'I just don't get it..'

You're probably wondering what the hell this section is; in your situation, I would be too. Anyway, this area of..ahem..discourse..is the place where I can rant and rave about other things aside from my usual topics. In other words, I'm not really gonna mention roleplaying, Spherus, or Mr. T. Well, so I lied about that last one. I just won't mention Mr.T as much as I normally do. But again, that's a contradiction, considering I've mentioned him twice already, merely while trying to say that I won't mention him much. Yes, the above is the sort of things you'll find 'round here. But hopefully more amusing, if you catch my drift. Like funny, for example. Oh yeah, this is also where I'll stick stuff that have nowhere else to go. Yeah, I know, they should go live in a cardboard box somewhere..but..

The 'Stuff'

'Ya got the stuff? 'Cuz I have the money right here..'

Definitely not one of MY quotes, that..Heh heh.

That's all you're going to find around here for now. Periodically, I'll add stuff to this page. Usually, they'll be twisted and very strange, but that's nothing more than you can expect from the rest of this site either. So, enjoy all that is offered here, even if it primarily involves Milk!

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