Metal Gear Solid

Tactical Espionage Action Bribing


Very few visitors to this site would know that I'd originally planned to make it a principally video game related place. Yes, Legends Of The Blade was meant to be on video games, rather than roleplaying. However, before I even put up anything on the aforementioned topic, I realised that there were literally thousands of video game websites out there, and that in total, any section that I put up would end up being redundant. So that was scratched, for the purpose of originality. And if nothing else, you must admit that this whole page's topics are pretty original. But here, I've decided to break my former rule. Why? Well, the reasons are many and...


But I'll list them anyways, since otherwise this would end up being one short section. First off, I just fairly recently played Metal Gear Solid, and was swiftly blown away! It has since become my second favorite game of all time! The characters, plot, action, music (Oh YEAH!) were all great. However, you may be wondering still why I'd put up a section on this game, since there are already so many other sites out there dedicated solely to MGS which could give much more information than I. Fact is, I'm not really going to write about the game itself, but rather some 'interesting' theories I've come up with over the course of time. Remember, all the info I give will be written from my perspective and opinion; as such, it is not to be in any way trusted.


In this game, the player takes the role of Solid Snake, a former member of the Elite Unit Fox-Hound, and one helluva tough dude. Terrorists have take over a Nuclear Disposal site on an Island in remote Northern Alaska. They are demanding money and the remains of Big Boss, lest they launch a Nuclear Weapon. Your suicide mission objectives are to infilitrate this base, rescue the hostages of Kenneth Baker and DONALD ANDERSON, following which you must assess the terrorists' capabilities to launch a Nuclear Weapon, and stop them if they do have this capability. In charge of these terrorists are five defecting members of High-Tech Special Forces Unit Fox-Hound. They are:


Liquid Snake

Liquid Snake

The squad leader of Unit Foxhound, and a man of many talents. He's not really a specialist at anything, he's just good at everything. Not only that, he has the power to walk around in supremely subzero arctic temperatures with his trench coat open. Must be those nano-machines, uh-huh.

Revolver Ocelot

Revolver Ocelot

Whose picture should have his name at the bottom, but was cropped for some unknown reason. Now that must have been some covert operation! Anyways, Ocelot is a 'specialist in interrogation, and a formidable gunfighter.' He also happens to be one of my favorite members of Unit Foxhound, and holds the Colt Single Action Army: The finest handgun ever made. Now, some people claim it to be inferior because it's a sixshooter, but those people obviously have not watched enough westerns.


Decoy Octopus

Otherwise known as...'Who?'. Yeah, this guy's a master of disguises..or something. He's really not very memorable, but then, I guess he's not supposed to be. But whenever I talk to someone about him, they always reply "Who?..Oh, you mean THAT guy! What's-his-name!" Enough about Octopus. He could be anyone, so since you might be him, you'd already know all this stuff.

Vulcan Raven

Vulcan Raven

Raven was just cool. He had a big gun, a raven tattoo and pure red eyes. And he was good at Muktuk eating. He was also a 'giant and shamen', which means he could resist cold and go around without a shirt. The question is...why? Guess he didn't wear a shirt 'cause of tradition or something. But despite being really big, he was actually quite smart, which was also a nice touch.

Sniper Wolf

Sniper Wolf

The only female member of Unit Foxhound, and a 'rabid' (get the pun?) feminist. She kept talkin g about how women were superior assassins over men. Could be true, but not if they spend all their time bragging about it! Anyways, despite being a Kurd, she looked and sounded more russian to me. But she was still nifty, so it's all good. Guess what? She was an expert sniper. Big surprise, eh? Oh, and she also had lots of pet wolves. Another big surprise, I'm sure.

Psycho Mantis

Psycho Mantis

A former soviet KGB operative, and the 'most powerful practitioner of Psychokinesis in the WORLD!" He's so very psychicly in tune that he can control your TV, and even!


Good man, just like that...

Pictures of our unit foxhound!


-A few spoilers abound, nothing major though.-

Snake is sent via a one man SDV into the island complex, where he immiediately goes about his task of rescuing the hostages, Kenneth Baker, and more importantly, DONALD ANDERSON. After easily sneaking it Donald's cell, Snake listens to what he has to say. At one point, a guard approaches the door, but Anderson motions him away. Wait a sec! I thought he was a prisoner..

That was when the true identity, and greatness, of Donald Anderson was discovered. He was found to be the pinnacle of MANLINESS!

The Chief

Yes, here was the true power behind the scenes! Donald Anderson, whom everyone referred to as simply 'The Chief'. Probably because he was the Chief of DARPA, but he wasn't just any old chief. He was the chief, and he was all powerful. It is later discovered that everyone and their bankers were all paying big bribes to the DARPA Chief! Hey, everyone's got to make a living somehow, right? So the Chief is corrupt, but he's also a really tough guy! You gotta wonder why the DARPA Chief, a very high-ranked official, has only a level 1 key card, though. But really, there's a logical answer; he don't need no key cards. He's so mighty that he can just leap up to doors, flex his muscles, and let out a primal scream of macho might. And then they fall down.

Of course, this rampant destruction often causes Unit Foxhound to get mad at him. Heck, they have to keep repairing the doors after he knocks 'em down. So they bribe him to stay in prison. Yes, everyone bribes the Chief, including Fox Hound. Think about it. The Chief actually rules his cell-block -- let alone the whole complex he's stationed in. When he motions for a guard to leave, they do. And they pay him to do it, too. And that scene where the Chief 'dies' before Snake's eyes. Guess what? Liquid slipped him a twenty to pull that one.

Nothing gets done without the Chief's permission. That's what makes him such a mighty figure. Why do you think it took them so long to do those 'launch preparations'? Calibrating targeting systems? I think not. They had to bribe the Chief before they could even get at that sort of equipment. Further proof of the Chief's toughness, if it is still needed, is when Ocelot tortures him. Ocelot later says how unexpectedly tough the DARPA Chief was. So how did Ocelot finally end up 'killing' him? A bribe, plain and simple. And since the Chief knew who he really was, there was only one way to keep him silent. More bribes.

The other day, I was admiring some of the Metal Gear Solid toys. Neat, they are. They are highly detailed, and there are quite a few. However, I was disappointed to note the startling absence of the Chief among them! He would make the best toy of all! Some guy in a white shirt, and you could give him a removable tie! And for good measure, you could also buy the talking version, who would bluster, demand bribes and fake death. An ingenious toy idea. What kid wouldn't want their favorite toy demanding high sums of money every few minutes?


Some people, to this very day, do not recognise the true capabilities of Donald Anderson. They think he's just some useless corrupt Chief, who gets bumped off and doesn't realise he's captured by terrorists. (It's true! When Snake asks him about the Terrorists, the DARPA Chief looks amazed and says, "Terrorists?" As if to say, "What Terrorists? Oh, you mean the ones that are holding me prisoner. Those terrorists! Oh!") Of course, the reason for this is simple; the Chief's only a prisoner by choice. A choice involving large amounts of money headed his way. Yes, the Chief is a pinnacle of manliness, and rather rich, to boot. If you want to stop reading this now, you'll have to send a twenty dollar bribe to the Chief at this address here. Or he might...remove his tie!

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