Sin City

Heroes: John McGuire, Dr. John Watson, Neji, Wheatie, Jackie and Ambrose.
Enemies: Carmen Sandiego and her VILE organization.

Ambrose - Agent's Report 9

Recent Duties: It's now been eight days since you lent your indelible wit and your rapier, both equally sharp, to the task of locating Waldo. Though the mission was successful, it did cost you dearly. You still haven't managed to get the smell of those carnival freaks out of your clothing. When faced with such apparel related trauma, the only recourse of a true gentleman was to take some time off. After all, you'd been working steadily for the past month and a half, so you certainly deserved a reprieve. Your week off was mostly spent frequenting fine dining establishments and visiting the more expensive dry cleaners throughout the city. Eating once more at restaurants that require reservations was a delight. Those are the sorts of duties at which you truly excel.

Classified Information: (As a police agent, you are privy to sensitive information regarding past and ongoing investigations. Any information involving current police operations is not to be discussed with the media or the public.)

-It goes without saying that the big investigation at the moment involves the search for Carmen Sandiego and the stolen Krypto. Inspector Reeves is in charge of the investigation, although his failure to protect the Krypto in the first place has made his command somewhat tenuous. In fact, with Precinct 13's reputation at stake, The Chief seems only too eager to micromanage the whole operation. Inspector Rambo has also been tagged to assist in the operation, if not the investigation itself. With Inspector Valtyrez still away on special assignment, Inspector Kojak has been left to handle all the remaining cases. This massive workload has understandably angered the ever-volatile Kojak, and thus common wisdom among the precinct's agents is to steer clear from him, at least until this whole situation blows over. And perhaps even after that.

High Society News: (The latest gossip from high society sources, ranging from rumours of indiscretion to the content of the many glossy magazines on the subject.)

-It's unfortunate that the exhibition at the Cormus Gallery of Modern Art took place during your break. You would have attended in a civilian capacity, had you not gotten stuck in traffic on the way over. Oh, well. Your absence was really a detriment to the city's upper echelon, especially considering the raid on the gallery. Had you been present, there's no way that Krypto would have been stolen. Perhaps now the high brass will begin to take your branch of policing seriously.

-They say that the worlds of art and fashion often intertwine. The exception to that rule has to be Chins, your fellow officer. His picture made the front page of the Cormus Daily Planet and demonstrates that his apparel was no work of art. It included some sort of zebra-skin jacket and tight leather pants. Those pants alone are a disgrace to the force, and that's not even mentioning the zebra stripes. They're not nearly slimming enough for Chins to pull off that look.

Personal Notes:

-Come to think of it, most members of the force seem to be lacking in the fashion department. And much of society, for that matter. All too often, their shortcomings in this area go unchecked. Fortunately, as a man of class and taste, you consider it nothing less than your duty to comment and criticize on any poor choices of apparel. Constructive criticism, of course. After all, if they don't look good, you don't look good.


-Provide fashion advice for all the poorly dressed people you encounter.

(Please keep an accurate list of those who have allowed themselves to be guided by your tasteful advice.)

John McGuire – Cop's Report 10

Recent Duties: One day has passed since the theft of the Krypto. This has given plenty of time for the media to swarm the story and spin it into dozens of editorials on the incompetence of the police, the mystery of Carmen Sandiego and the fashion faux-pas of the evening. Precinct 13 has been given charge of the official investigation and a chance to redeem itself, although to your knowledge little progress has thus far been made on either front. The only bright side of Carmen's heist is that you no longer have much chance of getting a promotion. Sometimes even crime can have beneficial side effects.

The Street Beat: (As a beat cop, it's your job to walk the streets of Cormus and keep the peace. In so doing, it's easy to gather rumours and whispers about some of the illicit activities occuring within nearby districts, and the criminal organizations performing said deeds.)

-The city of Cormus is divided among several different gangs. The politics among these different groups can often be complex, with constantly shifting alliances and battles for new turf. Precinct 16 has long been claimed by the Constructicons, a gang that supposedly has its roots in the many construction companies that are based in that district. As construction booms end, many workers find themselves unemployed, and it's said that a significant number of them turn to crime as their seasonal employment. Although not as prolific as some criminal organizations, the Constructicons tend to concentrate their crimes on larger targets such as banks. They are often known to use heavy machinery to assist their efforts. The leader of this gang is Devastator, a giant Terrorian who uses fear and intimidation to secure the loyalty of his followers.

Word on the Street: (Some of your contacts are glad to have their primary source of income back on the street, while others regard you only as a source of pain.)

-You went out last night to recover from the stressful attack on the Gallery. They say laughter's the best medicine, but you have to think that alcohol has it beat. While nursing your health and spirits at a local bar, you happened to run into Jack Rafferty, an old colleague. He was transferred over to Precinct 8's Policia amongst allegations of corruption some three years ago. A real credit to the force, he is. Old Iron Jack hasn't changed much. He still seems to think you're too old for the beat, but at least he shares your enthusiasm for mixing drinks with duty.

Personal Notes:

-All this police work might finally be starting to catch up with you. You've recently suffered several bouts of crippling indigestion. Maybe eating all that doffee back at the Academy wasn't such a good idea. At least you hope it's indigestion. Last time you went to a doctor with these kinds of symptoms, he claimed you had a bad ticker and tried to force your retirement, or at least convince you to cut down on your smoking and drinking. He was unsuccessful on all counts. Though your body might be feeling the effects of a long life on the force, you have no intention of giving up your badge or your gun so long as even one criminal remains to plague the streets of Cormus.

-This showdown with Carmen Sandiego could be big. She's one of the city's acknowledged supervillains, and has never before been caught. 'Course, there's a first time for everything. Still, it's likely to be extremely dangerous. This sort of risk is second nature to you, but some of your new colleagues don't have your long experience in the face of danger. When it comes down to it, they're just not ready to look the devil in the eye. Pursuing this investigation to its end is likely to get them killed. It'll be safer for them if you handle the final arrest on your own. They might not see it your way, but a punch to the face should get them around to your way of thinking. It would be a hell of a way to end a partnership, but maybe they'll be thanking you in the end. Even if things go bad, an old man dies, a young cop lives. Fair trade.


-Ditch your partner once you've located your quarry so you can approach the last portion of this investigation on your own.

-Use as many Sin City quotes as possible. (List them below.)

Neji – Beat Cop's Report 10

Recent Duties: One day has passed since the theft of the Krypto. This has given plenty of time for the media to swarm the story and spin it into dozens of editorials on the incompetence of the police, the mystery of Carmen Sandiego and the fashion faux-pas of the evening. Precinct 13 has been given charge of the official investigation and a chance to redeem itself, although to your knowledge little progress has thus far been made on either front. Which isn't surprising; everybody knows that basic police can't catch a supervillain. It takes a superhero to perform that task.

The Street Beat: (As a beat cop, it's your job to walk the streets of Cormus and keep the peace. In so doing, it's easy to gather rumours and whispers about some of the illicit activities occuring within nearby districts, and the criminal organizations performing said deeds.)

-The city of Cormus is divided among several different gangs. The politics among these different groups can often be complex, with constantly shifting alliances and battles for new turf. Precinct 16 has long been claimed by the Constructicons, a gang that supposedly had its roots in the many construction companies that are based in that district. As construction booms end, many workers find themselves unemployed, and it's said that a significant number of them turn to crime as their seasonal employment. Although not as prolific as some criminal organizations, the Constructicons tend to concentrate their crimes on larger targets such as banks. They are often known to use heavy machinery to assist their efforts. The leader of this gang is Devastator, a giant Terrorian who uses fear and intimidation to secure the loyalty of his followers.

Personal Notes:

-Thanks in no small part to your own lobbying efforts, Don Atchison has agreed to set up a civic Dodgeball league. This will be a part of the city's In Motion! physical activity campaign, which is aimed at fighting obesity throughout Cormus. This plan has also received support from the Church of Cormus, who plan to use the league as a method of helping troubled inner city youth. Some might be troubled by the melding of church and dodgeball, but you are more than willing to sacrifice the secularity of the sport in return for more teams and funding.

-Seeing that Midnight Gaidin in action has only reminded you of the importance of superheroes within Cormus. He's no Gleimdal, but he certainly seems much more competent than many of the inspectors you've encountered in the police force. Clearly, capturing Carmen Sandiego will require more than just conventional law enforcement, especially in this city of sin. What is needed is someone with an unwavering commitment to justice. Someone who is not burdened with the need for so-called 'items'. Someone who is destined to be a hero!


-You have no need of these items. In order to prove this, refuse to accept any additional items from the equipment depot.

-Take every opportunity to fight back against injustice and sin.

(Please keep an accurate count of your acts in the pursuit of justice.)

John Watson – Crime Doctor 10

Recent Duties: One day has passed since the theft of the Krypto. This has given plenty of time for the media to swarm the story and spin it into dozens of editorials on the incompetence of the police, the mystery of Carmen Sandiego and the fashion faux-pas of the evening. Precinct 13 has been given charge of the official investigation and a chance to redeem itself, although to your knowledge little progress has thus far been made on either front. Not surprising, given that they've left the investigation in the hands of the official police. As a private citizen, you did more to protect to Krypto than any member of the so-called security team. Once again, it appears that it will be up to you to bail out your old colleagues. Not that they're likely to thank you for it.

Newspaper Headlines:

-The theft of the Krypto remains the top story in both the Blue Moon and the Daily Planet. On the second page of the latter, you found a story detailing all the construction that's currently taking place in the city of Cormus. This has caused several major thoroughfares to be shut down or reduced to a single lane of traffic. Frustration is mounting, even as several of these construction projects continue to fall behind schedule. There have consequently been reports of total gridlock, with angry drivers demanding that city hall come up with better ways of accomodating the backed up traffic flows. While all of this saves police from having to hand out speeding tickets, it has resulted in an increased number of road rage cases. Mayor Don Atchison has yet to propose a solution to this problem.


-Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Personal Notes:

-As usual, your intuition regarding Inspector Reeves' abilities were right on the mark. Judging from your experience on the Bomb Voyage case, you had a hunch that he would turn out to be no better at his job than Inspector Lestrade. Well, maybe a bit better, if only because he has the good taste to accept your assistance. Still, his lax security at the gallery was practically inviting some sort of theft. Why, the man probably didn't even know how many entrances there were to the building! On the other hand, you were quick to pick out the two doors and five large windows that could grant access to the gallery.

-You've never been the religious sort, but it seems there may be more to the Church of Cormus than is apparent from the activities at Westminster Abbey. Cardinal Callistus seemed to know something about this Sarpedon character, although he was reluctant to talk about it. He suggested you bring any further information on the topic to the church, and that a confessional booth would always be open for your use.

-Mr. Cartwright seems to be a man of character. Admittedly, it was hard to contact him, what with the way he ignored your intercom summons. Still, he couldn't escape your powers of observation, no more than he'll be able to resist the pull to publish the Crime Doctor. Now that you've got a publisher interested in your work, it's time that you started a promotional campaign fit for your literature. You've already written a wide array of tales about the Crime Doctor, and thus there are sure to be some that appeal to any audience you happen to be addressing.


-Bail out Precinct 13 by helping them locate Carmen Sandiego and the stolen Krypto.

-Promote your upcoming series of Crime Doctor books.

(Please keep an accurate record of your promotional efforts.)

Wheatie – Legal Assistant's Report 10

Recent Duties: One day has passed since the theft of the Krypto. This has given plenty of time for the media to swarm the story and spin it into dozens of editorials on the incompetence of the police, the mystery of Carmen Sandiego and the fashion faux-pas of the evening. Precinct 13 has been given charge of the official investigation and a chance to redeem itself, although to your knowledge little progress has thus far been made on either front. You can only suspect that all of this was the direct result of Inspector Reeves' refusal to follow the proper procedures of policing. You tried to warn him, and your colleagues, but they all didn't seem to grasp the obvious importance of following the rules. If nothing else, hopefully this incident will have taught them their lesson.

Book Report:

-In keeping with the current situation, you've borrowed a couple old mystery novels from the Cormus city library. Despite your fully justified protests, you have a feeling that you're going to be tapped to assist in the investigation to find Carmen Sandiego. As such, you've decided to do some research on the genre. Everything you need to know can surely be found in a book, even if it's officially classified as fiction. In particular, you've found some old stories about some rough PI by the name of Tracer Bullet and a story about a brillant detective named Sherlock Holmes.

Notes from Home:

-The letter you wrote home about the art exhibition didn't seem to impress your parents at all. As soon as they heard that none of the paintings involved depicted either vegetables or rifles, they denounced the whole thing as needless splurging.

Legal Report:

-From a legal standpoint, the security measures at the Gallery weren't a complete failure. You were able to assist in the proper capture and arrest of Papa Dimitrio, an employee of the infamous Papa John's Pizza chain. According to Miss Vayl, he's being held at Guantanimo prison, where he faces several charges of assault and attempted robbery. However, she doesn't seem to believe that the case will make it to trial, and that Papa Dimitrio will talk as part of a plea bargain.

Personal Notes:

-The Academy is sure to be safe for years to come, after all your amazing lobbying. There's nothing like feedback and testimonials from a good student to get the administration to do the right thing. Although you suspect that the absence of Chins will have a detrimental impact on the Academy.

-Most of the detective books you've read seem to involve some sort of gruff, gravelly voiced narrator. It's like some sort of powerful literary device. And you're all about employing literary stuff, even devices. Furthermore, narration really seems to make the plot more clear and easier to understand. You'll have to try it out to see if it works as well in real life as it does on paper.

-That McGuire is always trying to break the rules. You'll have to keep your eyes on him. Of all your usual companions, he seems the most likely to deliberately flaunt the procedures that have been proven to be so important.


-Ensure that everyone on the team follows all rules of police procedure.

-Take every opportunity to narrate any important actions performed in your presence.

Jackie - Agent's Report 2

Recent Duties: One day has passed since the theft of the Krypto. This has given plenty of time for the media to swarm the story and spin it into dozens of editorials on the incompetence of the police, the mystery of Carmen Sandiego and the fashion faux-pas of the evening. Precinct 13 has been given charge of the official investigation and a chance to redeem itself, although to your knowledge little progress has thus far been made on either front. Although officially attached to the case, you're not so much concerned with recovering the stolen loot. Now if any Warchon pieces had been stolen, it would be a different matter entirely. As it is, you're most intent on capturing the thieves before they think to strike at the motherload of cultural treasures stored in Ricky Tan's mansion.

Wokking the Streets:

-The big talk on the streets of the city at the moment seems to revolve around stuntrider Ernie Devlin's performances at the Cormus Carnival. This guy seems to be considered the gold standard for perpetually injured daredevils. As a character who has always done his own stunts, you have to dispute Devlin's fame in this regard. If the danger of stunts is measured in injuries, you're confident that you can stand up to this Devlin. Or limp up to. It's a matter of pride and honor, after all.

Classified Information: (As a police agent, you are privy to sensitive information regarding past and ongoing investigations. Any information involving current police operations is not to be discussed with the media or the public.)

-It goes without saying that the big investigation at the moment involves the search for Carmen Sandiego and the stolen Krypto. Inspector Reeves is in charge of the investigation, although his failure to protect the Krypto in the first place has made his command somewhat tenuous. In fact, with Precinct 13's reputation at stake, The Chief seems only too eager to micromanage the whole operation. Inspector Rambo has also been tagged to assist in the operation, if not the investigation itself. With Inspector Valtyrez still away on special assignment, Inspector Kojak has been left to handle all the remaining cases. This massive workload has understandably angered the ever-volatile Kojak, and thus common wisdom among the precinct's agents is to steer clear from him, at least until this whole situation blows over. And perhaps even after that.

Personal Notes:

-Famous artist Yu Li seems to have done his job well. He's garnered much interest in the corporate community for a display of Warchon works of art. No one seemed to realise that Yu Li was nothing more than your cunning cover.

-It seems likely you'll soon be given the task of tracking down this Carmen Sandiego. This might prove difficult. Not only is she an acknowledged supervillain, but more importantly, she's also got IBI training. In fact, she served for many years with the agency, and got a reputation as one of the best infiltration operatives before going rogue. She's also supposedly got some sort of geography degree from the University of Electra.


-Perform as many dangerous stunts as possible.

(Please keep an accurate list of stunts performed and injuries incurred while performing them.)

Adventure Summary

And now, thanks to the power of taking good notes during the adventure and borrowed work laptops, I can finally overcome the amazing powers of laziness and bring you the adventure summary for Adventure 11!

With Dave 3 for 8 in baskets (including his now-appropriately coke-stained character sheet), the adventure shifted into high gear with another FMV montage, again featuring scenes which may or may not have actually happened. We then actually open with the main characters seated in Monk's, as per tradition; Ambrose complaining about uniforms, Neji complaining about men, Jackie juggling ketchup bottles (and failing), Wheatie talking in third person, McGuire trying to ignore the rest, and Watson not being there. Tradition all around. The Chief then called the PCs into his office, but not before they stopped by to see Kojak, who punched Jackie for no reason other than tradition. Finally, everyone arrived at the Chief's office to discover that the criminal-de-jour was none other than the villanous Carmen Sandiego! The 'team' ran down to the equipment depo for equipment and then formed up into the most effective teams possible: McGuire & Jackie - Team Stick Together Forever, and Ambrose, Wheatie, and Neji - Team Can't Make up their Mind About Equipment and Get Left Behind. Eventually, Ambrose manages to switch teams and Jackie disappears, and the train hobbles out of the station, poor metaphors and all.

First stop for McGuire and Ambrose is Papa John's Pizza, where a couple of amazing schmooze rolls gets the phone number of the call used to hire the pizza 'delivery' boys from the gallery heist. At the same time, the group of Neji and Wheatie manages to run into Watson at Guantanimo prison, probably getting out of debtor's prison. They then take Watson back in and talk to prisoners. Dave stays in the room, but threatens to leave as Jackie talks to "Anonymous Bob".

After this bout of amazing detective work, McGuire disappears off to Sin City, to wait futilely for information, while Jackie and Ambrose drive dangerously over to the Electran Embassy where Ambrose wastes time with suit-related banter, and Jackie looks up Carmen's Files, where it was determined she was a former IBI agent. Neji, Watson, and Wheatie head down to SecurTek but find no clues to how the alarms were tripped, and eventually go to the gallery to check out the guest list. Jackie and Ambrose go to see Ricky Tan, and Neji finally brings the name of 'Top Grunge' to Sin City where, after a lot of misplaced guesses, the first mini-game of the night was uncovered: the Sitting and Waiting Mini-Game (alternatively titled 'Stake-Out').

After a lengthy Stake-out, Top-Grunge is taken down and the group finds out that Carmen can be found in a nearby junkyard. Jackie takes this time to show up in Sin City, dancing and singing down the street.

At that point, the Junkyard Infiltration Mini-Game takes place (a.k.a. Everybody Succeed at Unlikely Will Checks) and the hidden lair of Carmen Sandiego is uncovered. Then, it's time for everybody to make unlikely Health checks while trying to get out of a fiendish trap, while McGuire stalls Carmen despite falling to his own gun, which she stole. Luckily, McGuire has No Time To Bleed, and finds the will to get back up and continue fighting, eventually shooting a gas pipe and making it explode, although minorly. Ambrose takes the time to complain before falling unconscious, and the group eventually brings down the infamous Sandiego, despite losing an agent to a welcome promotion (and recovery time).

Note: Special thanks to John McGuire for writing this summary.

New Characters

Floyd Robertson
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: SCTV Anchorman

Floyd Robertson is the long-suffering anchorman for SCTV news, a program fraught with poor production values and an incompetent technical crew. In fact, some speculate that these flaws are hardly exclusive to SCTV news, but instead stretch to encompass the television station as a whole. Still, as Cormus' only local network, SCTV at least has some sort of proximity advantage. In addition to Floyd Robertson, who is generally viewed as the only competent journalist at the station. Floyd is a middle-aged man with combed dark hair, a hooked nose and a large supply of unembellished gray suits. When not assuming his serious newscaster persona, Floyd is said to possess a very acerbic tongue.

Papa Delissio
Race: Chalchakian
Affiliation: Papa John's Pizza

As an interplanetary chain, Papa John's Pizza has outlets/fronts all over the galaxy. This makes it impossible for Papa John himself to address every problem called in to his business. This has led to the establishment of several important subordinates to take care of some daily deliveries. For Cormus, that job belongs to Papa Delissio. He's not delivery, he's Delissio! He's also a portly man with graying brown hair and sunglasses. Delissio usually wears a dirty white t-shirt, slathered liberally with flour and tomato sauce, and torn blue jeans. He's also often drenched in pizza grease, which is only too appropriate for his oily nature. Otherwise, Delissio is known for his Italian accent and his enthusiasm for determining the differences between delivery and frozen pizza. His conclusions, if any, have not yet been released.

'Iron' Jack Rafferty
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Corrupt Cop

Jack Rafferty is a police officer from Precinct 8's Policia. He used to work with Precinct 13, but was transferred surrounding allegations of corruption. Like John McGuire, Rafferty prefers the work of a beat cop, if only because it allows him to spend lots of time in Sin City, the roughest district of Precinct 13. He places more value on street cred than on police procedure, thus earning him the nickname of 'Iron' Jack. In fact, it's whispered that women are his only weakness. Jack is an older cop, with greasy black hair that hangs to his shoulders, a long black trenchcoat and a very big handgun, which he isn't at all hesitant to pull out in the name of self-interest. Iron Jack can rarely be found without a cigarette in hand.

Mycroft Holmes
Race: Tortalian
Affiliation: Political Candidate

Mycroft Holmes resides in a flat just off Baker Street, and specializes as a source for information about politics and high society. Mycroft claims to only be distantly related to famous detective Sherlock Holmes, although speculation exists that he might be more closely related to Sherlock than he's willing to admit. Whatever the case, Mycroft seems to bear little love for his more famous relative. Instead, he devotes himself to the pursuits of high society and his political ambitions. In fact, Mycroft plans to run in the coming civic election against Don Atchison as a mayoral candidate. A rather rotund man, Mycroft has balding brown hair with long sideburns, and always wears expensive renaissance era clothing.

Race: Warchon
Affiliation: Assassin

Of all the inhabitants of Sin City, Miho is judged to be one of the most dangerous. This reputation has been earned through her unique combination of stealth and deadliness, along with her implaccable and merciless attitude towards her job. Her foreign work ethic and utter silence are enough even to make her associates uncomfortable. Like all Warchons, Miho has very dark skin and hair, the latter of which is always pulled back from her eyes in a short ponytail. She always wears functional black clothing, including a tank-top and shorts, and carries a pair of Warchon blades at her side. In addition to her amazing swordsmanship, Miho is also capable of wielding deadly Sy-Keel darts, often acknowledged as the most devious and deadly weapons in the galaxy. Though the poison she possesses is not nearly as effective as the Sy-Keel equivalent, the darts are still capable of crippling an opponent.

Top Grunge
Race: Fenixan
Affiliation: VILE Agent

Over the years, Carmen Sandiego's villainous deeds have inspired whole generations of aspiring criminals. Top Grunge is an acute example of that phenomenon. While not particularly bright, his total loyalty to the VILE (Villains' International League of Evil) organization makes him one of Carmen Sandiego's more useful henchmen. In fitting with his biker persona, Top Grunge wears a sleeveless leather vest and pants of the same material. His large biceps are crowned with crude tatoos, and his dark hair is slicked back with something resembling motor oil. Top Grunge spends most of his time prowling the streets of Sin City and harassing the girls working at Kadie's. This tends to give him plenty of opportunities to practice his street brawl skills. And when you're doing double-leg kicks, you definitely need lots of practice.

Inspector Rambo
Race: Deksiilan
Affiliation: Police Inspector with Precinct 13

Inspector Rambo is the most recent addition to Precinct 13's roster of inspectors. Despite his relatively short time on the job, he has already proven himself as an effective pointman for police raids and other dangerous operations. In fact, Rambo never seems to hesitate, even when entering the most dangerous of circumstances. And for criminals, little could be more dangerous than his violent and explosive policing methods. It might even be an understatement to say that Rambo resembles a walking arsenal. Not only does he carry a autoblaster with him at all times, he also has plenty of spare ammunition strapped across his massively muscular chest. In addition, he carries a giant, serrated and often bloody knife, just in case his foes somehow get into close quarters. Otherwise, Rambo can be described as a huge man, with a black curly mullet, a red headband, army pants and steel-toed boots.

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