generic. Despite this, you've heard that you might be asked to give the eulogy at the funeral.
-Investigate rumours of weird creatures at the hospital.
John Watson – Crime Doctor 16
Recent Duties: It was only yesterday that you foiled Moriarty's vaporous scheme to undermine the civic government and cast the city into chaos. It was a brillantly subtle plan, the likes of which could only be concocted by a man of higher education. In a way, it's a shame that such a powerful intellect is wasted on the ruthless pursuit of criminal science. After all, you'll always be there to stop Moriarty, no matter how sneaky his plan may be. He may be able to pull the wool over the eyes of Inspector Lestrade and the police, but the crime doctor – he sees and observes.
Newspaper Headlines:
-You were hoping to see your own picture on the cover of the London Guardian, but instead you were greeted by the likeness of Keanu Reeves. The front page shows him standing before the smoldering backdrop of the city bus he commandeered during the police chase. In the accompanying article, the writer expresses relief that the bus used during this incident was not one of London's doubledecker models. Fortunately, it seems no one onboard was hurt. Furthermore, Keanu is credited both with stopping Doc Ock and with defusing a bomb that he claims was planted on the bus.
-A decapitated body was apparently discovered floating in the Cormus river by Precinct 3's Coast Guard. Few other details are mentioned in the small police notice that appeared in this morning's Daily Planet. It seems the police have been unable to identify the body, and are now soliciting the assistance of the public. The body is described as belonging to an exceptionally fit Deksiilan of medium height, approximately 1000 years of age.
-Last you knew, Wiggins was still looking into Roger Thornberry. Remarkably enough, you haven't seen the young rascal since yesterday morning. This either means he's onto something or he's been caught up in some sort of mischief. Both cases have occured before several times.
Personal Notes:
-Tor Eckman was no doctor; he was a complete nut. Perhaps it's not surprising, given that he was a friend of the Anthropologist. Once again, it proves that these 'alternative' medicines are nothing more than hippie scams, meant to milk money out of peoples' paranoia. It's important that a respectable profession like yours maintain distinct from this sort of rubbish.
-Having accomplished this mission on behalf of the medical community, you fully expect to have your license renewed. Dr. Glossan promised to do just that, and you intend to hold him to it. You'll have to pay him a little visit to sort this out. Then again, given how busy doctors tend to be, it might be best to book an appointment first.
-Not only was the Anthropologist promoting the toxic Tor Eckman, but he was also spreading ridiculous tall tales about some sort of Pig Man. Dash it all, anyone reasonable should realise that no such thing exists, especially not confined within a civilized hospital. A modern medical institution is no place for such campfire stories.
-Ensure that your medical license is reinstated, as promised by Dr. Glossan.
-Remind everyone that these rumours about a Pig Man being confined in Cormus General are clearly fallacious.
Wheatie – Legal Assistant's Report 17
Recent Duties: It's been a day since you transferred Nicholas Chesterly into his own hospital news. Yet despite his proximity to a call-button, he still hasn't recovered! And there's so much work to do! While Precinct 13's building is being repaired, you've all been redeployed to an empty warehouse a couple blocks away. It's likely this will serve as your makeshift headquarters until the police commission decides what to do with regards to the original building. You and Miss Vayl have been working full time moving and resorting all the legal files. With Nicholas out of commission, you'll probably finish just in time to move everything back. It seems just as cyclical and pointless as farming.
Book Report:
-Chemistry is awesome! If you weren't with the legal department, you would definitely want to work as a chemist down at the Police Lab. After experiencing the direct power of the aggression-inducing bug spray, you decided to do a bit of your own research. According to the books you borrowed from the library, the basis for the two types of hallucinogens, both of which you've experienced firsthand, could well be a small blue flower that grows back on Denchul. It's called the dreamleaf, and can be used in small quantities as a sort of stimulant.
Notes from Home:
-Your parents seem impressed by your chemistry award. They've vowed to hang it on the wall of your room as soon as you return to Denchul. Of course, they have no real concept of what chemistry is all about. In fact, they seem to think the science revolves around creating better fertilizers. Although that is kind of interesting...
Legal Report:
-Your visit to Cormus General Hospital may have been your first meeting with Dr. Falstav, but you've heard Miss Vayl mention his name before, usually with much frustration. Apparently, Falstav is often called by the defense to provide psychiatric assessments of the criminals and whether they're fit to stand for trial. This often ends up getting the criminals transferred over to Arkham Asylum for treatment. One such case cropped up just the other day. A bounty hunter from Chalchak who called herself the Amazon was on trial for several counts of aggravated assault. According to Miss Vayl, this criminal was on the way to prison, at least until Dr. Falstav stepped up to talk about her mental condition.
Personal Notes:
-You're still really worried about the newest legal assistant, Nicholas Chesterly! You just heard this morning that he's been scheduled for some surgery. Apparently his tonsils grew back, and now have to be removed again. You've already made an appointment with Dr. Glossan later this afternoon to dicuss the whole procedure. Someone has to look out for Nicholas, and after what you've seen, you're not sure if the hospital staff are up to the task.
-News around the Precinct is all about this funeral that is being planned for Vix. He was a beat cop, so you never really got to know him, and you're not sure about the circumstances surrounding his death. You thought Eastside Mario was the one who struck him down, but you've heard Eldridge talking about how Neji is partly to blame.
-Nicholas needs help! You have to make sure his surgery goes smoothly, and that no foreign objects are introduced into him during the operation.
Jackie - Agent's Report 7
Recent Duties: It's been two days since the assault on Precinct 13. Unlike some of your colleagues, you didn't need to spend much time recovering in the hospital. You're used to taking that kind of punishment, and all you really needed was a cast around your ankle and a rubber shoe to cover it. Unfortunately, some other members of your team weren't nearly so lucky. In the meantime, while Precinct 13's building is being repaired, you've all been redeployed to an empty warehouse a couple blocks away. It's likely this will serve as your makeshift headquarters until the police commission decides what to do with regards to the original building.
Classified Information:
-The United Underworld remains the city's top case, but that obviously doesn't mean that all other crime has ceased. Late last night, Precinct 3's Coast Guard fished a decapitated corpse out of the Cormus river. Forensics indicate the man must have been killed only hours earlier. Unfortunately, police records ranging from DNA to missing persons reports have been unable to identify the victim. As such, a notice has been sent out urging members of the public to report any missing acquaintences. The description given with this notice states that the body belongs to a very fit Deksiilan of average height, estimated at approximately 1000 years old. This has yet to yield any significant results.
Personal Notes:
-Rambo described the current situation as a war against crime, and you have to agree with that assessment. War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! It's only got one friend, and that's the undertaker! That's why you usually work alone; it's often just too dangerous for any partner you might have. Unfortunately, you were forced to make an exception during the recent battle, and it led to the death of Vix. You never really got a chance to know him, but he seemed like a really great guy. As such, you've taken it upon yourself to plan his funeral. You've already booked the 'Dead and Loving It' funeral parlour (125 Gravel Road, Precinct 13) this afternoon for the service. There still remain several things to do, such as inviting guests and getting someone to do the eulogy. It should be someone who knows Vix a bit better, maybe another one of the beat cops.
-You were so busy planning the funeral yesterday that you missed out on a big police chase. Without you involved, it apparently fell to Keanu Reeves to provide the crazy driving. This was apparently because the city bus he commandeered during the incident was fixed with a bomb that would explode if the speed dropped below a certain mark. You know all about bombs, and you have to agree that would be a tough stunt to pull.
-Organize a funeral for Vix and ensure that it runs smoothly.
Haha, man, other people are so lazy! I am so the busiest one of us already, and I’m stuck with writing the adventure summary? Boo! What jerks. Anyways…
Mini-objective highlights:
-Wheatie tackled a nurse for chewing gum and fooled Pippin good!
-Watson shot at the gum in the middle of delicate surgery, to the chagrin of Dr. Doom!
-Jackie was able to get a horde of people to attend Vix’s funeral!
-Neji did something totally secret! Oh yeah!
A secret mission:
-Apparently the chief feels the PCs are his most trustworthy and dependable officers (like we didn’t know that already), especially Wheatie. So he lets us in to the see the sinister figure Rhadamanthys, who the PCs are still clueless about. Rhadamanthys was apparently in hiding after narrowly escaping the explosion (yeah, whatever…) and came forward to tattle on his cohorts once again. He tells us that they are hiding in a shipyard warehouse (precinct 3) and then leaves without so much as a simple questioning (stupid chief).
-Also, we are apparently so cool, that the chief has decided to give us access to super secret police files, which will tell us whatever we want about anyone in Cormus! Sweet, Wheatie loves to look through big cabinets of paper records. But these are so secret that we can only access one per session.
A not so secret mission:
-We get to the shipyard, to find Watson already waiting. Yeah, it’s not funny. He acted like a big jerk, pretending he was going to stay behind and then following us and making tons of noise while doing so. The PCs navigated their way through an open field, killing dogs and dawgs along the way. The guards are all taken out, but not without the alarm sounding numerous times. Not much they can do when we kill everyone who comes to look for us.
-We got into the shipyard and than had to navigate through a very urban setting, complete with wheat fields! The Midnight Gaidin was also available to assist, creating diversions, killing whelps, and pulling us into the shadows. Needless to say, after Wheatie, in all his multifaceted glory, took out a security camera with a psi globe, this was an easy task, even with Watson along.
-Next, Jackie snuck into the suspected warehouse and overheard an interesting conversation. The underground crime syndicate is headed by Devastator, The Scarecrow, East Side Mario, Mr. X, and none other than Malnas (*cough* Moriarty *cough*). I know, it is scary that Watson was right. Anyway, they found out we were there and set numerous goons upon us.
-At this point, we discover that every police force in the city has been dispatched to help us (most trusted officers? yeah okay…). In this battle, Watson and whatshername (Amphion), precinct 10 lady, command helicopters, Wheatie commands undercover agents, Jackie commands a SWAT team, and Neji commands some… boats. Fighting is had. On another front, NPC good guys (commanded by myself, and I guess Jeff was there too) school the puny forces mounted against them. Good guys triumph, and we separate from our units to pursue East Side Mario (Bada bing).
-He runs into a warehouse with a giant pizza oven, and is joined by Papa Smurf, and some fat guy… uhh… I don’t know, I pictured Santa Claus, so that must be it (McCain). Wheatie is amazing in this battle; he does huge damage with psi-fire, numerous psi-globes, and the power of knowledge. Jackie does decent damage and Neji takes hits. Watson kinda sat there, being useless as well as stupid. He probably fell over then. In the end, Wheatie destroys East Side Mario, Santa Claus, and Papa Smurf. They never had a chance.
This summary has been brought to you by the letter "W" and the number… uhh… "Wheatie".
Note: Special thanks to Wheatie for writing this summary.
Dr. Doom
Race: ??
Affiliation: Medical Doctor
Dr. Doom is a rather melodramatic doctor who practices at Cormus General Hospital. This is expressed both in terms of his appearance, which includes a menacing frame, a hooded dark green cloak, metal gauntlets and a metal mask, and in the manner in which he performs his surgeries. This, along with his undeniably sinister name, have combined to make him greatly feared by all his patients. On the other hand, the hospital admin are often amused and entertained by his dramatic touches. There are rumours that Dr. Doom was once some sort of supervillain with a taste for lightning, but these remain mere speculation.
Professor Moriarty
Race: Tortallian
Affiliation: Leader of the United Underworld
Professor Moriarty is perhaps the most infamous criminal mastermind the galaxy has ever known. Unbeknownst to most of the police, it is highly likely he secretly controls the operations of the United Underworld from the shadows, as well as nearly every other element of crime in the city. His other hobbies include rearranging the letters of his own name in order to form baffling riddles for the heroes. Villains like to do that, you know. Otherwise, Moriarty can be described as a tall, cadaverous man with a dark cloak, top-hat, sinister goatee and a skull-tipped cane.
Race: Denchulli
Affiliation: Supervillain
The Scarecrow has been mentioned several times as one of Cormus' resident supervillains, but is still only rarely seen by law enforcement authorities. His true identity is disguised by a burlap sack that he wears over his head. While this mask might normally seem benign or even ridiculous, the very opposite is true for those suffering the effects of Scarecrow's neurotoxins. These hallucinogens can cripple an opponent, especially when combined with a view of the Scarecrow's mask. After suffering such severe trauma, often a victim is left shattered and broken, capable of little more than repeating the Scarecrow's name in an endless litany of terror.
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Papa John's Pizza
McCain is a doughy henchman who works for Papa John's Pizza. To be specific, he's part of Eastside Mario's delivery team. Unlike some delivery boys, McCain is more likely to eat his delivery than to collect tips. In fact, he's one of the few members of the Papa John's team who is willing to eat the pizza even when it's frozen. This is possibly due to McCain's rising crust abilities, which grant him a huge appetite. In combat, McCain fights with a combination of brawl and his own doughy stature, which makes him resistant to all kinds of fire attacks, including firearms.
Papa Smurf
Race: Terrorian
Affiliation: Papa John's Pizza
Papa Smurf is the other member of Eastside Mario's delivery team. He's a rotund man with blue skin, red pants and a red tuque. He has a long white beard that is often stained with tomato sauce, or blood from the victims of his point-blank shotgun blasts. It's sometimes hard to tell those two apart. Urban legends suggest that Papa Smurf was once part of a children's television show, but was eventually fired after he fired his shotgun at some of the kids who wouldn't stop singing the show's tiresome themesong.